Demon's Dream

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Demon's Dream Page 13

by Laura Hawks

  There didn’t seem to be a day that went by which didn’t garner at least one attempt to obtain it by one creature or another. Although, in reality, she didn’t mind too much. Making sure she kept her ass out of the fire and alive to protect the ancient powerful artifact, she had been too busy to stop long enough and think. When it was late at night and the stillness settled about her, all she felt were a pair of icy cold blue eyes invading her every thought. Even though they were apart, just the thought of him made her stomach tighten deliciously remembering the feel of his body against hers, his scent invading her very being. He didn’t want her though and told her as much. Hell, after enjoying the most erotic night of passion she had ever experienced, he coldly left her without a backwards glance as he told her to get out. She meant nothing to him. His job was done. Azamel hunted, judged and executed Xon. He fulfilled his duty and no longer needed to work or even be bothered with her and her training. Mel had accomplished teaching her to isolate herself from the pain and loss of her family so others couldn’t use it against her. He had help to set her on the path to increase control of her powers and improved her already well-established fighting skills. She had honed her senses, calling her wolf sensibilities to the forefront in order to protect herself and her charge better.

  She had tried several times to find a protected location in which to hide half of the gem but each time she attempted to do so, a demon would appear and attack in hopes of acquiring the power the stone bestowed on whomever succeeded in securing it in their possession.

  Now she was being hunted again. Two demons had been currently tracking her for the past couple of hours. She had managed to evade them long enough to get them into a place she would have better control and freedom of movement as well as protecting mundane humans from being exposed to the preternatural world.

  She crouched low in her wolf form, her animal eyes pierced the darkness easily. Her sense of smell indicated to her the demons who followed her were not very far away and would be there momentarily. She waited and watched patiently, her mind focused on the task at hand, which was to stay alive and keep the gem away from their grubby little claws. She didn’t have to wait long as twin pillars of brawn rounded the corner. Clarissa realized they were identical twin brothers, a mirror image of hideousness. The two massive creatures stood with their legs slightly apart in matching poses. Their long red hair billowed in the slight breeze. Their eyes were an eerie yellow, which shimmered glowingly in the darkness which surrounded them.

  Clarissa was well aware they saw her as easily as she saw them. Standing as she shifted into human form from her hunched wolf position, she took a step forward silently. Her heart raced, pumping blood through her veins so loudly it echoed in her ears. She swallowed past the fear that threatened to take over for her. These demons were no different than the others she had fought over the past few months. Peering them over, she evaluated their stance for their method of attack. Clarissa took another step towards them soundlessly. She wondered if she should break up the stillness that surrounded them but what was she going to say? She was really not one for witty, sarcastic words while she was about to fight for her life and hoped she was able to once again be successful and walk away while they remained still at her feet. However, nothing was a guarantee and she never took anything for granted. Her time with Azamel taught her that, if it educated her in no other way. ‘Shit! Don’t think about him now. Concentrate or perish!’

  Immediately, she turned her attention back to the two hulking demons. They were easily six-five or six-six in height. Their shoulders were so broad that the two of them standing side by side took up almost the entire entryway of the alley. Clarissa didn’t know what kind of demons they were but it really didn’t matter. They were after her for the gem and she had no choice but to fight them to protect it.

  They stood staring down each other staring each other down, none of them moving. As if on an unheard command, the twin brothers lifted their inner arms locking their hands to the others wrists while simultaneously lifting their outside arms up, their palms outward towards her. Clarissa’s eyes widened. Wary of their impending attack, Clarissa’s eyes widened.

  Her powers had grown strong enough that she could just teleport out but it would only delay the inevitable. Clarissa had lured them here on purpose, so here is where she would take the stand against them.

  Within milliseconds of their palms raised towards her, two balls of fire each were dispatched from the center of their hands towards her. She immediately lifted her hands up, palms outward and the four fiery circular orbs were halted in their wake. Using her strength, she pushed her arms straight out, sending the flaming missiles back to their origination point. The brothers seemed surprised as their attack was returned to them with forceful conviction.

  Since the flaming orbital projectiles were a result of the strength of their combined powers, they impacted the men’s bulks harmlessly, dissipating in a scattered flash of brilliant light.

  “Impressive, Guardian.”

  “Very Impressive.”

  Clarissa lips gave a slight tug in an upward motion. “I don’t suppose this means you were so impressed that you’ll give up your foolish ambition of killing me and obtaining the object of your desire?”

  Both demon men laughed- the sound harsh and hollow. In unison, they replied “No, Guardian. We’ll see you dead before this night is out.”

  The males turned toward each other knowingly and shared a look of planning.

  “Kloss, I believe she needs more hands on attention,” the right one stated matter-of-factly.

  Kloss nodded in ready agreement. “I believe you’re very right, Glyus. Shall we?”

  She sighed sadly, shaking her head enough to cause her blond curls to flutter slightly about her face.

  “Why did I not think you would have enough brains to seriously reconsider your foolishness?”

  ‘Alright, so a little taunting maybe but come on? Did they really think I was going to be so easy as to lay down and say, ‘Oh, please. Yes. Yes. Just kill me and put me out of my misery!’

  The lumbering doppelganger duo advanced in Clarissa’s direction. They had already been thrown once from the power they had tried to inflict only to have it turn back upon them ten-fold. Instead, they were going to try brute force. After all, they towered over the young woman. Their arms were as thick as her thigh. They would tear her limb from limb with the strength in their bodies combined.

  However, Clarissa wasn’t one to be predictable. She waited until they got close enough before trying to circumvent them. Anticipating her move, the brothers blocked her. As she attempted to kick the one called Kloss, Glyus caught her foot and flipped her back, chuckling as she landed against the metal dumpster. Slightly stunned, she knew she couldn’t remain still and quickly struggled to her feet. As soon as she regained her posture, she was punched in the gut by Kloss and doubled over in pain. Within milliseconds, another punch came across her face, splitting her lip and cracking her cheekbone. Her whole face felt like it exploded as she stumbled back. They didn’t let up their attack.

  One moment Clarissa was standing by the dumpster, the next she was pummeled to the back wall. The brothers were unrelenting in their barrage. Their combined strength took her by surprise. She was pretty sure they cracked her cheekbone with the assault to her features. Glyus attacked her legs, putting his force to her knee caps causing her to cry out in pain and collapse under the pressure. As she fell before them, Kloss took the moment to give her an upper cut which made her head snap so hard she was sure she would find it a mile away. Literal stars swam about in her vision as she toppled over, desperately trying to catch her breath.

  ‘Focus. Don’t give in or all you protect will be lost.’

  Clarissa forced herself to breathe and tried to regain her composure with barely a spare moment. Kloss reached down and grabbed her by her hair, yanking her head back painfully. His pungent, soured breath washed over her bloodied and bruised face, already swelling f
rom the cudgeling he had administered just moments ago.

  She couldn’t remember a time when her whole body hurt as much as it did this moment but she realized she couldn’t give into the pain or everything she had fought for would be for naught. Using the training Azamel had taught her, she pushed everything back to concentrate only on what she needed to accomplish- Her own survival to continue to protect the Gem of Avarice.

  She used his grip on her to her own advantage. Letting herself fall backward, Clarissa used every screaming muscle she had to kick him back, despite the intense protest her injured knees vociferated at her. She rolled to her side and managed to regain her feet.

  Clarissa lunged towards them, flashing in her sword. The men were prepared for her, or so they thought. Veering off at the last minute, she used the speed she’d attained in her run to head towards the building alongside of them. Jumping at the wall, she placed one foot about three feet on the wall, while the other was placed about three feet above the previously placed appendage. In a twisting flip, she gracefully vaulted over their heads, landing behind them. Not wasting a single advantageous second, she thrust her sword into the back of the hulking demon the other called Glyus. The silver tipped edge pierced the creature, jutting out through its chest. As she retracted the sharpened blade, Glyus looked at his brother in complete astonishment before he crumpled lifelessly onto the cold, dirty cement alley.

  Kloss’s eyes widened in total shock before they narrowed menacingly at the young woman who faced him with conviction of duty. Her visage was cold and unrelenting. “You should not have done that!”

  “Oh? Was I supposed to wait for you to kill your twin? Somehow, I didn’t think you would’ve been so obliging.”

  “Not funny, Guardian.”

  “I wasn’t trying to be a comedian, Kloss. I was pointing out the obvious.”

  “Let’s see how amusing you are when I’m eating your liver in front of you.”

  “I’ll probably be asking if you want onions with that.”

  With a roar of fury, Kloss hurtled towards her. Clarissa side-stepped him, letting the bulky demon fall past her. His momentum too quick to stop, he landed face first against the unrelenting ground. He sputtered as he rolled over, only to find the sword she wielded against his chest. Clarissa was unprepared as he grabbed the blade with both hands, oblivious to the way it sliced his palms as he yanked it alongside and down towards him. She was thrown off balance and stumbled into him. He used the propulsion to grab her waist and rolled over, pinning her underneath him. He immobilized her hands but she used her knees and hips from being restrained. Finding an opening, she kneed him in the groin so hard he tumbled off of her, clasping his manhood as tears sprung to his eyes and every curse he could muster flowed from his gritted teeth.

  Clarissa managed to slide over to her sword and whirled into a half standing position watching the writhing demon on the ground closely. She should just kill him but even after all the pain she endured at his and his brother’s hands and even though she knew he wouldn’t hesitate to extirpate her, she couldn’t just take his life when he was unable to defend himself in his present state of affliction. She stepped back, giving him space and herself an opportunity to regain some of her composure. Her eyes never left his sight. She wiped her bloodied mouth with the back of her hand.

  “Forget the stone. You have already lost a member of your family and I currently have you at a disadvantage. Go home. Bury and mourn your brother. It’s not worth this sacrifice you think it will attain for you.”

  Kloss glowered at her as his distress lessened.

  “Never, Guardian. With the power of the stone, I might even be able to resurrect my twin. Even if I can’t, I sure as fuck am not letting you get away with killing him so easily.”

  Clarissa sighed softly. “You think that was easy? Then come on and fight. Let’s get this over with. I have late night dinner reservations and I would like a chance to clean up before I go eat.”

  Growling in fury, he surged towards her. Again, she side-stepped him and elbowed his back as he flew past her. She quickly spun to face him as he turned swiftly to charge at her. He anticipated her move and dove towards her when she tried to evade him. Kloss grabbed her by the throat, lifted her off the ground and pushed her against the wall. He restrained her legs by pressing hers with his to avoid her flying feet, especially towards his already throbbing manhood.

  The sword was too long to do any damage to him but as she felt her air circulation being cut off, she concentrated on materializing a stiletto blade while she dropped the sword from her hand. In one quick thrust, she plunged the silver weapon into his heart. Kloss’ eyes jerked open in surprise, his mouth agape with astonishment. His hold on her throat lessened as he peered down to her hand still holding the hilt that now rested against his chest. He tried to speak but only gurgled as he released her, sliding almost in slow motion speed onto his knees before he tumbled sideways contiguous his twin.

  Clarissa rubbed her bruised neck as she stood gazing down at the twin demons that remained unmoving. After several moments, she managed to limp slowly towards the back of the alleyway and scooped up the backpack she had hidden there while she laid in wait for the demons to appear. Slinging it painfully onto her back, she peered in the direction of the stilled corpses of the demons before she garnered enough energy to teleport to her room at the Haven Inn.

  Safely, back in her rented domain, she headed to the bathroom to try and repair the damage done to her body from the fight. She starred at the reflection which seemed to mock her as she looked in the mirror, riddled with scars, cuts and bruises. She finished cleaning the new additions to her war torn body then as swiftly as she could possibly achieve with her injuries, she gathered the rest of her belongings and headed out.

  Making sure her bill was taken care of appropriately, she hopped on her red Ducati and headed out of town. A part of her watched as the city lights dimmed in the rearview mirror. For a brief instant her mind couldn’t even comprehend what city she was leaving.

  Over the past few months, they were all a blur as she scampered from one urban location to another without any second thoughts other than to do her duty with an occasional thoughtful dalliance of a demon man who had twisted her whole world into a desire so strong it was breath taking and who was so phlegmatic as to be vexatious. He didn’t want her. He proved that to her over and over again. Even during the time they were together, how often had he put off any personal questions which might reveal anything about him? Hell, he wouldn’t even let her know what he needed for sustenance. His words, “I suggest you be gone as soon as possible before I do something we both regret,” still rang in her ears.

  She felt a wetness on her cheek and frowned. ‘Fuck. Why can’t I let him go already?’ She sped up as the road opened before her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  His arms were bloodied. The thick red liquid dripped down to his elbows from his hands before it plopped noisily onto the stone floor. Azamel turned towards Shara holding out a basin filled with clear water that quickly turned crimson as he washed his hands. Snatching the towel resting on Shara’s arm, he peered over his shoulder at the demon secured by chains to the twin pillars, which held him stretched apart.

  Mel rarely got this physical with a creature but this particular fiend would be finished with his punishment soon and released back into the world. Mel wanted to be sure the demon would never forget what going against humanity and sentenced in a trial would be like, for this was a light punishment should he continue his evil ways in the upper world.

  Normally, Mel would let his own enforcers distribute the penalty for beings who broke the Word of the Ancients but his nerves were on edge as he awaited his hunters to return with the prize he needed to break Mani. Sometimes things were simply not done fast enough for his liking and he relied on other business to keep his mind occupied while his body waited impatiently.

  Zenthus, one of Azamel’s older demon bailiff hunters bounded through the door.
He was a massive creature and sent chills through many who saw him just from the sheer size of him alone. His biceps were the size of a cannon, his thighs as thick as an oak tree. Zenthus’ chest could be mistaken for a barn door. The six foot nine being was imposing to say the least. Even Azamel was impressed with the man’s sheer amplitude.

  Zenthus’ deep rumbling voice was like a boom in the room, reverberated around the stone chamber, “She is awaiting your audience, Sir.”

  “Well done, Bailiff. Have her brought to Mani’s chambers.”

  Without hesitation, Zenthus left the room to complete his command while Azamel headed towards where Mani was being kept, followed by Shara who dematerialized the basin of water and used towel.

  It still unnerved him to see Zenthus at times. Mel’s bout of reminiscing reminded him of the hunters progenitor, whom Zenthus greatly resembled. Mel growled deep in his throat before he realized he made the sound. He had to remind himself it was the father not the son who betrayed him.

  When Mel first took over his position to hunt, judge, punish and even execute rogue demons who wanted to disrupt the human existence, Nana granted him assistance to successfully accomplish his job. The work was extensive, for many demons wished to roam the human realm, feasting on mankind as a snack. Mel was allowed to choose whom he could have to train as his crew. Of course, he chose one man whom he trusted more than most, a close friend and confidant he could discuss his problems with and who found women to be as untrustworthy as Mel did.

  Zenthus’ father, Boralium, stood by Mel through his transition of incorporating the demon into his body and finding a way to manage it. Boralium took him in when Mel’s mother tried to kill him.


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