Demon's Dream

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Demon's Dream Page 15

by Laura Hawks

  Jes poured himself a drink then raised the snifter towards Coyote in a silent query of wanting one as well. Coyote shook his head negatively. He didn’t plan on remaining here any longer than needed. Coyote came to plant his suggestions which would benefit him the most and then move on. He still had a lot of work to accomplish in order to obtain the stone for himself, under the very nose of Jes and thereby secure his position so the other Gods couldn’t oust him once he succeeded in his achievement.

  Jes turned his back to Coyote to replace the snifter on the tray and picked up his glass filled now with a dark amber liquid, taking a sip. He assessed the information before he chose to respond, slowly ambling back to his chair. “What weakness did you discover?” Jes said simply.

  “I’m not sure, to be honest,” Coyote replied as he moved to the chair opposite the desk and Jes. “Every now and again she gets momentarily befuddled but quickly recovers her focus. What causes these distractions, what she is thinking about that disturbs her, even transiently is unknown.”

  Jes contemplated the new knowledge quietly. He ran through all of his knowledge of the Guardian within his mind, trying to assess anything which might distract her. The only thing he was aware of was the loss of her family by a rival were-wolf pack a couple of years ago. Could it be something that simple? Were thoughts of her family causing those ephemeral lapses of concentration, or was it something else? If it was something else, what could it possibly be?

  After several minutes of contemplative silence, Jes spoke up, “She did lose her family only a few years ago. Maybe the thrust of responsibility upon her and her own solitary existence had caused her brief dissolution.”

  Coyote rolled his eyes. Was Jes really so dense? Had he not been paying attention in the least iota when they visited Azamel’s residence just a few months ago? Trying to sound nonchalant, Coyote offered up another suggestion in hopes of steering the pig headed being onto the right course, “Or maybe it was something more recent? She did spend quite a bit of time with Azamel.”

  Jes appeared befuddled. “So? What would that have to do with anything?”

  It took every bit of control for Coyote not to hop over the desk and strangle him. Jes was very much hebetudinous and Coyote wanted desperately to slap some sense into him. Although it might give him intense satisfaction to beat some sense into Jes, he was fully aware it wouldn’t accomplish his goal. So he continued to focus on what he wanted more than to murder Jes for being so un-sagacious.

  Keeping his voice calm and collective, Coyote tried to make it as simple of a suggestion as he possibly could and hoped Jes would eventually open his eyes to the realization of what Coyote was trying to foster, “As much as I hate to admit it, Azamel is not totally hideous to look upon. Maybe the time they spent together encouraged her to see something that most find distasteful. After all, who understands what women like or dislike in a male?”

  Jes rubbed his chin in contemplation.

  “True, my brother does have the family good looks. However, he had never been interested, that I’m aware of at any rate, of women other than satisfying an urgent need. It is possible he fulfilled his carnality with her and she thought it meant something more or fell in love with him as a result.”

  Jes swiveled back and forth in his chair as his mind was thinking about the possibilities.

  Coyote peered at him intently. Finally, the light bulb went on in the dimwit’s brain. It took everything he had not to roll his eyes at Jes but he needed the God of the Malignant Man to assume it was his conclusion, not a suggestion from Coyote.

  “What difference does it make if she is in love with him or not? I cannot believe his fucks are so good that she is swooning over them even after all this time.”

  Now Coyote did roll his eyes. “Any weakness can be used against a person, if they think about it and how it can hinder whatever those strengths are.”

  Jes pondered a bit more over Coyote’s words. “I think it’s time I visited my dear ass of a brother. I think I need a bit more information to find the wolf’s vulnerability.”

  Coyote stood and nodded, a small smirk lifted the left side of his mouth. “Yes, Sir. A reasonable plan of action. I wish you the best of luck towards your success in defeating the Guardian.” ‘Mostly, so I can obtain the prize before you do, while you do all the work for me,’ Coyote’s thoughts silently added.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Azamel didn’t wait for Jes to acknowledge his presence as he walked into his sibling’s office, striding right up to the desk. Mel placed his hands on the edge as he leaned over the wooden piece of furniture. In truth, Mel was so furious at Jes he was unsure where to begin.

  Jes’ eyes widened in surprise before narrowing in consternation. He was just getting ready to go visit Mel in the Nether Realm when his asswipe familial relation strode into the room as if he owned the damn place.

  “Gee. What horrific occurrence caused you to leave your sacred realm and visit li’l ol’ me? Did you finally get some snow? Ice water maybe?”

  Mel snarled, baring his teeth, his eyes flashing to red. “Piss off, Jes. You may think you’re absolutely hysterical and should be on comedy central but trust me- you couldn’t even make the jolliest clown chuckle. However, since you did ask so fucking nicely, I’ll tell you why I’m here. Mani. Ring a bell?”

  Jes sat back in his chair and steepled his fingers in front of him.

  “Mani? I believe he is a low level demon spirit. Did he do something to piss you off? If so, you should be going after him, not soiling my carpet.”

  Mel rolled his eyes in exasperation. So Jes was going to deny involvement. Peachy. Fucking peachy. Still, Mel had to wonder how far Jes would carry this charade. “I did capture him. He is currently in my realm serving his sentence.” The judge watched every subtlety that appeared on Jes’ face as he sprang the news. It was one of the things that made him excellent at his position. He was able to define the nuances of others to ascertain their guilt or innocence, even if it was negligible to the naked eye.

  Jes paused, an almost imperceptible shadow crossing his face before he became stoic once again. Keeping his voice neutrally cool, “Well then, it's a good thing your work load was made so easy. So again, what are you doing out of your cave?”

  “Get off your high fucking horse. You know perfectly well why I’m here. Do you really think having the Guardian disposed of was the best way to secure the stone?”

  “What stone?”

  Mel slammed his fist down on the desk so hard that all the items on it bounced. “Stop playing games! You know very well what stone. Don’t pretend to be so idiotic. I know you’re fully aware of my persuasive interrogation techniques. Although I do admit, Mani held out much longer and better than most of those who have broken laws from whom I needed information.

  “So what now? You here to judge me?”

  “If I knew of a law that you personally broke, I would turn into the magistrate so quickly you wouldn’t know what hit you. As it is, you’re safe for the moment from being judged. However, keep trying to obtain the Gem of Avarice or harm the Guardian I’ll throw the book with everything I can get you on. Consider this your one and only warning. You continue on your current path and I will pursue you to the ends of the universe to make you pay.” Mel snarled.

  Jes couldn’t help but give a cocky smile. So it was true. Mel cared about the whelp of the wolf. Immensely. He had not seen Mel be this concerned over another since the day he took Nokomis away from him in the woods.

  “Do you really think I’m trembling in my moccasins because of your threats? They mean nothing to me. You mean nothing to me. I’ll do as I please and get what I want, even if it means the death of your precious Guardian. It’s the way it has always been and shall be.”

  Mel’s eyes blazed in fury, the demon inside him clawing to be out and tear apart the irreverent God.

  “Don’t push it, Jes! It will lead to a war you don’t want to be held accountable for.”

violently pushed himself out of the chair and leaned over his desk, getting into Mel’s face. “How dare you presume to tell me what I will or won’t be held accountable for, little brother! I suggest you leave now before I really lose my temper.”

  Mel actually snorted back a chuckle. “You don’t fucking scare me, so don’t even attempt it.”

  “I’m not worried about scaring you. I don’t need to. I know something which works better. You think I don’t know you care for the Guardian, maybe even love her? Well, I hope you said goodbye to her, because with every demon after her tail, she won’t last much longer. I only have to wait until she is dead before I swoop in and get the stone. Then there is nothing or no one who will be able to stop me. The universe will be mine to command and rule. I’ll be stronger than even Nana-bozo,” he purposefully butchered Nana’s name.

  Mel took a step back in shock. “You’re really warped if you think that will be allowed to happen. You will literally start a war!”

  Jes laughed. “Then bring it on!”

  Mel shook his head. “Don’t do this, brother. Consider this your final warning.”

  Without further ado, Azamel dematerialized from Jes’ office.

  Mel stood on the top of the Ambassador Apartment building in Indianapolis, Indiana. He looked like some advertisement as he stood there, his long, black, leather duster billowing in the breeze. He peered down at all the people walking below, scanning for one in particular.

  It had been months since he had seen her but he could spot her from miles away, her stance, her purposeful stride, her gorgeous blond locks bouncing as she sauntered down the street were extremely distinguishable. It was only as she got closer to the building’s entrance he noticed the subtle changes to her physical appearance. She was leaner, more muscular, harder. He had seen the reports of her continuous attacks by demons which he suspected were sent by Jes, even though he had no proof, until his visit.

  Clarissa entered the building he stood upon. Spinning on his heal, he entered the roof door. It had been locked but human locks would never stop him. Casually, he strode down the steps. She was just letting the door shut behind her, her attention elsewhere when he pushed it open and slipped inside, closing the door behind him. Mel stood there with his back against the wooden entry and waited.

  Almost immediately, Clarissa stopped and lifted her head, her back still to him. Her heart raced as his scent hit her wolf senses full force and she had to swallow past the excitement which suddenly took ahold of her. “It’s been a while. What do I owe this honor?”

  She turned slowly to face him, her breath catching in her throat. He was even more handsome than she remembered as he stood there in a long black duster opened to reveal his black shirt and pants, pulled tightly across his frame.

  “I’m here to warn you,” he replied quietly, his eyes drinking her in. She was as beautiful as she was the last time he saw her months ago. Her leaner frame only enhanced her natural beauty. He couldn’t believe he was standing here so coolly when all he wanted to do was crush her against him and taste her lips with his.

  She chortled. “Warn me? Of what?”

  “Yes. Warn you the attacks you’ve been enduring are planned. Concentrated in an effort to garner the gem from your possession.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Really? No shit, Sherlock. You could have saved the waste of your precious time of informing me about something which was so obvious. I kind of figured it out all on by lonesome.”

  Mel folded his arms and took a relaxed stance against the barred entryway, crossing one foot to rest over the other as he leaned back slightly. He had to admit she still had her spirit and it made him quirk a small smile.

  “You don’t understand. They are being directed by a God, for not only dominion of the pantheon but to start a war which will annihilate or subjugate the humans.

  “So what am I supposed to do that I’m not already doing? In case you didn’t catch my meaning, surviving and protecting the stone?”

  Mel ran his hand through his hair and pushed himself from the door to stand in front of her. “Being prepared is part of the prevention.”

  She couldn’t stand him being so close and not taking him right then and there. Her stomach clenched tightly and she had to put distance between them. His words the last time they were together still ringing in her ears. ‘If you think I’m that shallow....I suggest you be gone as soon as possible before I do something we both regret.’

  She moved to the wide ledged window and stood looking outside, silently. When she finally spoke, her voice was soft, her back still to him, “I was unaware it was a God but I did figure out that someone or something was sending all these creatures to try and kill me in order to get the gem. I must admit, however, the repeated assaults are getting quite old, quite fast.”

  Mel watched as she turned away from him to head to the window. The sway of her hips as she sauntered, the tilt of her perfectly round ass as she cocked her stance just made him want her with an aching need he had denied himself since she had left the Hell Realm. He couldn’t help imagining her squirming under him in pleasure. Before he even realized what he was doing he was behind her, his hand on the window ledge, braced on either side of her. His warm breath against the skin of her neck as he whispered in her ear, “I’m proud of you. I know it hasn’t been easy.”

  Although she stood stiff at first as he leaned over her, she melted against his hard body as his words impacted her. His praise surprisingly meant everything to her, touched her heart. The feel of his closeness thrilled her. Every doubt she had tortured herself with evaporated into nothingness.

  “No it hasn’t but then you did warn me to expect this and it’s still preferable to running and hiding from the Whippers,” she tried to retort lightly, teasingly but it came out strangled, hoarse.

  He was so tantalizingly near, her body instantly responded to him. She could feel her own moisture pool between her legs with his proximity, her stomach clenched even more.

  Mel paid no attention to her response. He realized he shouldn’t have come. He should’ve left after he warned her. He should’ve walked out the door after he saw her but his feet, his body had other notions. He thought he had more control. Had he known otherwise, he wouldn’t have allowed himself anywhere near her. As it was, he couldn’t leave her at this moment.

  His body hardened and he moved one hand off the wooden edge to wrap around her throat lightly as he tilted her head back so he could capture her lips. He pressed his whole figure along her frame, pushing her up against the windows ledge, holding her as she surrendered to him. His one hand never left her swan-like column, while his other gripped her breast massaging it. He could feel her nipple harden even through the layers of cloth that prevented skin to skin contact.

  He slid his hand down to her waistline, slipping under her blouse. His warm palm traveled up her smooth stomach, her skin velvety soft. She tore her lips from him and moaned deeply, her whole body instantly alive and on fire. She should push him away. How could she allow this to occur? Yet, she wanted to give in, needed to feel good, even if it was only for a fleeting moment. She reached behind her and grabbed his ass, squeezing it slightly. His lips on the nape of her neck and down her back shoulder sent chills throughout her body and heated lava from her core. Her inner muscles tightened as he pushed his engorged manhood against her backside, straining his pants as he rubbed against her.

  His hand slipped under her waistband, delving his deft fingers towards her slick heat. He wasn’t surprised to find her soaking, ready and desirous for him. She would have sunk to the ground had she not been pushed against the ledge so tightly, with his own molded body holding her immobile. She was a pool of delicious nerve endings, each bursting as his lips moved from one side of her neck to the other and used her back shoulders as the gateway between the two. His fingers slipped into her swollen lips, sending electric pulses through her inner core and into her womb. Turning her head, she reached behind her and captured his
lips with her own, her passion flowing through their mutual osculation.

  He fondled her core, rubbing against her clit with his thumb as he pushed a finger inside of her sheath. He could feel her channel muscles tighten around his digit as he played with her g-spot enjoying the mewing sexual sounds she made as he brought her to the heights of pleasure. He knew she was visible. All anyone had to do was look up to see her expressive features or her head bobbing as he continued to thrust against her from behind.

  He remembered from past experience her neck was one of her most sensitive erogenous zones and he planned on letting her ride the waves of ecstasy before he stripped her bare and took her wildly. To protect her, he used his powers to black out the window. He made it one way viewing. Whereas they could look out, no one could see them.

  Her need so great it didn’t take much playing with her to get her to the edge of glory quickly. She reached behind her, clasping his head to her skin, her head thrown back, panting, whimpering softly as she began to crescendo. She squeezed her eyes shut while his hot breath was against her ear as he whispered softly to give her the final push she required, “Come for me, baby.”

  And she did. She quivered against him as she rode the waves of mindless delirium, finally sagging back against him as she twitched slightly. Mel pulled away from her, scooping her up as he carried her down the hallway. He paused a moment and looked at her cradled within his arms. He growled, impatiently.

  “Which room?”

  She was still trying to catch her breath as she responded, “End of hall.”

  He gave a curt nod and kicked the door open with his foot before using the same appendage to shut it. He almost threw her on the bed then quickly dissolved both of their clothes into nothingness. He gazed down at her perfect body, his own hardened member twitched in painful anticipation. The dark look in his eyes made her breath hitch. He stalked towards her, pushing his way between her legs as he forced them open to accommodate his need. Leaning down, he captured her lips, his leaking shaft pressed against her opening.


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