Solid Stone: Odyssey

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Solid Stone: Odyssey Page 2

by E. G. Patrick

  “Yessss,” I groan into his mouth. He presses his lips down hard over mine as he fucks me harder now. I can feel every inch of his hard cock moving inside me. He pulls out and then pushes himself back in forcefully. My legs move even though they’re still tightly wrapped around him. My back bounces off the wall with each hard thrust. Oh this feels amazing. My body boils over with desire. Being in a public place just makes this hotter and being with Adam, well, that makes it sizzling hot.

  A few more hard thrusts from his cock send me spiraling into delight, and I know I won’t last much longer. It’s then he says breathlessly, “Come Babe, I’m close.” The tidal waves of extreme pleasure rise high all the way through me. I let myself go, and my body finally relaxes after its release. Adam soon follows and stops thrusting. He kisses me a while longer before he pulls out and gently lowers me into a standing position. I re-adjust the dress so I can show Stephanie. Adam smiles and winks at me as he leaves the change room, looking somehow composed.

  I wait a minute before walking out, trying to look innocent. Stephanie’s expression, not unlike Adam’s before, expresses a ‘wow.’ Needless to say, Adam bought me the Vera Wang dress and the Valentino shoes. Before we leave, we’ve also bought four more evening gowns in black, silver, gold, and nude, several skirts and blouses, two suits, two pairs of pants, a leather jacket, numerous tops, and three more pairs of shoes. My eyes water at the cost of just the shoes and evening gown, let alone all the rest. It’s significantly more than I can afford. I’m speechless as I watch Stephanie come back to Adam for his signature, and he asks her to have all our purchases delivered.

  I can’t help myself when I say to him, “It’s way too much. Honestly, let me give you something.”

  After Stephanie leaves and we say goodbye, Adam turns to me and isn’t smiling. He takes my hand to lead me out of the store. Once we are outside he gently reprimands me, “Please don’t do that again. I want you to look nice and feel good in what you wear, okay? It’s for me and you. Please don’t ask to compensate me for anything. It’s unnecessary and I find it insulting and embarrassing.” I suddenly feel ungrateful.

  Looking up at him, I say, “It’s way too generous, Adam.”

  “You deserve it, all of it and more. Let me do this.” He kisses me and the heat from it makes me give in. We walk hand-in-hand to the shiny black Jag. He opens my door and helps me into the car. It’s not long before we reach the apartment Adam is now going to see.


  Brenda is waiting for us at the entrance of the building. “Hello Mr. Stone, how nice to see you, and Miss Cole, we meet again. I hope this is good news.” I smile back at her. Adam manages a half smile and then follows the agent to the elevator. He’s in business mode now and shows no emotion whatsoever. I find this extremely hot. We begin our walk through the apartment. Adam says nothing but looks around at all the details. He seems to be taken with the metal beams. After seeing the whole place, he asks Brenda to leave us alone for a minute.

  Adam asks me, “Do you want this place?”

  “Yes, I love it, but you have to love it too.”

  He smiles, taking my hand and says, “Then I will get it for you. It’s a great place. I think you’ve chosen very well.” We walk down the stairs to the main floor to find Brenda waiting for us. There’s excitement churning in me at the possibility of living here with Adam.

  He says to Brenda, “Call me tonight at 9 so we can go over the offer.” Brenda smiles and shakes both our hands.

  When we get home I feel tired. The excitement of the day has gotten the better of me. Adam notices and says to me, “Go up to bed, Babe. I’ll be up soon.” He kisses me before he goes into his home office.

  I head upstairs and take a shower. As I sit at the bathroom mirror blow drying my hair, I see Adam’s reflection behind me. He looks so blasted sexy in his suit pants, loosened tie, and slightly unbuttoned shirt. I swear he does this on purpose. He comes up behind me and takes the blow dryer and brush out of my hand and begins to blow dry my hair for me. Nothing he does now surprises me. He’s doing a good job with my hair and every now and then he leans down to kiss one of my exposed shoulders. Adam pushes the towel I am wrapped in downward, exposing my breasts, and continues to dry my hair while admiring my body in the mirror.

  “You look very sexy.” I can’t believe how turned on I’m getting. Here’s this successful man blow-drying my hair while I sit half naked as he does. When he’s finished, he takes the comb and runs it through my hair. “Will that do, madam?” he says with a grin as he looks down at me. I melt again when I look up into those eyes. What power he has over me. I stand up, causing my towel to fall to the floor, and put my arms around his neck and kiss him.

  I lean back and reply, “Yes, thank you Sven, I love my hair. Will you require a tip?” He laughs and so do I.

  “Sven, really? Oh yes. I will require a generous tip and I want it now.” He sweeps me up in his arms to carry me to the bedroom. He lays me on the bed and while undressing says, “You’re beautiful. I am so lucky to have you.” My heart beats faster, not only at his words, but at his now-naked body as he slides into the bed beside me. He kisses me as his hands roam over me. He takes me again and when we’re finished there’s no tension left in my body. He pulls me into his arms and we both drift off into a well deserved sleep.


  My eyes open and I roll over to look at the clock. It’s 6:30. Adam appears at the bedside and leans down to kiss me. “Good morning, you were out cold. Did you sleep well?” I nod and smile up at him in my zombie state. He’s showered and already dressed in a navy suit and one of his many crisp, custom-made white shirts, with a dark blue and silver tie. He looks stunning as usual. He says, “I’ll make coffee while you get ready.”

  Adam’s in his office when I come downstairs. In the kitchen, he’s left me a cup with cream and two slices of toast with peanut butter, so all I have to do is pour my coffee. This is my usual breakfast during the week. The coffee smells so good and the toast is nice and crispy, just how I like it. When I’m finished, I walk back into his office. Adam looks up at me, “You awake now?”

  “Yes, thanks. The coffee helped. What time are we leaving?”

  “In about 10 minutes.”

  “Okay.” I head back to the kitchen and look into the backyard. I wonder if he’ll miss living at this place if we get the apartment.

  Adam’s behind me, “Let’s go.” At the front door he picks up both of our laptop bags and we head to his car. It’s a sunny day in September.

  I ask, “When will we know if we got the place?”

  “I expect before 10 this morning.”

  “Do you think we’ll get it?”

  “Yes, Babe, I’ve made a very generous offer. I told you I’d get it for you and I will. I’ll call you once it’s accepted.” He says this with such confidence. “I’d like us to move in this Saturday. I asked for the furniture in the offer so all we really need to do is pack a few suitcases. I’ll have Joyce go in and clean it on Saturday morning and get some groceries.” He really does have everything under control. I remember him telling me once how he runs scenarios from beginning to end until he gets what he wants.

  “That sounds great. I’m so excited about the place. Things are moving faster than I thought.” He just smiles over at me.

  Adam drops me at my office building. I lean over and kiss him as I get out of the car and turn back when he says, “Call me when you’re ready to leave. I’ll be in meetings all day until about 4:30.”

  “Why don’t I just meet you at your office at 5?”

  “That’s fine. Have a good day.” I nod and close the car door behind me.


  As I settle in at my desk, my boss Paul stops by to chat. “Good morning, any big plans this weekend?” He’s always happy, but seems more cheerful today. I think it’s because it’s Friday. I smile and think back to when
he ran into Adam and me, when we were out one evening. I’m glad he knows about us. It takes some pressure off me and he didn’t seem to mind at all.

  “Good morning. No big plans.” I don’t want to discuss my possible move.

  “The best weekends are spontaneous.” Out of the blue he asks, “So, what’s Adam really like personally? I’ve only ever seen the professional side of him.”

  Where’s he going with this? The only reply I can think of is, “He knows how to relax after a work week.”

  “Good. I hear he’s a pretty sharp investor too. I was reading about how he invested with some MIT students in a new app, they just sold it for a fortune. He probably met them through his connections at Harvard.” Paul sounds excited, and now I know the real reason he wants to chat. Holy shit, he went to Harvard? I didn’t know that either.

  I try not to sound so out of the loop, “He’s a smart guy and I bet it was a very lucrative investment. I do know his tolerance for risk is low.” I flinch when I think back to when Adam told me how love came with too much risk for him. The word has a more significant meaning to me now. I clear my head and change the subject.

  “Paul, what are you up to this weekend?” He tells me he’s playing golf and on Sunday will be having brunch with his family. I smile, feeling relieved we’ve moved on from our conversation about Adam. At some point, I plan to ask Adam about this so-called investment.

  Paul brings us back to business and waves for me to follow him into his office. He shuts the door and says, “I’m hoping you can travel with me to Chicago the week after next. It will be good for you to see what you’ve been working on lately.”

  “Sure, that makes sense. Are we talking for the day or staying overnight?”

  “I think one night would be good.” Paul smiles at me.

  “Okay, that should be fine.” Paul opens the door for me. Back at my desk, I delve into my work. At noon, I realize I haven’t heard from Adam yet so I send him a text: Any news?

  My phone rings shortly after. “Hi, sorry, I got sidetracked here. We got the place. I left a message for Brenda to deliver the keys to you this afternoon at your office. Has she called you yet?” He sounds rushed.

  “Oh that’s great! No, but I was in a meeting with Paul until just now so I’ll check my messages. I’m very excited, aren’t you?”

  “I will be once we’re in there this weekend. Oh, you’ll need to get a key to Joyce. Can you please call her and make arrangements so she can get in on Saturday morning? I have to go to another meeting now.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  “Thank you. I’ll see you later.” The line goes dead.

  Excitement floods through me. I feel like jumping up and down. I check my voicemail and there’s a message from Brenda. I call her right back to confirm she’s delivering the keys. I then quickly call Joyce and she confirms she’ll be there first thing Saturday morning to clean and get groceries. Before I hang up, she asks if she should prepare any meals for us. It’s strange being asked that question. We still haven’t even met yet, so I feel awkward. I politely decline and thank her before I hang up. I’ll arrange a courier to deliver her a key.


  I get to Adam’s office just after 5. Alice is not at her desk when I walk into the private reception area. His office door is closed, so I sit in the waiting area across from Alice’s desk. About 10 minutes later she appears. “Hi Violet, how are you? His meeting is running late. Let me stick my head in his office.” Alice knocks gently on the door before she opens it and says, “Mr. Stone, just checking in, it’s almost 5:30.”

  I hear Adam’s voice, “We need 5 more minutes, thanks.” She nods and gently closes the door looking back at me.

  “Ha, 5 minutes, that means 10.” We grin at each other. Alice begins to tidy up her desk and I see her set aside some folders. I sit quietly looking through emails on my iPhone. Adam’s office space still impresses me. It’s large and design inspired.

  His office door opens and two men in their mid-thirties walk out and shake hands with him. Alice gets up to escort them out. Adam looks over at me and I can tell he’s had a long day of meetings and this one has run over. He smiles, “Come in.”

  “How was your day?” I ask.

  “I am so glad it’s Friday. I’m a bit jet lagged. Thankfully, I’ll be in town all of next week. The merger is now in the hands of the accountants, so I don’t have to travel as much for a little while anyway.”

  “That’s good; I have you all week then. Hey, at the new place you’ll get home sooner.” My face hurts I’m smiling so broadly.

  “Yes,” he grins, “and the shorter commute, was definitely a selling point. I don’t doubt the new place is going to work well for us.” He becomes serious for a moment and then he smiles warmly, making me wonder what just flashed through his mind. I still have moments of self-doubt being with him. Then I think he may be hiding some of his own excitement. It must be a guy thing, or maybe just an Adam thing. He’s about to kiss me, but stops as he hears Alice knock on the door. “Come in, Alice. What do you have for me?” He smiles warmly at her. She hands him three files, explaining their contents, and then reminds him he has two conference calls this weekend.

  As she is about to leave she says to both of us, “Have a great weekend.”

  “You too Alice, thanks,” we both reply in unison. I smile to myself. Adam shuts down his laptop so he can put it and the files in his bag. He picks up his suit jacket so we can leave and kisses me before we walk to the elevator. Adam’s car is parked in his underground VIP spot.

  “Let’s go out for dinner,” Adam says on the drive home.

  “Home first or straight out?”

  “I’d like to get out of this suit, so let’s go home and change.”

  “Yes, I’d like you out of that suit too.” I run my hand along his muscular thigh.

  He grins, “Oh Violet, and to think you were a virgin only what, four months ago now?”

  “Yes, we’ve come a long way since then, haven’t we?”

  “We have, and I can’t seem to get enough of you. It’s great we both feel so lively about sex.”

  “Yes, we definitely have that in common.” I smile to myself.

  He seems quite relaxed, so now’s a good time to ask about the investment I’m curious about.

  Casually, I say, “Paul mentioned that you invested with some MIT students, is that true? And, did you go to Harvard?”

  He says very calmly, “News travels fast. Yes, I went to Harvard and yes, it was a lucrative investment, nine figures. Is that what you wanted to know?”

  I must look flabbergasted as my mouth gapes open. I can’t believe how nonchalant he is about this. “I was more interested in what type of investment makes that kind of a return, to be honest.”

  “Almost two years ago I was in Boston for business and ran into one of my former classmates. He was on my sailing team and still lives there. Anyway, we went for a drink and he mentioned there were four last-year MIT students working on an app for lawyers and doctors. They were looking for financial backing. He thought that, given my profession, I might be interested. I like to have the facts first hand so I asked him to have them call me. Long story short, I returned to Boston a week later to learn more about what they were doing. They were working on two apps, the lawyer/doctor one and a fitness app with an associated device to track progress.” He looks over at me and must see I am extremely interested in this story. He continues, “I was more interested in the fitness app because it would appeal to a greater audience. Basically, a great sales opportunity and a solid platform to run it on, is of high value to a buyer. I offered to invest in them if they agreed to complete both apps and form a technology company.”

  “I gather they agreed to it, then?” I ask, dying to know more.

  “Yes, they did. It was actually the technology company that we sold. It c
ame with both apps ready to market and some other prototypes they were working on that were also of interest to the buyer.”

  “So you brokered the deal?” I feel proud of him and sit up straight in my seat.

  He laughs, “Yes, of course! With the limited choice between me and four students, they picked me as the front man. Joking aside, I had them right beside me through the entire process so they would learn from it. Anyway, we sold the company and its ideas for a lot of money.”

  I have to ask. “How much did you make from it?”

  Now I watch him grin. “A great deal, as the only investor, I had a majority share. It really was a sound investment and it will allow each of the students to retire early if they want.”

  “Wow! Congratulations. Was there a reason you didn’t want to grow the tech company yourself?”

  “I did think about it, but my priority is to continue growing my own firm internationally. I don’t want to lose momentum now. Plus, technology is a great investment but not my area of expertise. You know how I like to completely control all that I do.” He pauses and says, “I didn’t just do it for the money either.”

  “Why else if not for the money?” I’d do it for the money, I think to myself.

  “I took a personal interest in the students and wanted to help them succeed. It was kind of teaching them in a way. It’s a leader’s responsibility to push people out of their comfort zone. Get them past their perceived boundaries.” A slight grin crosses his lips and makes me wonder how much more meaning there is behind that statement. I nod yes, still amazed at the prosperity of the deal.

  Chapter 3

  On Saturday morning Adam loads the BMW SUV with our suitcases then asks, “Is that it?”

  “Yes, I think we have it all. I’ve done a walk around and everything’s closed and all the lights are off. We only need to set the alarm and then we can leave.” We are both lost in our thoughts as we drive off.

  As we walk into our new home, all that comes to my mind is, it’s outstanding, just like the man beside me. The sun is beaming through the large windows as we walk into the open area on the main floor. I turn and smile up at Adam as I wrap my arms around him. “It’s perfect, isn’t it? Thanks so much for getting it. I just love it Adam. I really do!”


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