Solid Stone: Odyssey

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Solid Stone: Odyssey Page 5

by E. G. Patrick

  “Funky? When did that come to be in your vocabulary?” I laugh, and then ask, “What was your call about?”

  “The merger, we found a couple of surprises. The other lawyers fucked up. It’s nothing we can’t handle. I’ll fix it.” I’m sure he will.

  “Oh, before I forget, Paul’s asked me to fly to Chicago in a couple of weeks for one night. I don’t have the date yet, but likely a Tuesday or Wednesday.”

  “What’s in Chicago?” He asks.

  “I signed an NDA and can’t discuss it,” I say feeling powerful all of a sudden.

  “Not even a hint?” I can see his wheels spinning.

  “You know I can’t.”

  “Yeah, I know. Let me know the date so I can put it on my calendar. Maybe I can find a way to pry some more information out of you.” He’s staring at me with an evil grin on his face.

  “You’re not very funny Adam,” I protest.

  “I’m only joking. I get it. Don’t worry,” he says with mild conviction.

  I have to smile, “Good. What do you want to do today?”

  “Let’s go for a walk and check out the neighborhood.”

  “Perfect. I’ll make breakfast for a change and then we can leave after that.”

  “You take great care of all of my needs, Violet. You really are perfect for me.” I feel warm and fuzzy as I get up to make us some eggs and toast. Adam sits at the island and every time I glance back, his eyes are watching me and he smiles.


  It’s a sunny autumn day. The street is lined with old trees on both sides that create a canopy. Adam takes my hand and asks, “Left or right?”

  “Let’s go left.” We begin to walk down the street. There are parked cars and lots of people bustling around; one of the things I enjoy about this area. We stop in front of a park, watching people with their dogs and children just enjoying the day. The positive energy rubs off on both of us and we walk briskly into a cafe. We grab a couple of coffees and continue to walk.

  I say, “This is a great area isn’t it?”

  Adam nods taking a sip from his coffee cup, “Yes, I really like it here.”

  “Me too.” He leans down and kisses me and then wraps his arm around my waist.

  We reach the main street and walk into one of the trendy boutique shops. Adam follows me around, which I find quite amusing, him following me. Every time I turn for his opinion on something, he’s right there behind me. I pick up a large, oval-shaped wooden vase with lines carved in it, adding dimension. I hold it up to inspect it. It’s African and clearly handmade.

  I ask Adam, “Do you think this would look good on one of the bookshelves? It will draw the eye upward to the windows.”

  “It’s nice. That’s a good idea. You clearly have design skills too. You never cease to amaze me.” He glides his hand across my bum, sending a warm shot up my spine and then says, “If you like it, then let’s buy it. We can take it home and see how it looks.”

  “I do like it and think it’ll look good.” I walk up to the cashier to pay and before I can even open my purse, Adam has his credit card out. I don’t argue as I know that will only annoy him. My desire to pay my way hasn’t changed, but Adam refuses to let me. I tell myself it’s not worth arguing over. He carries the bag out of the store and takes my hand as we continue to walk.

  I ask, “You do like it, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I think it’s nice, it’ll add some warmth to the place. And now that we’re living together I’ll get you a credit card. That way you can buy whatever you want for the place or for yourself.”

  He doesn’t realize he’s adding salt to an open wound about me paying my way. I want to be appreciative. I know he’s only trying to share what he can, which is a vast amount of money. “Thanks. I really don’t need one, but if you insist.”

  He likes this new, agreeable me. I know it. “Yes, I insist. I’ll ask Alice to sort it out next week then.”

  “Great, thanks Adam.” He doesn’t seem to notice the somber tone in my response or perhaps he’s chosen to ignore it.

  “Let’s head back, Babe. I’ll make us dinner and then we can relax at home. It’s a nice change not having to rush around getting ready to travel.”

  “Did I just hear you say you don’t want to work? Now that’s a first,” I say jokingly.

  “Don’t get too excited. I love my work, but I also enjoy my downtime now that I have you to play with,” he grins, “and I don’t have to work tonight because I have all day tomorrow to do it.” He smiles again like he’s a genius.

  We’ve pretty much been living for our weekends with Adam’s crazy travel schedule. He’s tried to adjust it when he can, but the merger timelines are always changing. I’m glad he’s home this week. I suddenly remember Ann wanted to see the place. Since it’s still only 3, I ask, “Is it okay to invite Ann and Ted over for dinner tonight if they’re free?”

  “Sure, how’s 6:30? We can have an early dinner.”

  “Okay, I’ll text her now.”

  In 5 minutes she responds asking what they can bring. I look at Adam, “What can they bring?”

  “Just themselves, I’ve got dinner and wine covered.” I text Ann back letting her know. Before heading home, we stop at a bakery and buy a loaf of crusty bread and six cupcakes in different flavors for dessert. This has been a terrific day and I look forward to an evening with Adam and our friends.

  At home, he decides to make scallops served with linguini and the rest of his homemade pesto sauce. I ask, “What can I do to help?”

  “Sit there and look gorgeous. Before you do that, turn on some music and open a bottle of wine please.” I do his bidding. I put on some chill music and place two bottles of wine on the island.

  “Red or white?” I say as I wrap my arms around his waist while he cooks. “I love how you feel Adam.”

  His body tenses. “White wine, please.” He never says the word love. He hasn’t told me he loves me yet, even though I’ve told him many times. I know he cares for me: his actions show that. More relaxed now, he turns and wraps his arms around me and kisses me passionately. My heart still pounds when he kisses me like this. I step back and we both look at the clock. I bend over the chair, leaning against the table and begin to wiggle my bum. It takes Adam 2 seconds to respond. He pulls my jeans down and plants himself in me. It feels so good and no matter how often we do it, the pleasure is always out of this world. He pushes himself deep inside me. He leans over me, pushing his hard cock in and out, and begins to tweak my nipples as he does. They’re hard and erect, just like him. His rapid thrusts get us to climax quickly. I stand up, kiss him and watch him adjust himself and wash his hands. I open the wine, pour two glasses and sit down to keep him company, feeling quite satisfied.

  The buzzer beeps at precisely 6:30. Ann and Ted walk in the door both saying, “Wow,” as they come inside with a plant and a bottle of champagne. I hug them and they follow me into the kitchen to greet Adam, who is busy cooking for us.

  We unanimously decide to crack open the champagne and toast to our new place and great friends. With glasses in hand, the three of us walk through the big room, leaving Adam to finish cooking. Ann looks up at the high ceilings and she can now see the metal beams above. “This place is really cool. The patio is nice and large. Great view too.” I smile and nod as we walk up to the expansive second floor.

  Ann runs her hand across the pool table. I show them the rest of the second floor before we go back down to join Adam.

  Ann says, “Great place Adam, and in a great location. You guys did really well.”

  Adam says proudly, “It was Violet who found it.” He smiles at me. Ann is beaming with happiness and wraps her arm around my waist. It’s not long before we sit down to eat.

  Dinner, as we all expected, is delicious. Ann helps me clear the table while Adam and Ted go upstairs to play pool.
Ann says as she lifts her wine glass, “Well it sure looks like all is going well with you and Adam.”

  I sigh and say appreciatively, “I can’t thank you enough for convincing me to just go and see him. It was a little tense at first, but we got through it. I really love him, Ann.”

  “And by the way he looks at you I think he loves you too. I’m happy for both of you.” I don’t tell her he hasn’t told me he loves me yet, not in words anyway. We take another bottle of wine upstairs with four clean glasses, and can hear the pool table balls clicking on the way up.

  Ted says, “Nice shot. Are you a shark and you’re not telling me?” This comment is followed by loud laughter. It makes me happy to see Adam enjoying himself at home with friends. Ann and I pour the wine and watch our men play pool. I must admit Adam is the better player, which makes me proud. At about ten, we say good night to Ann and Ted and promise to have them over on a Friday evening sometime soon.

  As we make our may up the stairs, Adam asks, “What does Ted do for work?”

  “He writes for a local magazine. Why?”

  “I was just curious that’s all.”

  “Any reason, are you going to offer him a job?”

  “No, Babe. I was only asking. I have no hidden agenda.” He smiles innocently. I didn’t think that was possible.

  I have to laugh, “Let’s go to bed, Adam.” I sleep naked now, since it’s what he wants. When he gets into the bed beside me, he plays with my nipples and then slides his cock inside of me and I moan.

  Chapter 5

  We’ve settled in at the apartment. It feels like home and we even have a couple of photos of us on display now. At home alone, I am waiting for Adam who has a business dinner with a CEO of a software company.

  This week Paul and I will be in Chicago. The plan is for me to spend time with the suppliers who are helping us set up the office and to interview two administrative staff and three paralegals. I’m hopeful to hire one of the administrative positions sooner than later as I could really use the local talent’s help.

  Just before 9, Adam arrives home. I look up from my book. He takes off his jacket and smiles at me, “Sorry I’m so late. After dinner, we ended up talking more than I expected. Nice guy and smart too. We plan to golf next season.”

  “That’s good. So what was the meeting about?”

  “An extended CEO contract for him, plus his company is acquiring another software company, so they’ll need my firm’s help with that as well.”

  “Will you help with that?”

  “No, probably not. It’s not a large acquisition and I still have lots to do with the other merger I am working on. I expect that one to ramp up again in the next couple of months. On top of that I need to run the firm too.” He touches my shoulder as he talks and I love it.

  I look up at him sympathetically. “I sometimes forget how busy you are and all the different things you’re involved in. Are you tired or do you want to stay up for a while?”

  “Let’s go up to bed. What time is your flight on Wednesday? I’ve asked Alice to keep my morning open so I can drive you to the airport.”

  “You don’t have to drive me. I can take a taxi to the airport and be reimbursed for it.”

  “I want to. It’s your first business trip. It’ll be strange not having you here with me. Do you really have to go?” he says, the smile now gone.

  “Yes I do and you’ll manage. You always have lots of work to do anyway.”

  “Yeah, I suppose so. I forgot to tell you I have four tickets to the opening gala of Fashion Works Week. It’s a Saturday night. I think your red evening dress would be perfect for it. Do you want to ask Ann and Ted to join us?”

  “Oh, that sounds exciting. Yes! I’d be more comfortable having Ann and Ted with me if you have to schmooze. It sounds like fun.”

  “Okay, find out if they’re free and let me know. Tell them it’s black tie.”

  “I will, thanks for thinking of them. It’ll be a fun night with the four of us.” I take his hand as we head upstairs to bed. Adam takes me long and slow and, when he’s finished, I fall in to a very deep sleep.


  On Wednesday morning I see Adam at the front door waiting for me with my overnight bag. He still insists on driving me to the airport. I’m flattered, but also nervous as I don’t want him saying anything to Paul like, “I need her at home with me at night, so keep the travel to a minimum or she will have to quit.” He certainly has the temperament to blurt something like that out.

  Instead of just dropping me off at the door and driving off like most people do, Adam valet parks his car and walks with me into the airport terminal. I don’t see Paul yet.

  “I’d like to check in early so that I can get some magazines.”

  He nods and walks with me to the counter. He’s surprised I’m flying economy class, “Here, let me get you upgraded.”

  I sigh inside and say almost pleadingly, “Please don’t, Adam. Paul is sitting in economy and it will look bad if I’m in the front of the plane when he’s not.” I think he’s about to protest, but he doesn’t and instead waits until I finish checking in. With my boarding pass in hand, we walk towards where I need to go in. It takes Adam 2 seconds to pull me into him. He kisses me very slowly and deliberately not caring how many people are staring at us as they walk by. I’m lost in his kiss and will miss him even though it’s only one night.

  “Be careful, Babe. Don’t go out on your own when you’re finished with work. Go straight to the hotel and call me. I’ve told Alice to interrupt me today and tomorrow if you call, okay?” Why does he sound so concerned? I guess I should be flattered.

  “I’ll call your cell so I won’t have to bother Alice. Okay?” He nods. I then say, “I’ll be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Holding my hand, Adam walks as far as he can with me just before the security entrance. Anyone would think I was leaving the country for months the way he’s behaving. He kisses me again and reluctantly releases my hand. I walk towards an attendant, showing him my boarding pass so I can pass through to security. I look back to see Adam, still watching me like I am a little girl. I wave to him as I disappear from his view.

  I clear my head and get in line, waiting for my turn to go through security. As instructed, I place my belongings in two gray trays and take out my laptop. Once through security, I walk towards the shops near my gate. While I flip through magazines, I hear Paul’s voice.

  “Hi Violet, glad you made it.”

  I smile. “Hi Paul, yes I got here early so I could pick up some magazines for the plane.” We grab a couple of coffees and wait in the lounge area. It’s not long before we board the plane.

  The plane ride was smooth and on time. Paul and I both have carry-on luggage so we exit the terminal quickly and walk towards the rental car company. Within 15 minutes, we’re driving to our new office location downtown. Paul interrupts my thoughts when he says, “If we have time tomorrow, we’ll drive by the waterfront, it’s quite nice down there.”

  “Oh, that sounds nice. If we aren’t too late today, I may do a little shopping if you don’t mind. I hear the selection here is better than at home.”

  Paul says in his always friendly and pleasant manner, “Of course, let’s try to end the day early then. The stores should be open until 9 tonight.”

  “Thanks, Paul. That would be great.”

  We pull into the underground parking lot of a glass building. Our office is located on the fifth floor and it’s still being renovated. The four offices and two meeting rooms along the outside wall are complete and some of the partitioned areas are up, making it easy to see how the office will be laid out. Most of the furniture is still covered in plastic as the painters are still painting walls in the cool blue colors we had selected for the main office space. The reception area, which is sectioned off, will be done in a warm taupe color. Paul is working
in his finished office down the hall from me. I’m using a conference room for my meetings today and tomorrow morning before we leave.

  By 2:30, I feel drained. I get a glimpse of what Adam’s days are like every day with endless meetings. I have a thirty-minute break before my last meeting and decide to walk through the office space to stretch my legs. As I get to Paul’s office, I stick my head in and ask him if he wants a drink. There’s a cafeteria on the main floor of the building. He looks up and smiles. “Yes, that would be great. Keep all the receipts from this trip as I expect you to expense all of them. That doesn’t include your shopping spree,” he chuckles.

  I laugh then ask, “Do you want a coffee or a diet Coke?”

  “Coffee please, I think I need that kind of caffeine.”

  “Yeah, me too. I’ll be back soon.” I make my way to the elevator, returning not long after with our two drinks. I give Paul his and make my way back to the meeting room I’m working in. Looking at my watch, I still have 15 minutes before my next meeting. I debate whether to call Adam and decide to wait until I get back to the hotel. I quickly check my personal email and there’s one from him.

  From: Adam Stone

  To: Violet Cole

  Subject: You arrived?

  Hi Babe, I hope you had a good flight. You should have sent me a text to let me know you arrived safe.

  I wish you a great day on your first business trip. I’m not surprised that Paul has chosen you to be his right hand. You’re not only beautiful, but very smart. I wish you were home tonight though.

  I look forward to hearing about your day.


  “Ahh,” I say aloud to myself dismissing his slight chastise about texting him. I probably should have let him know I arrived safely given his behavior at the airport earlier. I reply to his email.

  From: Violet Cole

  To: Adam Stone

  Subject: re: You arrived?

  Hi darling, I miss you like mad already. Sorry, I should’ve sent you a text message letting you know I arrived.

  Thank you for the lovely compliments. As long as you think those things, I am happy. I’m hoping to do some shopping this evening so I’ll call you around 9.


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