Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 4

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Yujin slapped him on the back. “You’ll like it here!”

  Kry winced. Yujin was a powerful man. “I’m sure I will.” It was certainly different. He wondered what the university was going to be like.

  Drinks had already arrived for each of them, and Kry was eager to start.

  Eclipse pushed the glass of alcohol to the side. “Sorry, Yujin, but no alcohol for me.”

  Yujin pouted. “You’re a hard one.” He ordered a non-alcoholic drink for Eclipse and took the one he had previously ordered for her.

  Eclipse nodded in gratitude.

  “First thing first, we must kanpai! It is Japanese custom!” said Yujin, picking up his glass.

  The others raised their glasses.

  “Kanpai!” said Yujin. He tapped glasses with each of them.

  “Kanpai,” repeated Eclipse.

  “Kanpai,” said Whisper, smiling.

  “Kanpai,” said Kry, tapping his glass with them.

  The okonomiyaki was ready now, and they all began to eat with haste. The food and drink made them soon forget about the train incident, and for the first time in a long while, they were able to relax.

  “So, Yujin,” said Eclipse. “What do you do at the university?”

  Yujin took a large sip from his beer. “I’m glad you asked,” he said. “I’m a trainer.”

  “Trainer?” said Kry. “Will you be teaching us?”

  Yujin smiled, but it was a smile hidden with secret meanings. “In a way, yes, in a way, no.”

  “You make no sense,” said Eclipse. “You either are or aren’t.”

  “There are many types of training which you’ll be put through, but my training is slightly different than the others,” said Yujin, again taking another sip.

  “Will I become stronger?” asked Whisper.

  “Yes, little one, you’ll become very strong,” replied Yujin.

  Whisper flexed his little muscles and punched the air with excitement.

  “Let’s just say that you three are going to stir things up a little, is my guess,” smiled Yujin. “Kanpai!” Again, he tapped their glasses.

  Kry looked at Eclipse with curiosity. Neither of them had any idea what Yujin was referring to, but they had to be prepared for the worst.

  “Here is a hint. I manage the Cube. Have you ever heard of the Cube?” asked Yujin.

  “I’ve never heard of the Cube,” said Kry. He turned to Eclipse. “Have you?”

  “No, I have no idea,” she said.

  Yujin laughed at them not knowing what the Cube was. “You will in due time. I’ll be waiting for when you three make your first appearance.”

  Eclipse did not like the sound of that. “Whatever it is, we’ll be ready.”

  “Rush was right about you three,” said Yujin.

  “Right about what?” asked Kry.

  “You have a special bond created through circumstance. It’s a strong bond. I can feel the energy you three emanate. Remember, when you enter the university, it’ll be tough. You three will need each other,” said Yujin.

  Kry was feeling lightheaded. The alcohol was beginning to affect him. “You make it sound like the university is a grueling place. Rush said something similar.”

  “Rush is right. We think much alike,” said Yujin.

  “How do you know Rush?” asked Eclipse.

  Yujin smiled. “We were battle brothers.”

  Whisper looked up in excitement. “Battle brothers?”

  “Rush and I first met at the university. We studied, trained, and ate together. But most of all, we fought together,” said Yujin. The hint of respect given from his tone was evident as he spoke of Rush.

  “You were former students?” asked Kry. “Just like my parents?”

  Yujin’s eyes betrayed him. “Rush informed me of what happened. I’m sorry for all of you.”

  “Did you know my mother, Abigail?” asked Eclipse. It had been a while since she had mentioned her mother’s name, and it felt strange on her tongue.

  Yujin’s eyes expressed a profound sadness. “Only in passing. Her feats were legendary among Users which I guess is why they chose her…”

  “You mean the Shadow Government?” said Eclipse, clenching her fist.

  “Yes….” Yujin finished his beer.

  “Did you know my parents?” asked Kry, hoping for answers about his parents’ past.

  “Yes,” said Yujin.

  Kry was confused about his answer. “Just yes? How?”

  “Alana and Konrad were great Users. In their prime, they were some of the most powerful,” said Yujin.

  It was difficult for Kry to comprehend his parents being called those names, but this was the reality he found himself in now.

  “Konrad, your father, was the one who trained me. I thought him dead along with your mother years ago after what happened in the User Civil War. Knowing that he died twice, this time for real, pains me greatly,” said Yujin. He looked into his empty beer glass. “Years of isolation must have made them weaker as I can’t imagine them losing to Dominus.”

  Kry looked away. His parents had given everything to protect him, but it was not enough.

  “Forgive me. I mean no disrespect. You’ll have a lot to prove here as many will try to take advantage of you and test your strength, as both you and Eclipse come from legendary Users,” said Yujin.

  “Let them try. I’ll end them all,” said Eclipse.

  Yujin raised his eyebrows.

  “I come from no legendary User. I’m the weakest. I don’t think my dad even knew I was a User until I spoke to him with my mind.” Whisper’s mental voice was a sad one.

  “No, little one! You are unknown. Your potential is great. One day you may be stronger than I!” said Yujin.

  Whisper’s eyes sparkled at the possibility. Just knowing that he could be as strong as this giant was enough to motivate him.

  Kry needed some fresh air. His head was spinning. “Excuse me for a moment.”

  Concerned, the others watched him leave the table. Eclipse had been watching Kry all night and knew there was something troubling him. “Let me speak to him,” she said and followed him outside.

  Kry stood alone under the Tokyo night sky. There was laughter and gossip in the street as people enjoyed their night.

  “You can’t be so hard on yourself, Kry,” said Eclipse.

  He was not surprised that she had followed him. “You know what the most difficult part is?” said Kry. “It’s not knowing who my parents really were.”

  “I know what you mean. Both of us were lied to, but it was to protect us,” she said.

  “I admire you, Eclipse. Your conviction is much stronger than mine,” said Kry, looking up into the sky.

  “No,” said Eclipse. “You don’t know yourself. I saw your conviction on the bridge. Your strength is unmatched.”

  Kry laughed. “It wasn’t enough to save her.”

  Eclipse knew this was coming. He had never opened up about that night and what had happened to Rhea.

  “You did what you could,” said Eclipse. “None of us knew what was going to happen. Rhea’s death weighs on me, too.”

  Kry planted his fist into the wall. “I miss her.”

  Eclipse grabbed his fist. It was bleeding. “You idiot!”

  “It’ll heal,” said Kry. “But these feelings won’t.”

  Eclipse pulled out a cloth and wrapped his hand.

  “Rhea’s death haunts me the most. More than my parent’s death,” said Kry. “Does that make me bad? I think about her more than my own parents.”

  “Of course not. You loved your parents, and you loved her. Deep down I think you feel that you let her down more than anything, whereas your parents died to protect you.”

  Kry closed his eyes and leaned against the wall. “You know me well.”

  “Stop this nonsense and get back inside. You didn’t let anyone down, and we’re going to make the people that did this pay. I promise you,” said Eclipse.

took a deep breath of the Tokyo air. “Thanks. I needed your pep talk.”

  “Let’s go back inside,” said Eclipse.

  Yujin raised a glass of beer as they rejoined the table. “Just in time!”

  Whisper looked at Kry hoping he was alright.

  The waitress who Yujin had whispered to earlier returned with a small purple vase.

  “What’s this?” asked Kry.

  “Special Japanese rice wine. It’ll soothe your soul and make you sleep like a baby,” said Yujin, grinning like a madman.

  “None for me,” said Eclipse. “My soul is fine, and I can sleep well enough.”

  Yujin shook his head in a disapproving way. “You’re missing out!” he said. “Kry, here.” Yujin passed him a small cup.

  Kry had not slept well for a while. The frequent nightmares kept him in a constant state of anxiety. Perhaps what he needed was just what Yujin was giving him. He winced as the liquid went down his throat. It burned with ferocity, but the taste was the best he ever had.

  “I can see by your face that you love it!” Yujin raised his glass with a smile.

  “It’s good,” said Kry, his voice raspy from the burning in his throat.

  Yujin drank with him while Whisper wondered how it tasted. Eclipse just shook her head knowing what was going to happen.

  Kry’s head began to spin. He may have drunk too much. The room around him became a blur. He tried to get up from the table, but his legs were weak. Someone was holding him up. A faint sound entered his mind, a lullaby accompanied by the soft chime of bells.

  Sleep child, sleep.

  That was the last thing he heard as his body went numb. Tonight he would have no nightmares.

  Chapter 2 – The International University of Users

  Kry awakened to the sound of the speeding car. The force of the wind touched his face.

  “It’s about time,” said Whisper.

  Kry sat up from the seat and realized that he was in Yujin’s limousine. The window was pulled down, and they were traveling fast on the road. “What happened to me last night?”

  The speakerphone crackled as the sound of Yujin’s voice came through. “Well, well, someone had a little too much to drink last night! How are you feeling?”

  Kry looked at his hands and then stretched his arms. His muscles were relaxed, and his mind was as clear as day. There was no hangover, no pain, and he had no nightmares. It was incredible how he was feeling. “That was the best sleep I’ve had in a long while. What was that drink you gave me?”

  “Friend, let’s just say that it was a temporary cure for your inner demons,” said Yujin.

  Kry flexed his muscles and marveled at the energy running through him. It was as if he had an injection of confidence, and all the self-doubt had faded away. He felt he was unstoppable. “I need more.”

  “I think not,” said Yujin. “Too much and it’ll destroy you. Once in a while is barely acceptable, but I could see you needed the boost.”

  Kry took a deep breath of fresh air and felt himself at ease.

  “We couldn’t wake you up this morning, so we dragged you in here. The trip will take a while,” said Whisper.

  Kry looked Whisper in the eyes. This positive energy was great. “We’re going to save them all.”

  Whisper was surprised by Kry’s behavior. “I’m glad you feel this way. I like you more when you believe in yourself.”

  Kry knew how weak he had been before. He blamed himself all the time, but not now. Whatever that drink was, it changed his very core.

  “Yujin, you have to let me know where to get more of that Japanese wine. What do you call it?” asked Kry.

  There was a pause before Yujin replied through the speaker. “Rush warned me about this. I should have listened.”

  Kry leaned forward. “Warned about what?”

  “That you would get addicted after one try,” said Yujin.

  “I’m not addicted. I just want to know the name,” insisted Kry. “I won’t try it again anytime soon.”

  “It’s called Flash wine. A special type of Japanese rice wine mixed with a rare herb. It’s made specifically to boost morale,” said Yujin.

  “Flash wine?” said Kry.

  “I warn you. Don’t take it again for a long while. You don’t want to be dependent on it. You can be strong without it,” assured Yujin.

  Whisper now seemed unsure as he watched Kry.

  “If you didn’t want me to take it, then why did you give me some last night?” asked Kry.

  “You needed it for what’s to come. You can’t have any self-doubt at this university. If you do, you die,” said Yujin.

  Whisper’s eyes widened.

  Kry closed his eyes and focused his mind. Everything was crystal clear. He formed a shimmering barrier of energy around him.

  Whisper leaned away from him. “What are you doing?”

  “I just want to test my strength,” replied Kry. He expanded his barrier.

  The limousine stopped suddenly and jolted them out of their seats. Kry’s barrier dissipated. Yujin opened the car door and pulled him out. “Control yourself!” He lifted Kry into the air with his huge hands.

  Kry struggled to move. “I’m sorry! I don’t know why I did that!”

  “Never test your strength like that in a small proximity. Your barrier is not only a defensive measure, but you can also use it for offense. You have a lot to learn.” Yujin placed him down. “You could have hurt the little one.”

  Kry turned to Whisper. What was he doing? He was ashamed. He could never forgive himself if he hurt Whisper. “I’m sorry.”

  “Let me handle this,” said Eclipse.

  Kry just realized that Eclipse had not been in the back with them. He had been too focused on himself to notice.

  Yujin returned to the driver’s seat.

  “I was in the front with Yujin. I learned a lot while you were asleep,” said Eclipse. She joined Kry and Whisper in the back as the limousine set off once more.

  “That Flash wine made me forget the bad side of me, the weak side,” said Kry.

  “Don’t take it again. Yujin should never have given you any. You’re not weak. You just need to get a grip on yourself,” said Eclipse.

  “She’s right. Yujin said we’d die at the university if were not at our strongest. We need you,” said Whisper.

  “You’re both right. I won’t take it again.” Kry sighed. “So, what did you learn?”

  Eclipse knew he was changing the topic but let it go. “The university is hidden in a place called the Valley of the Mist. Apparently, it’s surrounded by mountains and covered in snow and mist for half the year.”

  “Sounds exciting!” said Whisper.

  “It’s going to be tough for sure. It’s isolated, but it seems well protected,” said Eclipse.

  “What about the Shadow Government?” asked Kry. “Can they find us here?”

  “Yujin tells me they have a deal with the Shadow Government which keeps them safe. Users who train here aren’t targeted unless they defy the Shadow Government directly. They don’t even know we exist yet unless Geminae tells them what happened, and she hasn’t been seen since that night,” said Eclipse.

  “My father…” said Whisper.

  “He’ll be with her. We have to trust Rush that he’ll get him back as well as the others,” said Eclipse.

  Whisper said nothing more and looked out the window with profound sadness.

  “What about Botulinia? It’s only a matter of time before they know who we are. Blackhat and Marcus were unaccounted for,” said Kry.

  Eclipse did not understand.

  “I forgot that you never met them,” said Kry. “They worked for Botulinia and Bellum. When we were captured, Blackhat was sent to inform Botulinia what had happened.”

  “Why didn’t you tell Rush this?” asked Eclipse.

  “Everything happened so fast that it became a blur. They’ll know my name at least,” said Kry.

  Eclipse considered wha
t to do. “They’ll know your name, but that’s it. They don’t know what you can do,” she said. “Yujin and Rush promised us that this is the safest place for us right now.”

  “I hope they’re right,” said Kry.


  Yujin stopped the limousine. “We’re here.”

  It had been almost half a day since they had set off in the morning, and they had arrived earlier than expected. Eclipse was alert as ever and already out of the limousine.

  “Quickly, the President is waiting for us inside,” said Yujin.

  “President?” said Whisper.

  Kry and Whisper followed Eclipse and met with Yujin outside. The first thing that took them by surprise was the incredible fog. They could hardly see their hands in front of them.

  “Listen to my voice and follow me,” said Yujin.

  They followed him through the misty fog, and after a short while, the fog vanished. In every direction, mountains as high as the sky surrounded them, and the sky was as blue as the sea. Lines of trees paved the sides of the road as they walked toward the gates of the university. The gates were in the shape of an archway, and two stone pillars with carvings separated the walls on either side. At the top of the arch, words had been carved into the stone: ‘Those who enter are tested; those who leave are warriors.’

  Yujin smiled. “Welcome to your new home.”

  All three were in awe, but Eclipse seemed to be the most affected. The calmness and quiet reminded her of her times with her mother and the Master. This is where her mother trained for a time, and she was following those footsteps. Birds flew over them and nestled in the trees as they stood in front of the gates.

  “Where did the fog go?” asked Eclipse.

  Yujin laughed. “It’s to protect this place. The fog can only be seen from outside the perimeter. People who aren’t Users can’t find this place, and the Shadow Government leaves us alone. You’ll be safe here.”

  Kry could see a shimmering barrier covering the university, just like the one created by Dominus at Tower Bridge. He wondered if it really was safe here.

  Yujin placed his hand on a sculpture of a lion. The gates opened and revealed the real beauty of the university.

  “This is like a dream,” said Whisper, his thoughts reaching them all.


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