Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 16

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Eclipse saw Kry, Whisper, and Thrace coming toward her. She wondered how their class went. As they joined up, Thrace quickly told everything that had happened in Professor Himura’s class. Eclipse was concerned that Abel had defeated Kry in the mental challenge. From what she understood, Abel could see inside his very mind, and if he did, then their secrets and their past would be revealed to him. She could tell that Kry was uncomfortable as Thrace explained every detail to them.

  Eclipse looked at her schedule. “Elemental training is next, and it looks like we’re all in the same class.”

  Kry was elated to know he and Eclipse would train together. Whisper was just as excited.

  “Professor Zero,” said Thrace with a quiver to his voice. “He must have put in a request to have several classes attend the same time slot.”

  “Not again. Zero is strange! I never understand him,” said Inessa.

  “Who’s Professor Zero?” asked Eclipse.

  Akira touched the scabbard of her blade. “You might need this.”

  Eclipse was not accustomed to people touching her scabbard, but she let it pass.

  “Zero is…well, let’s just say that he’s different,” said Thrace.

  “We’ve seen many different professors already. Each one has been as peculiar as the next,” said Kry.

  Thrace shook his head. “Not like Zero.”

  “Zero is a new professor,” said Inessa. “He joined three months ago, and things have been different.”

  “How different?” asked Eclipse.

  “It’s common knowledge that Zero challenges President Katar’s authority despite him being very new. He makes the other professors uncomfortable. There’s a dark aura that surrounds him. It’s not easy to explain,” said Thrace.

  Kry had no idea about the internal politics of the university, but it seemed to be that way usually. There was always someone vying for power.

  “Some even believe he works secretly for the Shadow Government,” continued Thrace.

  Eclipse looked at him seriously. Kry hoped it was not true.

  “He’s also strict,” said Akira.

  “Yes, very!” winced Inessa.

  “I can deal with strictness,” said Eclipse. “My only concern is improving. I’ve had strict teachers before, and you often come out the better for it.”

  Thrace looked serious. “Not like this. He’ll push you beyond your limits.”

  “I like that,” said Eclipse.

  “Come on. The class is about to start. We don’t want to be late for Zero’s class!” Thrace ran on ahead with Akira and Inessa following behind him.

  Eclipse was about to follow, but Kry held her back.

  “I need to talk to you privately,” said Kry. “You too, Whisper.”

  “We don’t have much time. What is it?” asked Eclipse.

  Whisper looked up at Kry, understanding the seriousness in his tone.

  “Abel,” said Kry. “He knows.”

  Eclipse had dreaded this. “How much?”

  “Everything,” said Kry.

  “What are we going to do?” asked Whisper.

  “I’ll deal with him,” said Eclipse.

  Kry stopped her with his hands. “Hold on. Don’t do anything rash. He had the chance to tell the class, but he didn’t. He kept my secret, but I don’t know why.”

  “Then we’ll need to talk to him,” said Eclipse.

  “Yes. And we have to do it soon before he changes his mind,” said Kry.

  They said nothing more and made their way to the next class. The five-pointed star was just as he had remembered. At each point, there was the symbol of one of the five elements: fire, water, earth, lightning, and dark matter. These were the five elements that may be developed by the User’s persona. Kry wondered which one he would master, if any.

  As he entered, students were gathering in the room to their left. Thrace, Akira, and Inessa were waiting for them. The elemental building was split into several glass rooms, and Kry recalled how students were developing different elements. The room at the far end was for the study of dark matter, and the flux which helped contain the energy.

  Students were talking as they waited, but then the lights dimmed, and a strange mist began to rise from the floor.

  Kry turned to Thrace. “What’s going on?”

  “Don’t worry. This is just Zero,” said Thrace.

  Kry could not see anything now. The room was covered in a dense fog. Suddenly, the fog was blown away by a powerful wind, and then the room was back to normal. Standing at the entrance to the room was a man wearing a long black robe. His dark hair covered the left side of his face, and his right eye moved back and forth as he approached them. His trimmed beard was as black as his robe.

  Professor Zero walked across to them and placed a glass box on the table. “Elements define you, elements create you, and elements can destroy you.” He placed his hand into the glass box.

  Kry had seen Zero once before helping Abel develop dark matter, but now seeing Zero up close, he could sense the dark aura which Thrace had explained to him. Zero’s accent was unusual and very refined, but there was something just not right about him.

  “Fire!” Zero’s hand burst into flame inside the box. The heat was contained as he manipulated the fire.

  The students leaned back at the bright flame, some covering their eyes.

  With Zero’s other hand he pointed to a random student. “What does it represent? Speak quickly!”

  The student almost flustered, her words coming out in a nervous slur. “F-fi-fffire represents ang-gg-angger.”

  Zero’s hand then began to flow with water, the box filling up to the brim. He pointed to another student.

  “Water is empathy,” said the student, quickly.

  The water vanished and then Zero’s hand turned into a hard rock. This time, he pointed to Athena.

  Athena’s eyes were wide in awe at the display. “Professor, earth represents serenity.”

  Zero did not acknowledge any student and continued with his display. His hand now sparked with lightning, striking every corner of the box with a loud crackle. Students covered their ears to protect themselves from the piercing sounds.

  Zero pointed to another student.

  “Lightning represents impulsiveness,” replied the student.

  Zero’s hand then alternated between the four elements, his hand changing from fire to water to earth to lightning, each element forming with ease as his right eye watched the student’s reaction.

  Zero then pulled out a small device from his pocket and placed it inside the box. Kry knew it to be the flux.

  Some students moved back in their seats. Zero then placed his hand above the flux and released a bright red light, an explosive source of energy which was sucked clean by the device.

  Kry knew of the power of dark matter. It was deadly and volatile. The flux, however, nullified it with ease. Zero then narrowed his eye on Kry and pointed. Kry then realized he was being questioned. How would he know what dark matter represented? This was his first class! He looked back at Zero who seemed to grow darker the longer he waited for his answer.

  “Professor…dark matter represents…” Kry looked for support, but none came.

  Zero ceased producing dark matter and released his hand from the box. “It represents fear!” Zero did not look happy that he had to provide the answer for himself. He removed the flux and then pointed toward them all. “Each element is powerful with both positive and negative traits. Most Users can only master one or perhaps two, but if you have the potential, all are available to you. Remember, they are a part of you.” He then turned his back on the class. “Fire is anger, but it also can be joy. Water is empathy, but it also can be worry. Earth represents serenity but also grief. Lightning represents impulsiveness but also can express caution. Lastly, dark matter expresses fear but also courage. Never forget the two emotions of each element.” He then turned back to the class and seemed deep in thought. “I sense an unusual
presence. You, the one who failed to answer. What is your name?”

  Kry swallowed. “Professor, my name is Kry. I’m a new student.”

  Zero narrowed his right eye. “And you must be Eclipse and Whisper,” he said, moving his gaze over them.

  Eclipse and Whisper lowered their heads in acknowledgment.

  “Remember what I have just said. These principles are the core of this class, and if you do not remember well, you will fail. I will make sure of that. I do not accept failure, and neither do I accept weakness.” Zero raised his hands in the air and through sheer power separated the students into groups.

  Kry was now hovering above the floor with the rest of the class. Eclipse attempted to reach for her blade.

  “These are your practice groups for today. Each group will be numbered, and you will practice in one of the glass rooms in this building. The first group shall stay in this room,” said Zero, pointing toward Kry and Eclipse.

  Kry looked around him and saw some had been separated. Whisper was floating to the side in another group with Thrace and Inessa. Akira and Eclipse seemed to be with him along with several other students. Luckily, Sonus was not with him.

  “What a shame,” came a sharp voice. Svana floated beside them, looking disappointed that she had to be with them.

  “Great,” said Eclipse.

  The groups floated back to the ground, and students became aware of their new arrangements. Students began to leave the room and enter the designated areas assigned to them. Kry could see that Abel and Athena were in another group in the room opposite. He wanted to speak to Abel, but there had been no opportunity to do so, and it seemed that Abel was trying to avoid him. At least he could watch him from afar, study him, and see what he could do in this class. What elements would he be able to produce? Which emotion defined Abel? What element would define himself? Kry considered that his parents had shown the ability to use dark matter, and maybe he also could produce it as well. He had only ever created blasts of random energy, shockwaves which rippled across the floor, but he had never created the elements that Zero had shown. The fact that Zero could create them all with ease proved that Zero was a powerful User.

  “I will visit every room and attend each group to ensure that you are practicing correctly.” Zero left the main room and began his inspection at the far end of the hallway.

  Svana and the other students were already warming up, separating themselves from the rest, and making a space to create energy from their minds. Svana released bolts of lightning into the wall. She turned around and made eye contact with Eclipse to show her the power she wielded.

  Eclipse was not impressed. “She is overconfident in her abilities.”

  Even though Eclipse was unimpressed, Kry wished he could do what Svana had just done. “She reminds me of you,” said Kry.

  Eclipse glared at him. “I’m not overconfident. I’m skilled.”

  Kry knew there was no use arguing with her and just smiled. He knew she was still annoyed that Professor Seranay had called their contest a draw. This left a dilemma, as no one knew who was the stronger. It would have to wait, and in the meantime, Svana was happy to intimidate and provoke Eclipse anytime she could.

  Kry glanced over to the room where Abel was and saw him creating fire, then water, then earth, and then lightning. He was switching between them all with ease. How could Kry keep up with him when he was so far ahead? Kry focused his concentration and tried to harness his raw energy. Eclipse moved out of the way so he could practice. Kry watched the other students, each one developing a different element, some fire, others earth, a few water, and Svana seemed to be one of the few who was able to create lightning with such proficiency. However, aside from Abel, he had yet to see anyone create dark matter.

  Kry clenched his fists and motioned toward the wall as if he were shooting a fireball, but nothing came. A few students behind him laughed.

  “Ignore them and just focus on your own self-improvement,” said Eclipse. She stood to the far side of Kry and tried to create her own.

  Kry tried again and again, but he was having difficulty developing anything. The other students easily produced their element, the one which defined them and told them which emotion governed them the most. He would not give up, though.

  “You don’t seem so strong now,” said Svana as she directed a bolt of lightning into the wall. Her comment was directed toward Eclipse.

  Eclipse ignored her remarks and looked within herself. She looked for her moments with her mother, memories she had forged, times of happiness and also sadness. Eclipse relaxed her shoulders and could feel the energy rushing through her. She funneled it into her palms and released it into the wall. Sparks of lightning sprang forth as Eclipse tried to control her direction, but the lightning was erratic as it left her palms. Kry had to duck as one of her bolts rebounded off the wall and almost hit him. Other students lay low, trying to avoid the uncontrolled energy.

  Zero burst into the room and threw Eclipse toward the wall. “You are uncontrolled!” He stood over her, fuming. “Never allow yourself to release so impulsively!”

  Svana was on the other side of the room and had seen the lightning. She punched the wall in anger, knowing Eclipse had the same element.

  Zero saw Svana’s action from the corner of his eye, and turned to her and then back to Eclipse. “It seems impulsiveness is a trait you both share. Let me remind you of its other aspect: caution.” He helped Eclipse back up.

  Eclipse could not believe how the energy had controlled her. She thought she was in control, but as soon as the energy had left her palm, it was erratic and wild. Her hands were burning, but they would heal. She was too ashamed to look at Kry, knowing she had shown her first weakness to him. Kry did not share the same feeling. He was elated at seeing Eclipse develop such a potent force. He already knew Eclipse was impulsive, and her attitude would most likely lean toward that element, but seeing the raw power was amazing. He had yet to develop anything.

  The class settled down, and Zero went around inspecting each student. Kry continued by himself. Eclipse took a moment to refocus and regain control before she tried again. She watched Kry as he began to direct raw energy into the wall.

  Kry was getting frustrated. He could feel the energy flowing through him, but every time he released the energy, it was the same raw energy that he had first produced when he was at Bellum. It was just raw energy—a blast there, a simple shockwave, ripples of energy into the wall—but no concrete element was formed. What was his defining trait? Why was the energy not coming out in the form of one of the five elements? Eclipse had proved she could do it and had formed lightning with impulsiveness as her defining trait.

  Professor Zero had just finished with Svana and turned his attention to Kry who continued to struggle. Zero came up behind him and grabbed his palms. “You are not doing it correctly,” he said with disdain. He moved Kry’s hands to his head and then to his heart. “Use this and this. Let it flow naturally.”

  Kry tried to follow his instructions, attempting to focus his thoughts. He could feel the flow of energy generating within him. It was euphoric. In the distant part of his mind, he could hear the sound of drums growing louder. It was the sign of his headache returning. Boom, boom, boom. Kry pushed the pain away. He did not want to fail here or show weakness to Zero. He focused and allowed the energy to flow through him, directing it to come from his palms.

  “Wrong!” shouted Zero as Kry once more was unable to produce any element.

  Kry was breathing heavily, sweating as he tried again. There was nothing.

  “Again!” shouted Zero.

  Eclipse was becoming concerned at Zero’s approach. Kry looked to be in severe pain. The other students had all stopped their own practice and began to watch Kry’s attempts.

  “Again!” shouted Zero.

  Kry tried over and over, but each time there was nothing but raw energy. There was no defining element. Why could he not do it? The pain in his head was holding
him back, telling him to rest.

  “You will define yourself before this class is over!” roared Zero. “Failure is unacceptable!”

  Eclipse could not take it anymore. “Professor, I think he should rest. You’re pushing him too far.”

  The look Zero gave her made her feel more afraid than she had ever felt before. An unnatural aura came from him, something unlike she had ever felt. She had fought evil people, powerful people such as Dominus and Geminae, but the darkness that was shown in Zero’s eyes was something different.

  “Failure is unacceptable. He has potential. I see it, and I will drag it out if I must. Again!” Zero bellowed.

  Kry was faint, his blood was rushing to his head, but he tried to keep his balance. The euphoric feeling swelled over his body as he produced the energy. He could feel it—the warmth, the excitement—and then he released.

  “Nothing but raw energy! You must control it! Tell the energy who you are and show us what you are!” said Zero.

  Across the hallway and through the glass window, even other students had stopped and were now watching them. Abel, though, appeared to be more interested in Zero than Kry. Whisper placed his hands on the glass, trying to give encouragement. And for some unknown purpose, Athena frantically wrote notes down as she tried to study them both.

  “Professor, I think he has had enough!” said Eclipse, allowing her impulsiveness to take charge.

  Zero clicked his fingers, and suddenly Eclipse was held motionless in the air, her mouth sealed by an unknown energy.

  Kry lost his concentration as he saw what Zero had done, but Zero twisted his head back to the wall. “Focus there, not on her!” he shouted. “You have potential! I feel it! The opening ceremony for the Cube will be held at the end of this week, and if you are to survive in this place, then you must learn who you are!”


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