Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 36

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Time passed, and Kry still had yet to show. Whisper put it out of his mind and tried to continue his training, but Kry not being here made it difficult to concentrate. Abel and Athena were getting on well as Athena’s movements and positioning were already much better than when she began. Abel was a pretty good teacher it seemed.

  Whisper realized that he was not the only one who seemed to be interested in Abel. Sonus was watching Abel to the degree that he was not even training, just watching. Whisper wondered how much Abel’s interference this morning was going to affect him. Sonus had already lost to Abel in the Cube and was also humiliated in the cafeteria. It was obvious Sonus wanted revenge.

  Suddenly, the doors to the dojo opened, and Whisper turned to see Kry walking toward Seranay.

  “Finally,” said Thrace. “I wonder what he was doing.”

  Whisper was just glad Kry was back. Kry spoke with Seranay in the corner, and it was evident Seranay was angry.

  “Seranay’s upset,” said Whisper.

  “Kry almost missed the entire class, so I guess she has a right,” said Thrace.

  Kry was quiet as Seranay berated him in the corner. Kry just listened, and then after Seranay had finished her rant, he left to place his things to the side and then began his own exercises.

  Kry had not even acknowledged him. Why was he being ignored? Whisper stopped training and went to speak with him. Kry moved into the room with the Speedifier and was already in the chamber dodging the flying bullets.

  Whisper watched him as Kry continued to increase the speed. Kry moved with speed and accuracy such that it was actually terrifying just to watch him. They had all improved so much, and it was crazy to think how weak they all were back in London.

  Whisper continued to watch him for some time and decided not to distract him until he had finished. Kry continued to increase the speed and pushed himself to see how fast he could go, but eventually a bullet knocked him off the circle platform. Whisper heard him curse to himself within the chamber, and Kry switched off the machine and opened the door.

  Whisper was surprised with the scar on Kry’s face. It was the first time he had seen it properly since his battle with Aiyax. He did not realize the scar ran so deep. He stared at Kry as he left the chamber. Whisper felt sorry that Kry had such a scar running down his face; it was as if he were a different person.

  “It doesn’t hurt if that’s what you’re wondering,” said Kry.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was that bad,” said Whisper.

  Kry touched his face and ran his finger over the scar. “A token of the Cube. A memory and a lesson.”

  Whisper detected a change in his tone. “Where have you been? We were all worried.”

  Kry closed the chamber door and came down the steps. “I had to attend to a private matter. Nothing to worry about.”

  Whisper did not think that was true. “What private matter? You’ve never just disappeared like you did this morning.”

  Kry was expressionless. “I said it’s nothing to worry about. Leave it at that.”

  “No.” Whisper blocked Kry’s path as he tried to leave.

  “Whisper, I’ve training to do. Let me pass,” said Kry.

  “Not until you tell me where you went,” said Whisper, defiantly.

  Kry bit his lip and narrowed his eyes. “Whisper, it’s my private matter. Now move.” He pushed Whisper aside.

  Whisper was thrown to the floor. He could not believe the unnatural energy that came from Kry just by a mere touch.

  Kry looked down at him with shock. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”

  Thrace had just entered the chamber room and saw Whisper lying on the ground. “What the hell are you doing?” He came up quickly and helped Whisper up.

  “I’m alright, Thrace. I just fell over,” said Whisper.

  Thrace was fuming. “Like I believe that!” He turned to Kry. “What the hell are you doing? Whisper is supposed to be your friend!”

  Kry stared at them both with confusion. “I...it was an accident.”

  Thrace stepped toward him, his face almost touching his. “Just like in the Cube? When you almost killed me, and hurt Eclipse?”

  Kry looked away, revealing only a portion of his dark scar.

  “Yeah, turn away. Just like you turned away from your friends in the Cube,” said Thrace, angrily.

  Kry turned back to him, his eyes red with rage. “Me, turn away?”

  Thrace stepped back, surprised by Kry’s sudden change.

  “It’s you who have turned from me!” accused Kry. “You all did!”

  Whisper tried to get in between them, but they were too big, and both ignored his protests.

  “We did nothing, Kry! You’re the one who went crazy in the Cube and almost killed us!” said Thrace.

  Whisper continued his protests, but neither of them heard him.

  “Back the hell away, Thrace, or this time, I will hurt you,” threatened Kry.

  Thrace laughed, mocking him. “I can’t believe I considered you a friend. You know we’re all trying to help you, and all you do is push us away.”

  “Help me? How? By having secret meetings about me which I’m not even included?” retorted Kry.

  Thrace was surprised.

  “You know about that?” Whisper could see Kry losing control.

  Kry continued to glare at Thrace.

  “Please, we’re only trying to help you. You’ve changed. Where did you go earlier, Kry?” asked Whisper.

  Kry pushed past Thrace, ignored Whisper and left the chamber room.

  “I’m sorry, Whisper. I couldn’t stop myself when I saw you lying there,” said Thrace.

  “We’re losing him even more,” said Whisper.

  There was a shout from inside the main part of the dojo, and they both dashed after Kry. To their horror, Kry was standing over Sonus with his fists raised. Other New Order students were dazed and scattered across the floor near Sonus.

  “Go on, do it!” Sonus shouted.

  Whisper looked to Seranay hoping she would intervene.

  “She won’t do anything. Only the strongest survive here,” said Thrace.

  Kry looked down at Sonus. “If you keep coming after me, then I will end you.”

  Abel and Athena were nearby as Kry went to pick up his things. Kry glanced briefly at them. Athena tried to talk to him, but Kry walked past her without saying a word. She looked away in disappointment. Abel was angry but remained quiet.

  “Well, I think we’ve had enough drama to last a lifetime,” said Seranay. She asked everyone to stop training and come to the center of the room.

  Kry isolated himself and stood as far away as possible from everyone. Whisper did not know what to do. He always thought he could get through to Kry no matter what. Even at Bellum when Kry was confused about his power and who he was, he had been able to get through to him but now was very different. Maybe Eclipse would be the only person to get through to him now.

  Sonus and the New Order students scowled at Kry as they joined the group in the center. Even Athena continued to look at Kry, but he ignored them all, keeping his eyes in a faraway place.

  “Before I let you off to your next class, I have a quick announcement,” said Seranay. “With the increased tension on campus,” she glanced briefly at Kry, “we know the students are agitated and confused about everything, so we, the professors, have agreed to host a student party for you at the end of the week.”

  Some of the students cheered, but many were in two minds. A party hosted by professors was probably not going to have high expectations.

  “I see some of you are excited and some are not, but I assure you it’ll be a great party which will reduce tensions between factions, strengthen bonds between others, and perhaps something else positive might come from it. We’ll be holding it in the gymnasium. There’ll be fun, games, and yes, there’ll be alcohol,” said Seranay.

  Once the alcohol was revealed, nearly all the students were excited.
It was uncommon to drink in this university as the alcohol would affect your mind making it hard to focus your User energy.

  Even Thrace looked pleasantly surprised at this announcement. “We needed this,” Thrace said to Whisper.

  Whisper did not care much, though, as he was still too young to drink. He was not interested in girls or drink and did not know what all the fuss was about.

  Kry was emotionless regarding the announcement. Seranay ended the class, and students began to leave. Whisper once more tried to speak to Kry, but before he realized, Kry had already gone.

  Athena came up to Whisper. “What’s happening to Kry? That scar on his face looks terrible.”

  Whisper wished he knew. “He said it doesn’t hurt, but I don’t know anymore. Whatever is going through his mind, he won’t let me know anything.”

  Athena was sad. “He’s changed. I hope this party can bring some happiness and fun back into this environment because right now all I see is fight upon fight.”

  “The party won’t do much,” said Abel, joining them.

  Athena gave him a disapproving look. “You’re so negative.”

  “It’s true. Alcohol only weakens your mind. Maybe it makes you feel good for a time, but the next day you’ll just feel bad again. This party is just a temporary solution,” said Abel.

  Thrace stretched his arms. “A party is a great idea. At least we get to unwind and relax. Maybe you and Athena can find some mistletoe?”

  Athena looked at him questioningly. “Thrace, you’re an idiot,” she said and walked off.

  Abel flushed while Thrace laughed.

  “I’m glad you can find some enjoyment out of all this,” said Whisper, his mind still solely on Kry.

  “Well, someone has to,” said Thrace.

  Whisper hoped this party would do as Seranay had said. For he wished for anything to be able to get through to Kry once more. He only hoped there was still time.


  Kry was tired of it all. He wanted to get away from here. He did not mean to push Whisper as he did. It was an accident, and who did Thrace think he was, trying to act like Whisper’s older brother? He was the one who had found Whisper in the tunnel at Baker Street Station, not Thrace. Kry was fuming. And Abel and Athena were training together. He had thought he was getting close to Athena, and not just because of her similarities to Rhea, but he genuinely enjoyed her company. But it seemed they all had given up on him, forgotten him. No one trusted him, and that was fine. He was taking Zero’s private classes now. They were extraordinary, unorthodox, and already he felt stronger after his secret lesson with Zero this morning.

  He heard someone call out to him and recognized Eclipse’s voice. He did not want to have to deal with anyone else today.

  “Kry,” said Eclipse, running up to him from the barrier building.

  He stopped for her and waited.

  “Where did you go?” she asked.

  Again, the same question as Whisper. Did it really matter where he went? “I had something to do,” said Kry.

  “Do what? We need to talk about what happened in the Cube,” she said.

  “Talk about what? You and your friends have already done that,” he replied, angrily.

  “What do you mean?” she said in confusion.

  “You and your private meeting yesterday. When I was suffering from the disgrace of this scar on my face, you invited everyone, even Abel and Athena, to meet in the library to talk about me. Am I right?” accused Kry.

  Eclipse tried to say something, but she was taken aback.

  “I’m right,” said Kry, after Eclipse did not say otherwise. “In the Cube, I did what I did to protect my friends—friends I thought would back me up, but instead you all ignored me, deserted me, and now you have your private meetings without me.”

  “It’s not like that, Kry. You’re not yourself. You almost killed Thrace, and you and I fought, have you forgotten?” said Eclipse just as angry.

  “I remember. I remember beating you,” gloated Kry.

  Eclipse was shocked by his rude attitude. “Kry, this isn’t you. You’re not the same Kry that I met in England. We had that private meeting to find out what was happening with you and we found—”

  Kry cut her off. “The only thing which is going on is that I’m getting stronger and you can’t handle it. The Shadow Government took away from me the things I cared about, and I’ll do everything I must to gain the strength I need to defeat them.”

  “I can’t handle it?” exploded Eclipse. “Get over yourself, Kry. You may have more raw power, but I’m a more skilled fighter. That’s why Aiyax beat you.”

  Kry heard the voice in his mind again, the dark whispers that brought forth the rage. “She was lucky.”

  Eclipse could not believe how much Kry had changed in such a short amount of time.

  “That wasn’t luck. That was skill over power. Maybe if you weren’t acting so arrogantly, you would realize that,” said Eclipse.

  The voices inside his mind spoke to him, wanting him to unleash his power again, but he suppressed the energy that wanted to break free. “You’ll soon see what I can do,” promised Kry.

  Eclipse grabbed him by the shoulder. “Kry, listen to me! Wake up and listen! I know about Jaeger’s book and about the two boys that were killed by the Shadow Government.”

  Kry glanced to her hand which held his shoulder and then looked back at her. “And?” he said, coldly.

  “And? And I want us to get through this together. If you are one of those boys, and everything else that comes from that, then I want you to know I’m by your side,” said Eclipse. “That’s why we had that private meeting without you, to find a way to help you. You’re an Ascended, whatever that means, and it must be hard for you. The confusion and the emotions that you must have had when reading that book might have altered your perception on what’s real and what’s not. Despite what’s happened between us, I’m still your friend, and so are the others.”

  Kry pushed her hand off his shoulder. “I once thought we were the same. We both lost loved ones, but we’re not the same. What was taken from me was far greater, and I’ll do what I must, no matter what.” He walked past her.

  “Kry, please!” pleaded Eclipse. “Listen to me!”

  He ignored her and continued walking away.

  “Where were you this morning, Kry?” asked Eclipse.

  He laughed to himself. Zero was right. He had said they would try to pander to him, pleading their case. He should have taken Zero’s classes sooner. He looked over his shoulder at her. “See you at the party.”

  Chapter 25 – Moonlight Dance

  She straightened her back and took a moment to breathe. The tight fitting around her waist was unexpectedly uncomfortable. To be honest, it was all rather silly, having to dress up to such a standard was not her way.

  “Hold still,” complained Athena. She held Eclipse’s waist and fastened the silk sash strapped to her dress. “It took a while, but it’s done.” Athena looked pleased with herself.

  Eclipse had never been so uncomfortable. She had asked Athena to help dress her, not to suffocate her.

  “Oh, don’t give me that look,” said Athena. “You couldn’t go to the party dressed in your usual black attire. At least now, you look much more presentable.” Athena stepped back to take in her work. “Beautiful,” she said under her breath.

  Eclipse could only feel the tightness of the dress and how her muscles seemed not to fit well with the shape. She moved over to the mirror to see for herself and almost tripped. “Damn these monstrosities!”

  Athena covered her mouth to hide her laughter. The glossy high heels had been her choice, a perfect match to go with the elegant dress she had also chosen for Eclipse.

  Eclipse took a moment to correct her balance. The high heels were so foreign to her, and she could not understand how anyone could wear such things. How she wished she could just wear her simple black boots. She took a deep breath and looked in the mirror.

  “You should close your mouth,” said Athena.

  Eclipse was tall on her feet with the aid of her new friends, and before her stood a woman she had not seen in some time. Rather than black, her dress was made of a fine white silk which reached to her ankles. The tight fitting highlighted her curves, her bosom, and her beauty. The woman she saw now in the mirror was beautiful, and so much like her mother. For the first time, she saw the beauty her mother once had. Eclipse’s eyes were sharp, brown, and shining in the light of the room. The red silk sash wrapped around her waist was indeed a perfect choice; it complemented the white so well.

  She took another deep breath and studied herself once more. It was unbelievable. No longer was the feared and serious Eclipse standing here, but it was the innocent and loving Cecily who she saw in the mirror.

  “I knew you would love it,” said Athena. She came up to her and spun her around. “I’ve overdone myself. You’ll be a star at the party.”

  “I don’t want to be any star,” retorted Eclipse. “I’m a fighter, not a…whatever this is…”

  “A woman,” said Athena. “You’re a woman, and you should show others you’re more than just a fighter. You’re beautiful, Eclipse, believe that.”

  Eclipse glanced once more at the reflection of herself and saw so much of her mother looking back at her. Abigail was as beautiful as she was strong. Her guidance was sorely missed.

  Athena caught the sadness in her eyes. “There’s so much more than fighting; you know that. There’s so much more.”

  Eclipse had grown up fighting—it was her life. All she had ever done since growing up was to train and fight. She never had times for the simple pleasures of life.

  “Maybe at the party, you’ll gain some attention from some interested men,” teased Athena.


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