Wolves At The Door

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Wolves At The Door Page 7

by Girl, Breukelen

  “Give me an hour will you? I got to make my apologies and then we can do the family thing.” Phelan nodded his head in silent understanding, as he smirked looking away from Thane.

  “Shut up.” Thane muttered more annoyed at himself than his brother walking towards the front door. Phelan’s chuckle followed him as he closed the door behind himself, just in time to see a familiar figure at the end of the hall. “Hooper!” He called out causing the afore mentioned male to pause at the top of the stairway landing.

  But what he saw in Hooper’s eyes was not anything that reflected the sensuality and heat of the morning or night before that they’d shared together. Hooper’s hazel eyes widened and his face sharpened before turning away again as he disappeared down the stairs in a fluid motion.

  “What the fuck?” Thane growled under his breath and began striding to the end of the hallway.

  Breaking into a quick jog as urgency caught up with him. By the time he reached the stairwell, Hooper was nowhere to be seen. He frowned at the thought of what the expression on Hooper’s face could possibly mean. It was not happiness to see him.

  Hooper had speed. Thane would give him that. Even the previous night he’d had to run flat out to catch the lycan. And again, by the time Thane hit the end of the four story stairwell, Hooper was still, nowhere to be seen. “You fucking kidding me?” He muttered to himself as he walked over to the front door of the lobby and damn near yanked the door off it’s hinges.

  Walking out into the street he looked around and lifted his nose to the air. Hooper’s scent mixed with cologne, filtered through the smells of the street and evening time in the Bronx to him. Thane turned left and started jogging down the street. Rounding a corner fast, he spotted Hooper further along the street than he was.

  “Hooper!” Thane yelled out to him again. Again, Hooper glanced over his shoulder and spotted him and began to pick up his walking pace until he was running away from Thane.

  Thane growled and started running, towards the lycan male who had at least one hundred yards on him. But just as he thought he was making up ground, Hooper put a burst of speed on and put more distance between them. He grinned evilly to himself, Hooper wanted to play was that it? Hunt and chase again, only this time as themselves.

  Thane kept running, chasing the lycan male through the streets of the Bronx, following him until Hooper rounded a corner and appeared to disappear all together. Thane stopped and panted, looking around himself. Up and down the street, that dusk was settling onto. Hooper could not be seen in either direction.

  He walked a few steps, hands on his hips panting heavily. It was possible Hooper was hiding from him, why he didn’t know, but that would make sense as to why he wasn’t on the street. “Think damn it!” Thane uttered to himself as he paced around in a circle, getting his breath back. Tilting his head up to the sky his nose twitched and the lingering scent of Hooper wafted under his nose as his nostrils flared.

  “Gotchya.” He muttered dropping his hands and looking around his surroundings again. Walking a few feet forward, where the scent was strongest. It looked like a garden bed between shops, it was narrow and had a concrete barrier taking up one part of the entrance.

  But Thane could see a sidewalk beyond it and turned, walking down it hurriedly. Hooper’s scent was all the way along it. He was going in the right direction. Thane looked around him, it was a narrow, small, hidden walkway through a suburban parkland, that ended at a set of steps that went up.

  Thane inhaled the air again and again was greeted with Hooper’s scent on it. “Up we go then.” He said ascending the stairs until he again, found himself on a street and looked around himself. Opposite the stairwell and across the road, he noticed the light of a bar.

  Looking up and down the road, and not seeing Hooper in either direction, he crossed over to the bar.


  Thane opened the door to the bar and walked in. Why would Hooper be going out to a bar, was he that out of control with need on a lunar night, that he needed the extra attention? Why didn’t he think Thane could give it to him? Where they playing a game here, was he supposed to go slumming and pretend to pick Hooper up at the bar?

  Thane looked around the busy bar until his eyes landed on what he wanted. Hooper was at the far end of the bar, a drink in front of him, a male with brown hair, beside him, an arm around Hooper’s shoulders. The guy looked to be older than Hooper, around Thanes age, but Thane didn’t even think beyond the anger inside him at the sight before him.

  Marching over to the two males, he shoved at the unknown one. All thought of role playing completely going out of his head. “Get your hands off him!” He growled watching the other male stagger backwards, landing on the lap of a patron in a nearby seat. He pushed back off the patron and came back at Thane.

  “Bitch, tonight ain’t you’re night.” The brunette said back at him.

  “It’s not yours either. Keep your fucking hands off my man.” Thane growled back at him turning to Hooper. His nostrils flared and he realized, Hooper had showered, he no longer wore Thane’s scent on him. Fair game. Deliberately making himself fair game? His eyes trailed up and down Hooper’s outfit. He was wearing those damn jeans again. He looked sexy as all fuck and he damn well knew it.


  “Fuck you.” Hooper said back at him, clearly angry and upset.

  “We’ll get to that, eventually.” Thane muttered back at him. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  “You don’t fucking own me Thane.” Hooper continued on loudly. Thane’s eyebrow arched up at the full diva tilt Hooper was throwing at him.

  “I never said I did.”

  “Damn straight.” Hooper replied causing Thane’s eyebrow to arch again. “Aint no collar on this wolf.”

  “Seriously?” Thane muttered back at him, surprised by the outburst.

  “You heard him, you’re boy’s free game.” Brunette interjected moving closer to Thane and Hooper again. “Now, piss off.”

  Thane was loathe to turn away from Hooper again, especially when he could see how painfully upset Hooper was. It was written all over his face and Thane had no idea why. But he knew it was somehow, because of him.

  “Bitch, please.” Thane growled turning back on the brunette and giving him his attention. “You do not want to get into this with me.”

  He watched the body language of the brunette male, who was readying himself for a fight. “Look around you werewolf, look closely at what you walked into.” Thane’s eyes diverted around and he focused his ability on scent. The smell of lycan fur was heavy in the air. “Look good and proper, it’s you that doesn’t want to get into this with me over your boy. You’re way out of your territory here. But that’s what you get for slumming it. ”

  Thane’s eyes narrowed as he took in the male audience they had attracted, watching him closely. A few males looked like they were ready to spring up, if called upon. He would easily be out numbered, but he didn’t really see an alpha amongst them. Even the brunette presented as tough but Thane doubted he was an alpha. Rather a lycan with an inflated chest and sense of wounded pride. Thane curled up his fingers, cracking his knuckles as he did so.

  “Thane, don’t. Fine, I’ll come with you.” Hooper sulked walking away from the bar. Thane grabbed his hand tightly and looking around them, walked them out of the bar extra fast. Once outside, Hooper shrugged his hand out of Thane’s grasp. At least, he tried to. But Thane held onto him tight.

  “No fucking way princess.” Thane muttered looking around them. He wanted to talk with Hooper, but a public street wasn’t the place for them to do it. “I’m not letting you take off on me again. You got moves.” Thane said as he pulled Hooper with him across the street again, away from the bar.

  “At first, I thought you were just trying to re-create last night. Hunt and chase. But I gather that’s not what this brat attack is about.” Thane said at him as they headed back down the stairway.

  “If you wanted to go slumming, you co
uld’ve given me a heads up and I’d have played my part in there.”

  “Brat attack?” Hooper snorted back at him. Thane stopped and turning around pressed Hooper to the stairway’s wall with his body. One foot up a step, the other down.

  “What would you call it then? I made a date with you to see you tonight. I walk out of my place and you’re off and running away from me. What’s going on Hooper? You trying to make me jealous, is that it?” Thane said husky and angry as he inched his face closer to Hooper’s. “Playing games? Hot tip, I’m not into games.”

  Hooper’s eyes widened as he tracked Thane’s mouth closing in on him. “A date. Is that what you call sneaking over on the down low to fool around with me, while you’re boyfriend’s sitting pretty next door?”

  “Boyfriend? “Thane repeated frowning.

  “Yeah, boyfriend, don’t even try and play like I didn’t see him. I heard him as well as saw him.” Thane’s mouth tightened and a muscle pulsed in his jaw.

  Hooper pouted back at him and Thane took full advantage of his bratty pout. Slinking forward and sinking his teeth into Hooper’s bottom lip, eliciting a loud moan from the lycan as he remained, pressed back against the wall. Thane pulled back, allowing Hooper to see the heat for him, in his eyes. Hooper’s blood raced and his chest heaved, as he found himself breathing hard. He liked Thane biting him. That was a major turn on and Thane had already figured that out about him. Damn.

  “That is…is….cheating and besides, I never said we couldn’t…”

  “So what’s the problem Hooper?” Thane asked him softly.

  “You should have told me you were with someone. Just been honest you know. I get it, it’s lunar week and we’re just fucking around. I’m used to it okay, just…” Hooper sighed heavily. He wasn’t saying what he really wanted to say to Thane who looked incredibly sexy in all black before him and he was annoyed and couldn’t think straight with that much sex appeal in is line of sight.

  “That would be Phelan you saw.” Thane said softly interjecting. “He’s my brother.” The relief that filtered across Hooper’s face was instant. Thane felt the tension leave Hooper’s body instantly as he softened back further..

  “Brother.” Hooper repeated. Thane nodded his head. “Younger or older?” He asked curiously.


  “Well that explains why he looks so,” Thane grabbed him by the shirt collar and pushed him back against the wall hard, without much effort on his behalf.

  “Okay, okay.” Hooper muttered back at him. “Now who’s having a diva moment, huh?” Hooper smirked cheekily back at him. Hooper’s hands slipped under the end of Thane’s shirt and his fingers hooked in under his jeans waist, tickling the beginning trail of hair he found. “Can we still go slumming? Can I do you here?”


  Thane moaned deep in his throat, thoroughly enjoying the light feel of Hooper’s fingers under his waist band. Glad that the lycan was touching him again. He’d found the afternoon difficult to get through without walking over to Hooper’s apartment and fondling him.

  The sound of voices approaching filtered through his lust addled brain and Thane straightened up and pulled back. Hooper dropped his hands away but remained against the wall. A male and female couple started up the stairs, deep in conversation with one another. Barely aware of the two wolves before them.

  Thane peeled himself off Hooper and turned, starting off down the stairs.

  I can’t hardly wait for you to suck my cock. He said telepathically, automatically thinking of Hooper as he glanced back over his shoulder to see if he was following. He found Hooper grinning widely back at him and hot footing it down the stairs fast behind him.

  Hooper reached for Thane’s hand as they re-entered the lower level street and started off home again. Thane’s hand closed in around his tightly.

  “Why are you grinning like a manic?” Thane asked suspiciously.

  Hooper tilted his head to the side. “Seriously, you want me to say it out loud?” He said indicating the people on the street around them. It was night time in the Bronx, and there was business to be done as people made their way around the streets to corners, and stoops and cars.

  Thane’s eyes widened. “You heard that little uh, message for you?”

  Hooper nodded his head quickly. “Yep.”

  “Well isn’t that interesting.” Thane muttered as they picked up their pace as they strode back along the street. Hooper chuckled back at him and Thane burst into laughter too. It had been a long time since he’d laughed so freely and felt so damn good.

  The sound of a cell phone ringing, broke through their laughter and Thane groaned with annoyance and pulled out his cell. Swiping the screen, he put it up to his ear.

  “Hey,” He looked away from Hooper, who took the lead in walking them home as Thane talked on the phone. “Um yeah, something unexpected happened and I’m kind of further out than I thought I was. No still in the Bronx, somewhere. Might be a fair bit late getting back.”

  “Who’s that? Is it Phelan?” Hooper asked happily, overly loud at him as they kept walking steadily. “Tell him you’re going to be very late, I plan I breaking your curfew tonight.” Hooper yelled across at the phone.

  Thane looked back over at Hooper and rolled his eyes as he listened to the phone. “And by break his curfew I mean suck his brains out through his balls!” Hooper yelled loudly laughing leaning into Thane’s ear. Ignoring the people on the street. Thane shook his head, back at Hooper.

  “Thanks for understanding Bg, I’ll see you tomorrow though okay? Okay. Thanks again.” Thane commented softly before disconnecting the call and glaring back at Hooper with a false threat of trouble.


  “So, you just screamed down the phone to my baby sister that you were going to suck me off till my brains came out through my balls.” Thane replied casually, watching Hooper’s face fill with panic.

  “Oh shit. Really? How old is she? Will she know what I meant?”

  Thane grinned and laughed back at him. “She’s old enough to know better.”

  “Oh, phew.” Hooper said breathing out heavily.

  “But I can expect to not live that down the next time I see her, which is tomorrow. So thanks brat.” Thane said smirking. “Being double teamed by the twins, turns out to be like being ambushed by you.” Thane said laughing lightly and shaking his head. “Relentless.”

  “You’re welcome.” Hooper said back at him, pulling himself in closer to Thane as they walked together. “Twins?” He asked.

  “My sister and Pehlan, are twins.” Thane offered up.

  “Any other siblings?” Hooper asked curiously.

  “No.” Thane replied back at him as they fell into stride together. “My turn on the personal front.” Thane said looking over at Hooper. “Ready?”

  “Okay, go for it.” Hooper said bracing himself mentally for what Thane might ask of him. He wanted to be able to talk to Thane, to answer his questions. It just depended on what he was going to ask. Hooper’s heart raced.

  “What’s you’re real name, it can’t be Hooper, right?”

  Hooper smiled back at him broadly and dropped his shoulders visibly. “Can’t it? What, you don’t like it?”

  “I like it fine, I just figured it wasn’t you’re actual name. And it might be nice to know you’re real name so I know what to call out when I fill your brat mouth with my come.” He watched the excitement of what he was stating fill Hooper’s eyes.

  “Hooper’s a nickname. I used to play basketball a lot back home.”

  Thane nodded his head. “I figured you were a baller, given the Knicks top.

  Thane glanced across at him. “So you’re real name,”

  “My real name is Elisandro Parish.” Hooper said accenting his first name with a tilt.

  Thane jerked on Hooper’s hand and pulled him to a stop. Looking directly at him as they stood in the street. “Elisandro, really?”

  “Yes. My mother’s half, Puerto
Rican.” Hooper looked over at Thane somewhat shyly. “I know, don’t look Puerto Rican do I? Well she named me.”

  “Elisandro, that’s hot.” Thane smiled back at him, putting a hand to the side of Hooper’s face and holding his gaze. Hooper smiled back at him and then away as a woman walked past them, looking at them disgustedly.

  “And you’re father?”

  “Not Puerto Rican and didn’t want to know me once I came out. He couldn’t deal with it. Especially since I look more like him, than her.”

  “Oh.” Thane dropped his hand.

  “Yeah it got so, that in the end mom had to choose her husband or her kids, she choose us, her boys.” Hooper replied softly with a sad smile that never reached his eyes. “And then I went and got myself damn bit and here I am now.”

  “So you don’t see your mom at all?” Thane asked shocked by what he was hearing.

  “No. How can I?”

  “What I wouldn’t give to be able to see my mom again.” Thane muttered softly in response. Hooper looked over at him.


  “Yeah, Phelan and I grew up like some sort of single parent with child family. Only I was the parent. Come on, let’s get somewhere more private so you can come good on your taunting.” Thane said, as they began walking back to the apartment with purpose, happy to drop the conversation before it became too deeply personal.


  Their mouths clashed, eager and hungry to devour one another as Hooper pushed Thane back. Hooper’s hands worked fast at unbuttoning Thane’s shirt as Thane’s hands ran through the lycan’s hair repeatedly.

  “So it’s not dinner and a date then?” Thane muttered as Hooper’s tongue licked the soft underside of Thane’s jaw. Causing Thane to groan in appreciation.

  “You hungry?” Hooper muttered nipping Thane’s throat, as he pushed the shirt off the older male’s shoulders.


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