Spin the Bottle

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by T L Osborn

  Spin the Bottle

  T.L. Osborn




  1. Sasha

  2. Sasha

  3. Toby

  4. Sasha

  5. Sasha

  6. Sasha

  7. Sasha

  8. Toby

  9. Sasha

  10. Sasha

  11. Sasha

  12. Sasha

  13. Sasha

  14. Sasha

  15. Sasha

  16. Toby

  17. Sasha

  18. Sasha

  19. Toby

  20. Sasha

  21. Sasha

  22. Toby

  23. Sasha

  24. Toby

  25. Sasha

  26. Toby

  27. Sasha

  28. Sasha

  29. Toby

  30. Sasha

  31. Sasha

  32. Sasha

  33. Toby



  About the Author

  Other Titles by T.L. Osborn

  Spin the Bottle

  T. L. Osborn

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to characters, places, events are used fictitiously. Any other names, places, events are of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to living people is purely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the express permission from the author. All songs, song lyrics and titles are the property of the respective song writers and copyright holders.

  Cover Design: Gray Creations

  Cover Model & Photographer: Jennings Brower, David Wills

  Editing: TLO Editing Services

  Formatting: Carey Decevito

  ISBN 13 - 978-0-473-47617-5

  Copyright © 2019 T.L. Osborn.

  All rights reserved.

  Created with Vellum

  To Mary,

  For Believing in Toby’s story from the start where I hadn’t decided upon writing one for him.


  Language Meanings

  Disclaimer: This book is written in New Zealand with New Zealand spellings and language. I have used some Te Reo Maori within this book. Below is the English translation.

  Haere Mai: Come here

  Tamariki: Children



  15 years ago

  Toby and I are sitting outside on the deck of my dad’s home. We’re drinking some wine and beer while we sit on the outdoor furniture, watching the fire burning bright within a brazier. All of my friends left my birthday party an hour ago but since Toby and I only live next door to each other, my dad doesn’t mind if he stays a little longer. Though he doesn’t approve of my friendship with Toby, because of our age difference, he just requests that we stay where he can see us.

  “Did you have a fun tonight?” Toby asks, lifting his beer to his lips and taking a sip.

  “I did, thank you for organising it.”

  He shrugs. “I didn’t do much. I just wanted you to have a great birthday.”

  “It was perfect. That game of spin the bottle came as a surprise though.”

  “Did it? I would’ve thought you’d have remembered how we met originally?”

  “I haven’t forgotten.”

  “Were you hoping to kiss anyone in particular tonight?” he teases, nudging me with his elbow.

  “No,” I say, really hoping he can’t see my blush. He’s my best friend, knows me inside and out. There are no secrets between us; there never have been. Well there’s one but I don’t know what he’ll say if I tell him. I don’t want to ruin our friendship by revealing I have feelings for him.

  “Were you?” I ask, throwing him a sly look.

  “There was one girl yeah, but the bottle didn’t land on her.”

  “Who was it? Do I know her?” I ask, realising there’s a hint of jealousy in my voice. He doesn’t answer, just casts his eyes away from me as if afraid to tell me who she is. I hope I like her if I do know her because I’m not giving up my friendship with Toby.

  “I have a gift for you,” Toby says, changing the subject.

  “Toby,” I whine though secretly happy he bought me a gift.

  He pulls a gift-wrapped box from his pocket and holds it out to me. I unwrap the paper and open the box, revealing to me a charm bracelet with three charms upon it. A royal blue one with crystals; my favourite colour, an Eiffel Tower one; as visiting Paris is on my bucket list, and a heart shaped one.

  “This is beautiful.”

  “I wanted to get you something special for your birthday.” Without a second thought I lean forward to kiss his cheek. Only, he moves and our heads collide.

  “Ouch!” I groan, rubbing my head.

  “Sorry. Are you okay?” he asks.

  “I think so. You have one hard head.”

  He chuckles. “Sorry. Shall we try this again?” He slides a hand around my neck and pulls me forwards. Our lips meet softly at first but then a little rougher as Toby deepens the kiss. I’m not expecting the sudden force of electricity that runs through my body as he glides his tongue onto my lips, gently parting them to slide it into my mouth. Running my hands up his arms and around his neck, our bodies move together in need to get closer to each other. I should stop this. I really should, but I don’t want to. This feels too right and good. He certainly knows what he’s doing.

  When we finally break apart, both of us are breathing heavily and I bite my lips tempted to ask for more.

  I got my birthday wish, and had my first proper kiss with Toby.

  I lean against him as he wraps his arms around me.

  “I’m sorry I shouldn’t hav–”

  “I’ve waited so long for that to happen.”

  He what? Looking at him, I’m confused. Did he want to kiss me as much as I wanted to kiss him?

  “You have?”

  “Yeah. I like you Sash and have wanted to take our friendship further for a while. I spoke to your dad and he told me to wait. He said you’re too young for a serious relationship and he wants you to live your life but I can’t wait anymore, Sash. Be my girl?”

  Damn my dad telling me how to live my life, or when I’m going to date or even who. Moving my body so I’m straddling him, I lean my head against his shoulder inhaling his scent. His body wash is so manly and strong, mixing with that of his laundry detergent. He smells amazing.

  “Yes,” I say without hesitation. I don’t care if I’m too young, he’s the guy I want to be with. I look up into his eyes and they’re smiling brightly down at me.

  “You mean it?”

  “Yeah, I want to be your girl.”

  He presses his lips to mine in a hot and heavy kiss. His arms pull me tighter again him. Suddenly, we’re interrupted by a knocking on the window and as I turn to look, I find my dad in the window frowning at us and shaking his head.

  “Whoops.” I giggle, climbing off Toby and settling back onto the seat beside him. He slides his hand into mine between us and squeezes lightly as we finish our drinks.

  “Happy Birthday, baby,” he whispers, raising his drink to me.

  Happy birthday indeed; this day couldn’t get any better. Little did I know what the future would hold.

  Chapter One


  Present Day

  Drumming my fingertips upon the steering wheel, in time to the music playing through my stereo as I pass the sign that reads ‘Welcome to Upper Hutt’, it feels strange; to be moving back here to my childhood home town after fourteen years that is. I wonder how many of my friends from all those years ago still live here. Knowing my luck, not many.

  I’m moving back
here to be with my fiancé Kyle. He got offered a fantastic job up here and I told him I’d follow him once I’d found myself a job. It only took three months for me to find one.

  Excitement wells within me. I can’t wait to see him. It feels like we’ve been apart forever and now we’re going to be moving in together. We’ve only been together a short time and all my friends say they think we’re moving too fast, but I don’t care.

  In the distance, I see a sign that directs me towards Totara Park or into the centre of town. I instantly decide to find a supermarket and pick up a bottle of wine for us to celebrate our first night together. Indicating right, I pull my car around the corner, head through the lights and continue until I find the store. It doesn’t take long. I pop inside, grab a bottle of red wine and continue on my journey. Except, after driving around for a bit, I seem to find myself a little lost. Pulling over, I pull out my phone, turn on Google Maps and type in my destination. Once back on the road and following the directions, I hear the sudden sound of sirens behind me. Glancing into my rear view mirror, I see why. Red and blue flashing lights of a police car are following me. Casting my gaze down to my speedometer I curse. Damn it. Not the best way to make a start in a new city.

  Pulling my car over to the curb, I put the gear into park and wind down the window, then wait patiently for the officer to get out of his car and make his way over. He gets out and I stare. I can’t help myself—a man in uniform is simply irresistible. Though, I don’t get a very good look since his uniform covers most of his body. A shame really.

  He approaches the car and I catch a whiff of his cologne. Strong, masculine and familiar. Toby? My Toby? It can’t be him. Turning my gaze, I meet his eyes. Hazel-coloured, bright and instead of their usual softness, there is a hint of recognition mixed with anger. I don’t blame him though, I did shatter his heart when I moved away. We’d made plans for our future and I left him broken and alone all because I didn’t have a choice in the matter.

  Gone is the boy I once knew and before me stands a man. All man. Sexy as sin. Messy-just-rolled-out-of-bed hair, beard, muscles that look like they’re all over his body. My heart hammers inside my chest, ears pounding, and nipples hardening, as my blood pressure skyrockets while my vagina just beats to its own drum. Jesus, if this is how I react just looking at him after all these years, what’s am I going to be like when he speaks?

  Of all the cops to pull me over it had to be him.

  My first love.

  “Hello Toby,” I say, my voice almost a whisper.

  “Can I see your license please?” he asks, his tone gruff though his eyes don’t reflect it. He’s trying hard to remain professional and I know he really wants answers to questions he has after what I did to him.

  Digging through my bag I locate my purse and hand over my license. Hopefully he won’t give me a ticket. He reads my license number into the intercom and waits for a response. After listening for a moment, he returns to my window.

  “I’m giving you a ticket today; give me a moment to go back to my car and write up the paperwork.” He walks away.

  “Damn it.” I curse aloud.

  How the hell am I supposed to explain this to Kyle?

  I sit waiting for what feels like forever before he returns handing me a piece of paper.

  “You’re seriously giving me a ticket?” I balk, tossing the piece of paper to the side.

  “You did break the rules and it’s my job to enforce them.”

  “Well in the future, Officer, I’ll be sure to stick to the speed limit.”

  He smirks. “Good girl.” A shiver runs down my spine making me wonder what he’d do to me if I were a naughty girl with him.

  Would he handcuff me and spank me over his knee?

  Would he do all sorts of dirty and delicious things to me?

  Would it be a pleasure punishment?

  I should stop all these thoughts. Biting my lip and turning to look at him, I hope he doesn’t see the look of lust that I’m sure is in my eyes.

  “Enjoy your day, Sasha,” he says. My name came out as a whisper upon his lips, making my entire body shake. My heart pounds so hard I can hear it in my ears, and my palms sweat, all the while as my mouth dries and body starts to tingle with desire. Even after all this time, my body still responds to him as it has no other man. He walks away and I sit in the car trying to calm myself down. I need to for turning up to see Kyle like this would be bad. Very bad.

  I sigh. Best I see how bad this ticket is.


  I’m letting you off with a warning. This time.

  Do not let me catch you speeding again.


  Tobias? Since when does he ever use that name?

  He insisted on being called Toby and cursed his parents for giving him such a silly name; or so he said. I can’t believe he let me off with a warning. I was damn sure it would’ve been a high ticket and I’m secretly grateful there is no fine and no reason to tell Kyle I bumped into my ex-boyfriend. Time to see Kyle, the man I’m in love with, and start our lives together in our cute little home.


  Thank fuck today is my last day of working day shifts and as of Sunday, I return to my regular hours of 2 pm until 2 am. I’ve been covering Matt who normally works day shift since his wife just had their first child and he returns to work on Monday. Today wasn’t great but I’m sure glad it’s over.

  I was called to the Totara Park Four square where a young girl had been sexually assaulted on her way to the shop to buy a few items for her family. She was badly beaten and has already been taken to the hospital in serious condition by the time I arrived at the scene. It breaks my heart to see crap like that happen to people and it’s my job to catch the guys behind it. It’s why I started on the force. I wanted to do some good.

  Heading home for the day, I wanted something to eat so I decided to take a detour through Upper Hutt when I spotted someone speeding. As any decent officer of the law, I pulled them over. I wasn’t expecting to see who was behind the wheel however. Her face, I know well and haven’t seen it in fourteen years. Not since the night she shattered my hopes and dreams when she told me her and her dad were moving away to Christchurch.

  Sasha Reeves.

  What is she doing back here?

  As she dug around in her purse for her license and handed it to me, I caught a glimpse of a giant diamond ring on the ring finger of her left hand.

  She’s engaged.

  My breathing was snatched out of my lungs as if my younger brother Jacob had just punched me in the stomach. My heart shattered all over again as I stared at the piece of jewellery upon her finger.

  It should be my ring there, not some other man’s. Jeez what am I thinking? I should hate her for breaking my heart the way she did.

  I’d dreamt of happily ever after with her—the dream house, travelling, a whole bunch of kids; the girls as pretty as her and the boys as boisterous as me. She made promises to me. I’d believed if we stayed in touch we still could have that life. A few months later, with no contact from her whatsoever I received a parcel and inside was the promise ring I gave her, a symbol of how much I loved her. There was no explanation inside, just the ring. In that moment I knew it was over.

  She’s still as breath-taking today as she was back then. Her long golden hair pulled into a ponytail, the curls dangling down the back of her neck, those clear crystal blue eyes looking at me full of excitement, a dimple appearing inside her cheek when she smiled, and if that wasn’t enough, getting a whiff of her perfume had me struggling: sweet and soft. Like her.

  Words failed me at first and obviously she sensed this since she spoke. I was mesmerised by those luscious red lips and when she whispered my name, I was taken back to all those long, late nights in my bed, making love with her. She’d whisper my name over and over before crying out in pure pleasure as I made her come. She hadn’t been my first lover but I wanted to be her one and only. My stomach twists into knots over these thoughts.
I wanted to demand she tell me why my ring was sent back but today was not the time nor the place.

  Upon entering the house, when I finally made it home, I find Jacob, my younger brother, sitting on the couch with his feet resting on the coffee table, remote in one hand and a beer in the other.

  “Hey,” I say, closing the door behind me.

  He turns, swallowing his mouthful. “Hey.”

  Looking around the house I find a pile of laundry sitting on the couch beneath the window.

  Great, he couldn’t even do the one job I’d asked before I left this morning.

  “I see you had a productive day. Thanks for not cleaning the house.”

  “Actually, I did clean the house—the pile of laundry is yours to fold. Geez and you call yourself a detective.” He chuckles. Looking around properly, I find he’s right. The house is indeed clean. Too clean.

  “Looks more like Aria has been here again,” I comment.

  “Damn it. How’d you figure it out?” he chuckles.

  “Like you said, I’m a detective. I’m trained to observe.” I walk away tapping my temple as I head to my room and close the door. Removing my uniform, I toss it into the corner of the room. I’ll wash it tomorrow since it’s my only day off. Unlike Jake, I don’t rely on Aria to clean up after me. Though, I think that’s the years of having to grow-up fast once our parents died and I had to look after my siblings. Aria took over a lot of the cooking and cleaning for us and for that I will forever be grateful. Perhaps I’ll get her a gift to say thank you for cleaning the house. Some wine, chocolate and books.


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