Spin the Bottle

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Spin the Bottle Page 16

by T L Osborn

  Fuck! I’m never going to get this right.

  Raking my hand through my hair, I make the decision to turn the jug on and make her a cup of tea as a peace offering. Once done, I carry it into the room. Opening the door, I find her sitting on my bed, Henry curled in her lap, enjoying all the attention she’s giving him.

  Placing the drink down on the bedside cabinet, I join her at the end of the bed. I half expect her to move away from me like she used to, but she doesn’t.

  “I’m sorry. I was a jerk and I shouldn’t order you around but damn it, I’m trying to get you to see how serious this might be. I just want you to be safe. Sasha, I lost you once and I’m not about to let it happen again.”

  She turns and looks at me. Her cheeks are tear-stained and my heart rips in two.

  “I know you just want me safe, but you didn’t have to speak to me like that. When you ended it with ‘that’s final’, it was like being back with Kyle. That’s how he used to speak to me.”

  “I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t mean it. Honestly, this relationship thing is new to me. You’ve obviously been in a few, but I’ve had nothing that’s lasted longer than maybe two months since you. Please say you can forgive me.” I wrap an arm around her and pull her down to my shoulder. “I made you a cup of tea as a peace offering.”

  She looks at me, a small smile crossing her face. “White with no sugar?” I nod. “I can’t believe you remembered that.”

  “You’d be surprised.” I kneel on the floor in front of her. “I promise you here and now I’ll never ever speak to you the way I just did again. We’ll definitely have arguments and disagreements, but I’ll always try to listen. If you really don’t want to get a restraining order, then we won’t pursue it, but will you at least let me ring a colleague of mine and at least report that this has happened?”

  She nods at me slowly at first, then leans down to me. I press my lips to hers and she kisses me back.

  “Okay. You drink your cup of tea and I’ll go ring my mate,” I say, standing up and leaving her alone.

  As I exit the room, I decide to ring not just Matt, but also one of the other guys in my team to come take the statement. I can’t do it since I’m her boyfriend and I need to be supportive of her.

  The first chance I get to see Kyle, I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.


  A few hours later, the police have taken my statement and photographed the car. It’s been suggested that if I do suspect my ex, then I’m best not to drive the car and have a mechanic look at it as soon as possible just in case he’s tampered with the brakes to which Toby glowered at me.

  Now, we’re heading over to Simon’s and Aria’s place for the afternoon, and so James and Riley will pick me up from there as no one knows where I’m staying aside from those who need to know.

  As we make our way over to their home, Toby has a firm grip on my hand.

  “You okay?” he asks.

  “Yeah. I think I will be once all this is over but I think there’s a long way to go yet.”

  We pull up Simon’s driveway and park outside. I see another couple of cars parked outside, neither of which I recognise.

  “I think Simon has bought himself a new car. It’s nice,” Toby says, admiring the red Mercedes Benz parked in the drive.

  “Are you jealous, babe?”

  “Me? Nah. I love my Ute, but maybe someday I could own a car like that.” He chuckles as he opens the door for us.

  We walk into the lounge and everyone is sitting there. Aria and Riley get out of their seats and come over to me, both hugging me tightly as if scared they’d never see me again.

  “Are you okay? Toby rung and told us what happened; we couldn’t believe it,” Aria says. “Well, if Kyle is as despicable as you say then I do believe he’d be behind something like this, and be doing something to get him permanently out of my life.”

  “And you didn’t do that with Lance because,” Toby asks, placing his hand on the small of my back and waving a wine glass in front of me.

  “You know damn well why I didn’t and it’s probably the same reason she won’t. She’s scared you’re going to do harm to him and lose your job,” Aria scolds him.

  “Believe me little sister, I want to do damage to them both,” Toby growls.

  I lean up and kiss him on the cheek. “Down boy.”

  He nuzzles into me.

  We follow everyone else and take seats. Toby sits next to Jake and he looks at him.

  “How did you get here?” Toby asks him.

  “Drove,” Jake says.

  “In what? Your invisible car?” Toby chuckles.

  “No, douchebag. Actually, that’s what I was doing today—buying a car.”

  “Really? What did you get?” Toby asks.

  “See the red Merc in the drive? That’s my new set of wheels,” Jake says triumphantly, holding up the car keys.

  “Oh, I thought that was Mel’s new car,” Toby says, pointing across the room. “Mel, I don’t believe you’ve met Sasha. Sasha this is Mel, Simon’s and James’ sister and her partner Lara.”

  “Actually, we have a few months ago when I met Aria for a coffee not long after I moved up here, but it’s lovely to see you again and nice to meet you, Lara.”

  “Likewise,” they both say.

  “Lara is also my personal assistant at Billington Industries,” James pipes up.

  “As Aria is mine,” Simon says.

  “So is that how you two met?” I ask Aria.

  She glances at Simon and they share a mutual romantic smile between them as if remembering their past.

  “Well actually, we have differing opinions, but I like to tell everyone he attacked me in the lift with the best kiss of my life while I was on my way to the interview to be his PA,” Aria replies. “He of course, likes to say he had to have me then and there and didn’t care who knew.”

  “That’s romantic,” I gush.

  “And how we met wasn’t?” Toby chuckles, turning towards me.

  “Of course it was; I had my first kiss that night.”

  “I was your first kiss?” Toby asks, wrapping an arm around me, pulling me close. “What else was I the first of?” he whispers in my ear.

  “Daddy!” is hollered from down the hall, interrupting all the talk.

  Toby and I break apart.

  “I’ll give you the answer to your question later,” I reply, taking a sip of my wine.

  “So Sasha what happened? Did you file a police report about the incident?” Riley asks.

  “I sure did.”

  “Well, I hope you’re also going to get a restraining order brought against him too,” Aria says.

  “She won’t despite me telling her she should,” Toby grumbles.

  “I told you, Tobias, that I can’t be sure who did it or even if it was Kyle, so without the proof, I can’t file one,” I say, getting yet another growl from Toby as his response.

  “Actually Toby, she’s right. Without the proof, one can’t be filed,” Mel informs him.

  “What about the constant text stalking? He even got her new cell phone number and nobody is sure how,” Toby tells her.

  “Well, the best you can do is get the number blocked over and over,” Mel says.

  Toby grumbles again and gets off his seat, heading towards the ranch slider. He’s pissed off and upset that there’s nothing that can be done. I watch him head outside not knowing whether or not to follow him or let him cool off for a bit. The guys all follow him.

  “We’ll talk to him,” James tells me. “We’ve got women we need to keep safe, so we know what he’s going through. You girls just stay here. Oh, also, Riley and I have a car you can borrow while you decide what to do about yours and Toby is welcome to stay at our home tonight too.”

  He heads outside and I watch as Toby’s face contorts with anger as he talks to the guys, telling them everything. Turning my head back to Aria and Riley, I’m grateful for their friendship right now. And Toby i
s right, I need to get some sort of protection from Kyle’s constant texting. I can’t keep living like this, looking over my shoulder every minute of every hour of every day.

  I want to be free of this anxiety and fear.

  I’ll damn well make sure it happens.

  Kyle can’t get to me anymore.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I arrive home, well at James’ and Riley’s, but it certainly feels like home. My week has been long, full of teaching, meetings and parent-teacher conferences. I’m hoping I can just spend this weekend relaxing.

  Upon opening the front door, two over-excited dogs come barrelling towards me, barking their little heads off.

  “Rocket. Posy. Knock it off,” Riley calls from the lounge.

  They sit, panting at my feet as I remove my coat and hang it on the hook by the front door. Stepping down into the lounge, my two shadows follow me before Posy decides she’s tired so races over to her bed which is on the other side of the wall where I hung my coat. “How was your day?” Riley asks as she closes down her laptop.

  “I’m glad it’s Friday. That was a long week. Only a few weeks to go and its school holidays.”

  “Do you want a glass of wine?”

  “I’d love one but I’ll go jump in a shower and change first.”

  She shrugs. “Sure, I’ll wait until you come back. Also, Aria, Steph, Mel and Lara are on their way over to have wine with us tonight.”

  “Do you have book news?” I laugh.

  “Maybe, but I’ll tell you once everyone is here. Now scoot into the shower will you.”

  She doesn’t need to tell me twice.

  I make my way down the hall to my room. Dumping my bag onto my bed, I’m tempted to flop down beside it and nap just for five minutes—or maybe an hour.

  I search for my phone in my handbag, hoping to find a text message from Toby. Instead there’s yet another from an unknown number.

  Unknown Number: Nice car. How’d you afford that?

  I roll my eyes at my phone, gather my clothes and head for the shower. As I turn the shower on and wait for it to heat up, it dawns on me what Kyle has said.

  How the hell does he know I have a new car? Is he following me or having me followed? What is his fucking obsession with me and what I’m doing?

  I check over my shoulder before climbing into the shower. My heart is hammering inside my chest and I feel my body shaking. Leaning again the tiles on the shower wall, allowing the scalding water to flow over my skin, I then grab my loofa, squirt some body wash onto it and wash myself down. After rinsing off, I get out, dry off and dress in a t-shirt and jeans.

  As I’m hanging my towel up, I hear a noise coming from my room. With my heart thumping, I peer around the door only to find Rocket has made his way into my room and has jumped onto the bed. My lamp has been knocked off my bedside cabinet and he’s resting on that side of the bed, staring at me.

  I must have not shut my door properly if he got in so easily.

  Picking up the lamp and putting it back where it belongs, I turn to Rocket. “Come on boy, let’s go out to the lounge.”

  Rocket barks but obeys me and I close my door, making sure to click it closed this time, then make my way out to the lounge.

  When I enter the room I see everyone has arrived while I was in the shower.

  “Where was Rocket?” Riley asks as he jumps onto the couch beside her.

  “In my room. I don’t think I shut the door properly.”

  “Come sit, there’s a glass already poured for you,” Riley says.

  I move over to sit next to Aria and curl up on the couch with my glass of wine.

  “How are you doing?” Aria asks.

  I arch an eyebrow at her. “You only saw me like three hours ago.”

  “I know that, but I didn’t get the chance to have a girl chat with you.”

  “True. Well, to answer your question, I’m glad it’s Friday,” I say, taking a sip of wine.

  “Aren’t we all?” Melissa laughs. “I’m sure glad Lara and I are off to Sydney for the week on Sunday. We need a break away.”

  “How come you’re at home tonight? Aren’t you spending some time with Toby?” Riley asks.

  “Yes, why are you here?” Aria questions.

  “You all sound like you want me to leave.” I laugh. I take a sip of my wine. “If you all must know, Toby is working this weekend. It’s his rostered time on nights, so he’s working 6 pm until 6 am.”

  “I’m still surprised you’re not there to greet him when he comes home. You’ve been there for the last three weeks. If it were me, I’d be waiting for my man to get home and root his brains out, sending him into a deep sleep after a hard night at work.” Riley takes a sip of her wine as do I, hoping no one in the room picks up on my silence. I’m wrong.

  “Wait, there’s something you’re not telling us,” Mel says, eyeing me over her glass. “Spill it.”

  “Believe it or not, Toby and I haven’t actually…well, you know–”

  All eyes look at me wide with shock, or horror as if I’ve just said something bad.

  “Are you telling us that you and Toby haven’t had sex?” Riley gasps.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying. Other stuff has happened, just not sex. It’s not that I don’t want to do it with him but it’s just I want to be sure. I don’t want him to be a rebound.”

  “Honey, a rebound would be banging him straight after you broke up with Kyle, maybe being with him a few weeks then telling him you don’t want to be in a relationship with him,” Aria says. “I sure as hell wouldn’t have let you near my brother again if I thought for one moment he’d be a rebound with you. You two are meant to be together.”

  “Sasha, I would be going over there tomorrow and telling him exactly what you want or rather showing him,” Lara says.

  I take a deep breath. “Wow, you lot really know how to put on the pressure. All right, I’ll go, but first I need to go lingerie shopping because ladies, I have nothing sexy to wear, or at least nothing I feel sexy in.

  Riley grins wickedly as she places her glass down on the coffee table. “I can help you there without the need to go shopping. You’re a 12D right?”

  “How did you know that?” I ask.

  “Sweetie, I do your washing, remember? I was curious,” she says. “Come with me, I have a few lingerie sets that I’ve bought but never worn and one might just appeal to you.”

  She disappears, almost dancing away from us, towards the stairs.

  What the hell have I gotten myself into?

  Riley returns about ten minutes later with several items hanging from her hands. She places them down in front of me.

  “Here you go.”

  They’re gorgeous. Lacy, sexy, sets; bra and panties too.

  “Oh, I love the red,” Aria comments, picking it up to look at it. Underneath it, I see a royal blue silky padded bra with lacy edges and a matching pair of lacy panties.

  “I thought you might like that one.”

  “How come it still has the tag on?” I ask Riley.

  She shrugs. “I thought it was purple when I bought it. So I never wore it. I did, however, find the set in purple and James has ended up buying me another set so, if it fits you and you like it, keep it.”

  “How much?” I ask.

  “You don’t have to give me anything for it. Just go get your man.”

  Looking down at the garments again. I decide I’ll try them on later tonight when I’m alone. I’m pretty sure that when Toby gets a look at this piece of lingerie, I don’t think he’s going to say no to what I’ll be proposing.


  I’m woken by a soft meowing right by my ear before a paw starts batting my head and a claw breaks through the skin.

  Opening an eye, I’m peering into the blue eyes of Henry.

  “Hungry mate?” I ask. I’m answered by a soft purring and a nudge to the head. “All right, I’m getting up.”

  I remove
the blankets from myself and get out of bed. Henry, like the King he seems to think he is, strolls out of the room before me. I’m only wearing boxers and it’s a good thing the curtains are closed because the only person I want seeing me almost naked isn’t here to enjoy it.

  I open the fridge and grab the tin of food from it. After I feed him, I return the tin to the fridge and flick on the jug to make myself a coffee.

  Might as well make one then head back to bed for a bit.

  As I’m grabbing a mug down from the cupboard, the front door is knocked on.

  Probably Jacob and he’s left his keys behind—as usual.

  Opening the door, I’m surprised to find it’s not Jake standing there but Sasha.

  “Hey you, this is a surprise. What are you doing here?” I ask her as she leans up and presses her lips to mine.

  “Please tell me you’re alone,” she whispers as she slides herself against me.

  Her hand softly glides over my chest and stomach, all the way down over my cock. I shut my eyes as I close the door and inhale a deep breath as she begins to gently palm my semi-hard cock through the fabric of my boxers.

  “Just Henry and I here, I think. Why?” I gulp back the pool of saliva forming in my mouth.

  She slides her hand into mine. “Lock the door,” she whispers.

  I turn to do just that and when I turn around, Sasha practically jumps at me, our lips meeting in a heated frenzy. I bend down to lift her into my arms and sit her on the couch. My cock is growing harder with every kiss, every stroke and little noise she makes deep in her throat. I remove her sweatshirt and toss it over the couch, returning my hands to her perfect body, holding her tight against me.

  Ripping my mouth away from hers, I ask, “You sure you want this?”

  She nods. “Please.” It’s a whimper, almost a plea, and one hell of a fucking turn on. She doesn’t know it yet, but at some stage, I’d love to handcuff her to my bed and have my way with her, but we’ll get to that.

  She drags my mouth back to hers and I lift her up, carrying her to my room. We get there and I kick the door closed. I press her against the wall, her hips grinding against mine. I lower her to the floor and she pushes me backwards until my knees hit the bed and I drop onto it. She climbs onto my lap and pushes me down onto the bed. I reach up, brushing the hair away from her face and mash our mouths together.


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