Spin the Bottle

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Spin the Bottle Page 18

by T L Osborn

  Moments later, the sound of glass smashing and something solid hitting the floor of Toby’s room has us scrambling.

  “What the fuck?” he roars, sitting upright. “Are you okay?” he asks as he flicks the lamp on.

  “Yeah. I thought I heard something on the porch and thought it may have been Henry,” I reply, my heart still hammering within my chest. He tosses the blankets off and gets out of bed to turn on the overhead light. We spot a brick on the floor, a note attached to it—it’s what broke the window. Grabbing the paper and tearing it from the stone, we read the big bold letters.

  Slut. Whore. Bitch.

  Looking at the writing, it’s very similar to Kyle’s and I realise Toby has been right all along.

  Toby stares at me. “Will you get a fucking restraining order now?” he says through gritted teeth.


  He exhales. “Thank fuck. Now I have to ring the station and call this in so when you file we have evidence. Things are escalating and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Jake comes into the room moments later.

  “Are you two okay?” he asks, looking at the brick.

  “Shaken, but okay. Neither of us was hurt but there’s a shit load of glass. Do you think you could call Simon and ask him if we can stay at one of his hotels for the night?” Toby asks his brother.

  “Sure can.”

  He leaves the room and Toby wraps his arms around me as I snuggle into him.

  “I’m scared.”

  “I know, honey.” I lean against him as he dials a number.

  I don’t listen to what he says, but it doesn’t take long for the police to arrive along with an ambulance just to make sure we are okay.

  I’m being checked over and Toby is beside me when Jake enters the vehicle.

  “James is on his way to get you guys. He says you’re to stay at their place tonight and for as long as you need to. I’m going to Simon’s and Aria’s,” he says.

  “No. We can’t stay there, Toby. I’ve already put them in enough danger by staying there already. They’re not safe.”

  Jake chuckles. “James said you’d argue. He said to remind you that they have a security system, two dogs that think they’re bigger than they are, and video cameras.”

  “Not to mention, your boyfriend is a cop, Angel. I don’t think Kyle will try anything like that where he knows that the footage can be used in court.”

  “Okay,” I finally agree, but guilt at putting James and Riley in danger washes through me. The next few hours are a blur of police, making statements, and by the time we finally get to James’ and Riley’s house, I’m exhausted.

  “Thanks James for this,” Toby says as Riley hugs me tightly.

  “You’re welcome, mate. You’d have done the same for me and Riley.”

  I show Toby to our room for the night and we climb into bed. I finally allow my emotions to take control and the tears spring free.

  Toby holds me tight. “It’s okay, baby. Everything will be okay.”

  I hope he’s right.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Hey babe, you mentioned the other night that you have something to tell me. What was it?” I ask Toby as I slip a pair of earrings into my ears to complete my outfit for today.

  He comes and leans on the bathroom doorframe, eyeing me up with a hungry look in his eyes.

  “My cock is rock hard seeing you wear that. Come back to bed, I’ll make being late to work worth your while,” he croons, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me hard against him so I can feel his cock.

  He rains kisses down my neck and I giggle, turning around to face him and slide my hands around his neck.

  “Well, you’re just going to have to wait mister but if you’re a good boy, when you get home tonight, you might get something special,” I say, raising up on my tiptoes to kiss him.

  “So the news from the other day was that I’ve been offered a promotion through work and have decided to apply for it. It means day shifts, so working from 6 am until 6 pm with one weekend shift a month.”

  My brows furrow. “You didn’t take it because of this stuff happening with Kyle did you?”

  He looks at me sheepishly. “Well, sort of yes, but I was asked if I wanted the promotion before all this happened and before you and I got together.”

  I push out of his arms.

  I can’t fucking believe this.

  “Did you do this to keep trying to protect me? Toby, you can’t stay with me every minute of the day.”

  “I honestly didn’t take the job because of everything happening with Kyle. It’s a team leader role, so I won’t just be a detective. I’ll have a team of officers beneath me. It’s a good career move.”

  “Toby, in all the time I’ve known you, you never wanted to be a team leader. You always wanted to be a detective. You wanted to solve the crime and catch the bad guy.”

  “Maybe I’ve changed. You’ve been gone a long time.” I sigh. He’s right we’ve both changed maybe our goals have too. “Sasha I’m doing this for myself as much as for us. I’ve been getting a little tired lately of working night shift, so it’s a nice change to be asked to do days. When I’ve thought about our future together and kids, I don’t want to work nights. How fair is that to you? I’d be leaving everything up to you while I spend the day sleeping because I have to work nights.” He steps forwards, his eyes pleading with me to believe him.

  “You’ve thought about us having kids?”

  “Of that entire word vomit, that’s what you took from it?” he asks, a smile crossing his face.

  “Well, I’m just wondering how many kids you want.”

  “As many as you want to produce.”

  “So a football team?”

  “Yeah, the boys as handsome as me and the girls as pretty as you.”

  I laugh. “You’ll need a gun to fend the boys off.”

  He playfully raises his brows as he grins. “Lucky I’m a cop; that’ll scare most of the boys away.”

  I shake my head at him and step into his arms. “If you want to take the position, I’ll support you. I’m sorry that I jumped to conclusions.”

  “It’s okay. Seems we’ve got a lot to learn about each other still. I think we should spend some time this weekend, talking and getting to know each other again,” he says.

  “Now, come on. You’ve got to have breakfast and a coffee before work.”

  He takes my hand and leads me out to the kitchen where we find James and Riley sitting in the lounge. I don’t usually see Riley in the mornings unless she’s up with an idea for her book or has an early morning photoshoot.

  “Hey, is everything okay?” I ask.

  Riley looks up. “Yes…well…no. We’re not really sure. Posy hasn’t been herself, so we’re going to take her to the vet this morning.”

  “Let me know how you get on. I’ll cook tonight if you guys like to take some of the pressure off.”

  “Thanks Sasha, that’s really sweet,” Riley says.

  “Anytime. I can tell you’re really worried. Do you guys want something to drink?” I ask them.

  “I’ll grab something in a minute for us. Thanks Sash,” James says.

  So I make something for myself and Toby, then we go and join them in the lounge.

  Posy is whimpering on the floor. She looks up at me, her eyes peering into mine.

  “We think there’s something wrong with her tummy,” Riley says.

  All eyes look at Posy’s protruding belly which moves and wriggles.

  “Uh…Riley, did that move?” I ask.

  “Are you sure she’s not having puppies?” Toby blurts.

  Both James and Riley’s eyes widen in horror as they realise that’s a very real possibility.

  “I wish I could stay and help but I need to head to work. I’ll see you all later.” I gulp my drink, finishing it in three mouthfuls. Toby walks me out to my car.

  “I’ll see you once you’re finished
work. I’ll miss you.” He brushes his lips over mine until I pull him in for a deep kiss.

  “Only one week left of school and then I have two weeks holiday leave.” He smiles at me as if suddenly struck by an idea. “I know that look.”

  “What look?”

  “The ‘I’m up to something and it’ll be a surprise look.’”

  He chuckles. “Maybe. Now go to work. I have a surprise to plan.”

  I climb into my car, shaking my head as I head to work for my last week of teaching before my two-week break.


  I’ve spent much of the last week making plans for Sasha’s and I’s surprise getaway. She knows I’m taking her out of the country over the school holidays but the destination remains a secret.

  All week she’s been on edge and I know she needs a break. Kyle was served the restraining order but it sure as fuck hasn’t stopped him from contacting her and abusing her on the phone. Apparently, he has no idea who threw a brick through my window but he’s adamant it wasn’t him as he was at work at the time.

  Yeah right!

  I’m sipping a whiskey with James in his poker room, waiting for Sasha to arrive home from work.

  It’s Friday and since I don’t work tonight, I thought James and I could have a quiet one in.

  “How are you two holding up? That phone call the other night sounded rather heated,” James remarks, taking a sip of his drink.

  “I just wish he’d fuck off and leave her alone. It’s over. He stuffed it up and she left,” I say.

  “Mate, if it were me I’d be going over there to kick his ass but I get you can’t do that because of your job. Fuck, the first and only time I met Riley’s ex, I wanted to punch his fucking lights out.” I laugh and take a sip of my drink. “So does she know where you’re taking her yet?”

  “Nope, though she keeps trying to guess. How is Posy bonding with the puppies?” I ask.

  James’ and Riley’s dog delivered a litter of five puppies at the vet in the afternoon the same day Riley took her in to be checked out.

  “Yeah, good. We have to keep Rocket away from them for a bit but he’ll come around. Any chance you and Jake want a puppy?” James asks.

  “Actually, yeah maybe. Henry could do with a friend.”

  “You mean a subject to boss around.” James smiles.

  “Nah, that’s what he has me for.” James bursts into laughter. “But yeah, when the puppies are ready to be adopted, I’d love to have one. I’m going to be working day shifts, so I can take on a dog now.”

  “Cool, that’s one less I have to worry about finding a home for. I think Simon and Aria are going to adopt one too.”

  “How exactly did Posy get pregnant in the first place? I mean, didn’t you get Rocket fixed?”

  “Yup. He knocked her up literally the night before he went to the vet. Like a final fuck you for stealing his balls.”

  James and I stand, making our way out into the dining room. Riley is pulling something that smells delicious out of the oven just as the front door opens. Turning, I find a weary looking Sasha entering the house and my heart leaps.

  “Hey you,” she says as she crosses the room and walks over to me.”

  “Hey yourself. How was your day?” I ask.

  She shakes her head. “Rough. I don’t really want to discuss it. I want to go shower and change.”

  “Dinner is ready,” Riley says.

  “Okay. I’ll be quick.”

  I follow her to our room.

  “You okay?” I ask, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close.

  “Not really. I had a shitty day.”

  “What happened? Oh, did one of the kids pee on you?” I chuckle.

  “Not funny, and no, it was Kyle.”

  What’s that prick done now?

  “He kept texting and then sent flowers to me. Everyone at work was like ‘aw, that’s so sweet, he must really want you back’. I just felt dirty, as if I was cheating on you.”

  “You weren’t, Angel. Out of curiosity, do you not like getting flowers or just from him?” I ask.

  “Just from him. I’m so glad you’re not working tonight and that we’re going away next week to be together.” She presses her body further into mine and I hold her close.

  “Let’s go get some dinner before James eats it all, how does that sound? Oh, and I volunteered us to get a puppy once they’re ready to be adopted.”

  She looks at me. “What! Toby we aren’t even living together.”

  “We will be,” I assure her.

  Taking her hand in mine, we stroll through the house and grab some dinner.

  We spend the evening with James and Riley, playing a few card games and relaxing. Tomorrow, Sasha and I will return to my place to stay and help with the clean-up. I’ve been back to my house during the week to sort a few things out, made plans to renovate, and decided that since I was replacing a few things in my bedroom, mainly replacing the bed. I don’t want to make love to Sasha any longer in a bed where I’ve had other women. I want the new bed to be ours and ours alone. I don’t want her feeling awkward even though she’s not told me she feels that way. While we’re away, I’m going to ask her opinion on what colour I should paint my room, but before I do anything else, I need to pay Kyle a visit—to tell him, once and for all, to fuck off.


  “So he still won’t tell you where he’s taking you?” Stephanie, Aria’s best friend asks.

  I shake my head. “No. It’s frustrating.”

  “And romantic. Gosh, I’m a little jealous,” Aria says as Riley tops up my drink.

  I take a sip. “I’m thinking since we’re going away that I might do something special for him. We’re going to be alone at night.”

  “Oh, do tell,” Riley says.

  “No. You’ll use it in a book.”

  She laughs. “Damn it. You caught me.”

  “Anyway, if I’m going to…um…shall we say put on a show for my man, I need to go shopping and I was hoping some of you might like to join me on a road trip tomorrow up to Otaki. We can take Charlotte to the park in Levin. If not, I’ll go by myself.”

  “Shopping, outlet stores, girls day out which includes Charlotte? What’s not to love? I’m in,” Aria says.

  “I’d come but I have a client meeting tomorrow, but Ari can you grab me some panties please?” Steph says.

  “Sure, hon. Just put the money in my account.”

  “Then it’s settled, we’re all going shopping.”

  We’re interrupted during our discussion by the guys coming back out.

  “What are you ladies talking about?” Simon asks, coming to sit next to Aria.

  “We’re going shopping tomorrow in Otaki at the outlet stores. It’ll be fun. I might get something sexy to wear,” Aria tells him.

  Simon chuckles. “You never wear it for long.”

  “Yes, because you keep ripping it to shreds. I need more,” Aria says, curling into her man’s arms.

  “Come on, wife, let’s go home so I can tear more lingerie off you, giving you a reason to shop in Otaki.”

  “Are you going to be buying something?” Toby asks as he comes to sit next to me while Riley and James say goodbye to Simon and Aria.

  “I’m not sure. If I knew where we are going I could pack appropriately.”

  He chuckles. “Nice try, darling, but I’m not giving anything away. Besides, anything you buy won’t be on you for long.”

  “You’re not the only one who can plan a surprise,” I say, standing up and walking into the kitchen to put my wine glass down. “I have a surprise of my own.”

  He arches a brow. “I bet you can’t keep it to yourself.”

  “Is that a challenge?”

  “No, an observation.”

  “Try me.”

  “Oh, I’m going to enjoy trying you all right.” He bends down and flips me over his shoulder. “Night guys, see you both in the morning.”

  “Don’t get her pregnant, we al
ready have enough babies in this house,” James calls back, laughing his head off.

  I bet he’d love to get Riley pregnant right now.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I’m startled awake by Sasha thrashing around beside me.

  “No. Stop. Let me go,” she cries out in her sleep. Reaching over to touch her, I find her clammy, sweat-soaked and shaking. She jerks out of my hand. “I said stop.”

  “Angel, it’s me,” I whisper, gathering her into my arms and pulling her close.

  Please wake up baby, I don’t want to fight you.

  She thrashes against me, kicking out and almost kneeing me in the balls.

  Damn, my girl has strength.

  Suddenly, she jerks awake, her eyes fluttering open as she lets out a gasp. “Oh, thank fuck.”

  “What’s wrong?” I ask as she snuggles against me, her fists balled on my chest as I feel her begin to shake and sob against me.

  “I had a d-dream. Kyle was t-t-trying to take me away from you.”

  “Shh, Angel; it’s just a dream. It’s not real. There’s no way in hell he’s taking me away from you.” I lay rubbing her back as she continues to sob, soaking my shirt, not that I mind.

  Hearing her this distraught over everything breaks my heart and makes me want to hit Kyle even more. I know she’s been having more trouble with him over the last few weeks since she filed the restraining order and petition to get the funds back that she put into the deposit for the house. He seems to think he doesn’t need to pay her back since they were in a relationship but her lawyer thinks otherwise. I think in some way he’s hoping if he holds onto the funds, that she’ll go crawling back once she sees she’s made a mistake by moving on with her life and with me. But there’s one thing he hasn’t banked on: Sasha’s fierce determination to succeed. It’s one of the many things I love about her. Someone tells her she can’t do something, she’ll do it to prove them wrong.

  I’m determined to show her this week in Sydney that she’s not made a mistake in getting together with me, but made the best decision of her life. She stole my heart as a thirteen-year-old girl, and to this day, still owns it.


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