Spin the Bottle

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Spin the Bottle Page 24

by T L Osborn

  “I had no idea. Whenever we were together, it was always at my place. She’d never let me near hers.” I watch Sasha wrinkle her nose.

  “You mean we shared the same bed? Ugh, I think I’m going to be sick.”

  “Baby, I promise you here and now we are going to get a new bed and everything.”

  She smiles. “We will.”

  “Actually, I’ve already ordered a new one. I just haven’t had the chance to put it in my room yet. I ordered it before we went to Australia but had to wait for it to be delivered. Don’t look at me like that. I wanted to surprise you with making love in a bed that’s ours.”

  She smiles. “That’s really sweet, babe, but how about we fix you up first before we fix up the house?”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  A nurse comes in then.

  “Mister Thompson, it’s time for your rehab session. With any luck, you can go home in a few days if this session goes as well as the others.”

  He pulls the blankets off and stands. I rise with him and step into his arms.

  “I love you,” he whispers. “Go home and get some rest, my love. Go and see our puppy. She’s missed you. I know that because she cuddled me when you were missing.”

  “Come on, I think Riley is looking forward to a movie afternoon,” James says.

  I lean up and press my lips to Toby’s.

  “I’ll come back tomorrow. I love you.”

  “Love you, beautiful.”

  As James and I exit, Toby makes his way down the hall with the nurse towards the rehab clinic. I already miss him but I know he’s in the best place to heal up. It’s going to be hard to sleep tonight because I’ve been keeping a close eye on him over the last few days.

  “He’ll be home causing trouble before you know it,” James says.

  “You can count on that,” I reply, throwing him a grin.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Today’s the day Toby is allowed to come home. He’s been in hospital for almost a week and bitching about it every day.

  I’ve spent the day making his room comfortable for him, baking lemon meringue pie and I have just been informed by Riley and Aria that the family is coming over for dinner.

  I’m just putting the pie in the fridge as I hear a car pull up.

  He’s home.

  Footsteps on the front stairs and the door opens.

  Toby walks through the door with Jake following behind with his bag. I rush towards him and wrap myself around him.

  “Easy, baby, I’m still a little sore.”

  “Whoops, sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” He looks around. “The house is clean. Don’t tell me you did any of this?” he asks, looking back at me.

  I shake my head. “No, I was a good girl and only baked your favourite dessert. Oh, and I might’ve set up our room a little differently.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, I wanted the room to be clean and tidy for when you got home, so I dusted, vacuumed and changed the sheets and duvet on your bed. I don’t think Henry likes it too much but it’s done now, so he can just deal with it.”

  As I say that, a meow is heard from the doorway and he comes running out with his tail held high and straight for Toby.

  Jake bends down to pick him up and hands him to Toby.

  “Hey, mate. Did you miss me?” Toby asks as Henry snuggles into his chest. Toby rubs him in his favourite spot just below his chin. He purrs against him as Toby moves to take a seat on the couch and I follow where Henry decides to spread himself out across both of us.

  “He did miss you. Maybe now the little toad can stop clawing at my legs,” Jake chuckles. “Do you guys want a drink? Coffee, tea or something?”

  “Can I have a whiskey or beer?” Toby asks.

  “No, you cannot,” Jake says.

  “Aw, come on, bro. Just one.”

  “What about me, can I have a wine?” I ask, throwing him a cheeky grin from my seat next to Toby.

  He shakes his head. “You two really are perfect for each other, but no. Your meds say no alcohol, so which is it?”

  “I’ll have a coffee,” Toby grumbles.

  “And a cup of tea for me,” I say.

  Jake makes us both our drinks and brings them over. Just then, a knock sounds at the door and Jake peeks out the window.

  “It’s Matt and some other police officers,” he says and opens the door.

  “Hey, mate, what’s all this?” Toby asks as Matt and a couple of other guys enter the house with containers full of food, drinks and gifts.

  “Some food for you to survive on, and some for Sasha too because she should be resting and not cooking for you. Also, the boss wants a word which is why he came with me.” The guy named Matt turns around. “You’re Sasha and I know that because I’ve kept an eye on you from the moment you were found. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m good thank you. Do you guys want me to leave so you can talk?” I ask.

  Toby leans his hand on my thigh and grips it tightly. “No, you can stay. Sasha, this is my boss, Donald Proper. He’s the best boss in the world.”

  “He’s lucky he’s a charmer or else he might not have a job anymore.” Donald chuckles as he leans forward to shake my hand. “You disobeyed a direct order, Detective; not something I take lightly. However, I’ll let it go this time because if you hadn’t, we’d probably have a double homicide to investigate. I’m also here to tell you that you’re to have the next eight weeks off work and you should apply for ACC Accident Compensation in that time. This time, I expect you to obey.”

  “I will, boss. I promise, besides, I don’t think my girl will let me go anywhere,” Toby chuckles.

  He’s dead right about that one.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear. I’ll let Matt take over now. I’ve got some other things to take care of. Keep me updated on your recovery.”

  He stands and exits the house.

  “Want a coffee Matt?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “No can do. I’m just here to give you guys an update on the case and let you know what we need from you two in the future. As of this morning, Felicity was charged with one count of murder in the first degree, kidnapping, assault with a weapon, assault of a police officer and possession of drugs. The list is endless really, but they’re the ones I can tell you about. It will mean that you guys might have to testify in court.”

  I inhale a little as Toby squeezes my hand, telling me silently he’s here to support me no matter what.

  “Your statements have been put into evidence, but we may have some more questions. For now, I’m going to leave and let you both rest and relax because mate, you look beat. I’ll text you later.”

  Toby stands up. “Thanks for the food. We appreciate it.”

  “No worries. When the wife learned it was you and your girl involved, she started cooking. I have to say man, it’s all good food.” He takes his leave and Jake closes the door.

  I stand up and slip my hand back into Toby’s hand. “Come on, mister. I could do with going to bed and I’m taking you with me.” He grins. “No, not like that.”

  “Damn it. All right, lead the way.” He pulls himself along behind me and I know he’s grinning wickedly at Jake from over his shoulder. I had done the same before pulling him along with me.

  “Have you heard from your dad at all?” Toby asks as we snuggle beneath the blankets together and I rest against his chest.

  “No. He still won’t accept that you and I are together again and has made his mind up that I’m just like my mother. I know it’s not him speaking but this new girlfriend of his,”

  “He’ll get used to it. You and I are together forever baby.”

  I lean up on my elbow to look at him. “Are you sure? I’ve never not had my dad in my life, but he’s so determined that you and I shouldn’t be together.”

  “Give him time to get used to us. I’m sure he’ll think differently of me once he learns I came to your r
escue and that Kyle is no longer alive.”

  I sigh. “I hope your right.”

  “Give it time, my love. Now, let’s go to sleep. I’m exhausted and that hospital bed was awful to sleep on.” He rubs my back with the arm that isn’t injured until I’m drifting into restful slumber.


  I lay in bed with Sasha curled in my arms, watching her sleep, wondering how the fuck I got so lucky to not love her once but twice in a lifetime. She snores and squeaks lightly and I smile as I watch her rest. I can’t sleep, but I know she needs to. So I lay here, thinking about my plans for the spare room at the end of the hall.

  It’s a room we hardly ever use, so it’s the perfect one to turn into another master bedroom. I’ll organise a team to come in and push that entire end of the house, putting it towards the backyard so we can extend the house and still have some yard for our kids and pets to run around in.

  Kids. Where did that thought come from?

  It’s not an alarming thought but a great one. I want kids with her; so many kids. We already have the house. We’ll travel some more too, and the kids will be coming. I’ll knock her up every chance I get.

  She snorts and moves beside me as if even in her dreams she can hear my thoughts. I smile as I look down at her and wipe a stray hair away from her face. I’m interrupted by a knock on the door and Jake pops his head around it.

  “You okay?” he asks.

  “Yeah, Sash is asleep and I’m just lying here. Why?”

  “Just checking on you both.”

  “Thanks, bro, and thank you for being so awesome about this.”

  “You’re definitely going to ask her to move in, right?” he chuckles.

  “Yup, I sure am and that means no more walking around the house naked.”

  “Hey, I’m not the one who did that. You were. There’s some sports on if you want to come and watch them with me.”

  “Yeah, I might do that. I just wanted to make sure she’s asleep.”

  “See you shortly.”

  Glancing back to Sasha, I slide her off of my arm and scoot myself across the bed.

  “Love you,” she whispers in her sleep.

  Yes, I’m one very fucking lucky man.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Tonight is Riley’s and James’ engagement party. It was meant to be three weeks ago but they postponed it given what had happened to Toby and I although we told them not to.

  I stifle a yawn as I try to steady my hand on the blow torch so as not to burn anything. I’m putting the final touches on the mini lemon meringue pies that James and Riley asked me to make for today. I’ve made well over two hundred and today is just putting a little flame on them so as to add some flavour to the meringue.

  Toby comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Angel, you need to go and get changed soon; the guests will be arriving.”

  “I know, this is the last lot to do,” I reply.

  “Just how many of these have you made?” he asks.

  “Um, I lost count after the first ten.”

  “Then you won’t notice if one is missing?”

  Spinning around, I jab my index finger in his chest. “You so much as touch these, Tobias, I swear you won’t be getting any action from me for at least another month.”

  He groans. “Fine. I won’t touch one, but I can’t guarantee that no one else will.”

  I turn off the blowtorch, pick up the tray and make my way over to the fridge only to have Toby grab it.

  “Go change, woman. I can put these away.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Angel, you can trust me. I promise not to eat any of these delicious treats, but I’m making no such promise about you.” I feel my face flush at his words and I know he’s looking for trouble. “Now, go get ready.”

  “I’m going, Bossy Britches.”

  “That’s Detective Bossy Britches to you.” He chuckles as I walk away from him.

  I give a little shake of my ass before walking away and I swear I hear him growl. We’ve not had sex since the incident, but Toby came home very proudly from the doctor yesterday and informed me that he had been cleared to have sex again—a fact he wasn’t afraid to share with the entire room.

  As I enter our room and close the door, I spot a single blue rose on the bed. Smiling, I pick it up and see the note underneath it:

  I love you. XX.

  Smiling, I lift the rose to my nose, revelling in its sweet scent. He always knows how to make me feel loved and special.

  Making my way into the bathroom, I turn on the shower and undo my hair, letting it flow down my back. Getting into the shower, I wash myself down quickly and get out. Wrapping my hair in a towel, I head into my room where I select my dress for tonight. I find it, the one I wore in Sydney, and I know Toby will flip when he sees what I’m wearing beneath it.

  Toby walks into the room as I’m putting the finishing touches on my makeup.

  “Wow.” I turn to see him leaning against the doorframe.


  “You. You’re gorgeous. That dress is incredible. I love it on you, but it looks so much better on the floor.”

  He walks towards me, slides hid hands around my waist and pulls me close.

  “Please tell me we are going to have some romantic fun tonight?”

  “After the party, yes, but I’ll be honest, I’m a little nervous. What if I hurt you? What if we–” I whisper until he presses his lips to mine.

  His hands slide down my back, over my ass where he squeezes lightly.

  “We’ll take it slow and how about if I’m on top. That way, I can be in control of the pain.”

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  He smiles. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  He steps back and holds out an elbow to me. “Shall we go and join the party, my angel?” Sliding my arm in his, we walk out of the room, closing the door behind us. As we enter the gazebo that James and Riley have erected in their yard, it’s decorated with white and purple lights, and candles light the tables along with vases of flowers. It’s absolutely stunning.

  “Wow. I didn’t get to see any of this. I was too busy baking.”

  Toby chuckles as we see James walk over with two glasses of whiskey. “Here, mate.” He hands one to Toby.

  “Thanks. This looks awesome.”

  “Yeah, we did a great job, right?”

  “Where’s Riley?” I ask.

  I realise I haven’t seen her all day.

  “She’ll be here shortly. On that note, I have a small announcement to make. Excuse me.” He walks away and heads over to the DJ, leaving us wondering what his announcement could be.

  I grip Toby’s arm as we make our way through the room and find Steph and Jake standing in the corner having what seems to be an argument of some kind. Before I can ask what it’s about, James stands in front of the room and we turn towards him.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our home. Riley and I are delighted to share this special event with you all and I know by now, most of you are wondering where my lovely fiancée is. Finally, I can let you in on our little secret. A few weeks ago, some friends of ours were kidnapped and taken hostage by a crazy woman and it made us realise that life is far too short to waste. So what was supposed to be an engagement party is actually our wedding. Tonight, I make Riley, Mrs Riley Billington.”

  Say what? How did I not know about this? I live with them.


  James hands the microphone back to the DJ and comes over to us.

  “Sasha, Riley has asked me to ask if you would do us the honour of signing our marriage certificate.”

  “Me? You want me? Of course, I’d love to do it.”

  He grins. “Excellent. Toby, would you and Jake join Simon and I at the bar for a drink or two?”

  “Let’s not get too wasted. We can’t have the groom drunk before the big event.” I slap James on the back, surprised by his
outburst. I turn to Sasha. “Can I?”

  “Don’t ask me. Just go and enjoy the drink. I’m going to find a waiter with some food and some more wine. Steph want to join me?” That’s my girl, always thinking with her stomach.

  I lean in and tilt her head to mine. “Don’t drink too much, baby, I want to have sex tonight.”

  “You too Detective Bossy.” I burst into laughter as she and Steph walk away.

  Jake is already standing by Simon as James and I approach, where we toast to James and Riley. Casting my eyes around the room, I find Sasha charming her way around the space, searching every platter she can.

  I’m one lucky guy.

  “Did she not eat today?” James asks.

  I shake my head and swallow my drink of whiskey. “Nah. Too busy baking.”

  “She’s done an awesome job; those pies look fabulous,” James says.

  “I tried to sample one, you know; to make sure they taste great, but she wouldn’t let me.”

  “Denied.” Jake chuckles.

  “I’m sure when she moves in that we’ll eat like kings. Honestly, the woman can cook up a storm when she wants.”

  “So you’re asking her to move in then?” Jake asks, taking a sip of his drink.

  “Yup, and I’m marrying her,” I boast.

  “Well then cheers to us all having a happily ever after. Oh, and Jake, who’s still living the single life.” James chuckles.

  “All you suckers are tied down and me, I’m wild and free.” He laughs as we raise our glasses.

  I watch Jake carefully as his face highlights his sadness. I know he’s lying when he says he wants to be single and free. What he wants, he can’t have because she’s dating someone else. He hasn’t taken his eyes off of Steph all night.


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