Mate of the Vampire

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Mate of the Vampire Page 28

by Guida, ML

  But she couldn’t block out his screams when the demon had cast a spell on him, twirling him in the air like a renegade tornado. He’d turned red and orange colors, then collapsed onto the hard sand, unconscious. A fire-breathing green dragon had seized him, whisking him away from the infuriated demon. At least the man wasn’t here, tempting her. She needed to remember Mother’s pitiful screams and Father’s scorn. It was her fault Mother had died. Something Father had never let her forget.

  The ship rocked and swayed. Rusted chains banged and slid against the blood splattered walls. The air grew heavy in the cell, and she had a hard time breathing. Despite being cold, hungry, and frightened, unbearable weariness overcame her. She fought to keep her eyelids open, but she kept closing them, each time longer and longer. Tingles swept over her, making her body heavy. She tried to move her arm, but it remained lifeless, too heavy for her to lift. Giving into the desire, she leaned her head back, allowing sleep to rescue her from this nightmare...

  * * *

  Isabella woke to the sun shining on the side of her face. Joy leaped into her heart. She lifted her head to find sand stuck to her cheek. She rolled in the sand, laughing easily. Giddiness swept over her. She wasn’t a prisoner on board the Fiery Damsel. “I’m free!”

  Heavy footsteps crunched on the sand and pebbles. A blanket of uneasiness swept over her. The tallest man she’d ever seen blocked out her beloved sun. Her heartbeat stopped. She stared into glowing red eyes.

  “Hello, Isabella, so we meet again.”

  She scooted out of his freezing shadow, scrambling to her feet. He followed her with a curious gaze and a lazy smile.

  She was a foot shorter than him. Long black hair flared over his broad shoulders. He had sculpted muscles and wore a white leather loin cloth that hid his manhood.

  He stretched out his hand. “I’m Zuto.”

  Her mouth ran dry, and she swallowed twice before she could speak. “Oh, Poseidon, you’re the demon.”

  “Yes, I am. I’d like to apologize for your treatment on board the Fiery Damsel. I did order Palmer to feed you.”

  “If you can call what he served me food.”

  His eyes darkened. “I’ll talk to him about that. I don’t like my orders dismissed. But at the same time, I can’t afford to have you singing your song, bringing my susceptible men under your sweet spell.”

  The rolling waves beckoned her to dive into the blue green ocean and return home. She looked down at the sand and pebbles covering her unblemished skin. Her hand shaking, she touched her perfect lips. She dropped her arm. “This is a dream, isn’t it?”

  “’Tis the only way I can leave this cursed island, and I needed to talk to you.”

  “What is it you want?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? I want to finish what I started.”

  “Finish what?” Suspicion edged into her low voice, and dread tightened around her gut.

  “Your sister didn’t tell you? It must have slipped her foolish mind. I need the blood of a mated mermaid to work a spell, which your sister denied me.”

  The monster. She wouldn’t submit to his cruelty. “What kind of spell?”

  “’Tis not your concern.”

  She tilted her chin like a queen looking down at a mere peasant. “I’m a mermaid, daughter of Eldric. I do not mate with filthy humans.”

  “Too bad your father blames you for your mother’s death,” he said.

  Her breath caught in her throat, and Isabella glared. “He doesn’t hate me.”

  Zuto walked around her. “I have it on good authority he does.”

  Isabella pressed her fingers against her temples, trying to wake up from this horrible nightmare. “You don’t know anything.”

  “Ah, there you are wrong. I know much about your family. Things you’d want no one to know.”

  “Father will curse you.”

  He laughed. “Your father does not have the power to kill me. He’s a mere mermaid. I’m a demon from Coaybay.”

  “Your overconfidence will be your undoing.”

  “We will see. I will soon confront your father, and we will see who is the better matched.”

  * * *

  Did you like Mate of the Vampire? Want to read more about the Blood Brotherhood? Check out Claim of the Vampire! This is the second mermaid story!

  Excerpt for Claim of the Vampire

  The terror was like tangling seaweed, strangling her. After witnessing the shocking horror on Zuto’s land, Isabella thought she could never be truly frightened again, yet there were times her beating heart thundered so violently, she worried it would burst. The slimy, wooden walls of her damp cell shrunk around her, closing in on her, cutting off the thin and sour air. She panted to ease the pressure squeezing her lungs.

  And there were smells...

  She wrinkled her nose at the stench of human excrement, wondering what the fate had been for those poor souls. Would hers fare any better? Not even the tiniest breeze eased the reek of rotting and dried gore that permeated the chamber, leaving a thin film on her split lips. She rubbed her mouth on her arm and winced, tears of frustration welling in her eyes.

  Heavy footsteps creaked down the stairs. Isabella’s stomach tightened.

  Quinton Palmer, Captain of the Fiery Damsel, walked into the brig, having to duck under the doorway. He was a brute of a man, but it was his watering left eye that sent fear running through her veins. “Good evenin’, Isabella.” He carried a tray of food that turned her stomach. “I brought you dinner.” His smirking tone spurred her hate.

  There was a bowl of slop and a piece of moldy bread—not even fit for a hungry shark.

  He sat the tray down, then opened her cell.

  Despite her gnawing hunger, she met his hard stare. “I refuse to eat that.” She flicked her hand. “Take it away.”

  He rushed over to her and snatched her arm, pulling her close. He was more than a head taller and seventy times stronger. He lifted her off the floor, her feet dangling. His thick red beard flickered over her chin, making her shiver, and his red eyes chilled her blood.

  “I wouldn’t be feeding you if I had my way. I suggest you lose that tone.” He tilted his head at the blood-stained chains dangling from the wall. “Or I’ll string you up like a dead shark.”

  The fool, she wasn’t a fish. She was a mermaid—a water elemental, and her father would harpoon him for making such a bad mistake. He leaned closer. His foul breath smelled of rotting fish. Fear crawled up her neck, and her lower lip trembled.

  Unfortunately, he must have noticed, because a slick smile spread across his shaggy face. He released her abruptly, and she staggered.

  He slammed the door shut. “You’ll have to beg to eat.”

  She bit back a retort and held her head high.

  “Expect another visitor soon. He won’t be as merciful as I am.”

  He left her alone with her misery, wondering who she’d face next. She sat on the stained bench and rubbed her throbbing arm. She licked her split lip and winced. She could still taste her own blood.

  Palmer had smacked her earlier in the ocean, knocking her out before bringing her on board his blasted ship.

  The only bright point in all of this was that her sister, Angelica, was safe on board the Soaring Phoenix with her chosen mate. Against Isabella’s wishes, her younger sister had mated with a human and now was pregnant, but none of that mattered. She wasn’t here.

  Isabella had helped Angelica and her mate swim to the ship with Palmer close behind. A demon had ordered Palmer to capture Angelica and bring her back. The bastard had wanted her unborn child’s soul. Something that Isabella risked her life to protect. She had hesitated to look at Angelica one more time before she disappeared in the sea, and that had been a deadly mistake.

  Dear Reader

  I hope you enjoyed Mate of the Vampire. I’ve always loved mermaids, especially Ariel in the Little Mermaid. One of my favorite songs is Part of Your World.

  I did take liberties on the abi
lities of mermaid. I read about undines, which are water elementals and I combined their powers with a mermaid.

  The next two books will be about Angelica’s sisters and the men who fall in love with them.

  I hope you’ll stay and be part of my world. Come and play with me on my private Facebook page ML Guida’s Supernatural Lounge. Have fun under the sea.

  ML Guida

  About the Author

  Award Winning Author M.L. Guida loves science fiction and the paranormal. From Star Trek to Dark Shadows to Supernatural, she fell in love with things that go bump in the night. But it was the heroes, she loved the best. No matter what happened, those characters never gave up. Now, her heroes are following their footsteps. Whether it's a shape shifter from outer space or a vampire from the past, her wounded heroes always find a way to conquer battles and win the heart of the feisty heroine. Because even in a world of darkness, true love survive. Sign up for M.L. Guida's Supernatural Scroll to learn about new releases and giveaways. She also has a readers Facebook Group called ML Guida's Supernatural Lounge. She has giveaways, news, and ways for her to connect with you.

  Also by ML Guida

  Blood Brotherhood

  Sin of The Vampire

  Shadows of the Vampire

  Heart of the Vampire

  Claim of the Vampire

  Destiny of the Vampire

  Bears of Aria




  Dragons of Zalara

  Madness Unleashed

  Madness Unhinged

  Madness Unmasked

  Madness Unbalanced

  Vampires on Holiday

  A Vampire’s Wish

  A Vampire’s Gift

  A Vampire’s Vow

  Paranormal Dating Agency

  Eye of the Tiger

  Another Tiger Bites the Dust

  Magic New Mexico/Magical Shifters

  Touch of Curiosity

  Touch of Madness

  Touch of Darkness

  The Touch of the Dragon

  Angels of Death








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