ROMANCE: MC BIKER ROMANCE: Hooked (MC Biker Pregnancy Romance)(Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance) (Contemporary Military Romantic Suspense Thriller)

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ROMANCE: MC BIKER ROMANCE: Hooked (MC Biker Pregnancy Romance)(Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance) (Contemporary Military Romantic Suspense Thriller) Page 13

by Carly White

  The older man opened and closed it. His mind worked out his cut and though it was something, he was looking for that last case so he could retire. He showed the injured man and he too, was not as happy with the figure. She was able to double the number, but it was still 8 times less than they wanted. It wasn’t a low ball, but it was definitely seen as one. The lawyer wrote something underneath it and she refused it. “I will double the offer no more. If not, we can go to court and see what happens. Your client will be picked apart in the news and he has a past like Jesse here. The only difference is that Jesse is the champion and has been for many years. He does charity and does not cheat on a wife he doesn’t have. Do I make myself clear?”

  Her blue eyes were centered on the quiet victim. She had looked into his, letting him know that she would destroy him and his family if necessary. The fact that he was cheating on his wife with one on his film crew was just the tip of the iceberg. There was more, there always was. She saw the moment that he realized her game and his lips tightened. Jesse just sat there, still trying to see the paper. It was his money after all. The third grab for it, she handed it to him and sent him a look that expected him not to speak.

  “We will have to confer.”

  “Whatever works for you. Forty-eight hours or we will start our own campaign. I suggest your client stop taking interviews at this time as well. It may not end well if we have to take similar tactics.” Ashlea stood up and bid them a good day. Jesse followed behind after a moment.

  “What the hell was that Ashlea?”

  “Me getting this taken care of. What the hell happened last night?”

  “Just got caught banging some chick behind the bar. They made a big deal about it and then I was in jail.”

  “Yes I figured as much. You need to get your needs under control. They are getting you in trouble. The next 2 days you are on house arrest. You will not leave.”

  His dark eyes turned black and she ignored him. “You can’t…”

  “I am trying to save your ass, which you don’t seem to care about. I need that guy at the construction site, not this one.”

  The two drove in silence. Ashlea took a call from Neil. He wanted to know how the meeting went and she told him that she was optimistic. “Just make sure you get more dirt. I am not above blackmail.”

  She nodded and then hung up. Jesse was dozing in the seat next to her and she didn’t wake him until they were back at his place. Nudging him, his eyes came open and for a second, she thought he was going to kiss her. She finally backed away and said they were there.

  “C’mon. You need some rest.”

  She opened the door for him and he stood up above her. Ashlea moved back, not wanting to touch him. She still didn’t trust herself around him, though she was better at hiding it then he was. “And you might not want to leave candles burning all night. You’ll burn your pretty house down.”

  Mentioning it seemed to piss him off. He glowered down at her. “They were for you.”

  “Ah, well I am your rep dear. We can always order you some girls if you need that.”

  He took a step towards her and she stood her ground. She couldn’t show how he affected her or he would continue until he got what he wanted. “I don’t want another girl. I want you.”

  She nodded, ignoring the pounding in her chest. “You need some sleep and a shower. You will feel right as rain in no time.”

  Ashlea turned to walk towards the front door when his hand stopped her. He jerked her back to him and then his lips were on her before she could stop them. She was unprepared for the touch and the kiss. It wasn’t what she had expected him to do and she was unable to stop the slow moan as he pulled her to his hard length. His lips were soft and his tongue was insistent in her mouth. It was too much and when he pressed against her with his hard length, she finally got the wherewithal to push back.

  “Are you done?”

  Her eyes didn’t show the throbbing between her legs and she was thankful she had worn a light jacket to cover the response in her chest. Her voice didn’t hold the same tremble she felt inside and she turned around to walk away. He didn’t try to stop her, his ego wounded by her lack of reaction. How could she not feel as he did when they touched?

  Ashlea moved quickly to the room she was given. It was not until she was behind the door that she let out the ragged breath that she had been holding. Her heart leapt in her chest and there was nothing she could do about it. His lips were still felt on her own and she touched them gently. She tried to remind herself that he was a client. She tried to remember the boyfriend that she didn’t feel that way for. His touch did not elicit the same response and that made her pause. She tried to ignore the needs that she felt and eventually went back downstairs.

  Jesse was in the kitchen and she took over so he could take a shower. Jail did not suit him and he smelled like dirt and booze. He never met her eyes, but came back down several minutes later cleaned up and in some running shorts. She set the plate of food in front of him and he ate with a soft thank you. “Well since you want to stay close, I guess we can go for a run. I was thinking along the coast a ways.”

  Ashlea nodded, dreading it the whole time. Her eyes took in his hard chest and she wished she could find a reason not to go. She would never admit that she hadn’t run in years, so she nodded and finished her coffee. She was going to need as much caffeine as she could possibly get.

  Chapter 6

  Jesse waited for her to catch up and Ashlea was unable to stop the heaving breathing. “You okay?”

  She gave him a dirty look. Ashlea was hunched over, trying to catch her breath. She was wishing she hadn’t had that cigarette the night before and was thoroughly cursing the damn sand. “I am not a damn fighter. I work in an office and I think you are trying to kill me.”

  He laughed. “No of course not, but I must say I like the position.”

  He walked closer, his shorts lined perfectly with his face. She jerked up and it made him laugh more. “How about we get on the pier for a bit?” She was hopeful and it must have done the trick because he agreed.

  “Fine. Come on.”

  Ashlea was thankful to not run in quicksand anymore. Her calves were burning and he was good enough to walk with her a while. “Running is not your thing I take it?”

  She shook her head. “Yoga and spinning. I haven’t run in a long time.”

  “Well you still look good.”

  “I thought you would be tired from your night.”

  “I am but it is better to get out and burn it off. Besides, I have to stay in shape for when I come back.”

  “Do you really want to?”

  He stopped. “Of course I do. I love it.”

  “Then why all this craziness? Is it that hard to keep your nose clean?”

  “Nowadays, but it didn’t used to be.”

  “What’s changed?” Ashlea eyed a bench and sat down. By the way his face changed, it was much like the video. It became clear to her then that it was what the photographer had said. “Never mind. We will get you back on the mats. His lawyer will play and I don’t think we will even need to do interviews. The buzz is that you were justified, so it is looking good.”

  “When do you have time to do all of this?”

  “Waiting for you to get released.”

  “Thanks Ashlea. I don’t know what I would have done if they would have sent me another stiff.”

  “Jeffries used to be the best, but times have changed.”

  “Enough talk, let’s go.”

  She groaned and followed him as he went back down to the water. Ashlea walked on the hard-packed shore and left him to the treacherous sand. They started back towards his place and she rejoiced. It wasn’t until she could see it in her sights that she slowed to a walk, grabbing her side. He stopped again and she waved him on.

  Jesse ran back towards her and lifted her up into his arms. He barely missed a beat, but she noticed he chose her route instead back to the house. She tried to ignore the
man’s strong hands on her, but he wasn’t letting her go, no matter how much she wiggled in his arms. It wasn’t until they were back in the house that he set her down. She thanked him and tried to blame her heart rate on the run. He nodded and started up the stairs. Ashlea heard the shower go on and she tried not to imagine his naked body under the spray.

  Going to her room, she got some clothes and went to one of the other bathrooms in the house. It was quiet and she hadn’t seen any of the help all day. Her shower was quick and she found Jesse back in the kitchen. “I am starting to think that is all you do.”

  “Got to keep the weight up. Will have a championship match when I come back.”

  “You sound pretty damn confident.”

  “How can I not? You were kind of scary in there. I thought that guy was going to shit his pants.”

  She smiled and sat down. “So what’s for lunch?”


  The salmon didn’t agree with her and she found some fruit to make a smoothie. Pouring them into the glasses, her phone rang and she left the room to take it. Neil was not who she expected a call from, so she knew that it was a good chance of it being bad news. Neil was never the bearer of good news.

  “He’s on the internet.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Well what did he get arrested for?”

  “Sending you a link.”

  She clicked on the link and watched Jesse hammer yet another blonde behind the bar. She moaned, while he groaned and pounded her. Ashlea felt a twinge in her nether region that she tried to ignore. Putting the phone back to her ear, she cleared her throat. “Well it certainly shows his vitality. He has a large female fan base and even men will see the prowess in the video. She’s not underage is she?”

  “No. Well I guess you are right. Can you please just keep track of him?”

  “Already there. He is sticking around for the next couple of days until we hear from the lawyers. It’s okay Neil. It will all work out and we are just going to ride this out. Sometimes doing nothing is something.”

  He made a sound into the phone and she could tell he was not one hundred percent sure. She had to be enough for both of them and Ashlea promised she would call him with the update later that day.

  She went back into the kitchen and showed Jesse the video. He kind of chuckled. “What is it with you and blondes?”

  “I have an affinity for one and she won’t have me.”

  Ashlea swallowed the lump in her throat. She could hear the moaning from the video and she could see it playing in her mind. “Seriously stay in the house for a couple of days. You are going to get me fired.”

  “They wouldn’t fire you, would they?”

  “Probably not, but you are making me look bad.”

  “I wish there was something I could do to make it up to you.” He had an arduous look and she turned away.

  “You can keep it in your pants for a couple of days. It won’t kill you. Let’s get through the negotiation and then from there, you can party your heart out.”

  “There is more to me than just that.”

  “Well it doesn’t matter. Just be good for a couple of days is all I am asking.”

  “And if I do?”

  She looked up suddenly, her blue eyes held a hint of the desire he knew were in his. “What do you want?”

  “I think you know.”

  “I will think about it.”

  “You are already doing that. I want an answer.”


  Chapter 7

  Ashlea wasn’t sure why she had given him hope. If she was honest with herself, all she could think about was his hands on her. And if she was really honest, she had watched that video way more than she had to for her professional side. It turned her on how fast he went and there was a better view of his long cock slamming in and out. Every time she watched it, it made her wetter and wish that it was her in the video. Had she really agreed to do just that, if he could stay out of trouble? She assured herself that even if she had, he could never stay out of trouble for that long. At least she hoped not, didn’t she?

  It was all so confusing and she didn’t know how to act around him. He wanted to stay in and watch movies. She thought it sounded better than anything else they had done so far. The biggest TV was in his room though, so she had to lay with him on the bed. It was far too soft and his shoulder too comfortable as she slipped off to sleep in the middle of one of the movies.

  Jesse watched her sleep and realized that she was the only woman he had been around for so long and not slept with. His cock hardened with the very idea and it was all he wanted to do was make her his. He knew that she wanted him, he wasn’t blind. Jesse just couldn’t understand why she was so reluctant to push that part of it more.

  His hands played with her silken blonde strands and he nestled back against the pillow, pulling her back with him. Her slight frame felt good against him. He heard her sigh as she moved against him, pushing his need higher as she groaned next to him. Jesse wondered what she was thinking of and when she moaned again, he hoped it was him in her dreams making her whimper so. Eventually he had to nudge her awake, unable to take her small sounds of pleasure any longer.

  She stretched against him and made him groan inwardly as her small breasts pressed against his chest. She fell back asleep, or never woke up and he was left hard, pinned underneath her. Jesse himself was tired, but there was no way he could sleep with her pressing against him like she was. “Ashlea?”


  “You want me to take you to your bed?”

  “No, I’m comfortable.”

  Her words were slightly slurred and he knew she wasn’t quite awake. His hands moved down to her side and pressed her against his hard length. Ashlea whimpered and pushed back against him. Jesse took it as permission and his lips moved down to hers. He had been dying to kiss her and she didn’t disappoint, moaning into his mouth and pulling him down for more.

  Jesse responded quickly, his body moving to cover and pin her beneath him. He pulled his lips away and cupped her scant breasts in his large hands. “Mmm Rick. That feels so good.”

  He stopped and looked down at her, her eyes still closed. It became clear that he was not the one she was thinking of and his needs left him. Pulling away, he walked out of the room, more irritated with himself than anything else. He kept waiting for her to fall to her knees in need, but it just wasn’t happening. Even in her dreams, he couldn’t compete with the infamous Rick.

  He ignored her the rest of the evening, picking a guest room to stay in. He didn’t go back to his room that evening, not wanting to run into her again. Jesse had never experienced such unrequited feelings and he wondered if he felt that way because he couldn’t have her or if he really wanted her that badly. Either way didn’t seem to matter.


  Ashlea woke up early the next morning and she did not recognize where she was for a moment. It was dark in the room, the television on a blue screen. Closing her eyes, she realized she was still in Jesse’s room. Her eyes adjusted and she looked around for a sign of him. For a second, she was worried that he would be out causing mischief. Ashlea sat up and tried to shake the sleep from her foggy brain.

  She called his name and after a moment of no answer, went looking through the house for him. Ashlea pulled her phone out to check her messages and she stopped when she saw the number she had been waiting for. She called it back, paused in the hallway.

  “Do you know what time it is?”

  “Time for some good news I hope. Sorry I didn’t catch your call last night.”

  “Good news indeed. I don’t know what you have on him, but nonetheless, he has agreed to your amount. We dropped charges this morning.”

  “That’s what I like to hear. Tell your client he made a wise decision and I may even throw some extra in for it. Talk to you soon. Send the paperwork over when it is finished.”

  Ashlea smiled to herself as she continued her search. That meant tha
t she could be home that evening, back in Rick’s arms. She had such a vivid dream of him the night before, that she knew she must be missing him bad. There was a second thought that she tried to ignore though. She wanted to stay around and the idea of leaving Jesse didn’t sit well. She had gotten used to his gruffness that covered up a caring man beneath. He spent most of his time working on his skill or helping others.

  “You have to go home. This is just a job.”

  She told herself the words, but Jesse didn’t feel like just a job. In the few days they had known each other, they had gotten close. Now she would not see him again and the thought made her hesitate when she found him sleeping in a guest room. His broad chest was bare and she tiptoed in, her eyes not leaving the hard ridges. “Jesse.”

  Her words were low, not really wanting to wake him up, enjoying the view in front of her. He moved in his sleep and the sheet moved lower, covering just above the start of thick hair that covered his groin. Her hand died to come out and touch it, but she could not. She was to tell him the good news, but when she sat down next to him and his eyes finally met hers, she didn’t want to.

  “Morning Jesse. I was wondering if you wanted to take a swim with me?”

  His eyes looked confused, but he sat up and nodded his head. “Let me get dressed.”

  She nodded, leaving the room and went to her own to put on a bathing suit and brush her messy locks. He was done before her and was waiting with sleepy eyes for her to come down the stairs. His swim shorts left very little to the imagination, as well as a hardened cock in the thin material. She tried to ignore the tremor in her legs.

  “You ready?”

  He nodded his head and they walked out back to shoreline. The sun was just starting to peak over the horizon and the air was still a little crisp. The water was slightly cooler and she gasped as she dived in the water. Jesse was quickly behind her and they swam out until she stopped. Rolling over to her back, she floated for a minute as the stitch in her side went away. Jesse’s eyes watched her and it was only when they were back to a touchable level, that he said anything.


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