by Carly White
A Motorcycle Club Romance
By: Tia Parker
Chapter 1
It was my first day at Solar Cycle. It was the new place in town to tan, work out and even have a protein smoothie if that was your thing. I just liked the free services and access to the pool when I wasn’t doing classes. I was nervous, not sure if going to a public place was going to work for me, but with the offer from them, I couldn’t help but try.
I usually ran classes three days a week in my backyard or den. It was a small group, but I knew them all and it was intimate. Now I was going to be doing 2 classes a day, for five days a week and as I looked out at the sea of faces, I only recognized two and I was thankful that they had come to see me. It was going to be far different than the smaller affairs that I was used to.
While there was spinning class, kickboxing, dancing and so many other kinds of classes there at Solar Cycle, I ran the yoga classes. I liked things a little slower and yoga was a great outlet. As the class started, I started to calm down and it was good to have some new faces. Some looked like they had never done a pose before and by the end of it my class had run over by a half an hour, but I felt like I had done some good.
Caroline left with a wave, but Kensy stayed for a few minutes and after a quick shower, we did some laps before getting dressed. I wanted to get lunch and she wanted to shop, she we decided on the mall. When the conversation went back to her ex-boyfriend for the third time that day, I knew that she was getting me ready for the big shocker that they were back together.
“I figured you would get back with Dave. It was going to happen.”
“Well I know you two don’t get along.”
“I am your friend and I could care less who you date. I just hate to be around him.”
“I know, but he is coming to the party this weekend and I wanted to make sure that you are going to be okay with that.”
I nodded. What else could I do? Dave was a sleaze, hitting on me, as well as other friends in our circle. I had long since given up on the hopeless situation. They ran back and forth to each other, so I had learned just to keep my mouth shut and go with it. I didn’t want her mad at me when she got back with him. It was going to happen, so I just came out with something noncommittal about, if it is supposed to happen, it will.
Kenzy braided her black hair back quickly and I just watched her for a time. “I don’t know how you do it.”
“Just been doing it a while. If you would ever grow your hair out I would teach you.”
I felt the short strands that were only a couple of inches passed my chin. I like things simple and it was easier to just run my fingers through it in the morning and be done. “I like it short.”
“So what about the party?”
“What do you want me to say? You know how I feel about him, but I know how you feel, so it is, what it is. I just want you to be happy.”
We both knew that I wanted to say more, but I wouldn’t. I grabbed a sandwich while she grabbed a skirt and we met back at the front before going our separate ways. I still had to do another class at two and though I was early, I pulled in and turned the radio off.
I noticed a whole line of motorcycles parked on the side of the building and wondered what they were doing there. I didn’t think that it was the type of place that bikers would go, but the weather was beautiful, so if there ever was a time.
Moving towards the neon colored building, I had a feeling I was going to like buff bikers working out. The images did not do justice and most of the men in matching leather vests were young and shaved. I had imagined long beards, but several were bald and clean shaven. They were far younger than I would have thought from the stereotype. I had never seen men working out in leather before, but the view was close to hypnotic and I didn’t want to look away.
Tony smiled at me, nudging me. “Is that not the best view that you have ever seen?”
I finally looked away a little red faced and looked back up at him. I knew him from my classes. His sister was one of my regulars and he had been the one that suggested I work at Solar Cycle in the first place. He was a mess, but I had to agree with the sentiment, if not the volume that it was expressed in.
“Shhh, can’t you be good. They looked like the type that would not take well to that Tony.”
He waved his hand and looked back to where I had been staring. The meanest ones are always the biggest puppy dogs.”
I looked back at them and didn’t see any puppies in the bunch. I walked passed him and went into the small office and grabbed the sheets for the afternoon sign-up. I got paid per person, so I was hoping for an even bigger turnout than the morning class. I had already forgotten about the men I had been gawking at minutes before. I didn’t have time for fantasies and men like that.
My last boyfriend was a bad boy and though they were fun to be with, amazing in bed, they always left me with a broken heart. After Kevin, I promised myself that I wouldn’t do it again. Even if I did want to rub their bald heads and trace all of the tattoos on their muscled bodies with my tongue.
“You got a couple people at the front that had a couple of questions.”
I nodded, trying not to blush too bad from the thought of Kevin. He was the man that had awakened the desires I didn’t know were inside of me and it was hard to shake the feeling. It was hard to work around so many gorgeous people. There were hot and hard men everywhere. Plenty of eye candy to make it hard to think.
“I’ll be right there.”
Grabbing the other sheet and the music for the class, I went back out front and talked to some members that were asking about time and difficulty level. My beginner class was in the morning and the afternoon class was a little more difficult. They decided to come in the next morning instead and I was still left with a few minutes to kill.
Going back to the staff locker rooms, I changed into some black leggings and a loose tank top that went to mid-thigh. I was ready to get started and talked to a few of the early ones that were already getting their mats out. I knew a few more people at this class than the one that morning and it made me relax. I was starting to think I was going to like it there. It was peaceful in the small room. The walls were all glass and I could see what was going on around me, but there was none of the constant machine sounds that were usual in a gym. All I could hear is the soft sounds coming from the stereo speakers.
What I hadn’t expected was for there to be some kind of commotion in the gym. Two men started to fight, added then by several more that all in turn started fighting. I don’t know what happened, but I could see that some of the bikers from earlier were still there and they seemed to be fighting with guys dressed like them.
There was one man that was bigger than all of the rest and he seemed to be instigating the others to follow him. I backed away from the clear glass doors when they he started to get closer, but I stopped when our eyes met.
His dark blue eyes stopped me in my tracks and we just looked at each other for a moment. I pointed behind him as one of the bikers moved towards him. He turned around in time to hit him in the face, knocking him down into the ground. Looking back at me, I started to move towards the exit. I didn’t want to be anywhere near the chaos, especially when such a dangerous guy seemed to notice me. I didn’t want to be noticed from a man like him.
It was then that I noticed the chaos in the room I was in. I wasn’t the only one trying to get out of there, but many more were screaming as there was a sound of a gun shot in the other room. The yoga room bursts into conflict everywhere and people were pushing each other out of the way to get out the small backdoor that led to the alleyway behind the building.
The bald man covered in tattoos from before was walking towards me, moving to the now thin-looking piece of glass between us. His arms were showing, covered in some kind of tribal tattoos and as he got closer, I could see the differences in the w
ording and art on the vest.
He pointed towards me and crooked his finger to come to him. I shook my head and took off in the other direction. That man was the last thing that I needed to get involved with and I knew I had to get away before he got to me. There was a moment, an insane moment where I didn’t want to leave, but stay and see what he wanted. The madness faded swiftly though and I was soon breathing in fresh air, thankful to be alive.
Chapter 2
I looked back at the last few men standing on the other side. The Dark Angels were not supposed to be there and since they had all came together, it was them making a point and it was one that the Black Riders couldn’t ignore. It was disrespectful for one, for as many as were there it was like a slap in the face.
The woman had left. The woman that I had seen through the glass door that had caught my attention so completely had vanished. She had been scared, like most of the people not involved in the scuffle. The gunshot was to get the bystanders out of the way and now the gym was almost cleared out.
She had been young and blonde, but there had been something in her hazel eyes that made me look twice. I thought of all the tales of love at first sight and I was sure that’s what it was. She was made for me, but when she vanished, I questioned if I had ever seen her at all. Was she just a figment of my imagination? Was I losing it?
I looked around and saw the back door closing slowly. I started to make my way to the door to find her. I had forgotten that we had to leave. The cops would be coming. I had to get out of there, but all I wanted to do was find the pixie woman in the hot pink shirt.
“Cass, we got to go.”
“Don’t say my damn name.”
Desmond nodded and started out the side door that we had come in. Taking the other bikes out front from the Dark Angels, we rode off towards our own bar. There was only two when we left, the other men knocked out and beaten up on the floor. It was just another Wednesday as far as I was concerned. There was always something going on and ever since they had come to town, I was finding them harder to deal with.
I hit Desmond on the shoulder and he looked at me funny. “What the hell was that for?”
We were back at Daniel’s house and everyone was getting a drink, reliving the fight to each other. I wasn’t feeling so good about the whole thing. I was still thinking about the blonde in the gym. There was something about her and I felt in such a way that I had never felt before. I wanted to know who she was and I wasn’t sure how now that I was not going to be able to go in there. It was never a good idea to go back to the scene of a crime.
“Why did you say my name while we were in there?”
Jeff shrugged like it was no big deal. “They know who we are anyways, so what does it really matter? I was trying to get your attention and you were just staring into that room. I hollered at you a couple of times and it was like you didn’t hear me or something.”
“I saw someone in the other room and I don’t know, it was like time stopped or something. Everything else was blocked out. It was strange. That is all I can say. I don’t know who she was, but I was going to go to her, but she was gone.”
Desmond looked at me strangely. It wasn’t like me. I was the king of being a dog. I never got attached, never cared more than what pleasure a woman could give me. But when I saw her, I wondered for the first time if I was meant for more. I wanted more and I wanted her.
Shaking my head and smiling, I realized that I sounded crazy in my own head. Soul mates were about as real as destiny. But still… I wish I could have talked to her. I wanted to see her again.
“Yeah I am fine. It was just a hot chick in yoga pants.”
He laughed and took a drink from his bottle. The beer was cold and though it had been a messy way to take care of things, the Dark Angels would think twice before coming on our turf. We had to make a stand, I reminded myself. It had to be done and now it was. I needed to relax like Desmond did, but all I could think about was the woman at the gym and the way she had looked at me. When I had started towards her, it was clear that she feared me. Who wouldn’t? How could I blame her with what I was doing at the time?
I went back to my place early that night. I wasn’t able to go to sleep for a while, thinking about the mystery woman and she was the first thing I thought of when I woke up. I was starting to become convinced that I had lost my mind.
By around ten I couldn’t focus anymore and I made my way down to the gym. I knew that I shouldn’t be there. Not after what had happened yesterday and even without my vest and bike, I felt out of place and that at any moment I was going to be found out. As I looked around the room, I didn’t see her and I felt deflated. She was supposed to be there. If it was destiny or fate, whatever it was called, she would have been there for me like I needed. We would have met and she would have fallen for me.
That’s not what happened.
“Can I help you Sir?”
I looked over at a short brunette with dark brown eyes staring at me, waiting for an answer. “I was looking for someone. I think she works here.”
“We have about thirty employees, so you will have to be more specific.”
I pointed towards the place where I had seen her. “She was in there, tall, blonde, fit.”
“Ah, that is Eva. She won’t be here until her class at ten thirty.”
“Thank you.”
I walked out and sat behind the driver’s seat, trying to figure out what I should do. I didn’t want to wait there, but I wanted to see her. After doing a few errands in the area, I made my way back to the gym and saw her through the glass. She was wearing the same fare, tank top and leggings and she looked as good as I remembered. My heart beat hard in my chest, but I was finding it hard to move forward. I didn’t want to. I just wanted to watch her laughing with the woman next to her and remember that moment.
Walking in, I ignored the offer of help from the person behind the counter. I went straight to where Eva was and waited for her to finish what she was saying to the other person. When she finally laid eyes on me, I knew immediately that she knew who I was. Her eyes widened as she looked at me. Excusing herself, she walked towards me. “What are you doing here? The police are looking for you guys. Asked us all kinds of questions yesterday.”
“Do I know you?”
I felt like I did. Maybe it wasn’t fate, but a girl I had known before. “I think I would remember a guy like you. I won’t tell anyone you are here, but other people seen you and they have cameras here. The feed is recorded and you don’t want to be caught here after the fact.”
I knew she was right, but I had to see her. “Come get some coffee with me.”
“Right now?”
“Yes, why not?”
“I can think of many reasons why not. Last time I seen you, you were beating a man in the face with your fist.”
I shrugged and moved to take her arm. I don’t know why, but I wanted to touch her, just to make sure that she was real. She didn’t seem to be real when her eyes changed colors in front of me. They were brown with a light green ring around them when I first saw her, but as I got closer it seemed the green had taken over completely. “Come with me.”
“I have to work. I will be done around noon.”
“I will be back then.”
‘Wait, no. That is not what I meant.”
“But it is what I meant. See you soon. We’ll do lunch.”
Chapter 3
I didn’t know what to do about the man that had showed up and basically forced me to go out on a date. I knew who he was, the man the police were looking for and I should have called them. It would make it pretty convenient if they could just come back at noon and pick him up. Several of the men him and his motorcycle gang attacked were hurt and in the hospital. No one was dead, but that did very little to assuage my guilt for not calling.
I knew as soon as I thought about calling the police that it was not what I was going to do. I didn’t want him to get in trouble. Even though I
didn’t know him, I was drawn to the bad boy type. After promising myself that I wouldn’t mess with his type again, I couldn’t help that they were the only ones that could make me weak at the knees. What was it about hard bodies and tattoos that made most women lose their mind?”
Sighing to myself, I watched him walk away and waited till my heart rate had slowed down before I went back into do my first class. It was just the beginner’s class so it didn’t give me much time to think about Caspien or what we were supposed to do for lunch. While his mouth had said lunch, his eyes had said something all-together different. I wanted what his dark blue eyes promised.
“Miss Eva?”
“How long are we supposed to hold this pose?”
I realized then that we had been in the same pose for several more minutes than usual. I could feel my face getting red and I was embarrassed that I had forgotten so quickly what I was doing. A man like Caspien was dangerous and I knew that I needed to stay away from him. One lunch and hopefully he would stop popping up and I could get back to the normal life that I was used to.
I made the final pose for the class and while I was standing back up, I saw a lone bike in the parking lot and my heart started to race a little faster. While my mind told me that I didn’t want him, my body called to him from where he sat waiting.
“Alright class. Thanks for coming and if you are interested in our later one in the afternoon, we will get into some of the more complicated poses as you get more comfortable with it all.”
I watched the people starting to file out of the classroom and as I spoke to a few of them, I felt a burning gaze from the parking lot. I knew it was him, Caspien looking at me, but I didn’t know what to say or do. I had to go out there and see what it was that he wanted from me. I am sure he would want to make sure I didn’t tell anyone that I had seen him. It didn’t make sense though. If he was so worried about getting in trouble, then what was he doing here now?