Blood Doesn't Lie (Otherworld Crime Unit Book 1)

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Blood Doesn't Lie (Otherworld Crime Unit Book 1) Page 16

by Nova Archer

  Clearing her throat, Eve pushed out of Caine’s embrace and took a distancing step back. She took a deep breath and smoothed down the wrinkles on her blouse.

  “You’re not worried over his outburst, I hope.” She eyed Eve. “Girl, he’s so full of crap my eyes were watering from the stink.”

  Jace burst out laughing first. Then Lyra. Caine glanced at Eve and he saw her lips twitch. She looked up and caught his gaze. They both started laughing at the same time. When the five of them were finished laughing, Caine’s stomach hurt from the effort.

  Sobering, he looked at each of his team members and nodded, thinking how great each and every one of them was. “Great work, everyone. This was definitely a team effort.” His gaze lingered on Eve. “We did right by Lillian Crawford.”

  She smiled and nodded. “Yes, we did.”

  As everyone went around the room congratulating each other, Caine continued to watch Eve. She smiled when Lyra hugged her, and nodded politely when Mahina shook her hand. She was a strong woman, a lot stronger than she gave herself credit for. She thought she was weak by needing to be comforted, but she was so wrong. She was one of the strongest women he’d ever met.

  She’d come here to a foreign place without any knowledge of what she truly faced and dived in without complaint. She’d been attacked three times, faced danger and death, and still she charged forward. He admired that. Most people would tuck tail and run.

  Jace came up to Caine and shook his hand. “Well, chief, I’m out of here. I’m going to go sleep for a week.”

  “I don’t know about a week, but I’ll give you two days.”

  Smiling, Jace clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ll take it.” He then turned toward Eve. “Have a safe trip back.”

  She gave him a half-smile. “Thank you, I will.”

  After Jace left, Lyra approached Eve and hugged her again. “I’m not usually a touchy feely person, but I felt like I needed to hug you again.”

  Eve chuckled. “Well, I appreciate it.”

  “Gran says to be safe.”

  “I plan on it.”

  After nodding to Caine, Lyra bounded out of the room. That left Mahina. With a half-smile on her face, she nodded to Caine than Eve. With a salute, she was gone.

  Now, they were alone, and the tension solidified.

  Caine turned toward her and offered his hand. She took it.

  They stood a foot apart, hands clasped, gazing into each other’s eyes. Caine searched her face for a sign of her true feelings. He could sense confusion, desire and apprehension wafting off her.

  For the past five days he’d pulled her in and pushed her away. Afraid for her, and afraid of her. He was as confused as she; about what happened between them, what hadn’t, and what they both wanted.

  Eventually, she shied away and dropped her gaze, pulling her hand from his. “I’m packed already. My suitcase is in the staff room. I don’t have to go back to the hotel.”

  “I talked to your captain, and told him what a great job you did, and that you should be commended. I also mentioned maybe a raise in your salary. You certainly earned it.”

  “Thank you.” She pulled at the creases in her blouse again then stepped toward the door.

  Caine stopped her with a hand on her arm. “Have dinner with me,” he blurted out, not letting her back away from him. He could see the retreat in her eyes. He’d never have this moment again, and he didn’t want to walk away from it knowing he could experience something magical with this woman.

  “Caine, it’s only two o’clock.”

  “Lunch then,” he said with a smile.


  Raising his hand, he captured one of her stray hairs in his fingers and tucked it behind her ear. “I want to show you that not all vampires are like that. Bad, evil. That vampires can show affection”

  A single tear trickled down her cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb. That was all the answer he needed.

  “I know you’re a good man, Caine. You don’t need to prove it to me.” She grabbed his hand on her cheek and squeezed it. “Give me another reason.”

  “Then because I want to.”

  She pursed her lips together, and then nodded. “Good answer. Where are we going for lunch?”

  “My place.”


  Thrumming with nervous energy, Caine unlocked the door to his modest townhouse. Even his hand quivered a little. The ride over had been one of uncomfortable silence.

  Standing aside, he let Eve enter first. Without looking at him, she stepped over the threshold and stood to the side of the door, as if she was frightened to go any farther.

  He could feel her nervousness like electricity over his skin. It brought the little hairs on his arms to attention. He liked that she was nervous, though, and not afraid. He didn’t think he could handle that.

  After he came in, he shut and locked the door. Eve jumped a little at the clicking sound of the lock. Smiling, she put a hand to her chest as if trying to stop her heart from thudding so hard. He could hear it as plain as a hammer on a board.

  He wanted to laugh at how they were both behaving like teenage virgins on their first night. He supposed in way they were.

  “Would you like something to drink?” he asked. He loosened his tie and slid it out from around his neck. As he walked past the sofa, he tossed it on the edge.

  “Yes, that would be nice.”

  He gestured to the living room. “Please sit. Make yourself comfortable.”

  As he poured them wine at the bar, Eve moved into the room and sat primly on one side of the sofa. Caine watched her from the side of his eye as she glanced around the room, taking in everything, her hands clasped tightly in her lap.

  He came back with their wine, handed one to her and sat on the sofa near her, but not to close as to scare her.

  Smiling, she took a sip of the wine. The taste must’ve surprised her, because her eyebrows went up. “Oh my, that’s fantastic.”

  “It’s a two-hundred-year-old bottle of King Louis XV’s favorite wine.” Caine swirled the dark liquid in his glass, smiling, as Eve nearly choked on her next sip.

  She wiped her mouth and set the glass down on the coffee table. “Did you know him?”

  “Only in passing. We didn’t run in the same circles so to speak.”

  Chuckling, she looked around the room again. “You have a nice place here. Very neat.”

  “I like order.”

  Smiling coyly, she glanced at him under her lashes. “I noticed. Rules and regulations too.”

  “Well, without them, there’d be chaos.” Setting his glass beside hers on the table, he pushed to his feet. “Would you like a tour?” He held out his hand.

  Nodding, she took it and allowed him to pull her to her feet. Keeping her hand, he wrapped it around his arm as he guided her through his townhouse.

  He could feel her vibrate through the sleeve of his shirt. Her arousal, like fresh-cut flowers on a spring day, wafted up his nose. His heart picked up a beat, as he led her down the hall to his bedroom. Nerves still pulsed through his body, but he was done being afraid of his desire for her. He couldn’t keep it in check any longer. He was through running from something he wanted so badly it tore at his soul.

  As they stepped over the threshold of the last room, he said, “And this is my bedroom.”

  Her heartbeat increased, he could hear. He could see the arousal on her face, feel it in her hands, and sense it all around him.

  She pulled her hand from around his arm, and began to fidget with the buttons on her blouse. “Caine...”

  Turning, he stood in front of her, close enough to hear her sharp intake of breath when he did. “Yes?” he responded, his voice laced with his growing desire.

  “I thought we were going to eat?” she asked breathlessly.

  He took a bold step forward, and grasped her hands. “We will.” He brought her hands up to his mouth and pressed his lips to the back of each one. “La

  “Caine, we can’t.”

  Shaking his head, he spoke. “Let’s forget about the rules and regulations, Eve. We’ve focused on the case long enough. I want you. You want me. Let’s focus on that for awhile.”

  She let out another ragged breath. “I’m so nervous. I’ve never been like this before. Not even my first time.”

  “I won’t hurt you.”

  “I know.”

  With that, he couldn’t hold back any longer. Dropping her hands, he wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her to him, tight. She opened her mouth to gasp, and he took it without pause.

  She tasted like mint and black currant from the wine. Her scent filled his nostrils. A smell he would always associate with her, with this moment. Sweeping his tongue over hers, he bit and suckled on her plump lips. Eager to sample more of her. Eager to take and taste.

  Clenching her hands in his shirt, she kissed him back. Hard and fierce, desperate. When she moaned, he swallowed it down, fervent for everything she would give him, and everything she would take. She’d only but to ask, and he would give it to her without complaint.

  Burying his hand in her hair, he pulled it from her ponytail and swept it over her shoulders and down her back. He loved the silky feel of it through his fingers. The finest fabrics would never feel as good.

  Cupping the back of her head, he deepened the kiss and squeezing her tight around the waist, he walked them back into the wall. Finally, she was in his arms. Willing, and open for him.

  God, she was more than he deserved.

  After one last delicious nibble on her bottom lip, Caine pressed kisses to her chin making his way down her throat. When he neared her bandages, she stiffened and took in a ragged breath.

  “It’s okay. I won’t hurt you. I promise,” he vowed, then trailed his tongue over her skin, careful not to touch the bandage. He made tiny circles around it, and then moved lower to her collarbone.

  As he kissed her, she gasped and moaned. Licking his way across her neck, he reached the other side and gently bit on her flesh. Moaning, she twisted her hands in his shirt, pulling at the fabric.

  He moved up the side of her neck, licked her lobe, and whispered in her ear. “I’ve wanted to do this for awhile now. You are so damn sexy.”

  Moving his hand down, he captured her ass in his palm. She was soft and supple, curvy. Beautiful and luscious. Her body made him pant with lust, and ache in need. He wanted to look at her, take in every mound and curve.

  Feast on her with his eyes.

  Taking a step back, he circled his hands up around the collar of her shirt. Her eyes widened when she realized what he was about to do.

  With one yank, he tore her cotton T-shirt in half. Underneath the simple fabric she wore a lacy white bra that stole his breath. It was such a simple garment, but it made him harden even more to see the bronzed flesh of her breasts barely covered by the see-through material.

  Gasping, Eve reached for him, wrapping a hand in his hair. “Oh God, you’re killing me.”

  His restraint broke with her desperate plea.

  Grasping the waistband of her trousers, he pulled them apart. The button popped off and landed on the rug. The zipper tore open. Without waiting, Caine yanked her pants down to the ankles and tore them away to toss to the side.

  He looked down at her and groaned.

  She stood there pressed against the wall, quivering with desire, in her bra and lacy panties. Her lips were agape, swollen from his rough kisses. Her eyes were wide, dark with the desire he could smell on her soft golden skin.

  He could barely hold onto his sanity. Blood-lust bubbled inside like an angry mountain of lava. Her perfume permeated his senses. The sight of her quivering flesh made him hungry. He wanted to devour every inch of her until she begged him to stop or urged him to take her even further.

  He slid a finger into the band of her panties, sliding it down into her soft folds. She was wet and hot, eager for him. He brought his finger up to this mouth and slid it in between his lips to savor her flavor. She was like churned honey on his tongue. A flavor so delectable he’d find the best foods bland compared to her.

  She watched him and moaned slightly in a demand for more. When her lashes lowered, and she stared at him through the dark hood, his beast growled and pounded at his head to let him loose.

  He did.

  Taking hold of the band of her panties, he tore them off in one violent pull of his arm.

  “Oh God, Caine.”

  He dropped to his knees, and gripped her thigh in his hands pushing her leg up and against the wall. She wrapped her hands in his hair to hold on. He didn’t give her a chance to take a breath before he suckled between her legs without mercy.

  INTENSE, UNBRIDLED heat radiated over her flesh. Her entire body quivered from the inside out as Caine feasted on her. She’d never been this hot, this wanton before. It was if his touch seared her. Inflamed every inch of her body. She wanted him to touch her everywhere, explore every slope and fold of her flesh. She never felt this type of passion before. One that overpowered her and made her weep with need.

  Again he stroked between her legs, stopping at her most sensitive spot. She could hardly breathe as her belly flipped over and over, like a roller coaster, and the muscles in her thighs tightened. An explosive orgasm built like a raging inferno at her center. It wouldn’t take much more to push her over into the blistering flames of total and complete rapture.

  Gripping his hair for support, Eve looked down at Caine as he licked and suckled on her sex. Gone was the uptight man that followed the rules. In his place was a feral being intent on driving her mad with desire. She’d unleashed something she was unsure if she could handle. By the pleasure surging over her body, she wouldn’t mind the effort of trying.

  As if sensing her need, Caine raised his head and locked eyes with her. His eyes glowed a brilliant blue. She’d never seen a color so radiant before. It unnerved her and excited her at the same time.

  “You taste so damn good,” he growled, the tips of his fangs evident between his glistening lips. Then he went back down and settled his lips over her again, suckling gently.

  Sweat trickled down her back. Her thighs tightened with expectation. Gripping his hair tighter, Eve bit down on her lip as she felt the beginning flutters of orgasm.

  Caine increased the pressure, teasing her sensitive nerves, and that was all it took for her to come crashing down.

  Moaning, Eve banged her head against the wall, and squeezed her eyes shut. She’d never experienced a climax so intense, so violent. She could only feel as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over her like a typhoon.

  Caine released his hold on her and stood. Opening her eyes, she stared at him. His lips were swollen and his eyes glowed like blue moonlight. He was so incredibly beautiful. Hauntingly so. She knew he would forever haunt her mind, body and soul.

  Without a word, Caine offered his hand. He didn’t need to speak. The way he looked at her, with naked desire in his face, spoke volumes.

  Taking his hand, she allowed him to lead her to his bed where he promptly sat her on the edge. He took a step back and unbuttoned his shirt. She watched his fingers as they flicked open button by button. She wanted those fingers on her, in her. Anywhere and everywhere, she didn’t care.

  Once his shirt was undone, he shrugged it off. Underneath he was all hard planes and sleek muscles. His skin over his chest was smooth and unblemished. A stripe of dark hair lined his sternum leading deliciously down to the band of his pants and beyond.

  Noticing the line of her gaze, Caine smiled then proceeded to undo his pants. He did it with slow deliberation, teasing her, making sure that Eve was watching every movement. She was watching; she couldn’t take her eyes off of him.

  After he pulled down the zipper, he let his trousers fall. Underneath he wore blue boxer shorts. A slow smile curved his mouth as he hooked his thumbs in the band and slowly pulled them down. When they were at his ankles, he kicked out of th

  He stood before her naked. Gloriously and sinfully naked. She sent a little blessing up to the heavens for making such a specimen of pure male beauty. And that he was all hers, for a little while at least.

  He took a step toward her. Reaching out, she gripped him around the hip and pulled him closer. With her gaze locked on his, she wrapped a hand around the long length. He was like velvet iron in her palm. Soft and hard at the same time.

  While stroking him, she watched as he struggled with control. She adored the way he worried at his bottom lip with the tip of his fangs as she squeezed the tip of him, and then dragged her palm down to the base. The way his breath quickened and jolted when she repeated the movement again and again sent delicious shivers over her body.

  “Damn it woman! You’re killing me.”

  Grinning up at him, she leaned forward. “Oh yeah, how’s this for a long slow death?” She wrapped her lips around him.

  She stroked him with her mouth, employing both tongue and teeth to increase the enjoyment, the pleasure, the play. By the way he gripped her hair and the sudden gasps that exploded from his mouth, she knew she was effective.

  With a loud moan, Caine pulled her head back. “Too much. I want to come inside you.”

  After releasing her grip on him, she was pushed back onto the bed. Reaching down, he grabbed a leg in each hand and pulled her forward, pushing her knees apart. The movement spread her open and exposed. Heat flooded her body at the prospect of what Caine could do to her. She was defenseless against his strength. He was in complete control, and she loved every minute of it.

  Inching his way in and then out of her, he taunted her mercilessly. She thought she’d go mad. Her entire body was slick with sweat, and she could hardly catch her breath as he tickled and teased. She felt just on the edge of a steep cliff with every intent to fly but not being able to leap off. He kept up the delicious torment until she couldn’t handle it any longer.


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