Rock Fever

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Rock Fever Page 7

by Theresa Hodge

“What?” I shrugged.

  “Look, I am sorry.” He ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Sorry about what?” I asked.

  “I think I am a bit self-centered. I don’t really know much about you. I know you have cute eyes, plump and sexy lips, and a nice body, and I know you love movies. But I don’t know what you do for a living, the name of your family, friends, and so much more. I realize I swept in and maybe moved too fast. Sweetheart, can you forgive me?” He leaned closer and took my left hand, pressing it softly to his lips.

  I blushed. My heart was beating fast. This was the best time to tell Blade about my work and let him know I’m uncomfortable with his parties and his drinking habit.

  “What do you do aside from looking beautiful?” he asked.

  “I…” My mouth went dry. Even though I was going to tell Blade, he’d caught me off guard.

  “Yes?” He waited.

  I was ready to tell him about my work as a journalist when I spotted a guy rushing towards our table.

  “What’s that?” He followed my gaze. There was a change in his expression. It seemed the guy was someone he had met before. “If you come one step closer to me, I will sue you and that stupid blog,” Blade snapped angrily at the journalist who must have followed Blade here.

  He had a camera around his neck. The young, pimple-faced guy’s expression fell. He opened his mouth like he was about to say something but stopped. He turned around and left the garden at once.

  I swallowed. Apparently, the guy was a reporter or something.

  “What was that for?” I was not comfortable with the way he had spoken to the guy.

  “I just don’t like vultures. Anything connected to reporters, journals, magazines. Just keep me out of it.”

  “Why?” I pulled my hands away from him. “You are a rock star and famous, for crying out loud. A good amount of notoriety will come from the fame.”

  “Well that doesn’t mean that I don’t prefer my privacy. They’re a bunch of hungry and broke people. I hate them. They are all the same and try to paint famous people like us in a bad light. They are greedy and hopeless. I just hate shit.” He scowled, his eyes reddened with fury.

  I cringed inside as he tore the choice of my career to shreds. A job that I valued and loved. “Not all journalists are the same. Some write for the good of the people. Some want to heal others, liberate them from backward thinking. Some journalists are good at what they do,” I tried to defend myself.

  “Nah, they are all the same. Bunch of liars and broke asses.” He poured the wine before us into his glass and gulped it all at once.

  “You don’t have to do that,” I shouted at him.

  I knew he would finish the whole bottle and probably throw in some pills. Why couldn’t he just have fun without drinking?

  “Do what?” he asked.

  “I don’t like the way we hang out. It always ends up in drinking or drugs, and it makes me really tired,” I complained.

  Though I couldn’t tell him I was a journalist, I could at least caution him about the booze and drugs.

  “You better lower your voice. People could be listening to us, and I don’t need any scandal from a random girl who finds it hard to shut her fucking mouth. I don’t need the likes of you telling me how to live my life,” he growled.

  Tears stung my eyes at his insult.

  “Are you calling me a random girl? Are you high?”

  “For fucks sake!” Blade spat out then rose to his feet with anger radiating from his blue eyes and walked away from me towards the limo that had brought me.

  “Shit.” I slammed the table with my hands.

  I regretted the first time I’d set eyes on Blade. I couldn’t believe he’d left me here alone. Now I was fuming, too!



  A week had passed, and I still hadn’t gotten over what Blade had said to me. I was still mad that he’d left me alone at the winery without a ride home. I found it hard to believe that Blade would walk out on me and call me a random girl. I felt stupid; I had actually fantasized us being together and traveling with him on his tours. I was a fool because he never said he wanted me to follow him on his tours anyway.

  “Damn.” I dropped the paper I was working on.

  I found it hard to concentrate, to do my job. I was pretty messed up, and it was all my fault. I shouldn’t have gotten into Blade’s bed in the first place.

  “You okay, Kira?” Tom walked towards my desk.

  Penny had given me an article to edit, and they all knew I was the fastest when it came to editing. But I had taken over two hours doing nothing but staring at the manuscript on my computer screen.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I lied.

  “You look pretty washed out, you should get some rest.” He tapped my shoulder.

  “Yes, I should.” I nodded and watched as he strolled away.

  Today was the longest day I’d ever had, it seemed. That really wasn’t saying a whole lot, since I didn’t get much sleep this past week.

  I fought with my thoughts until I conquered and eventually forced Blade out of my mind. I quickly edited the manuscript Penny had given to me.

  I walked over to the copy machine to run off the required copies, held the sheets of paper in my hand with confidence, then rode the elevator up to my boss’s office. I tapped on the door twice.

  “Come in!” Penny called out.

  “Hi. Penny, I finished up with the editing,” I said, marching into her office.

  My boss glanced up at me with an unreadable look in her eyes.

  I was shocked to see Edel and Tom in her office. I became curious at once. I hadn’t been informed about a meeting. I wondered: what was going on?

  “Just the person we needed. Have a seat, please,” Penny said, and Edel stood and offered me a swivel chair that was close to Penny’s desk.

  “Thank you, Edel,” I replied as I sat in the cushioned seat that had been occupied by her.

  She nodded and pulled up another chair to sit on the other side of Tom.

  Truth be told, I was not comfortable sitting in front of my boss right now. Penny had a pinched frown around her mouth as she regarded me.

  “I know you are all wondering why you are here. I’ll not waste precious time and get straight to the point. I called you all here to tell you about the changes I want to make to your department,” my boss went on to elaborate.

  “Ahem…” Edel cleared her throat and fidgeted in her seat.

  I peered over at her and Tom. Edel threw me a worried glance, but Tom just stared ahead at Penny with a furrow between his brows.

  “First off—” Penny had not finished talking when my cell phone buzzed from my messenger bag.

  I checked the caller ID and realized it was Blade. He had sent me over at least ten messages. Damn, what was wrong with this guy? I didn’t have time to read them since I was in a meeting.

  “I am sorry,” I apologized to Penny.

  “No problem. But as I was saying earlier, there are changes ahead in your department. First off, I want us to have an erotica column which would explore male and female sexuality. I want a platform where we could talk about the things people are ashamed to talk about. Things like male genitalia size, um, women faking orgasms and such…”

  My phone buzzed again, interrupting my train of thought.

  I felt thoroughly embarrassed.

  “Ahh, I’m sorry…it’s my contact for the big story I am working on.” I had to explain because they were all staring at me curiously.

  “Really? Wow, you work fast. Tell me a bit about the story?” Penny asked.

  I went numb. I had nothing to say.

  “Um… I don’t want to share it just yet. Not until the first draft is ready. Right now, I have data, so I am still analyzing what I have.” I dodged her question.

  “Is that so?” Edel asked.

  “Yes, indeed.” I nodded.

  “Okay, take all the time you need, Kira.” Penny

  I felt relieved.

  I wondered: why is Blade calling and texting a random girl like me? I thought with sarcasm. I was still outraged that he would interrupt the meeting I had with my boss and even angrier that he’d abandoned me last week the way he had. On top of that, Blade had allowed an entire week to pass without a word from him. He could kiss my black ass, I inwardly fumed.



  Later that evening, the yellow sun had receded into a dirty orange color. Twilight was swallowing the sunny beauty of the skies. The stars and the moon shared colony as the darkness of the night consumed the universe.

  I took a glass of wine to relax my nerves after a tough day at work. The wine made me at ease, but I felt horny after the second glass.

  I quickly played some music and turned off the lights. I was going to fuck myself tonight. Masturbating helped me to relieve stress whenever I was anxious or confused. It was not mostly about the pleasure but the soothing calm that fell over me after.

  I took off my panties. Gently, casting them to the rug, this was followed by my bra. I was totally naked now.

  I licked my fingers one after the other and circled my clit.

  I slowly explored my brown body with my hands.

  I dipped the forefinger on my right hand into my wet mouth, then flicked a tongue over it, gently and leisurely.

  I took the finger out then in, sucked it slower this time, feeding on its tip till it was wet enough to work its way into my throbbing pussy which was on fire. My nipples rose up hard to the invitation of desire. I closed my eyes in frustration when Blade’s gorgeous face popped up in my imagery. The thought of his chiseled body and enormous cock sent a wanton urge running through my frame. I felt like fucking!

  I felt like being taken here, right now. I felt like giving in to my darkest fantasies, but there was no outlet for that, so I could do nothing but improvise for the flesh-and-blood man I desired, but I had to try.

  With my left hand, I squeezed and rubbed my breasts firmly, and my lips parted. I let out soft moans and exhaled.

  “Fuck…” I moaned louder. I released the wet finger from my mouth and dropped it on the thick flesh of my pussy. The curtains of my pussy were already open permitting the sunlight of desire which forced its way in. My clit was erect and hard.

  “Ahh…” I circled my clit with a finger, and sweet delight filled me each time the fingertip brushed past the surface of the clit. A river of my nectar flowed freely from the core below…calling, beckoning for my touch.

  I rubbed my clit harder as each touch set me on fire all the more.

  “Fuck,” I muttered, taking another step to my pussy hole. I penetrated my tight core with one finger first, then another, then another until I was full. I raised my hips a bit higher and thrust the three fingers in and out of my pussy at the same time.

  A burgeoning pleasure took hold of my body, igniting, a wildfire.

  I fucked myself until I came

  “Fuck…fuck.” I fought to catch my breath, an orgasmic volcano erupted from my abdomen to the rest of my body.

  My thoughts briefly strayed to Blade again. My mouth opened and his name escaped my lips on a sigh before I drifted off to sleep.


  I found myself in a hotel room having sex with Blade, his dick gliding through the wet walls of my pussy. I was filled with pure delight. I parted my legs wider, giving him full access to my body. I caressed his head with my palms, gently and softly.

  “You’re sweet, and I love you so much, Kira.” His voice was broken and pleading.

  “I love you, too, my love,’ I happily confessed.

  For some time, we drifted. We luxuriated in our new-found love. Then suddenly, I saw myself standing nude in the middle of the backstage room where I’d first met the band.

  “Where am I?” I whispered.

  I felt bereft. I stood in the room all alone. I wildly glanced around the vacant space while I searched for the entrance. I wanted to get out of there. I needed to get out and find my clothes before someone walked in and saw me.

  I heard some noises, and as I listened carefully, I realized someone was moaning.

  “What is that?” I asked myself and marched steadily towards the direction of the sounds. That’s when I saw Blade and Trisha all over each other.

  “Blade? Trisha?” I called out to them, but they didn’t seem to hear me.

  They were so engrossed in kissing and making out with each other just like they did on stage. I felt broken-hearted and betrayed and damn angry.

  I thought they were just band members and friends! I thought they only provocatively performed for the show.

  Before I knew it, the lovers vanished and were quickly replaced by a group of people partying with the rest of the band members. Nobody seemed to see me or pay attention to me.

  They were drinking and laughing loudly. I found Blade in the middle of the other guy band members telling them something funny, going by the way they were cracking up at what he was saying. Blade also appeared to be quite drunk and unsteady on his booted feet.

  I told him to pause with the booze because I felt a little bit worried about Blade.


  I gasped and turned around as someone called my name.

  I stood face to face with Penny who was frowning at me.

  “Penny?” I took a deep breath, feeling uncomfortable with the way she was looking at me.

  “Without a big story, Kira, you’re going to lose your job!” she yelled into my face.

  Everything seemed to stop in mid-motion, then everyone vanished, and I was left alone in the dark room.

  “No!” I awoke the next morning with a scream purging from my dry throat.



  “Oh my God.” I gasped for air as my eyes flashed open to reality. What sort of bad dream was that?

  I felt horrible as I replayed the scenes in my head. Dreaming about Blade and Trisha together hurt me in a way I never imagined it would. What was worst was dreaming about Penny’s threat about me losing my job. I wondered if my dream was a warning of some kind. I hoped it wasn’t.

  I hurriedly got out of bed and strolled into the kitchen to grab me a bottle of water from the fridge. Maybe drinking some water would help calm my nerves. I was sweating profusely from tension and anxiety.

  I was not the type that read meaning to dreams, but I had a feeling this particular dream was symbolic. I was not over Blade like I thought I was.

  I had ignored him messaging and calling me all day yesterday, refusing to reply to his messages. Blade’s calls had become so relentless that I had to shut down my phone completely. I got from his texts that he seemed genuinely sorry for the words he had spoken to me. He showed remorse and even stated he would never forgive himself for abandoning me on our date.

  I finished one bottle of water and pulled out another one, opened it, and gulped the contents into my mouth. My tummy rumbled but settled seconds after that.

  “Possibly I am being too hard on Blade,” I said. Maybe he hadn’t been in the right frame of mind when he’d made that statement, calling me a random girl. I guessed he was high on something and had too much to drink. I shrugged. Perhaps I should forgive and forget because life was about second chances, and I needed to try to end the distance that had grown between us.

  I enjoyed his company. Blade had a good sense of humor, and he was romantic, but the only problem I had with him was the drinking and drugs. I was going to call him immediately after I left the kitchen and took a shower. A soaking bath would help me clear my thoughts and lead me to the words I needed to say to straighten things out with him.

  I felt refreshed and more relaxed after my shower and giving myself a pep talk. I grabbed my cell phone and tapped in Blade’s cell number. Though it was still dawn, I had a feeling he would wake once he saw my number flash across his screen.

  “Pick up, pick up.” I drummed my fingers
on my bottom lip.

  Luckily for me, he took the call on the third ring.

  “We need to talk.” The words were the first that came out of my mouth.

  “Oh my God, Kira! I am so sorry for lashing out and how rashly I acted. I’m not trying to make an excuse, sweetheart, I don’t know what came over me. I have no justification. I was in a bad mood before that date but I promise never to make you feel small and unimportant. You’re not a random girl, I take that back. You’re a smart and sexy woman, and that’s what attracted me to you in the first place.”

  His words rushed out in a pleading apology. I tried to cut in, but he led the conversation.

  Deep down I could feel it; deep down I knew he was sorry for what he’d done. But I wanted us to be more serious, I wanted a commitment from him towards our relationship even if we were both forging on new territory.

  “Blade, listen.” I paused and licked my lips.

  “Kira, please forgive me, baby. I messed up. We should meet up face to face and thrash things out.”

  “I can’t do that, Blade. I’ve…got stuff to do.” I bit my bottom lip. I couldn’t tell him about my work details yet. I wasn’t even planning to say anything to him about my job until I was sure he was serious about our relationship.

  “Please, Kira… Please, baby, you can create the time to get together with me. I really need to see you. We really need to talk,” he stressed.

  Blade was so persuasive and insistent, and I found it difficult to refuse the meetup.

  “Okay, but we’re going to talk things out in a calm, rational fashion,” I warned him.

  “I agree. I’ll text you the venue,” my persuasive rock star replied.

  “Okay, cool. I will see you later then,” I replied.

  “All right, thank you for listening to me, my love. My promise to you, Kira, is that I will never hurt you again.”

  I appreciated his promise and hoped he would abide by it. We said our goodbyes and broke the connection.

  “Phew.” I wiped sweat from my brows then rushed towards my closet to finish getting dressed for work.




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