You Needed Me: A Love Story

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You Needed Me: A Love Story Page 12

by Shvonne Latrice

  “That’s not really my style, and who wouldn’t want a free car?” he looked at me as he pulled into a park on Boylston Street.

  I just smacked my lips, causing him to chuckle lightly before getting out of the car. I pulled the lever on my door, and as I was stepping out, he helped me. I was wearing a dress, and I saw his eyes traveling up my thighs.

  “My face is up here, nigga!” I snapped my fingers in his face, which brought out his alluring smile yet again. Why was he so fine? I mean if I were him and that damn good looking, I’d be smashing hoes too.

  “My bad,” he laughed and then took my hand into his.

  I thought about pulling away, but I liked the feeling. I guess it was okay to entertain this madness for now. We went into Tasty Burger, ordered our food, and then sat at a table near the wall. I prayed over my food with the quickness, and then dug right in, closing my eyes to relish in the moment.

  “Damn, it’s really not that good,” he furrowed his brows.

  “It is too, I love burgers.”

  “A girl that loves burgers? I ain’t never heard that shit before. You’re making me like your ass more and more.”

  “So you like me?”

  “You been knew that, Matikah. When I asked you for your number you should’ve been able to see that. I don’t ask for girl’s numbers.”

  “Oh what, you hold them at gunpoint and then rummage through their purse for their cellphone to call yourself?” I quizzed and bit into my burger. The look he gave me made me laugh loudly, even though my mouth was full of food. I couldn’t help it.

  “Fuck you, shorty. Nah, I usually spit my game and then fuck right then and there. Ain’t no need for a number.”

  “You know you are not helping yourself by telling me this.”

  “I’m being honest. My father always taught me to be honest about shit,” he shrugged, and sipped some of his drink.

  “That’s good. So that means if I ask you a question, you will answer it for me honestly?”

  “I will.”

  “Okay, did you have sex last night?” I cocked my head, eating a fry in the process.

  He flashed me his smile, in which his bluish gray eyes lit up.

  “Yeah man, I did. But so what, ain’t like I could’ve gotten it from you. I would much rather have you in my bed.”

  “Unfortunately Lendsey, I’m not like the rest of the female population here in Boston, so I’m not anxious to get in your bed just because you’re a Quinton.”

  “And that’s why I brought you out, and asked for your number.” We stared into one another’s eyes, and then resumed eating.

  Once we finished our food, we trashed the scraps and left. Sadly, I was not ready to go back to my grandmother’s house. I was enjoying Lendsey’s company, and I liked how we could joke with one another. I was a person who made rude jokes, and most guys got offended, but not him. I refused to express my interest in him though.

  “Would you like to come to my crib?” he asked as he peeled down Boylston. People were already out, ready to turn up since it was now dusk. We’d been in Tasty’s talking for hours longer than I’d realized.

  “You’re not getting any, so that’s fine.”

  “No problem,” he snickered and then adjusted his grip on the steering wheel. We made it back to his home on Colborne Road, and then once he parked we headed up inside. “You can chill and cut the TV on, I’m gonna change.”

  “Don’t get too comfortable, you’re gonna have to take me home soon.”

  “Yeah, aight.”

  I walked slowly and aimlessly around his living room as if I hadn’t been there before. I was checking to see if I saw any remnants of a woman; mainly a woman who was more than a fuck buddy. The bathroom!

  “Hey, Lendsey, where is the bathroom?”

  “To the left of the front door!”

  I rushed to the bathroom, and was surprised to see it had a very manly touch. I found nothing belonging to a woman, which made me smile for some reason. I did have to pee, so I relieved myself, washed my hands, and then returned to the living room to see Lendsey on the couch texting.

  He was rocking some gray joggers, socks, and a white t-shirt. He wasn’t wearing a hat, and I could see his short, kinky hair. He stroked his beard as he read something on his phone, before finally looking up to see me nearing.

  “Texting one of your trollops?” I sat down on the couch.

  “Actually, I was texting about some business,” he responded.

  He then turned the phone over, removed the battery and SIM, and then slipped a new SIM card into it. That was when I realized it wasn’t his iPhone that he’d had earlier.

  “What do you do exactly?” I questioned.

  “You don’t need to know all that.”

  “If you like me and you wanna date me, I need to know something, Lendsey. I’m not gonna be completely oblivious. And I’m not asking for details and your work schedule, I just want to know what it is that makes it so you can afford such a nice place.”

  He stared at me for a couple moments and then cut his TV on. Looking back over to me, his pretty smile appeared again.

  “I help people who aren’t here legally, look like they are. I also help people who have to trash their old identity, and become someone else.”

  “So you help bad people stay bad.”

  “Not all the time, shorty, sometimes I help good people stay alive.”

  “I don’t see how that’s possible,” I chuckled.

  “A woman who has an abusive husband or boyfriend is finally able to sneak out one night. She goes to stay at some hotel with her two young children, but she knows soon enough her crazy ass man will find her, and probably do more harm than ever since she ran away. He has people everywhere, and he can find her at the drop of the dime. He pays close attention to debit and credit cards, so he knows where she swipes them and what city she’s swiping them in. He knows if she purchased a ticket to somewhere, and where she may be staying. All he needs to do is go to the front desk and ask if they have someone there by that name. What’s her only option? To become someone else so that she’s untraceable, and I help her do that,” he explained to me.

  “I guess I didn’t think of it that way.”

  “I know my brothers and I seem like bad people. Everyone sees the Quinton Crime Family as this family and friends of thugs who do nothing but terrorize the East Coast. That ain’t it though. We do make our money illegally, but we ain’t purposely harming niggas, only the ones who cross us. Don’t tell nobody any of this, Matikah. Quinton Crime Family is a speculation and I want it to stay that way.”

  “I would never tell, just because you trusted me enough to tell me. I’m glad I asked though, I feel like I see you differently now,” I half smiled.

  “That’s good. I’ve been trying to show you that I ain’t some horrible ass nigga, but you only wanna listen to your hood rat ass neighbors or whomever you get your info from,” he cheesed, and I just admired how gorgeous he was.

  “I didn’t want to say this, but you are so fine. It’s easy to get lost in your smile, it’s so warm despite who you are.”

  “You ain’t too bad looking yourself, Matikah. I just knew you had a nigga who was crazy about you, but I had to come for you anyway.”

  “I’m glad you did, because I don’t have anyone.” I looked towards the TV.

  Suddenly, he pulled me closer by my wrist, and into his lap. I was straddling him, and my hands gravitated to the sides of his face. I let my thumbs brush across his beard as I stared down into his beautiful eyes.

  “You’re telling me that I don’t have to fight for you, and you’re fair game?” he quizzed.

  “Pretty much. I told you this already though, the first night I met you.”

  “I was worried that you wouldn’t know what to do with a nigga like me, but I think you got it, ma.” He gripped my ass and let me feel his hard ass dick. Damn.

  “I think I got it too.”

  “So what’s good? You g
on’ quit playing games and shit? I wanna take you to the movies or something, I ain’t never done that before.”

  “That’s fine, but I need a kiss first.”

  “Say no more. You’re gonna stay the night with me or do I have to take you home?”

  “I think you should take me home, but I’m gonna stay against my better judgment,” I responded, making us both laugh lowly.

  “I have an extra room if that’s what you feel more comfortable in, but I’d prefer it if you slept in my bed.”

  “That’s fine.” I leaned my face closer to his, and our lips pressed against one another. His lips felt so soft and moisturized. I loved that they were full like mine, because I didn’t feel like I was swallowing him up or something.

  I knew Goldie warned me about him, but I just didn’t care to listen. Call me a fool.

  Chapter Seven: Lendsey

  The next morning…

  I woke up and wiped my eyes, before slowly looking over at a sleeping Matikah. The smell of her perfume was still in the air, but very soft. I stared at her for a couple moments, watching her chest go up and down slowly. She was so damn pretty that I could look at her ass all day.

  I didn’t know what it was about her, but I liked her a lot. From the first day that I saw her, I could feel the difference in the energy she had. I’d been dealing with women for over ten years now, since I was fourteen, and I could eye ball when a woman was a hoe, gold digger, etc. When TQ invited she and her friends over, I immediately began feeling them out by watching their demeanor. Kimberlyn was off limits, but Matikah was the one who caught my eye anyway. I could tell by the way her friend Goldie walked over that she was damaged, so I completely ignored her despite her good looks. Matikah looked way better anyway… to me.

  I didn’t know what I wanted to do with Matikah just yet, but I knew I wanted her to be mine. Girlfriend was something I’d never really taken seriously, but I knew that Matikah was not the type to allow me to do whatever the fuck I wanted, and for some reason I liked that. I needed that discipline.

  After looking at my soon to be wife for a couple more minutes, I rolled out of bed and shook my head at the woody in my boxers. Walking into the bathroom, I pulled my electronic toothbrush from the drawer, and got to work. After rinsing my mouth with some oral rinse, I climbed into the shower and cleaned myself up.

  Freshly showered, I sprayed some of my Axe body spray on, and then wrapped a towel around my waist before going to get my phone. I peeked into my bedroom to see Matikah was still knocked out, but now on her stomach.

  “Hello?” the female answered.

  “What’s good? I need some stuff to be dropped off in the next twenty minutes. Get whatever kind of soap women use, a toothbrush, and bring some outfits from Urban Outfitters.” I’d seen the tag in Matikah’s dress, and it was from UO, so I assumed she liked them.

  “No problem, and what size clothes?”

  “Numbers or letters?”

  “Just give me both, just in case.”

  “Small, 1’s, and early twenties.” I remembered the size was a small on her dress tag.

  “Got it. Be there in twenty, boss.”

  I hung up, and then padded back to my room to get dressed. I slipped on some boxers, then some dark jeans, a gray polo, and some gray Jordan Retro 3’s. After putting on my watch and subtle chain, there was a knock at my condo door. I peeked out the peephole, and smiled when I saw Dimitria, my dad’s assistant. She was really an assistant to the whole family, but her main focus was my father.

  “Here is the stuff you asked for, Lendsey. There is some Dove soap, Vagisil, deodorant, panties, a toothbrush, and then the clothes.” She handed me a target bag and then two Urban Outfitters bags.

  “Damn, I forgot to ask for half of this shit. Good thing you’re a woman D,” I replied as we chuckled.

  “Yes, I know. The total was $488.56 for everything.”

  “Cool.” I reached down into my jeans, peeled off ten fifties, and then handed them to her. “Oh, here’s an extra fifty just for being prompt.”

  “Thanks honey, let me know if you need anything else.” She turned on her heels and switched down the hall.

  I rushed to my bedroom, and then sat on the edge of the bed to tug on Matikah’s toe. My mother used to always wake me up that way, and I hated it so I wanted to try it on someone else. Matikah opened her eyes, and when they landed on me she smiled.

  “Get up so we can go eat breakfast.” I lifted the bags in the air for her to see.

  “What time is it?” she wiped her eyes.

  “It’s 8:30am, so hurry up so we can eat at Thornton’s. You know they close early as fuck, shorty, and I’m starving.”

  She nodded and then peeled back the covers to get out of bed. Her dress was up a little, and the glimpse I got before she pulled it down had my dick hard as a missile yet again. She pushed her long curly locks to the other side of her head, and then reached for the bags. She looked into the Target ones, and then grabbed the Urban Outfitters one.

  “How did you know I liked them?”

  “Saw the tag in your dress.”

  “Wow, a man who pays close attention, I like that.” She bit down on her lip, and then sauntered to the bathroom to get ready.

  While she showered, brushed her teeth, and got dressed, I pulled out my laptop to handle some business. I’d processed a couple new identities, and wanted to check my system to make sure they’d gone through already. I made about $6,000 per identity that I created, and I created about sixty per week. The only time I charged less was when it was a single mother who didn’t have that kind of money. In that instance, I took whatever they could spare. I got a pretty nice income from this shit, and on top of that, I got paid from helping my dad run Quinton Workforce Solutions, an unemployment agency. All in all, I was doing very well.

  “I’m ready,” Matikah walked in, and I could tell her hair was a bit damp in some areas.

  “You washed your hair?”

  “No, you forgot to get me a shower cap, but it’s cool. It’s time to redo it anyway. Let’s go eat.” She walked over to me, and then kissed my lips slowly.

  I gripped her ass in my hands, and squeezed so hard I thought I would burst it. I then hugged her small frame in my arms as our kiss became more passionate, but she finally backed way.

  “Come on, Lendsey,” she tugged on my wrist, so I got up from the chair in my room so that we could leave.

  We got to this place called Thornton’s, and I swear I ate breakfast here almost every morning. Because I always woke up early, I enjoyed the luxury of sitting down and enjoying a big ass meal before starting my day. The staff knew me around here since I came so much, and because I did, Matikah and I were seated immediately and in my favorite spot.

  “You ever been here?” I inquired as Matikah looked over the menu. I already knew what I wanted because I got the same thing every day.

  “No, I usually just go to McDonalds, I’m obsessed with the McGriddle. But I can see you love it here.”

  “I do,” I smiled, just as a waitress came to our table to take our order. “Can I get my usual?” I said to Deanna, the waitress who always took my order.

  “Sure, the French toast with chocolate, and the omelet?” she asked as she wrote it down.

  “That’s right.”

  “And for you, pretty lady? I’ve never seen Lendsey bring someone with him in the three years he’s been coming, so you must be special.” I told her to say that if I ever brought a girl here, because if I did, it meant I really liked them. Deanna would be getting a nice tip for doing what I’d asked.

  “I must be,” Matikah grinned. Yep, I got her little mean ass. “I will have the breakfast burger please, but I’d like Swiss cheese on it instead of cheddar.”

  “You got it, and orange juice for the both of you?” Deanna questioned and we both nodded our heads ‘yes’.

  “I’m starting to like your ass,” Matikah spat and twisted her full lips once Deanna walked away.
br />   “Of course you do, I’m Lendsey Quinton.”

  “Negro, bye!” she threw her hand up as she laughed.

  As I reached across the table to take her small, soft, hands into mine, I felt someone staring at the side of my face. People were piling in already, so I waited until a couple walked passed the person eyeing me, before looking over discreetly. Dania, fuck.

  Dania knew she was on thin ice ever since she took off on my cousin, so she wouldn’t dare act a fool right now. The most she may try to do is run off at the mouth, but she would keep her hands to herself, I hoped. If she decided to get buck in this restaurant while I was working on Matikah though, I would dead her ass and sleep like a baby at night. I let her slide with bullshit in the past because honestly I didn’t care about them other hoes, and usually by the time Dania had fought them, I’d already fucked. But Matikah was different, and she’d better realize that without me having to tell her.

  “So when are we going to the movies?” Matikah asked as I kissed the backs of her hands and then let them go.

  “I got some shit to handle tonight and tomorrow, so what about Sunday night?”

  “That’s fine. Since it’s summer I don’t have to worry about waking up for class in the morning on Monday.” I liked that she went to school.

  “What are you in school for?”

  “I’m in cosmetology school.”

  “Oh you do hair, or am I wrong? I think that’s hair, ain’t it?” I frowned and sipped my juice that Deanna had set down.

  “It’s all things beauty, but no, I’m there for massage therapy and to be an esthetician.”

  “An esti what? The fuck is that, shorty?”

  “Basically, I’m gonna be waxing people’s bodies, mainly women’s pubic area. Also, I’m gonna be able to do massages too.”

  “Oh word? I would love to do the waxing shit,” I cheesed, and she playfully rolled her eyes.

  “You’re disgusting. I don’t even think like that. It’s just work to me, and I’ve seen plenty of vaginas already just from learning.”

  “Well we have that in common because I’ve seen plenty of pussy as well,” I laughed and she playfully rolled her eyes. “So what, you want your own spot or something?”


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