Unlikely Lovers

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Unlikely Lovers Page 13

by Anna Kristell

  When Andy came back in, Cody was on the couch. “She got your motor running, didn’t she?”

  Andy laughed. “All she has to do is walk into the room to do that.”

  “Think Jessie would cheat on her man with an old lover?” he asked his friend cautiously.

  “What are you thinking, Cody?” Andy looked at him warily.

  “Just wondering what it would take to get her back in my bed.”

  “It might get you back together or you might be setting yourself up for a serious fall, my friend. We don’t know how serious this is and Missy doesn’t know either.”

  “It would be worth it,” Cody said wistfully.

  “Cody, not to change the subject, but I need to ask you something. Missy and I have set a date and I want you to be my best man.”

  “Sure, sure Andy, just let me know when and where.”

  “There’s something you should know. Missy plans to ask Jess to be her maid of honor.”

  “That might be perfect for my plan if she doesn’t take lover boy with her.”

  “You’re serious about this, aren’t you?”

  “Hell, yes. Is Missy going to ask Jessie about the guy?”

  “She may wait for Jess to tell her.”

  “When’s the wedding?”

  “Next month.”

  “How fitting, getting married in the month you met her, one year later. Okay, that gives me time to work on my plan.”

  “‘Operation Seduce Jess?”

  “That’s the one.”

  “Good luck, man. You may need it with that plan.”

  “And then again, I may not.”

  Chapter 27

  After her sexy phone conversation with Andy, Missy decided to call Jessica. She had the perfect excuse. She needed a maid of honor. Jessica answered after just a few rings. “Busy?” Missy asked, trying to find out if her friend was alone.

  “Almost asleep, but that’s all right. What’s up?” Jessica replied.

  “What did you do tonight?”

  “I went out with Karen and some people from work.”

  “Anyone I know?” Missy was on a fishing expedition.

  “You wouldn’t know any of them except Karen.”

  “Well, I called because I have something to ask you.”


  “Andy and I are getting married next month and I want you to be my maid of honor.”

  “Sure, Missy, I’d love to. Let me know the details so I can put in for leave.”

  She gave her the details and asked, “Bringing anyone?”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  “Andy’s going to ask Cody to be best man.”

  “I guess I should’ve expected that. I wonder if he’ll bring anyone.”

  “I don’t know. I’ll try to find out for you.”

  “Okay. Let me know.”

  “Well, I guess I’d better let you get back to bed.”

  “Okay, talk to you soon, hon.”

  Missy hung up frustrated because she didn’t find out anything other than that Jessica probably wouldn’t be bringing her new guy to the wedding. That was probably a good thing since Cody would be there.

  I wonder what’ll happen when Cody and Jess are thrown together and their significant others aren’t with them. It could be interesting. She giggled to herself as she thought how great it would be if they reunited the weekend of the wedding.

  Andy went home, Missy returned from her trip, and the fireworks began. They lay in bed talking as she flung a leg over his.

  “Keep that leg there and you’ll be in trouble…I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”

  “And just what will you do, pray tell?” she teased.

  “This for starters.” And he nuzzled her earlobe then moved down to her neck.

  “Andy…oh…mm…don’t stop there.”

  Later, as they lay in bed talking, she said with a giggle, “We’re getting as bad as Jess and Cody used to be, doing it all the time. I can understand now why she had to have him all the time.”

  “If Cody has his way, they’ll be doing it again real soon.” Andy laughed as he remembered Cody’s plan.

  “Why? What do you know that I don’t?” Missy asked curiously.

  “He plans to try and get her to cheat with him the weekend of the wedding.”

  “He’s not bringing his girlfriend then?” she asked, hopefully.

  “He doesn’t have a girlfriend, babe. That woman Jess saw him with was his AA sponsor. They’d just come from a meeting that night. I forgot to tell you that, we were all so worried about Jess’s new secret.”

  “I don’t think I’ll tell Jess that. We can keep a secret from her for a change. Let her think he is seeing someone.”

  “I won’t tell.” He laughed at the deviousness of his bride to be.

  The rest of the night was spent making up for the week they’d been apart and thoughts of Jessica’s and Cody’s problems were put to rest for the time being.

  Chapter 28

  Missy was kept very busy between work and the final preparations for the wedding. She made numerous phone calls to her mother and to Jess talking about dresses and flowers. She still had not told Jess Cody didn’t have a girlfriend and Jess hadn’t mentioned her boyfriend. I wonder who he is. Jess had been known to have her secrets, but she couldn’t believe she hadn’t let on that she’d moved on. Whatever her reasons for keeping it secret, she was in for a surprise if Cody followed through with his plan the weekend of the wedding and Missy, for one, couldn’t wait.

  Andy laughed as he watched the usually very capable Missy become all thumbs as the wedding day drew nearer. “Are you nervous about spending the rest of your life with me?” he teased his bride mercilessly.

  “Never, just a little nervous about walking down the aisle, that’s all,” she replied.

  “I’ll run down the aisle and pick you up if you fall, baby,” he chuckled again.

  “Gee, thanks, wouldn’t that be cute?”

  “Come here baby, let me give you some loving to calm your nerves.” He held out his arms and she rushed into them, grateful for him.

  He held her close and caressed her gently while he whispered, “I love you, baby.”

  She looked up at him and said, “I’m so glad we found each other.”

  They stood like that for a few more minutes then he offered to help her with the wedding details for the rest of the evening.

  “Jess’ll be here tomorrow evening and then you’ll be fine.”

  “Thanks honey. There’s just so much to do, yet.”

  “And it will all get done. Quit worrying.”


  “What’s up with you?” Karen asked Jessica one day as they were preparing to lock the office and head home for the day.

  “What do you mean, Karen?” Jessica asked innocently.

  “You’re smiling again. Did you and Mr. Wonderful get back together?” She and Karen had become friends throughout the whole Cody ordeal. Karen had been there for her on those days when she’d thought she couldn’t go on.

  “Not yet, but I’ve got a plan,” Jessica told her as they walked out of the building into the blinding sunlight. She pulled her sunglasses out of her purse.

  “Uh oh, why does that scare me?” Karen asked apprehensively.

  “We’ll just have to wait and see how it plays out, Karen. By the way, did you give any more thought to my idea about you and Major Brooks?”

  “The idea you had about Bruce and me getting together?”

  “Yes, Karen, that idea.” She laughed as she looked at Karen’s blushing face.

  “Well, he would have to do the asking.”

  “Maybe he’ll do just that one of these days, Karen. Maybe he’ll do just that.”

  They reached their cars and said their goodbyes.

  Once she had reached her own apartment, Jessica called Missy. The big day was approaching and plans had to be finalized. It was decided she’d drive up on Wednesday to help w
ith last minute details. Friday, would be the rehearsal and a dinner afterward. Then Saturday would be the wedding and reception. After that, Jessica would be free to put her plan into action. I can’t wait to feel Cody’s arms around me again. The thought of being with him again was so tantalizing, she had to get up from her couch and take a cold shower.

  As she packed her suitcase on Tuesday night, she could feel herself getting excited again. Anticipation was building. By the time I finally get him into bed, I’ll be so hot I won’t know what to do with him first. She kept thinking positively, not wanting to even imagine the alternative.


  Cody was whistling as he got into his truck to go home from the plant. When he pulled into the driveway, he unlocked the glove compartment and took out the little black velvet box that had been there since that awful night at the hotel. He’d never been able to bring himself to get rid of it, but today was the first day he’d taken it out and looked at it. How I long to be able to put it on her finger. But for now it has to go back to its hiding place. I’ll know when the time’s right.

  He wasn’t driving up until Thursday since he wanted to attend another AA meeting before the trip. He didn’t want to miss the meeting with the reception coming up. He really had no desire to drink, but if Jessie turned him down, he might be tempted. He thought about her until he had to stop packing and take a cold shower, which didn’t work.

  Chapter 29

  Wednesday Jessica awoke at dawn and after throwing her things into the trunk of her car headed out to I-44 to begin the journey that just might change her life. She arrived in the afternoon and seeing the state Missy was in knew she was going to have her hands full for the next few days performing her maid of honor duties.

  “How long has she been like this, Andy?” She laughed as she winked at her friend’s fiancée.

  “Oh, for a couple of weeks now, if you can believe it, our calm, cool, collected Major Roberts isn’t so calm, cool, and collected now that she’s about to become a bride.”

  “There’s a lot of difference in being an army officer and being a bride. I’m not one of those girly girls, you know. Brides are supposed to be girly girls,” Missy chimed in as they all burst into laughter.

  “Come on, Missy, show me what needs to be done. I’ll start doing my maid of honor duties so you can calm down.” She put her arm around her friend as they walked into the kitchen where Missy had table favors spread everywhere. Jessica looked at one that was finished to see what it was supposed to look like then picked up a glass votive cup, silk flowers, a glue gun and began to glue the flowers to the glass. When she was finished, she took a white gardenia scented votive candle from the box on the bar and popped it into the cup. Then picking up another, she did the same thing, this time putting a lavender candle in the cup.

  “When is your mom getting in?” Jessica looked at Missy.

  “Andy’s picking her up at the airport in the morning. His folks are driving and won’t be here until Friday.”

  “And what about Cody?” she asked calmly as if it didn’t matter.

  “Sometime tomorrow, I think. I’m not sure what time.”

  “Well, what needs to be done next? By the time I get married, I’ll have all this down pat.”

  “You thinking about getting married sometime soon, Jess?” Andy asked worriedly.

  “You never know,” she answered secretively.

  Missy and Andy exchanged a look that said, “Oh no.”

  “Do you want to try your dress on again?” she asked Jessica, who was sipping a cup of coffee. She was watching the Weather Channel to catch Saturday’s forecast.

  “Yes, maybe I’d better then if it needs anything we can take it in for last minute alterations tomorrow.”

  Jessica went into the guest room to try on her maid of honor gown. She had come up one weekend to be fitted for it and so she was hoping it would still be perfect. And it was. She looked beautiful in the stylish mauve gown. It hugged her figure in all the right places. It had a cowl neck and was straight in design, made of a clingy fabric that had just a hint of silvery sparkle. Missy had given her a pendant and earrings to go with it and they’d decided that Jessica’s own silver sandals would match perfectly. They were just dressy enough to pull it off.

  “Wow, you’re going to upstage the bride,” Missy said as Jessica walked out to show her the dress.

  “No, I won’t do that, but I might make someone wish he’d hung on to me when he had the chance.”


  Nodding, she said, “I’m going to change and head over to the hotel. I’m glad your mom agreed to stay here with you. Maybe she can calm you down.” Laughing, she went into the bedroom to change.

  When she returned, she had her dress slung over her arm. “I’ll take it with me and get it out of your way. See you in the morning. Love you both.” She hugged her friends and went to check in at the Holiday Inn. She wanted to get some sleep before Cody arrived.

  Jessica checked into her room, hung her dress so it wouldn’t wrinkle and unpacked her bags. She glanced around the room. It would do for a seduction. It was decorated in a contemporary style, with lots of chrome, glass and leather, and the king sized bed with the thick, white comforter would serve her purpose very well.

  Well, Cody, just a few more days, and we’ll see how faithful you are to your new girlfriend. You told me once when we were together that it was all for me, there was none left for anyone else. Is that how you feel about her? You told me so many things and I long to hear those sweet words again. I wonder if you say them to her.


  Cody returned from his meeting feeling renewed and ready for the challenge ahead and he went to bed. He lay there wondering just how serious Jessie was about her new officer boyfriend.

  I told her that she was mine forever and I meant it.

  He was up before dawn. Stopping for gasoline and coffee at the Love’s station just outside of Lawton, he strolled happily into the bright yellow building with the familiar red lettering. After paying for his Krispy Kreme donut and his large cup of black coffee, he was on his way before the morning traffic began. Stopping only once for a quick fast food lunch and more gasoline, he was back on the road and arrived at Andy and Missy’s in the early afternoon. Jessie was already there, happy and cheerful, helping Missy. I haven’t seen her looking this cheerful for a long time. This might be harder than I thought. He said hello to everyone and asked Andy what he could do to help.

  “We need to go pick up our tuxes,” Andy told him.

  That was good. He could get some info from Andy while they were out.


  “So that’s your dreamboat, Jessica? No wonder you want him back.” Mrs. Roberts smiled at Jessica. She was a kind woman, with a wonderful sense of humor.

  “Mom, who ever said she wanted him back?” Missy asked.

  “A mother can tell.” She smiled a knowing smile at Jessica. “Whether the poor girl knows it or not, she loves that man.”

  Jessica was flustered. Does it show that much? I thought I’d been doing a good job of hiding my feelings.

  “We have too much to do to talk about those two, Mom. If we did, we’d never get ready by Saturday for the wedding.”

  The three women worked all afternoon finishing up the final wedding details and had sat down with glasses of iced tea when the men returned.

  “Get lost?” Missy asked as they came in.

  Jessica got up and went to the kitchen. She returned with a glass of iced tea for both men.

  “Why thank you, Jessie. I was just telling Missy that I had to do my best man duty and give the groom a pep talk.” Cody smiled as he took the glass from her hand.

  “No wonder you were gone so long. You’ve probably been trying to talk him out of it,” Jessica replied.

  “Quite the contrary,” Andy said with a grin. “He couldn’t have, anyway, even if he’d tried.”

  “Well, that’s a relief. I’d hate to think I’ve been going
crazy for the last week for no reason.” Missy laughed.

  “You have nothing to worry about, baby. I will be at that church on Saturday with bells on.” Andy looked at his fiancée and winked.

  “Well, a mother always likes to hear her future son in law say that,” Missy’s mother joined the conversation. “What about you, Cody? Any plans to tie the knot?

  “Mother!” Missy looked at her mother in shock.

  “Just asking.” She shrugged and looked at Cody.

  “Well, you never know. I might surprise everyone and do that one of these days.”

  Jessica very nearly choked on her tea. Is he that serious about the bimbo? If so, I’m going to have to work fast.

  Since most of the work was done, they decided to go out for dinner. Missy chose The Olive Garden, of course, and they spent a pleasant and relaxing evening together, enjoying good food and good company. The tension was mounting between Cody and Jessica, but no one else seemed to notice.

  When it was time to leave, Cody offered to drive Jessica to the hotel. “You can get your car tomorrow. There’s no reason for you to go all the way back to Missy’s tonight when I have my truck and we’re going to the same place.”

  “I’ll see all of you tomorrow,” she said as she let Cody escort her out of the restaurant.

  The ride to the hotel was pleasant enough. She could see he was in better shape than he’d been the last time they were together. Whoever this woman was, she’d gotten him on track. When they arrived, he walked her to her room, saw that she was safely inside and turned to go.

  “Would you like to come in?” Jessica asked politely.

  “I need to make a phone call then get to bed. There’s a lot to do tomorrow. I’ll meet you for breakfast and take you over to Missy’s.”

  She was so jealous she could have kicked something, but she had to remain calm. “Well, if you’re sure.”

  “I guess I could come in for a few minutes. It’s been a long time since we’ve talked.”

  Or anything else, she thought. She led him into her room and sat in one of the black leather chairs next to the bed.

  “Andy’s happy. I’m glad it’s worked out,” he began, as he took the other chair.


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