Pieces Of One, Part 1 (The Dark Life Collection)

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Pieces Of One, Part 1 (The Dark Life Collection) Page 6

by Ricketts, SVC

  I go back to the bathroom to retrieve the bathrobe, not giving a hoot that I’m naked under residual bubbles. “I can’t. This is not happening. Christ almighty, I told you, I. Am. Not. Her,” I say, jabbing my finger into my chest between each word. I’m not sure where the bitterness that fuels my outburst comes from. Just a few minutes ago I wanted him just as badly. My heart, mind, and gut are at savage odds. Great, now I’m really acting like the Mad Hatter.

  The wet bathroom floor squeaks under my feet as I walk. Turning too quickly, I slip and once again, Alex is there to catch me. How is he always here to catch me?

  Being in his arms takes my breath away, my emotions emulsify, and the moral dilemma fizzles to a goopy puddle. Everything about him minces my common sense.

  “God, you smell good,” I wisp. He chuckles as he helps steady me, but I don’t release him. This is wrong. I am wrong. I mentally slap myself.

  We stand dripping on the bathroom floor for a few moments just holding each other. Taking advantage of our proximity, I search his eyes and absorb little scars behind them. A hidden pain, a buried blackness. But unlike me, he lives his life; I’m just trying to survive it. Here’s a man who knows my secret. A man that is willing to stay regardless of the insane situation and the complications that will be presented down the road. I thought he was a dream, but he’s not. He’s real and here for me.

  Aw, fuck it!

  Before he can say anything, I smash his face between my palms and pull his lips to mine. Of all the romance books I’ve read and the sappy ugly-cry movies I’ve seen, they don’t hold a candle to what his touch does to me. He slips his hand through the slit to unfasten my bathrobe and wraps his arm around my back. A gas-lit fire erupts, both physically and emotionally, through me. His outreached fingers trail between my shoulder blades, and in one fell swoop, he lifts me again, carrying me back to the bedroom.

  “Alex, the bed! The sheets will get soaked!”

  “I’ll throw them in the dryer.”

  “But the mattress...,”

  “I’ll buy a new one,” he says, carefully laying me down.


  “Shut up,” he quietly commands as his kiss stops any more protests. “Are you okay with this? Are you sure?” he asks, pulling the covers up.

  “Yes,” I breathe out. “Do you have um….something?”

  Alex laughs. “In this respect, you guys are alike.” He reaches over to retrieve something from the nightstand, and pulls out a condom.

  I vocalize my mother’s words and my own belief, “Stupidity trumps nothing.”

  “You are a wise woman, Trista Dividir. A gorgeous,” he says, kissing me.

  “Beautiful.” Another kiss.

  “Sexy.” Another brush of his lips.

  “Wise woman.”

  The simple pressure of his feather-like fingers along my shoulder sends a quiver down to my toes. He moves his hand between my shoulder blades, lifting my neck to meet his mouth and rolls me toward him. A gasp of pleasure is the only thing I can manage.

  Alex abruptly stops, rolling me back over. Slivered wrinkles cross his forehead. “Does that hurt? Maybe we should wait.”

  It does, but my wanting of this to happen makes the stinging pain seem mostly non-existent. This is the moment–the one within my depths. The tightness in my stomach is loosening and bubbling through me. I can’t imagine not satisfying this hunger. “No,” I lie.

  Tracing my cheek, he whispers, “I don’t want to hurt you any more than you’ve already been hurt.”

  “I want this. I want you. I’ve seen your eyes in my dreams for months and never knew why. Now you’re here. With me, wanting me, not her.” Intuitively, I run my hands along his chest, sliding them downward to his abs. He shivers at my touch.

  “Are you sure?” he asks again.

  Slipping my arm underneath his, I place my hand on his back. “Shut up,” I say, and pull him back on top, caging him with my legs. My head becomes fuzzy when, for the slimmest second, a wave of dizziness washes over me.

  “Don’t…stop…please,” echoes through my thoughts.

  An internal push presses behind my eyes, but I breathe in deeply and blink a few times. Alex is still here, and smiles before dipping his head to lavish my neck with exquisite kisses.

  LOTS OF BLACK, lots of white, and more colors than a prism refraction. Huh. I inspect a few of Alex’s dress shirts in his closet, even try a few on. They only come mid–thigh, with the sides showing my silk thong panties. Miffed, I tap my foot while I consider my options versus being wrapped in a bed sheet. All of Alex’s t-shirts have the arms cut off showing too much side boob, so I dismiss that idea too. He has nothing else that would cover all my bits and pieces. Why couldn’t his sister have left some of her clothes? Pulling on a light blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, I bashfully step out of his closet tucking a stray lock of hair behind my ear. His eyes flash with wanton approval.

  “Wow! You look so hot right now,” he says and catches me by my waist. My hands fall on the solid mass of his bare chest as we topple onto the bed.

  Lying flush with him, I bat my lashes. “Marvy never dressed like this for you?”

  I say this coyly, but really, I’m trying to illicit information.

  Alex’s wry smile tells me he is not fooled. “These are the only things I will say about me and Marvy and we’ll never speak of it again, deal?”

  “Deal.” I nod, even though I want validation that he likes me better than Marvy; that I am better than her.

  “I told you, things with Marvy were aggressive. Sometimes…,” he bulges his eyes, “painful. She took things to the edge and at times went over. It was exciting at first, but then exhausting. It made me feel empty. I was alone when I was with her. We never had a conversation for longer than ten minutes, and when we did talk it was always with one thing on her mind: sex.”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I lay my cheek on his chest.

  “I never understood how my mother fell for my father so fast and hard. I get it now,” he breathes into my tousled hair. “Your smile brings me to life, but I didn’t know I was dead inside. You are your own kind of beautiful. She is the dark and you are the light. I never want to go back to a dark life.” The pace of his rapid heartbeat makes me smile timidly. Mine races to the same beat.

  He raises back to steal the softness in my eyes. There’s a somberness with the way he takes in my features. The gravity of this conversation makes me lightheaded. I blink slowly, waiting for his next words.

  “Besides, you have better hands than she does,” he says wiggling his eyebrows and moving his hips beneath me.

  I laugh and push him away as I roll off the bed. “Jerk!”

  LAST NIGHT DIDN’T PROGRESS as I anticipated. Going all the way just didn’t feel right, so we stopped before I did something I’d regret. A niggling thought about Marvy and her loose morals was an affronting assault to my own sensibilities. But lying au naturel with Alex after he carried me to the bed a second time, I couldn’t resist exploring his sculpted David-like form. I don’t know what base I rounded, but I’m sure it was at least a ground-rule double.

  Goose bumps broke out under my fingers and he shivered when I probed past his hips. I stayed away from his forbidden area till he covered my hand and took the lead. He talked me through each upward and downward stroke; told me when to give him a gentle tug, and how to hold my grip. The bead of ejaculation made it easy to wrap my fingers around his girth and slip them along the sheer length of it. He gasped when my thumb played with the tip. It made me curious as what other reactions I could illicit.

  When I scrambled between his straddled legs, he sat up in an attempt to stop me. I tick-tocked my finger back and forth and shook my head “no.” This was power, a power I’d never had over another. I could see why Marvy did what she did; it was about control.

  Crouching forward, I came eye-level with the glistening stalk that drove my hunger. There was a thick vein that I could have sworn
was pulsing. Sitting back slightly, I pushed my breasts together encompassing his cock. A bit more of his white fluid lubricated my up and down motion as the head disappeared and reappeared in my cleavage. My view was erotic, but when I looked up, Alex’s eyes were glassy and wide.

  “That is sexy as fuck.”

  When the tip reappeared, I opened my mouth to take it in.

  Alex groaned, “Fuuuccckkk, that’s hot!”

  His creamy taste was salty and I ran my tongue along the roof of my mouth savoring it. Licking my lips, my mouth watered wanting more.

  Cool air tickled my moist breasts as I surrendered them to free my hands. When I took him into my mouth, I had to readjust my sitting position and move my hair to the side. With the new angle, I was able to take more of him in. There was still a few more inches to go when my eyes began to water and my gag reflex kicked in.

  “Relax your throat, baby. Go slow,” he coached.

  Following his instructions, I did and was able to take in another inch. I had to pause when I felt him go a bit past the back of my throat. I was so disappointed that I couldn’t have him completely, I kept trying for more.

  “Hey, this isn’t a competition, Trista. Hold the base and keep breathing through your nose.”

  Again, disappointment flared when I couldn’t even get my hand fully around the hilt of his cock. With a gentle hold, I moved it in unison with my mouth as I raised my head and repeated the motion with my descent. By the fourth time, I happily was able to go down on him almost all the way.

  “Oh fuck, Trista,” he growled. The tone of his words started something pulsing at the center between my legs.

  His pleasure made me smile and I grated my teeth tenderly up his shaft, and swirled my tongue on the way down.

  “Geezus fucking Christ! Oh God Trista, stop unless you want me to cum in your...,”

  Quickening my pace with my mouth, I reached below and wrapped my fingers around his balls. With my other hand, I blocked his hand from discontinuing my ambition. When he pushed, I sucked harder; my apex growing moist.

  “Aaaggghhhh, I’m coming, Trista.” He’d given up trying to stop me and entangled his fists into the sheet.

  As if his release was my ground zero, my motions became a frenzied mix of licking and sucking, massaging and squeezing. I wanted to know what his essence would feel like going down my throat. Under my tongue, I felt his cock throb and grow; it was fascinating. I sucked harder and kept the partnering of my nimble hands consistent. Swallowing him in so deep–for what would be the finale–I wrapped my lips around the base, inhaled through my nose and went down another inch.

  That technique was met with a roar from Alex as his orgasm took over. Focusing on the twitches and tweaks of his face, it shot down my throat in rapid spurts. As fast as it flowed, I did my best to drink him all in. I wasn’t 100% successful and some thickly dripped out from the corner of my mouth. When I felt his body shimmy and then go limp, I slowly extracted him from deep within my throat, liberating his still twitching cock from my tingling lips.

  He looked absolutely drained, but weakly smiled at me. “THAT was your first blow-job?” I sat back on my haunches and nodded.

  Using my thumb, I wiped the residual cum from my chin and smiled timidly. “How was it?”

  Chuckling, he motioned for me to lie with him. I climbed up and curled my body into his arms waiting for his answer.

  “You know I’m not one of those ‘nice’ guys.” I looked up at him with a chaffed grin. “But holy hell, I think I saw the rings of Saturn!”

  The affirmation was exactly what I needed. I folded up in his arms and spent the rest of the night talking about our childhoods and family. I told him about my younger brother Jones, the wannabe pro-gamer and Tyson, my twin brother that died at the age of six. How I cope with Marvy and plan on going to Baylor after completing my Bachelors at Metro. He mostly asked questions about my life, not hers. I learned about his mother’s death, but he hardly mentioned his father. He and his half-sister Tessa, are very tight though; like how Jones and I used to be. I fell asleep to the rhythm of his breathing and the deep rumble of his voice. In the morning, my heart swelled waking in his arms. I rationalized my feelings by telling myself I did know him. I knew him through my dreams–through Marvy.

  BEFORE I CAN ROLL off the bed, he beckons for me. “Come here.” He motions for my hands and draws me close. Alex sits on the edge of the bed and looks up. “I’ve never…I mean…” Alex’s brow creases and smooths with processing thoughts. He lights up and blinds me with a starlit smile. “You’re better than the best wave, the best run on new snow. I’m standing on top of a crest at the peak of a mountain and the whole world looks different from here! It’s like I’ve never been happy before or something…crazy, huh?”

  I kneel and sit back on my heels not releasing his hands, “Alex…”

  He devours my words with a kiss. Taking me with him, not breaking our connection, he tows me back up to the bed. My shirt lifts with his strong hands kneading and massaging as they move up my back. His kisses thick and sweet like honey, spurring my craving for him. The pulsing below my hips, that went unattended to last night, returns with a vengeance. It pounds its demands as if screaming its suffrage.

  I feel the warmth of his hands glide to an area above my tailbone and OH MY GOD! My body moves on its own with the lightning bolt that hits the area between my legs.

  Feeling my reaction, he goes back to the spot and circles his fingertips over it repeatedly. My entire body begins to undulate and rock on its own blissful volition. What in the holy fracking hell is that? Is that what they mean by the special place on a woman’s body? I bend my head into his neck, his sweat makes my cheek slide along his stubble. I slither with rise and falls; taken over by madness.

  My body is not my own. I feel Marvy’s lascivious nature sink into the epidermis of my skin. She infiltrates the blood coursing through my veins–changing me. I am becoming more like her the more I live as she does. A fractious animal that does not submit to the harness of propriety or virtue. I shouldn’t want this, and yet I do. Alex releases me from the cage constructed to protect me, but in reality, I have always had the key.

  When he moves his hand between the cheeks of my butt, I’m so lost in what his other hand is doing, I don’t really care. When he strokes the pucker, I’m gone. Even lying down, I’m incredibly dizzy. His hand moves farther down and he chuckles. The sexy jerk is actually amused.

  “Baby, you’re so wet right now and I haven’t even gotten to the good part.”

  The good part? What does that mean?

  One of his fingers strokes my vag—AAHHHH! HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THINGS HOLY!

  A gasp escapes my mouth which he takes advantage of, absorbing the sound with his kiss. At the same time, he inserts a finger in the soaking channel between my legs. My moans accompany his strokes that never fully withdraw, taking me higher and higher into euphoria. His long index finger hits a spot within me that evokes a song of prayer with his name.

  “Oh God, yes! Alex, God Alex, yes!”

  Another finger joins the coordinated motion and I desperately squirm to match the rhythm.

  A third digit enters me and his thumb, drenched in my juices, finds my backside porta. With his entire hand anointed in my milky fluid, he picks up speed. The carnal friction is too much, but stopping is the furthest thing from my mind. I move my hips to force his hand faster, deeper, harder. There’s a tightening winding up that I’m frantic to unleash.

  “That’s it baby, fuck my hand.”

  I’m so close to effervescence. That’s the only way I can describe it, a shaken champagne bottle waiting to be uncorked. I grind down my glut and tense my core, then ride his hand for a few more beats.

  The animalistic sounds filling the room are mine, I realize. I feel no shame in it. I’m so close to what I want, they just intensify my need.

  I don’t anticipate Alex rolling me over so that he is now on top of me. His hand doesn’t lose its temp
o so it makes no difference to me. Lifting me so we are both kneeling in front of each other, he ravages me with a kiss that shoots straight down between my open thighs. Running my fingers through his hair, I scratch his scalp and grip the curls. Unbuttoning my shirt, he kisses down my already sensitive skin and my body comes to life as he suckles my breasts. He pays tribute to both equally before nuzzling down the center.

  Abruptly he removes his hand and I am instantly pissed. Alex sees me vexed and smirks. “Don’t move,” he commands.

  Moving behind me, he glides his fingers across my shoulders, down my spine, and gives my tush a smack.

  “Ow!” I try to rub the sore spot, but he blocks my hand. Instead he bends his head and licks the red area. “Hold the headboard, you’re going to need the stability.”

  My eyes widen. “What?” Before I can think of whips and handcuff scenarios, his twinkling eyes appear below me, between my legs.

  Alex closes his eyes and inhales. “God your pussy smells so good all gleaming and wet. You were close weren’t you?” I nod. “I can smell it,” he says inhaling again. “Now lower yourself. You’re going to ride my face.”

  I tuck in my lower lip and bite down, again feeling powerful. The moment his tongue licks my folds, I’m screaming his song again. I look down to see him watching me—watching my pleasure. My hands go to my breasts and I begin massaging them. His eyes flair; I know he likes that. I pinch my nipples and roll my hips. We’re both pleasuring each other.

  Reaching around my leg, he rubs something that blasts electric shocks straight up my spine. I slam my hands to the headboard to anchor my convulsing body. My toes curl and I arch my back, deserting even the tiniest shred of right or wrong.

  “Your clit throbs under my thumb like it’s been neglected for a long time. That little bundle of nerves needs a release, don’t you think?” He doesn’t realize I have no idea what he’s talking about. I just don’t want him to stop so I nod my head and rock my hips.


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