Compromising Positions (An Erotic Romance Novel)

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Compromising Positions (An Erotic Romance Novel) Page 5

by Tawny Taylor

  On legs that felt like they were tied to anchors, she slowly propelled herself through the crushing crowd to the bathroom. And after peeing a gallon, she checked herself in the mirror—not a pretty sight—and headed back to tell Gabe she needed to call it a night.

  When she returned to the table, Gabe stood. “Ready to go?” he asked, car keys in hand.

  “Yup. Where’s Michael?”

  “He left. Had a personal issue to deal with. Said he’d see you tomorrow.” Gabe took her hand.

  She sort of leaned into him as she walked. He didn’t sway like the rest of the world did.

  When she got to her car, she fished through her purse for her keys. When she hit the bottom, and still no keys, a tide of panic rose up her throat. “My keys! I must have lost them in the bathroom.”

  “I’ll find them later. Why don’t you let me drive you home?”

  “No, all I need to do is go back inside.” She took a step back toward the entry, but something caught her by the waist. “What the hell?” She looked down. Hands. She glanced over her shoulder. “Would you let me go?”

  He spun her around until she was facing him directly.

  Not a good position. He was so close. He smelled so good. He towered at least a head taller than her. Perfect height. Perfect width. Solid. Hard. Sexy…

  He leaned down and dropped a kiss on her nose. “You’re a very important part of the new Single Temptation. I couldn’t let anything happen to you, now, could I?”


  “So, let’s go to my car, and I’ll drive you home.” He didn’t remove his hands from her waist.

  “You’re driving me home for the sake of the company?”

  “Partly…” He glanced over her shoulder and smiled. “Okay, I confess. I’m worried about you for personal reasons. Don’t you feel it, Fate? That old magic?”

  “No.” Liar!

  His handsome face screwed into the picture of confusion. “Really?”

  Actually, what she felt right now went way beyond what she’d felt in college. Had to be the Oregon lager. Probably had twice the alcohol content. “We have to work together, at least for the time being. We’d better keep things professional…” Her gaze dropped to his lips as he licked them, and she felt her own go Sahara Desert dry.

  He leaned closer, and her eyelids fell closed.

  His mouth touched hers, and an A-bomb exploded in her body. Shockwaves pulsed outward to her limbs and knocked her brain loose from its connections.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for life, relishing the lazy, deliberate exploration Gabe was performing on her mouth. His fingers kneaded her waist then tiptoed up her sides. Hers tangled in silky curls at his nape.

  By God, she’d lost her mind! But who the hell cared? He tasted amazing. He smelled wonderful. And as his body crushed against hers, he felt fantastic. Hard angles and planes. Smooth muscle working under clothes she wished she could strip away.

  His hands found the sides of her breasts and slipped between their bodies to tease her nipples through her clothes. She could feel herself getting wet. She straddled his leg and ground into him in rhythm with the throbbing in her crotch.

  She wanted him. Now! Her hands dropped to his hips and slowly slid around to his ass. Rock-hard. Something sharp poked her palm through his rear pocket, and in response to the pain, she slid her hands around to his front, grabbed the pronounced lump she found there and gave it a squeeze.

  “Ouch!” Gabe broke the kiss and took her hands in his. “Easy, baby. This tool isn’t a Craftsman. It needs a little gentle loving care. Eeeeasy does it.”

  The blinding white of a headlight flashed in her face, and she looked up into Gabe’s face. “Oh. Sorry. Guess I got carried away.” His mouth was still moist, hers sensitized. She licked her lips, still tasting him.

  “Come on. Let’s get outta here before we get a ticket.” He took her hand and led her to a Corvette parked a couple of spots away.

  Black, sleek, sharp. That vehicle was just like him, the epitome of racy.

  “Nice car.” She dropped into the passenger seat after he opened the door for her.

  He went around to the other side. “It’s a nice ride, but I’m about ready to turn her in for something better.”

  “What?” She fingered her mouth, still tasting him. “Maybe a Beemer next? Or a Ferrari?”

  “No, I was thinking of something a little more practical. Like a truck.”

  “You? A truck?” She laughed at the vision of Gabe Ryan, bad boy, driving a dumpy old pick-up. “It’ll never happen. Unless, of course, you buy one of those stupid trucks with five-foot tires.”

  He chuckled, started the car and shifted into drive. As he pulled onto the street she noted how smooth the ride was, indeed. She’d never ridden in a Vette before. It was kind of nice.

  Within a few blocks, she’d rolled down the window, and was enjoying the exhilaration of a car that hugged the road and shot like a cannonball from the traffic lights. It might be fun to drive one of these, she decided.

  The man might be as enjoyable to ride…assuming he’d taken care of that engine misfiring issue he’d had years ago.

  When Gabe made a left at the next light, she realized he was taking her directly to her place.

  Wait a minute. She hadn’t given him directions. “How do you know where I live?”

  “I, uh. I saw your personnel file on Duncan’s desk earlier.”

  “Bullshit!” She went into her purse, pulled out her wallet and opened it. Her license was gone. “Where are my keys? My license?”

  He parked the car in an empty parking lot, leaned to the left and slid a hand into his rear pants pocket. “Here.” He dropped them into her lap. “I didn’t want you to drive home.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You didn’t look fine.”

  “What do you care, anyway? Is this just your way of getting a little pussy? Act all honorable, drive the lady home, and then weasel your way into her house for a one-night stand.” Damn, even to herself she sounded like a bitch!

  “I promise I won’t touch you again. I just wanted to drive you home.”

  She almost felt disappointed by that promise. “How am I supposed to get to work in the morning?”

  “I’ll pick you up.”

  He couldn’t really be acting honorable. Chivalry was dead. Gone for centuries, at least since the advent of indoor plumbing. “What’s in this for you?”

  “Nothing. Like I said, I didn’t want to see you get in a car accident. You’re loaded, Fate.”

  “Am not.”

  Sure. Then why are you swaying? We’re not moving.”

  “Well…” Was she really swaying? She gripped the door handle to stop it just in case. “Then what are you doing taking advantage of me when I’m…I’m not at my best?”

  “I promise,” he held up his hands in the universal sign of surrender, “I won’t touch you again.”

  Well, at least she hadn’t lost her keys. That was a bit of a relief. The promise that he wouldn’t try anything more wasn’t, but it was late and it had been one hell of a day. She was probably lacking in mental facilities at the moment. Tomorrow, things would look different, and she’d be glad she hadn’t done something stupid. “Drive on.” She leaned back to enjoy the rest of the ride.

  It took only a few minutes before they reached her house. Gabe insisted she wait for him to open the car door, and she relinquished. He was a bit old fashioned. She hadn’t expected that.

  When he opened the door, he offered a hand to her, and she accepted, stepping from the low car’s interior onto the tilty, wobbly sidewalk. He helped her to the door, helped her with the keys, assisted her inside and then stood at the threshold, looking like he was in pain.

  “Thanks,” she said, knowing exactly what kind of pain he was probably in. She was a hot, throbbing, mess too. Tonight, she’d need the company of Mr. Happy before she’d get any sleep. “You’re a good sport, Gabe. I’m sorry for snapping at yo
u. Like it or not, we have to find a way to work together, at least until Duncan fires me.”

  “He’s not going to fire you.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Take his side.” She slipped her feet out of her shoes. Ah! Her cramped toes wiggled, burrowing into the soft carpet. She dropped her purse and keys on the side table and reached up to let her hair—what remained in the ponytail—loose. She scratched at her scalp, bringing the blood flow back and sighed.

  “Can you trust me?” he asked.

  “No offense, but I don’t trust anyone. Hell, I trusted my company—I was up for a promotion. They promised! Look what trusting them got me. Nowhere.”

  He nodded.

  “My mother’s house is going on the auction block soon, and I need to get a mortgage, or I can’t buy it from the bank. I can’t let my mother loose her house.”

  He leaned against the door frame, looking casual, and extremely sexy. Arms crossed over that broad chest. “Is she still living in that tri-level in Canton?”

  “She was.” She shed her blazer and hung it on the back of her kitchen chair. “Before the bank kicked her out. You want something to drink?”

  “No, thanks.”

  “How about something to eat? I have some munchies. I don’t normally indulge—especially this late—but what the hell. I’ve broken a lot of rules today.” While she was hidden in the confines of the kitchen, she quickly slipped off her pantyhose. Much better. Chips in hand, she returned to the living room.

  “No, thanks.” His gaze dropped to her bare legs, and he visibly swallowed. “Guess I’d better get going. I have a long drive home.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. I moved out by the old Date Doctor’s headquarters. It’ll take me at least an hour to get home.”

  “Why don’t you stay here?” Had she just said that? She bit her tongue.

  “Oh, I don’t think that would be such a good idea. Thanks anyway.” He gripped the doorknob and gave it a twist.

  “Are you sure? I mean, if you don’t make it home tonight, I’ll never forgive myself. You had a couple beers, too, you know.”

  “I’m fine. Unlike you, I ate my dinner. Really.” He pulled the door open. “Besides, I’m sure you’d have a hell of a time sleeping tonight with me here.”

  “Aren’t we a little full of ourselves?” She dropped the chips on the coffee table and sauntered to the door. Damn, she was feeling sexy tonight.

  “No.” He gave her a grin and one very long up-and-down twice-over then took a single step out the door. “I’m not full of myself. I’m just banking on the fact that you’re not accustomed to having nude men sleeping on your couch.” He winked. “See ya tomorrow morning, Fate. Seven sharp.”

  Nude? “Okay.” Damn right she wasn’t used to naked men on her couch! “But you need some coffee for the road. I insist.” She pulled him back inside, shoved him toward the couch and then went to the kitchen to make the coffee. “Wait here. It’ll only take a minute. It’s the least I can do for all your trouble.”

  He looked amused.


  “This doesn’t have anything to do with that naked comment, does it?”

  “Hell, no!” Liar! “I just would hate to see you fall asleep at the wheel. Be right back.” Once in the kitchen, she dumped some water and coffee grounds in their respective places then sat at the table to wait.

  And wait…and wait…how freakin’ long did it take for the coffee-maker to work? Was it broken? She lacked the energy to get up and check on it. No, it couldn’t be broken. It was brand new. She rested her arms on the table and dropped her head onto them…and fell asleep.

  It was pretty quiet in the kitchen, and still no nutty coffee aroma. Time to check on Fate.

  He walked around the half wall separating the living room from kitchen.

  Sleeping. He wasn’t surprised. And quite a picture, she was, too. Her red curls falling out of her ponytail and draped across her face and shoulders. Her features relaxed, lacking the tension he’d seen all day. She looked younger, innocent, vulnerable…and a little uncomfortable. She’d have one hell of a stiff neck tomorrow if she didn’t move.

  He shook her shoulders, and she groaned. He called her name, and she moaned. Still, she didn’t move.

  Well, he couldn’t leave her there! Hell, she might slide sideways and crack her head on the floor. He scooped her into his arms, loving the feel of her weight against him. His cock got harder than concrete. Wishing she were wide awake, begging for his touch, he set her on the bed.

  That was better. He took a step back, his gaze resting on her form. She still didn’t look very comfortable. Had to be the belt. That was it. He removed it, receiving a soft sigh as a reward.

  Hmmm…her blouse and skirt looked a little restricting too. What kind of gentleman would he be leaving her like this when she was so helpless? He sat next to her on the bed, playing with a flame-colored curl twisting around his fingertip. Undressing her was not an attempt to exorcize his libido. Not at all. She was loaded, couldn’t undress herself, and uncomfortable. And he could help her, poor baby. He was being…chivalrous. Yeah, that was it.

  He started with the jacket, not an easy task, since it was cut to fit and clung to her shoulders like a possessive boyfriend. But after some interesting and rather comical maneuvers, he managed well enough. He hung it on the doorknob—would hate to see it get wrinkled.

  Next came the blouse. That was an altogether different kind of challenge. With each button released, his cock became harder until he could just about holler. Her smooth ivory-skinned stomach, concave and about as tempting as a cold beer on a hot summer day, was fully exposed, as was her sexy black lace bra. What a combination! Short black skirt and lace bra to match. Too bad she couldn’t come to work dressed like that!

  He could even see the pink of a lonely nipple peeking through the lace. It needed a kiss.

  He bit his lip. Damn it, he wanted to taste her! Just one lick.

  But how chivalrous would that be?

  He sighed, frustrated, nursing a set of blue balls, and forced himself to finish the job. He had to reach around her back to unzip her skirt, and that left him painfully aware of how she smelled, how she felt in his arms, how soft her skin was and how sweet she was rumpled and sleeping. With a groan, he unzipped her skirt, stood at the foot of the bed, turned his head and pulled.

  He wouldn’t look. That would be the end of him.

  Okay, maybe just one tiny look.

  Holy shit! Black lace thong? His gaze riveted there, at the black V between her legs, then wandered upward.

  She smiled in her sleep and rolled onto her side, jutting that delectable ass out. Black lace disappeared between two round, firm cheeks. He could touch them. He could bite them. He could do a lot of things to them.

  But damn it all, he wouldn’t! At least not tonight.

  Time for a cold shower.

  Chapter 5

  Mothers always know the most inopportune times to call.

  The next morning, a mild hangover was the least of Fate’s regrets. Sure, she hadn’t done much with Gabe…at least she didn’t think she had. Last she remembered she’d kept her clothes on. But waking up completely—okay, almost—naked was a big surprise. The kind of shocker that sends a person running for the bathroom to check things out. She hadn’t been that drunk last night, had she? Surely she’d remember if they’d fucked!

  Then again, maybe the dreams still fresh in her mind hadn’t been dreams at all…

  Shit! She checked her whole body for signs of lovemaking, love bites, anything. Finding nothing, she showered, dressed, and waited for Gabe to pick her up for work, the whole time a pleasant ache pulsing between her legs.

  He’d undressed her. That thought alone turned her on.

  She stretched away a bit of stiffness in her neck and gazed out the living room window. Still no Gabe. She glanced at the clock. Seven-twenty. Where was he? Had he forgotten? Was he feeling so rotten for what he’d done last night—which was n
othing, she guessed—that he couldn’t face her today?

  She stared at the street, somewhat comforted when she spied the sexy black car prowling toward her driveway. In one swoop, she grabbed her purse, briefcase, and lunch and headed for the door, meeting Gabe on the front porch.

  He smiled. “Morning. How’re you feeling?”

  “I’m okay. Swallowed half a bottle of Tylenol, but otherwise, I think I’ll live.”

  “You did?”

  “I’m kidding. Honest.”

  He glanced at his watch. “Sorry I’m late.”

  “It’s okay. At least I won’t be the only one late to work.”

  “We won’t be late. Promise.” He dropped behind her as she walked, a hand resting at the small of her back. The seemingly innocent contact sent her heart into a wild gallop.

  “There’s another one of those promises,” she teased, glancing over her shoulder as she dropped into the passenger seat. Her gaze was met with a very warm one in return.

  “I kept my word last night.”

  “You did?” Guess she had her answer, sort of. “I mean, yes, you did.” A smidge of disappointment settled in her gut. She watched him walk around the front of the car, and heat spread through her body as he slipped into the seat next to her. His hand gripped the stick shift as he shifted into reverse and backed out of the driveway. She watched him orchestrate the movement of legs and hands as he drove. “I’ve never driven a stick. Is it hard?”

  “Depends upon how you grab it. Wanna check for yourself?” He motioned toward his lap.

  She rolled her eyes, hoping to hide her sudden case of guilt for manhandling his ‘stick’ last night, and smiled. “Seriously.”

  He sighed. “Just a little tricky at first. Some cars are harder, only because the clutch can be difficult to press in. This car’s a breeze to drive.”

  She nodded and watched familiar houses drift by as they neared the main road. “Thanks again for driving me home last night. You were right. I guess I wasn’t in any condition to drive.”

  “No problem. There’s no way I’d let a friend drive like that.”

  “So, we’re friends now?”

  He glanced at her. “You mean we weren’t before?”


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