Kaethler, Terry, 26
Kerouac, Jack, 186
Khalaf, Amal, 225–26
“killed with care,” 171
Kirchler, Jeffrey, 227–28
Koran, burning of, 205
Kornblau, Alan, 74, 77, 89, 94
Kottmeyer, Diane, 203
langur infanticide, 46
langur monkeys, Hanuman, 45–58
Langurs of Abu: Female and Male Strategies of Reproduction, The (Hrdy), 45–46, 48–49, 51–52, 54
Lanza, Adam, 11
“Last Will and Testament for Susan Powell,” 148
Leakey, Richard, 58
Least, Robert, 86
Letsinger, Derrick, 194
“Life and Death at Gombe,” 53
List, John, 171
Loman, Willie, 99
London Intelligencer, 164
Loyola University, 77
MacDonald, Collette, 199
MacDonald, Jeffrey, 199–201
MacDonald, Kristen, 199
Macomb Community College, 211
Madoff, Bernard, 76–77
maladaptation, 69–70
“male entitlement,” sense of, 63
“Male Sexual Proprietariness and Violence against Wives,” 67
Malley, Julieanne, 9, 83–85, 89
maltreatment fatalities, 110–12
maltreatment rates within communities, 107
Manning, Robert, 202
Mansor, Bryan, 119
Mansor, Ethan, 119
Mansor, Kaliq, 119
Maranger, Robert, 230
marriages, forced, 221–22
marriages, monogamous, 51–52
Mask of Sanity, The (Cleckley), 199
Matterazzo, Joe, 202
Matterazzo, Priscilla, 202
Mazzarella, Joseph, 95–96, 98–99
Mazzarella funeral home, 95–96
McGinness, Joe, 200
McKenzie (Petersons’ golden retriever), 189
McMaster University, 62
mental-illness defense, 27
Messina, Lucille, 9, 79
Millionaire and the Murder Mansion, The, 102–104
Mitchell, Stephen Mix, 161, 163
Mokdad, Jessica, 207–14, 222
Mokdad, Mohamed, 208–12
monkeys, 45–58
Montague, Bruce, 9, 76, 89, 93
Montreal Gazette, 230
Mooney, Mark, 10
Mormon Church, 123
Morris, Errol, 200
mortgage foreclosures, 107
Mother Nature: Maternal Instincts and How They Shape the Human Species (Hrdy), 51–52, 54, 56–57
Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origin of Mutual Understanding (Hrdy), 58
by ax, 158, 163, 164
by beating, 12
by bludgeoning, 12, 71, 87–88, 164
by blunt-force trauma, 117
by car, 167, 225
by carbon-monoxide poisoning, 158
by drugging, 163
by guns, 13, 102–104, 116, 117–18, 118–19, 119, 120, 207
of an intimate partner or spouse, 105
during pregnancy, 13
rationalized as “mercy killings,” 105
shaken baby syndrome, 111, 117, 120
by stabbing, 199–200, 225
by starvation, 12
by strangulation, 196
by suffocation, 12, 196
by throat cutting, 12, 20–26, 116, 118, 163
witnessed by children, 105
murder-suicides, statistics on, 105
Muslims in the United States, 205
Myrack, John, 164
National Association of Social Workers, 238
National Center for Child Death Review, 238
National Center for the Review and Prevention of Child Deaths, 239
National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), 109–10
National Children’s Alliance, 239
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), 112–13
National District Attorneys Association, 238
National Domestic Fatality Review, 238
National Geographic, 53
National Institute of Health, 46–47
National Institute of Justice, 109, 239
natural selection, 165
New York Daily News, 10, 12–13, 174
New York Post, 12, 174
Northern Arizona University, 106, 165
nuclear families, 168
Obaston House estate, 102
On the Road (Kerouac), 186
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 121
Owings, Jovanna, 145
Page, Stephanie, 203
Paramore, Mason, 118–19
parent victims killed by children, 113
Parente, Betty Mazzarella, 9, 77–88
Parente, Catherine, 9, 77–88
Parente, Stephanie, 9, 77–88
Parente, William “Bill,” 88
and Betty’s breast cancer, 79
and death of mother, 80–81
described, 73–74
as investment advisor, 74–75
and murders of Betty, Catherine, and Stephanie, 87–88
positioning of family’s bodies, 86
and psychic, 80–81
suicide of, 88
Parker, Amanda, 10, 222
paternalism, American style, 209
paternity, males uncertainty about, 57, 67
pathological liars, 201
penny stocks, 76
People magazine, 176
“personhood” of children, 243
Peterson, Conner, 176, 196
Peterson, Jackie, 177
Peterson, Laci
body found, 196
Christmas Eve 2002, 188–89
vanished when eight months pregnant, 174
Peterson, Lee, 177
Peterson, Scott
alibi contradictions, 192
courtroom demeanor, 176
heading for Mexico, 196
lying to Amber Frey, 181–86
sentenced to death, 196
as suspect in Laci’s disappearance, 174
unhappy in life, 173
Petit, Michael, 10, 107–108, 120–22, 166, 236
Pleistocene legacy, 58
PolicyLab of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 106–107, 109, 114
political correctness, 209
Ponzi scheme, 9, 76–77, 93–94
possessions, viewing family members as, 106
postpartum depression, 176, 232
post-traumatic stress disorder, 214
poverty, relative, 121
Powell, Alina, 155
Powell, Braden, 124
Powell, Charlie, 124, 148, 152–53
Powell, Josh
at birth of Charlie, 130
as control freak, 130
as dictatorial husband, 124
800-mile mystery trip, 147
inability to keep a job, 128
murder of Charlie and Braden, 158
as person of interest in Susan’s murder, 152
psychosexual, polygraph, and penile plethysmograph tests, 154
suicide attempt, 128
supervised visits with sons, 155
threatened mother, 128–29
took sons camping in December, 146
Powell, Michael
suicide of, 160
Powell, Steven
charged with voyeurism and child pornography, 152
father of Josh, 124
“multiple images” of Susan, 149–51
pornography, obsession with, 128
strange comments about Susan, 149–51
Susan described as pedophile, 151
Powell, Susan Cox
angel memorial statue, 160
birth of Charlie, 130
disappearance of, 145
e-mails from, 132, 133–38, 139–42, 143–44
fear of Josh,
Last Will and Testament, 148
making of her own will, 132
relationship with Josh deteriorating further, 142
Powell, Terrica, 128
protective custody, 19
“Protect Our Kids Act,” 238
psychology, evolutionary (“Ev Psych”), 62–63
psychopathic personalities, 199
psychopaths, 15
psychosis, alcohol-induced, 67
Quinn, Marianne, 9, 78–84, 89–90, 99
rage, 15, 67, 70, 105
Ramadan, 206
Ramsey, Aaron, 12
Ramsey, Jonathan, 12
rape, 207–209
of a child, 12
rats, 47
Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey (Goodall), 53
recession, and child abuse, 106–107
Reckart, Laura, 227–28
recording devices, 208
“Rejecting Islamophobia: A Community Stand against Hate,” 219
“reproductive control” theory of violence, 68
“reproductive strategies” of langur monkeys, 48–50
rifles, custom-made, 102
Rikart, Sandy, 190
Rocha, Brent, 173–74
Rocha, Rose, 173
Rocha, Sharon
Christmas Eve 2002, 188–90
court testimony, 178–79
learns of Amber Frey, 191
relationship with Laci, 175–76
victim impact statement, 197–98
Said, Amina, 228
Said, Sarah, 228
Said, Yaser Abdel, 228
Salguero, Osman Irias, 12
Sandy Hook Elementary School, 11, 115
Sarah (James’s wife), 19–31, 36
Schaffhausen, Aaron, 118
Schaffhausen, Amara, 118
Schaffhausen, Cecilia, 118
Schaffhausen, Sophie, 118
Schimel, Dorothy, 73–74, 77, 93
Schulter, Joanne, 9
Sergi, Ron, 27
sex abuse, 209
sexuality and conflict, 51–52
sexuality as a commodity, 224
sexual proprietariness, 165
“sexual selection” hypothesis, 56
sexual violence, 106
Shafia, Geeti, 229
Shafia, Hamed, 229
Shafia, Mohammad, 229
Shafia, Sahar, 229
Shafia, Zainab, 229
shaken baby syndrome, 111, 117, 118, 120
Sheldon, Toni, 29
Shelswell, Clare, 9, 19–31, 66
Shelswell, Suzy, 26
Sibley, Shawn, 179, 187
Sikh temple in Wisconsin, murders, 115
Singh, Avtar, 116
Singh, Hervander, 116
Skelton, Alexander, 169
Skelton, Andrew, 169
Skelton, John, 169
Skelton, Tanner, 169
skull, fracture, 12
“social autopsy,” 238
social-service agencies and child abuse, 113
Sociobiology, 59
sociopathic personalities, 199
spousal violence, 230
Spurlock, Matthew, 193
spyware, 208
“stain patterns” of blood, 145–46
stalking, 212
Steinle, Roland, 227
and child abuse, 64–65
and domestic-violence tragedies, 66
Stoeckley, Helena, 200
Strindberg, August, 52
Submission, 221
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), 108
suicide, by throat cutting, 12
Susan Cox Powell Foundation, 160
Tammy (James’s sister), 19–31, 39–41
Third Lie, The (Gelles), 235
Thompson, Emma, 12
Tollen, John, 86
traumatic brain injuries, 107
Truth about Cinderella: A Darwinian View of Parental Love (Daly and Wilson), 59
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 242
United Cerebral Palsy Association, 79
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 108, 121
United Nations human-rights treaty, 121
University of California in Riverside, 59
University of Minnesota, 160
University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy and Practice, 106
University of Washington, 124
USA Today, 222, 224
US Commission on International Religious Freedom, 222
US military budget, 13–14
uxoricides, 67–68, 70
Van Gogh, Theo, 221
Van Gogh, Vincent, 221
vervet monkeys, 51–52
victim impact statement, 29, 119, 197–98, 216
victim’s rights advocates, 118–19
Villa, Brandon, 119
Village Voice, 12
Villa-Ramirez, Jonathan M., 119
and economic stress, 14
in families with stepchildren, 60
and homicides, 61
and loss of power, 166
risk factors, 62
spousal, 230
Violence Policy Center, 105, 239
Viviano, David, 214
Wasinski, Wendy, 9, 205, 209–17
Websdale, Neil, 10, 106, 121, 165–71, 237, 238
Weinstein, Elliot, 203
Why Do They Kill? Men Who Murder Their Intimate Partners (Adams), 109
Wilderness of Error: The Trials of Jeffrey Macdonald, A (Morris), 200
Wilson, Edward O., 59, 62–63
Wilson, John, 118
Wilson, Margo, 9–10, 59–71, 165, 208
Wood, Christopher, 90
Wood, Joanne, 107
Yahya, Tooba, 229
Yates, James, 164
Young, Abigail, 12
Young, Brigham, 123
Young, Lorenzo, 123
Killer Dads Page 28