Quickie Collection of Hottest Explicit Taboo

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Quickie Collection of Hottest Explicit Taboo Page 107

by Elizabeth Heath

  "Er what...where are you going?"

  But she had already rushed out. I sat bemused and kind of transfixed by how bloody hard my penis was. There was something about Katy that turned me on more than anyone I'd ever met.

  Katy ran into the room as quickly as she had left. She was carrying a bottle of champagne and – wait a minute, was that jam? – Yes it was! Strawberry jam. Man she was full of surprises. Only Katy could come up with such an odd combination!

  "Nik erm would you...it's just that I've always..."

  "I'd be delighted Katy."


  "Come here."

  She approached apprehensively and lay down onto the pristine white sheets.

  "Katy this could get messy, are you sure?"

  She nodded.

  "Ok then."

  I cracked open the champagne sending a plume of bubbly liquid onto Katy's prostate body.


  She was laughing now deliriously happy massaging her hands over her wet skin. I titled the bottle spilling the golden fluid down her stomach and over her panties. She groaned. I made to move down on her but she stopped me.

  "The jam Nik the jam!"

  I thought we might try and forget about the jam. Oh well. Typically it was one of those organic thick jams that played havoc with its stickiness. I took a large dollop on my finger and slid it into Katy's mouth. She sucked gratefully moaning louder. I took another dollop and rubbed it onto her champagne soaked tits.


  She grabbed the jar from me and began spreading it lavishly over her skin filing her tummy button with the deep red sticky substance. I retrieved the champagne and went overboard drenching her from head to toe taking particular care to soak her crotch. Katy was groaning so loud I worried the neighbours might hear, her hands feverishly coursing over her skin sliding through the Jampagne coating her body.

  I crouched down and spread her legs. Peeling her panties up I tilted the bottle and tinkled a stream of champagne down. I massaged her pussy through her sopping panties finally easing them down her soft thighs. Her pussy was soaked but that was probably the champagne. A small tuft of reddish hair hung over her vagina that was tantalisingly inviting with its pink lips and tiny clitoris. I poured the rest of the champagne over her and chucked the bottle onto the carpet.

  I dropped down and pulled her legs apart darting my tongue over her inner thighs tasting sweet fizzy strawberry.


  I teasingly licked around her pussy drinking in the puddles of champagne.

  "Nik pleaseeee!"

  I answered her cry darting my moist tongue inside her, joyfully flicking her clit with my parched tongue. The mixture of champagne and juices was glorious, otherworldly nectar. Katy moaned and moaned as I whirled my tongue into a frenzied tornado. Inhibition had been thrown out of the window, this was unreal!

  "Nik aahhh no aaahh!"

  I extricated my lips from hers and knew I had to be inside her.

  "Katy are you ok?"

  A manic grin was pasted across her face, Jampagne covering every part of her bare skin.

  "Can you go slowly Nik?"

  "Of course."

  I spread her legs and slowly I entered.


  I sighed in pleasure at the wet warmth of her vagina. My penis fit snugly through her lips but I noticed Katy tense. I smiled at her and slowed my thrusts down. Finally she relaxed and arched back pushing into my thrusts. It was so wet and squelchy I felt my member take on a life of its own sliding in faster and deeper shuddering her body into spasms.

  "Unnhhh-ahhhh! Stop Nik stop!"

  I pulled out in shock. I'd gone to hard.

  "Are you alright Katy?"

  She was breathless sweat pouring down her forehead. I leant down and licked flecks of jam off her tits rising up to meet her lips. They were sweet and sticky.

  "Nik can we do it the shower?"

  I stared at her stunned. She wanted more?! Man this woman had stamina!

  "Yeah! Lets go for it!"

  Katy jumped up in delight dragging me to the bathroom. It was compact with a toilet and small sink with the shower taking half the room. We stepped inside sliding the glass panel back. In the harsh light all of Katy's blemishes were exposed: the black circles under her eyes, the dry skin and the damp mess of red hair. Rather than repulsing me though they just made her more attractive: naked and vulnerable but blissfully happy at this exact moment.

  I took a bottle of Herbal Essence Rosehip and Strawberry shampoo-conditioner from the small shelf to the side of the shower and squeezed it over Katy's head watching the smooth creamy substance roll down over her breasts and into her crotch.


  I flicked the shower on savouring the sweet aroma flooding around the room. Hot water avalanched across our bodies. Katy ripped her hair bands out onto the linoleum floor letting her hair free, she massaged her scalp moaning as I caressed her hips sliding my oily hands up and down her inner thighs and then up to her breasts pushing her harder into the wall.

  "P-please Nik! Now! Please!"

  Her hand stroked my penis pulling it to her crotch and positioning her lips over it.

  "Come on Nik!"

  I duly obliged pushing upwards deep inside her.


  I gripped her hips resting my chin into the nape of her neck and thrust deeper increasing her moans of ecstasy. Hot water pounded our writhing torsos soapy suds streaming over Katy's tits and my chest. With every push I felt stronger as if I could go on forever but I calmed myself making every drive count. Katy's delicate warm hands clenched my buttocks forcing me even deeper inside her until finally she cried out releasing me and falling to her knees exhausted.

  My member screamed at me as I almost keeled over. Katy looked up at me with her tired but elated eyes.

  "Soak me Nik!"


  I couldn't hold it any longer. My member exploded spraying cum like ticker tape over Katy's face mixing with the hot water and conditioner. She licked her lips pointing to her breasts as I shot out a final burst of fluid splattering her pink nipples.

  I dropped down to the magenta coloured linoleum drained but euphoric. I slid over under the showerhead and pulled Katy into my chest. Her breasts pressed into my ribs as she rested her head onto my broad shoulders. I lowered my hand and gently rubbed her clit. Katy's hand fell in unison and stroked my still hard penis.

  As the hot water continued to fall over our naked skin clouds of steam floated across the room leaving us cocooned by a blind transparent completely fallible wall. Katy's breaths were calm and steady. She raised herself a little and kissed me softly on the cheek tightening her grip around my shoulders as she did so.

  "Thank you..." She murmured.

  The End.

  Tease Me

  I know that you're watching me... I'm sitting in the window of a cafe, drinking a cup of coffee... you're about 2 windows behind me... I can feel your eyes on me, lingering on my back...

  I finish my coffee and begin to leave, sliding out of my seat and standing up. I go to turn to see what you look like, but in an instant you're behind me, you're hard body pressing against my soft one... you whisper something in my ear, your hot breath tickling my neck, causing me to shiver. I allow you to push me out of the cafe, still unable to turn and see what you look like... We take a few steps away from the door and you let go... I quickly turn around to see what you look like...

  All can see is that you're tall, the rest of you is obscured by motorcycle leathers and a helmet, a chew my lip in frustration. You take my hand and lead me around the corner to where your bike is parked and you motion for me to get on... I climb up behind you , my knees on either side of you and my hands clutching at your waist. You start the bike up and I grab at you tighter, the vibrations of the engine causing the bike seat to rub up against me... I try to shift my position but you ease yourself back further, forcing my legs further apar
t... you ease the bike out of the parking bay and gun it down the road... the vibrations increase and I try to squeeze my legs together but only succeed in squeezing you, I close my eyes and hang on, wondering where we are going...

  When we stop, I don't know how much time has passed only that it is twilight... all I am conscious of at the moment is rubbery my knees feel and how wet and throbbing my pussy is, I take a deep breath to try steady myself... my breasts swell and push against your back with each breath... I ease myself of the bike, stumbling a bit, but your hand is there to steady me. I look around to see where we are, wherever it is, it is deserted. A breeze lifts my hair from my face and I can smell salt in the wind...

  You come up behind me again, once more before I have a chance to look at you, you hand slips around my waist and you nuzzle behind my ear... I shiver and my legs start to buckle, but you're holding me up until I can steady myself again. Your arm leaves my waist and I close my eyes to prepare myself for turning around and seeing you, when you slip something over my eyes... you've blindfolded me...

  You take my hand and we start walking...

  We walk along... the ground is uneven and I stumble, unable to see where I'm going... I feel your arms around me as you lift me and carry me... We stop and you put me down... I feel sand underneath my shoes... the breeze is stronger and I can actually hear the waves... you lead me a little further and we stop again, your hand push for me to sit down... I lower myself down and find myself sitting on a soft rug...

  You push me back until I'm leaning on some cushions, and then you begin to take my shoes off, slowly rubbing my feet... I relax slightly as you do this, feeling the breeze on my face, and the warmth of the setting sun... your hands begin to creep higher, still massaging and rubbing... you work on my calves, your strong hands kneading the muscles there... it feels nice and I start to relax more...

  Your hands creep even higher, brushing past my knees... I stiffen and try to close my legs together but it's already too late as you are sitting in between them... I bite my lower lip and my breathing increases... I am still blindfolded... I quickly reach up to take it off, but your hands are on mine stopping me, your body leaning over mine... I can feel your breath on my face... I don't know how close you are until I feel your lips bush against mine, lingering slightly but exerting no pressure... your feather light touch continues along my jaw to just under my ear where you nuzzle lightly. I gasp and shiver, my body beginning to tremble... I feel you take my ear lobe between your lips and you breath in my ear... my body spasms and involuntarily pushes against you...

  Your hands let go of mine, one hand snaking it's away around me to rest on the back of my neck and the other travels slowly down the side of my body and rests on my hip...

  You let go of my earlobe and nuzzle underneath it again, and you support my head as it falls back, baring my neck... you flick your tongue lightly across my throat as your fingers gently massage the back of my neck... your other hand strokes my hip lightly, sending shivers through me...

  Your lips and tongue travel their way to the other side of my neck and gently begin their assault on my other ear... you nuzzle it a bit harder this time, the hand stroking my hips slides its way to the inside of my thigh and tickles gently, I gasp loudly and jerk, only to have you silence it with a kiss... your lips covering mine, and your tongue flickering across them...

  A small moan escapes me, and my hands grip your shoulders, I can feel that you've taken off your jacket... your mouth works against mine... your lips softly biting and your tongue gently testing... you tilt your head ever so slightly and deepen the kiss, your tongue entering my mouth and flickering gently against my own, encouraging it to do the same... your hands have stopped moving, one supporting my head, and the other just resting on the inside of my thigh, just above my knee...

  I kiss you back... tentatively at first... my tongue pressing against yours lightly and then travelling to flick across your lips... I warm feeling begins within me and I can feel myself getting damp... I start to lose myself in the kiss and gain confidence until I'm kissing you hungrily, my fingers digging into your shoulders and my lips softly biting yours... my breathing starts to quicken...

  The hand resting on my thigh begins to move... your fingers lightly stroking... your hand then begins to move it's way up my thigh, pushing past my skirt... your fingers continue their feathery touch until I can feel them brush against my pants...

  My eyes fly open, although I still can't see anything and I begin to struggle... trying to close my legs, but you've managed to get between them so that my thighs are resting on yours... squeezing them together only results in pulling you closer to me... I can feel your hardness through your jeans as they are pushed up against me... I struggle more, which only succeeds in me rubbing myself against you...

  You hiss an oath, your voice sounding like gravel wrapped in velvet and you pull me onto your lap... you begin to nuzzle my ear again, your hands running lightly up and down my spine... calming and relaxing me... my body softens and I lean into you...

  You continue to nuzzle my ear... your hot breath causing me to shiver and twitch involuntarily... your hands slide from my back to my front resting against my stomach, stroking lightly... I lean my head back, exposing my throat once more, and your lips move from my ear to slide a hot tongue across it...

  Your hands deftly undo the buttons of my shirt, and it's not until I feel the breeze blowing across my feverish skin do I realise you've done it... I go to close my shirt again but you stop me, your hands grabbing mine and you softly bite my neck... your hands pull mine up to your shoulders until I grip them once more... and then travel down my arms, lightly stroking until they rest on either side of my chest...

  Your thumbs gently rub my breasts through my bra... brushing against my nipples...

  I gasp loudly, the intake of air pushing my breasts into your hands... you cup them and squeeze them gently, thumbing my nipples lightly...

  I whimper a protest which you quickly silence with a kiss... your hot mouth covering mine and your tongue exploring... my breathing becomes heavier, each breath I take pushes my breasts into your hands... you slip your thumb beneath the material and run it across them...

  You ease me off your lap and lay me back down, still kissing and fondling me... your mouth leaves mine and trails wet kisses down my jaw back to my ear which you nuzzle firmly... one of your hands leaves my breasts to travel its way down my stomach, striking lightly... it continues its way across my hip and curls around to the inside of my thigh once more...

  Your hot tongue leaves a wet trail from my ear, down my neck and across my collarbone... it continues further downwards... flicking lightly across the tops of my breasts... you push the material away from them without undoing my bra, so that they are now bared to your touch...

  Your hot wet mouth encircles one of my nipples and it puckers in your mouth... I moan escapes my lips and I arch my back, pressing it more firmly into your mouth... you suck on it lightly, drawing it deeper into your mouth... you then transfer your attention to the other one and do the same to it...

  You alternate between licking and sucking, to nibbling and biting lightly... my breathing comes in gasps and my body shudders against yours... my hands grip your shoulders harder and I unconsciously pull you towards me...

  The hand that rests upon my thigh slowly travels beneath my skirt once more... your fingers brush against my pants, and you notice how wet they are and you slide a finger beneath them...

  Your finger slides past my pants easily, and brushes against the curls hidden beneath them... your finger pushes past them, feeling the warm wetness they're hiding... I realise what you're trying to do and start to struggle... you bite on my nipple causing me to moan loudly... I arch my back and your finger slides into my dampness easily...

  You begin to move your finger inside me, slowly at first, gently probing... you slide another finger past my pants, it joining the other... you move them in and out of me and leisurely pace wh
ile you continue you to suck and nibble on my breasts...

  Your hot tongue traces it's way down my belly, your teeth grazing my hip, causing me to jerk and pulse against your fingers...

  You continue further down and with your other hand push my skirt up over my hips... you kiss the inside of my thigh and run your wet tongue over it...

  Your fingers continue to coat themselves in my sticky juices as I feel your hot breath cooling the moistness that has accumulated on my pants... you nuzzle me through them...

  I let my breath out explosively and my hips jerk towards you, your fingers sinking into my depths... you continue to nuzzle me, running your tongue over me through my pants until you find my point of pleasure...

  You rub it through my pants with your tongue while your fingers work themselves inside me... my breathing becomes ragged and my hips rhythmically move against you... you can feel me tighten around your fingers, getting hotter and wetter...

  Just when I feel as if I can't take any more... you stop... I lay there panting, my skin glistening with sweat, my nipples swollen with desire...

  You gently pull me up til I'm kneeling... I can hear you stand up in front of me... and then hear you unzip your jeans...

  You take my hand and place it where your zip is... I can feel how big and hard you are... I fumble a little but mange to ease your thickness from your pants... I can feel it warm and hard beneath my fingers... I stroke it lightly...

  You take it from me and rub it against my cheek... it feels like smooth velvet against my face... you rub it down my jaw and brush it across my lips, pushing against them lightly...

  I open my mouth slightly and flick my tongue across it... coating its head with my saliva... you push a little more... and I take it into my mouth...

  My tongue flicks across the underside as my teeth graze against the top... I suck at it gently, my hands leaning against your thighs for support... I continue to lick and nibble on the tip, drawing it into my mouth and flicking it with my tongue...

  My hands slide up your thighs to rest on either side of it as I begin to get into the rhythm... I suck a little harder, increasing the pace slightly... I try to take as much of it into my mouth as I can...


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