Stranded: (Space Outlaw 2)

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Stranded: (Space Outlaw 2) Page 7

by Dominique Mondesir

  His foot knocked something that clattered to the floor.


  Trying to stop it from making a noise was pointless. The sound had escaped and was bouncing from wall to wall like a five-year-old hopped up on sweets.

  Phoenix stayed motionless, waiting for something–anything–but nothing came. He continued on regardless. He was in too deep, now. Too committed to turn back. Walking past a sofa, he spotted what appeared to be a bundle of clothes on it. Giving it a quick once-over he continued on.

  He didn't hear the footsteps. He felt the hands grip him from behind. He was unable to do anything to prevent being thrown off his feet.

  Phoenix landed heavily amongst a pile of food scraps, which covered him from head to toe. "Ugh."

  He reached for his pistol but it was nowhere to be found. Looking up he saw a brute of a Tingoneese coming his way. He was covered from head to toe in tattoos. A worm eating what appeared to be a doll took up a portion of his face.

  "Ain't you an ugly fucker," said Phoenix.

  "You'll look worse than me after I'm done with you," the brute growled.

  Phoenix was about to respond but thought it would be better to roll out of the way of the oncoming boot making its way towards his face. He leapt to his feet in a fluid roll and threw a punch that connected with a thump. Looking at the gang member in front of him he expected some sort of reaction. But what he got was laughter.

  Worm Face held his stomach as rolls of laughter escaped him. Shaking his head he waved Phoenix on. He stood with his hands on his hips, a smile on his face, waiting for Phoenix's next move.

  Not one to waste an opportunity, Phoenix took a running swing at the man's face. This time, he was rewarded with a grunt.

  Worm Face staggered backwards and just about kept his legs underneath him.

  "Why you no laugh?" Phoenix mocked.

  Worm Face wiped blood dripping from his nose and came at Phoenix with a roar.

  Phoenix ducked a left and then a right cross and threw a kick to his opponent's kneecap. The satisfying sound of it popping out of place brought a grim smile to his face. He threw his own punches that landed, but nothing seemed to hurt the monster.

  As Worm Face grabbed Phoenix in a bear hug, Phoenix felt the air whoosh from his lungs. He tried to struggle free but the more he moved, the worse it became. Every movement he made felt like agony. Black spots danced in front of his vision.

  "Seems like I'll get the last laugh," said a voice that sounded like it was in the distance.

  With a roar, Phoenix brought his mouth down on his attacker's shoulder and bit into it for all he was worth. The scream that escaped Worm Face's lips could have shattered glass.

  Phoenix slipped from his grip and landed on all fours. He grabbed Worm Face by the legs and brought the brute down on his back. Phoenix mounted him and rained down blow after blow.

  Worm Face bucked like a stallion, trying to dislodge Phoenix. As Worm Face turned belly down, Phoenix sunk in a choke, shutting off the blood supply to the man's brain. He was unconscious in what felt like a blink of an eye.

  Phoenix got up and saw his pistol a hand's reach away from him. "Typical."

  Sobs of anguish cut through his train of thought. He picked up his pistol and checked it still worked before making his way to the cries that beckoned him into the darkness.


  Phoenix crept forward, drawn to the childlike sobs. The plan was to sneak into the building silently, unnoticed. But that plan had flown out the window when he had been attacked. The scuffle had created enough noise to raise the dead. No doubt everyone now knew something was up and was on high alert.

  Phoenix continued picking his way onward with care. The cries seemed to be getting closer. He flicked his gaze from left to right; nothing jumped out at him but dusty walls.

  Phoenix stopped in his tracks as he saw a small body ahead of him.

  Is that...?

  He moved closer until the outline of L formed before him. She had her hand on the handle of a door, but she seemed frozen in time. He walked towards her but still she didn't move. She didn't turn as his footsteps approached. She simply stared at the closed door ahead of her.


  She didn't turn at the sound of her name. The only thing that escaped her lips were tearful sobs.

  "L, what's the matter?" Phoenix asked, finally reaching her side.

  "I..." She turned her head his way and even in the gloom he could see her red-rimmed eyes. "I..." She shook her head and wiped her nose on her sleeve. "What if I find something I wish I hadn't? What if I get all this way and...and...and he's dead?" L spoke as if her thoughts on the matter were final. As if there was no other outcome that she could foresee.

  "And what if he's not?" said Phoenix.

  "I don't think I want to know the answer, Phoenix. I don't think I want to face whatever is behind this door. If I never find out, then everything can still be how it used to be. I can still have the memories of us playing as kids. I can still have the memories of us being happy. Before all this happened."

  "Look, I would never force you to do something that you don't want to. But if you don't find out now, if you don't face this fear, then you'll regret it forever. Trust me. From a man who has more than a few regrets in his past: it will haunt you forever."

  "I guess you're right." L took a deep breath before giving Phoenix a shaky smile. "Shall we?"

  L turned the handle and pushed open the door. A smiling face greeted them on the other side.

  "Big sis! Where you been?"


  Holger sat in a leather chair with a glass of alcohol in one hand and a leather whip in the other. Taking a sip from his crystal cup he savoured the flavour in his mouth before swallowing it. It danced on his tongue and numbed his throat as it made its way down.

  He tilted his head back and closed his eyes at the injustice of it all. He was simply trying to please his father, but no matter what he did, the old man wouldn't be satisfied. It was as if Holger was destined to forever be out of his favour.

  No matter what he said he would do.

  No matter what he did.

  No matter how much he achieved.

  Lord Portendorfer was not someone to give his approval easily. He had once. When it came to those two, he gave it as freely as breathing. But even then, Holger was never on the receiving end of those sugar-coated words.

  Now Holger was stuck on this floating prison of a ship, making his way back to a planet that his father had sent him to–to look after it. Look after! Hah! More like he wanted Holger out of the way. If his father would only listen to him–talk to him–Holger would show him that things were not as dire as he thought.

  Yes, Holger had lost Earth's resources, but so what? There were more planets out there than the Council could keep track of, and if the family got to them first, the Council would be none the wiser. His father was getting soft in his old age. It was time for Holger to take over the family. He was the first son. He was the only son. He was the rightful heir. The longer his father went on belittling him, the more pain his father would face when Holger's time for power came.

  Blood dripped from the tip of the whip onto the floor.

  A buzzing from Holger's wrist brought him out of his dreamlike state and into the present. He punched a code into his holocom and an image of Rustem presented itself before him.

  "I hope you have good news, Rustem. For your sake."

  "Good news to me may not be good news to lord," said Rustem.

  Holger took another sip from his drink and allowed the silence to spread between them for a moment. Muffled cries in the distance threatened to spoil that.

  "So what have you found out?"

  "I have found out a great--"

  "About what I assigned you to," snapped Holger.

  "Oh, that. Well, you will be pleased to know that victory is almost at hand. Victory has such a funny meaning, doesn't it? It's a pretty way of saying conquer. Dominate. Get wha
t you want--"

  "Yes. Yes, I admit it does. But you still haven't told me why I should be pleased. That is the part I am most eager to hear," said Holger.

  "Sometimes the joy of the moment is better than the moment itself. You should learn that, if you ever wish to be in power, or, more importantly, stay in it. I have learnt that Phoenix and his crew have landed on Tingo and will be there for some time," Rustem said, playing with a bell attached to his hair.

  "How far away from their location are you?" Holger asked, leaning in closer.

  "I am on the planet as we speak. This should be over in a matter of days. A week, at the most."

  Holger took another sip from his drink, swallowed, and smiled. "The quicker it is done, the better paid you will be."

  "I understand. Would you like a souvenir to show that the job is completed? His ear, maybe?"

  "I didn't want anything, but now that you have mentioned it, that sounds like a brilliant idea. How did you know?"

  "You seemed like the type that would," said Rustem, cutting off the call before anything more could be said.

  Holger finished off the remainder of his drink and got to his feet. The whip trailed along the floor, leaving a bloody stain wherever it touched. One of Holger's servants hung from the ceiling, gagged and bound. The result of his lashes could be seen all over her naked form. Open. Bleeding. Peeling.

  Standing in front of her, he placed his hands on his hips. "Now, I am going to teach you what it means to not bring me the right food that I ordered. After I am done with you, it will be a lesson that you will never forget."


  L's face contorted as a million different emotions crossed her features. Her fists, down at her sides, opened and closed repeatedly. Her chest rose and fell as she struggled to keep her emotions in check. Her cheek twitched and she closed her eyes to the sight in front of her.

  Phoenix looked towards the men in front of them, then back at L. "L, you okay?"

  L didn't say anything as she stood rooted to the spot.

  "L, what's wrong?" asked her brother.

  "What's wrong? What's wrong?! What's wrong! I'll tell you what's wrong, Kai. I haven't seen you in how long, and you act like I just went to the shops! Where's the joy at seeing your sister back, safe and sound? Where is the panic that you felt because I had been gone for so long? Where is the...I don't know! Emotion!" L made her way closer to Kai with each sentence she uttered. Her hair was the colour of a burning forest on a pitch-black night.

  "Whoa, whoa. Where is all this coming from, sis? This ain't like you. Relax. Enjoy this moment of bliss. Enjoy this moment for what it is--"

  "Are you fucking with me?" L hissed, spittle flying from her mouth.

  "In the name of Soul, there's no need to use language like that. I mean, it's been a while, but come on, L. The faith of Soul works in mysterious ways. I knew you would be back in no time."

  L slapped Kai with all her might. The sound echoed around the room and Phoenix felt it. It didn't have the high ringing tone that one would expect from a slap. The sound was deep and the slap was meant to hurt; it was meant to be felt.

  L rubbed her hand and took a step back from Kai.

  Kai kept his hand to his cheek trying to soothe the pain. Eyes wide, mouth slightly open, he tried to speak but seemed at a loss for words. Kai walked towards L, shaking his head, and tried to smile, but that was the wrong thing to do.

  Phoenix saw the tension in L's shoulders. He could see her hands still curled up, wanting to unleash hell. The hair colour should have given it away to Kai. The hard stare that didn't shift or lower should have been a warning. The small growl that escaped L's throat should have stopped him in his tracks.

  But Kai kept coming.

  Phoenix could have jumped in sooner. He knew what was going to happen, but he felt like Kai needed to take a few lumps before the conversation could really get underway. Kai's easy-going and carefree attitude had a time and a place, but now wasn't it.

  The first few swings of L's fists landed across Kai's jaw, sending him sprawling backwards. He tried to shield himself as best as he could, but the blows came fast and hard. L hit everywhere she could–his head, body, arms. It didn't matter to her. The frustration and anger that had built up over time needed some release.

  "You selfish, uncaring, VRG loser," L spat.

  Phoenix walked over slowly and grabbed her by the waist. He lifted the pint-sized ship's engineer up from behind and pulled her away from her brother.

  "Phoenix, let me go!"

  L fought Phoenix with strength he didn't think she had. Her legs still kicked and her arms still swung at her target. Any other time, the image would have appeared hilarious to Phoenix, but not right then.

  He could feel L's hot tears dripping onto his arm. He could feel the cries of pain finally bubbling up to the surface as small shudders swept through L's body.

  "Do you know...what I have been through?" L whispered. Her movements stilled and she hung in Phoenix's arms like a puppet with its strings cut. "Do you know what was done to me? All because of you."

  Kai seemed lost for words. He opened and shut his mouth and then stared at the floor. "L, it wasn't--"

  "Phoenix, put me down please."

  Phoenix did as he was told and finally took a proper look at Kai. Long surfer hair adorned his head and came just past his ears. A necklace of beads hugged his throat, and a matching set hung from his wrist. Laughter lines creased his face and even in that moment he still managed to hold a carefree attitude that showed Phoenix how little things troubled him. Maybe he was just naive. Maybe he couldn't imagine what horrors his sister had faced. Phoenix had a good idea what had happened to L while she was in prison. He wasn't sure, but he had guessed. He just never had the courage to ask.

  Phoenix walked towards Kai, sure of foot, with anger rolling off him in waves. "Do you know where your sister was?" Phoenix asked, jabbing Kai in the chest.

  "She had to do some time in Dredar because of some unforeseen circumstances--"

  "Unforeseen circumstances?" said Phoenix.

  "Well, L got in trouble with the law, but I was told that she would be taken care of. She wouldn't be doing any hard time and would be out as soon as I knew it. I was guessing that's why she is here today. If she really had been made to do her full sentence, it would still be years before I saw her. Life works in wonderful ways. I never thought any trouble would befall her. If you trust in Soul everything will be okay."

  "You religious hippie fool. Is that the right word, Phoenix, hippie?" L demanded.

  Phoenix gave her a small nod.

  "I got in trouble with the law, did I? I was trying to save your ass from certain gang leaders that you owed money to. I was trying to bring all of them down, to save you from having to pay them credits you didn't have. I went undercover for the law enforcement agency but got set up by both sides. Did you think I was away having a wonderful time?"

  "I was told that you would be taken care of. No harm would come to you. What you did was off your own back. No--"

  "I was beaten."

  "I was told you wouldn't be hurt--"

  "I was touched."

  "I was told--"

  "I was hurt."

  "I... I... It shouldn't have happened like that. It shouldn't have... I made a deal. I made a deal," Kai pleaded.

  "A deal with who?" said Phoenix.

  "Duke," said Kai.

  "Did someone say my name?" A man surrounded by thugs walked into the room.


  In walked the shortest, angriest, meanest-looking thug that Phoenix had ever seen. He wore an open-button shirt that showed tattooed flesh and a well-muscled physique. The tattoos on his hands tried to cover the scars that ran along his knuckles but failed. He walked into the middle of the room and took centre stage.

  "What have we here, then?" he asked.

  Phoenix looked to his left. A door that could lead to anywhere was being blocked by two goons. He looked to his right. Thick cloud
ed glass covered a whole wall. He tried to see what was beyond it, but it was impossible to tell.

  That left only one option.

  Phoenix took a casual look over his shoulder at L, and saw that clear glass gave a view of the outside world. The drop wasn't that high–maybe ten feet at most. But yet again, more men lined the back of the room, arms folded over muscled chests. Phoenix gave one a quick smile, but all he got back was a snarl as the thug's Mohawk turned red.

  He turned his head back to the Tingoneese who appeared to be the leader of this little group. "Duke, I would presume," said Phoenix.

  "You would presume right."

  "Funny, I thought you would be taller."

  Duke's face twitched slightly, but the rage that flashed across his face was gone as quick as lightning on a stormy night. Duke passed his hand over his shaven head and brought it back to brush off his sleeves. He looked back up to Phoenix with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

  "That little earring of yours reminds me of the sex slave workers that work in the less fortunate part of town. They do anything for a credit or two. They work that pole like their lives depend on it. Well, I guess it does," Duke said with a little chuckle.

  "Less fortunate parts of town? Since being in this city I haven't seen anything that I would class as privileged. Seems like your stranglehold on the city has brought it to its knees."

  "That's where I like everything to be," Duke said with a lewd wink. "But you still haven't answered my question."

  "I didn't know you asked one."

  "What are you doing here?"

  "We came for a little chat with Kai, over here. To sort some things out. Things got a little heated. You know how it is with siblings–one minute hugging, the next throwing bones. Always the same," said Phoenix.

  "I know. I had a brother and sister that would constantly get on my nerves when I was younger. Always taking my stuff, always making fun of my height. Putting things just out of reach. They used to call me Little Dukey."


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