The Kurtherian Gambit Omnibus 05 - The Fans Version: My Ride is a Bitch - Don't Cross This Line - Never Submit

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The Kurtherian Gambit Omnibus 05 - The Fans Version: My Ride is a Bitch - Don't Cross This Line - Never Submit Page 1

by Michael Anderle




  European Efforts - 01 - Prologue

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Authors Notes


  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Chapter Fifty


  Authors Notes


  Craig Martelle

  TS (Scott) Paul

  Justin Sloan

  Justice Is Calling - 12.15.2015

  Justice Is Calling - Beginning.

  KIEL - TKG Art


  Chapter Fifty-One

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  Chapter Sixty

  Chapter Sixty-One

  Chapter Sixty-Two

  Chapter Sixty-Three

  Chapter Sixty-Four

  Chapter Sixty-Five

  Chapter Sixty-Six

  Chapter Sixty-Seven

  Chapter Sixty-Eight

  Chapter Sixty-Nine

  Chapter Seventy

  Chapter Seventy-One

  Chapter Seventy-Two

  Chapter Seventy-Three

  Chapter Seventy-Four

  Chapter Seventy-Five

  Author's Notes

  Social Links

  Series List

  To Family, Friends and

  Those Who Love

  To Read.

  May We All Enjoy Grace

  To Live The Life We Are


  This book is a work of fiction

  All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Sometimes both.

  Copyright © 2016-17 Michael T. Anderle

  Cover copyright © LMBPN Publishing

  LMBPN Publishing supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and artists to produce the creative works that enrich our culture.

  The distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), please contact [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  LMBPN Publishing

  PMB 196, 2540 South Maryland Pkwy

  Las Vegas, NV 89109

  Cover art For Omnibus Edition(s) by Andrew Dobell -

  Model for Bethany Anne - Helen Diaz

  Berlin, Germany

  Seven locations were tossed out to the group of men and women invited to Germany’s Federal Intelligence Operations Center.

  “We have,” Dr. Schäuble, a professor borrowed for this project from Humboldt Universität, said to those gathered around the long hand-carved rosewood table, “seven locations, but we only have resources to check three at this time.” He was standing, leaning over the table looking at the different cards laid out. “As you can see, one of these is in Antarctica. It’s based on the rumors of people from the Nazi party. Somebody, possibly the Thule group, built and left a base in the severe cold. Americans,” he tipped his head to three men sitting at the table, “went there in 1947 and had, I’ve heard, a bad time.”

  “I thought the Americans’ situation was just bad weather?” A young woman asked from the end of the table.

  “You would think so, but one of the ships was supposedly cut in two,” Dr. Schäuble said. “Right now, the Americans are claiming that it was weather that forced the fleet exercise to turn around. However,” he looked down the table, “my contacts say the American government is setting up their own expedition to this area in the off chance it has any chance to reveal secrets the Nazis took with them.”

  He sat down, and opened the manila folder in front of him. “If you would all open your folders to the first location for our common vote, we will discuss if the Nazi base has enough interest from those represented here to be on our short list. As you are aware, the German government has the authority to check into these seven locations, and with a significant monetary buy in, your companies will be able to benefit from technologies found.”

  Dr. Schäuble looked up from his papers. “We have someone to speak to us regarding additional Nazi records not shared with the American government. That person…” There was a knock on the door and the Doctor turned around while finishing his comment, “is about to arrive to update you, it sounds like.”


  QBS ArchAngel Over Japan, 17 hours before meeting in Japan

  John walked towards Bethany Anne’s suite, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up.

  Gabrielle had said she hadn’t seen or spoken with Bethany Anne for at least a few hours, She thought Bethany Anne was with him or one of the other guys. John confirmed she wasn’t with any of them. The last time anyone had seen her she was walking into her suite with Ashur, an apple, and a pile of mail that had come up on the last transport.

  Curious, but only a little concerned, John asked ArchAngel if Bethany Anne was asleep, but he was informed she wasn’t. ArchAngel said she didn’t know where Bethany Anne was at the moment.

  That could only mean one of two things. Bethany Anne wasn’t on the ship or had explicitly told ArchAngel not to let anyone know where she was.

  Or both.

  John entered and walked through the outer suite and knocked on Bethany Anne’s bedroom door.


  John grimaced and knocked harder. He got nothing a second time. John called out, “ArchAngel. This is John Grimes.”

  ArchAngel replied, “Yes, I recognize you, John. There is no need to tell me who you are.”

��There is this time,” John snapped. “ArchAngel, by my right as a Queen’s Bitch, I am implementing Queen’s Permission to enter her suite.”

  “Approved, John,” the voice replied, and John could hear the suite locks disengage. All seven of them.

  He opened the door a few inches. “Bethany Anne?” He heard nothing and opened it further. “BA? Boss?”

  The suite was empty.

  John noticed her bed was made and stepped around to her personal closet. It was closed and locked.

  Fuck, he thought.

  John looked up, his eyes closed. Thank God a migraine wasn’t possible. “ArchAngel, Please unlock this door—I promise not to step foot into the room.”

  “You know she isn’t in there, John,” ArchAngel responded.

  “Yes, I know that. I just need to see what she took with her,” John answered, and the door unlocked. This was much better than the rooms in the Florida house where no one could open the door from the outside. Here, ArchAngel could open and close, lock and unlock all doors. He pulled the door open, the lights came on, and he peered around her closet.

  Her pistols, leather pants, and her protective chest piece were missing. Her Katana was on its stand. John turned, stopped and then looked back. Her shorter sword, the wakizashi, was missing.

  So, it was probably humans, not Forsaken.

  John closed the door. “Thank you ArchAngel.” He heard the doors lock behind him and turned to her master suite bath. It, like all of her rooms, was huge. He looked in and noticed an envelope and a piece of notebook paper.

  John stepped over to her vanity, triple wide with two sinks and a large area between for makeup and other stuff. John thought it was a bit much. Bethany Anne rarely wore more than a little blush and maybe some lipstick.

  He read the note, written in blue crayon in a young person’s handwriting.

  “Ms. Anne,

  I’m not sure you can help, but my father is in trouble. My mother was taken by evil people who hurt her and then hurt my dad.

  They want him to help them because he works on science and they want something. They made him promise not to tell the police.

  Since he can’t tell anyone, and I can’t tell the police either, I thought maybe someone powerful like you could help my mom and my dad.

  If not, I understand. I know you are pretty busy with your ships and stuff.

  Thank you for listening,


  p.s., I love your last name, it is the same as my first name.”

  John could see the smearing where Bethany Anne’s tear must have soaked into the page. He shook his head, grabbed the envelope with the address and started walking out of her suite.

  John now knew the approximate where and the why. Now he had to figure out what to do about it.

  He reached up to hold down the small call button on his collar. “This is John, our Queen is AWOL.”

  QBS ArchAngel Over Japan, 18 hours before meeting

  Bethany Anne reached out to grab the offered mail. “Thanks, Kevin.” She nodded her thanks and grabbed an apple from the fruit on the sideboard. “Ashur!” she called over her shoulder. She heard Ashur get up from under the table where Team BMW was eating. They were such wusses about feeding him. One sad face and all three men caved and tossed him food.

  And they blamed each other for being the one who fed him.

  Ashur caught up to Bethany Anne on her way to the suite. She ruffled Ashur’s head. She would swear he had grown a couple of inches.



  Could Ashur grow in size after coming out of the Pod?

  Yes, that’s possible. The nanites might have decided he needed to change for some reason. Possibly due to his continued physical exercise during your training. We can always put him back in the Pod and have a look.

  No, it’s not that important. At least, not yet.

  Bethany Anne nodded to the guards up from the doors leading to the Bitches and Elites areas and finally, down to her own suite. She might have just walked Etherically to her suite, but it was good for everyone to see her.

  She entered her room, the door already opened by ArchAngel and mumbled ‘thanks’ as the door shut behind her. Biting into her apple, she walked into her bathroom. Ashur jumped up on her bed.

  “Hey!” She turned towards her door. “Don’t shed all over my bed. I had to get the last cover cleaned. What the hell were you pissed about, anyway?”

  Ashur chuffed from her bedroom.

  “That’s not my fault! Your lazy ass didn’t go to the cafeteria in time to catch them.” Another chuff. “Bullshit, they aren’t required to eat at the same time every day because you have a preference. Besides, you always have dog food available.” Bethany Anne grinned when she heard Ashur’s whined response.

  She turned and tossed the apple core into the trashcan and started going through the mail.

  She picked up the first letter. “I’ve won an island… file thirteen.” Then the next. “I’ve been asked to join a symposium on technology next month. Another file thirteen. I have unpaid speeding tickets in Florida. Huh, wonder if I should frame this one.” She shrugged and tossed the envelope into the trash.

  She saw an envelope in nice block handwriting but done in a crayon. Weird. She opened it up and read the letter inside.

  Then, she read it again, slowly.

  ADAM, track this address. Is this legitimate?

  >>Yes, there is a family of three living at that address in Las Vegas.<<

  Who does the dad work for?

  >>Security blocked, unknown at this time.<<

  Seriously? Fuck. Bethany Anne tapped the letter on her palm a couple of times. Can you figure out if there’s a problem?

  >>The daughter, Anne, is twelve. She has been absent from school for two days. Previously, she had not missed the last one hundred and eighty-two days of school.<<

  “Trap or real, trap or real?” Bethany Anne said aloud.

  Are they mutually exclusive? TOM interrupted.

  “No, they are not,” Bethany Anne agreed.

  Are you going to send someone to check it out?

  No, I’m going to do this. It needs a deft touch, a woman’s hand.

  What about Gabrielle?

  I don’t want to mess up her time with Eric.

  What about… huh… right.

  What do you mean ‘right?’

  You’re bored.

  I’ve always heard that the problem with royalty is that they aren’t connected with the people. I’m not going to have that happen to me.

  You’re bored.

  And that, too.

  Just the three of us?

  No, it will be the four of us.

  Well, thank God. For a second I thought you would go out and not take any support. TOM sighed mentally.

  “Ashur,” Bethany Anne started towards her closet. “Let’s go rescue a little girl.” His chuff came back, excited. “I know, right? Silly of my guards to leave me alone and allow me to get into mischief all by my little lonesome.” This time, Ashur sounded like he was laughing, not chuffing.

  “Oh, shut up.” Bethany Anne said. “Be happy your lazy ass is going, or you’d be stuck in here.”

  She changed clothes and loaded her weapons. Seeing the wakizashi, she smiled and grabbed the shorter blade. “Come here, you. We haven’t partied in a while.” She looked down at her boots on the floor. “Ugh, no boots, this time, Pumas it is.”

  She grabbed a jacket and hid her weapons. “ArchAngel, lock this door.”

  Why did I think you were going to be mature about this? TOM asked.

  “Beats the fuck out of me,” she replied. “Let’s go, my furry white guard.” Bethany Anne grabbed Ashur’s neck and took a step forward, disappearing.


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