STEP (The Senses)

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STEP (The Senses) Page 28

by Paterson, Cindy

  Bastard had read her thoughts. “Does it matter?” Her grip tightened so hard on the glass that it shattered in her hand and the red wine and glass fell to the marble floor.

  Liam snapped his fingers and a minion ran out of the room. “It matters because he will come for you.”

  Jasmine walked over to the fireplace and set her glass on the mantel. “Then he will die.”

  Rayne gasped. “You promised.”

  She raised her brows. “Mmm, yes I did, didn’t I.” Her finger casually swept across the mantel as if caressing the surface.


  Jasmine laughed, the deep throaty sound like a harp playing in a windstorm. She threw the rest of her wine into the fire, and the flames burst into an inferno for seconds, then calmed again.

  “Set up the meeting,” Jasmine ordered Liam. “He will bring your Abby and then we shall see what Waleron will do.”

  “He won’t negotiate,” Liam said.

  Jasmine smiled. “He will for Rayne’s life. But if he doesn’t, then we’ll be ready. He won’t be expecting me or the surprise we have for him.” She ran a finger across her lower lips, tracing it as if she were applying lipstick. “Once we both have what we want, we go our separate ways.”

  Liam nodded. “Of course.”

  Jasmine sauntered to the elevator. “Until tomorrow then. Don’t torture the poor girl too much, Liam. She’s like a daughter to me.” She winked at Rayne then gracefully disappeared into the elevator.


  Everyone stood up straighter as Anstice emerged from the room, except Jedrik, who was busy smashing balls around on the pool table without a pool stick or using his hands. He thought his telekinesis was feeble—actually it was—and liked to practice. Case in point, none of the balls were in the pockets.

  “How is he?” Keir asked.

  Delara noticed he kept his voice quiet and had a scowl on his face, most likely concerned about Anstice after healing Kilter.

  “Unconscious still. Well, I did that on purpose. I’ve healed his wounds, but . . .” she approached her husband and put her hands on his chest, “. . . what I saw . . . she loves him. She really loves him.”

  Keir took a moment before he nodded. “And him?”

  “The anguish and pain I felt when she . . . Rayne told the Lilac . . . she said she’d never fight her if . . . Kilter begged her, Keir. He begged her. He doesn’t believe he’s worthy. That’s why he thinks the Senses left him. He still believes that he’s responsible for Ulrich’s treachery and that’s why we left him. And now that he knows the truth about Gemma, his trust issues have escalated. He’s having a hard time believing that Rayne could ever love him. He’s hurting, Keir. And I can’t . . . I can’t help him.”

  “Gemma was a treacherous bitch and we searched the goddamn world for him. He knows that now,” Tye said.

  “No. What he knows is that he saved his own ass. What he denies is that he needs us whether he wants us or not. He can’t walk this earth alone any longer, Keir. The hurt inside will destroy him.”

  “So, I guess that means we go after her,” Keir grumbled. She smacked his chest and he grinned. “My sweetness, I love it when you get mean. Just don’t sick that drooling tub of lard on me.”

  Anstice smirked. “At least he doesn’t snore like you.”

  Keir gave a snort as he pulled her closer and placed a light kiss on the top of her head. Delara was jealous, envious and . . . yeah, she adored Anstice. Still, seeing them together became a little sickening and it reminded her of her poor choice of men.

  “Balen, we need Danielle. Her telepathy outreaches all of ours. Galen get on that hard-ass computer of yours and check the city security cameras. We need to know where the Lilac took her.”

  “Already done. I followed them to Liam’s penthouse.”

  “I’ll go,” Delara said, pushing away from the wall. She’d get the lowdown on what crap he was pulling.

  Keir’s voice stopped her. “No.”

  “I can—”

  “Delara!” Jedrik shouted. “Just friggin’ cool it. Stay away from that bastard.”

  She shot him a dirty look and Jedrik merely winked back. Okay, maybe she was jumping the gun, but she’d learned something about Liam by sleeping with him—clever as hell, persistent as a badger and patient as a lion. The Lilac they knew nothing about, except a Lilac was Waleron’s worst enemy.

  “Anyone hear from Damien?” Keir asked. When no one said anything, Keir continued, “I’ll call Waleron and find out what is going on with Abby. In the meantime, we keep quiet. I don’t want any yahoo shit like the one we had with the Ryker scenario, so keep Kilter calm. We take turns watching him.”

  “He’s going to blow his lid,” Jedrik said shaking his head and groaning.

  “No, we’re going to have to lock him up with Ryker,” Tye said. “None of you were there when he came back from Ulrich’s clutches. He can’t lose this woman. His mind can’t go through that bullshit again.”

  “So, we get her back, boys,” Anstice said. “We bring her back. She is one of ours now and we never leave one behind. Isn’t that what you told me, hon?”

  Keir nodded.

  “Even if it means sacrificing Abby?” a voice said coming down the hall from where the stairs were to the Grave, aka sub-basement.

  “Damien,” Jedrik said, then gave a low whistle. “Wow, man, you look like pure crap. Hey your Scar is—”

  “Is with Abby below,” Damien finished.

  Several brows rose at that. Delara could see the thin string of light attached to his hand. Rare, if not unheard of to leave a Scar alone.

  “We don’t sacrifice one for another, Damien,” Anstice replied calmly. “We find another way. How is Abby?”

  “She Turned.” Damien ran his hand through his disheveled hair then down his pale gaunt face. “Waleron is with her now.”

  “Frig,” Jedrik said. “Trinity is going to have a spell-fart.”

  “Maybe I can—”

  Keir cut off Anstice. “You will not go near her. She’s vamp, hon. We tried detox. You know Balen has been the only one able to fight Turning and he is a Senses. Abby is a witch. We all knew the chances were . . . they were slim at best. She can’t live with vampires with her gift and she can’t survive without blood. With Liam alive, the moment she is released, she will go to him. Ending her misery is—”

  Damien’s eyes flashed with fury and he raised his hand sending Keir backwards into the wall. His eyes glowed a deep golden, and Delara quickly went and stood in front of Keir. She loathed Damien—a mutual sentiment—and she’d take great pleasure in sending him on his butt.

  Keir pushed her aside. “Save your anger for Liam, Damien,” Keir said calmly.

  A swirling gray mist entered the room, heightening to the ceiling then settling to the floor where Waleron appeared. No one spoke, certain if they did, Waleron would tell them to shut up anyhow. He looked furious, eyes a pale ice blue and brows lowered over them. It was hard to miss the crushed cell phone in his hand that was now a useless piece of metal.

  Waleron nodded towards the bedroom door. “He lives?”

  Anstice nodded.

  “Good. I need him functioning by tomorrow night.”

  “Damien tells us Abby has Turned,” Keir said.

  “Yes. Simian is with her below.” Waleron turned to Damien. “I gave Abby synthetic blood and she is calmer. I need you to call Simian to you while her state of mind is sound. You will return to Florida. The jet is waiting at Pearson. I do not want you in the vicinity of Abby.”

  “I’m not leaving,” Damien stated, his shoulders drawing back and his eyes unwavering from Waleron’s. Delara thought it was rather impressive and stupid.

  “It is unwise for you to be here, Damien,” Waleron said. “You have done more than could be asked to help this witch. You must let her go, as must Simian.”

  Damien stared at Waleron, his hands curled in fists, his face smoldering a deep red hue and then suddenly he smashed h
is fist through the wall and strode down the hall to the garage.

  “Waleron, we must be able to help her,” Anstice said.

  Delara smiled. The optimistic Anstice, the Healer who wanted to save them all. The reality was that if they let Abby go, she’d attack the first human she came across and then she’d find Liam.

  “There is nothing we can do,” Waleron stated.

  Keir quickly changed the topic. “So what’s with tomorrow night?”

  Waleron hesitated. “Liam wishes to negotiate for Rayne’s release.”

  So, Delara thought, Blood had been the reason for the ruined cell phone in Waleron’s hand.

  “We don’t negotiate. Ever.” Keir was quick to point out. “It’s out of the question. We go after him. Simple.”

  Delara actually saw Waleron’s feet shift the minutest amount. Probably no one had picked up on it except her, but she immediately knew something was up. A shiver went down her spine. Something was not right and Waleron wasn’t a tell-all guy. No, he’d rather work out the kinks by himself than put pressure on his Senses. She’d also noticed that not once since he arrived had he looked in her direction.

  “We will meet Liam tomorrow evening.” Waleron held up his hand and Keir, who went to object, became quiet. “I will inform Trinity of the circumstances.”

  Delara didn’t imagine Trinity would be pleased that one of her coven girls had fucked up so royally. Trinity liked debts paid to her, never vice versa, and she’d owe the Senses after this.

  Waleron’s gaze finally settled on her and it was far from a good settle. It was so fierce and filled with unadulterated fury that Delara actually felt that her life might be in danger.

  It took him five strides to reach her and it took everything she had not to run. He grabbed her arm, his fingers burning into her flesh then yanked her up against his chest. Delara was so shocked that her knees gave out.

  Waleron placed one arm around her back, supporting her weight, then to everyone’s astonishment—Waleron disappeared with her in tow.

  “Holy frig. Wow. I didn’t think . . . crap, did anyone know he could trace with another?” Jedrik asked.

  “He can’t,” Keir said.

  Chapter 29

  Kilter woke to his worst nightmare, Rayne gone and the bedroom filled with Senses, all staring at him with insipid expressions. He ignored them as he threw his legs over the side of the bed, grunting as his body’s sore muscles rebelled even after Anstice’s healing. Screw it, he’d suffered pain a billion times worse under Ulrich’s hand.

  Anstice was first step forward. “A day to recoup would be a wise choice, considering the amount of blood you’ve lost.”

  “Fuck off.” He shot her a look of disdain and grabbed his blood-soaked T-shirt from the floor then tossed it aside when he saw that it was torn in half.

  “By the sound of it, he’s in tiptop shape,” Jedrik said with a half grin.

  Kilter’s head pounded when he made any sort of motion, obviously from the shit kicking he’d taken. He still had his jeans on, although they were ripped where the knife had gone through his thigh. He picked up his firearm off the bedside table.

  No one said a word. He was waiting for it and was surprised they let him get this far. He didn’t give a flying fuck what the hell they were all doing in the room, but what he did know was that he was out of here.

  He wondered how long he’d been out of it. He hoped not long; if Rayne was still in the vicinity, he might be able to contact her through telepathy. If not, he’d scour the city until she did hear him.

  “Danielle is trying to contact her. She’s in the next room,” Anstice said, stepping away from her husband’s protective arm and approaching him.

  He wasn’t waiting for shit. He knew Danielle’s telepathic skills far surpassed Waleron’s, shit the woman had spoken to Ryker through a steel-encased room, but if Rayne was unconscious or drugged then even Danielle couldn’t speak with her.

  Neither could he.

  “We must work together, Kilter,” Keir said as he once again put himself before his wife. Kilter noticed the mistrust and scoffed at him. Working together meant trusting them and, obviously, that was not happening both ways.

  He walked to the door. Idiots should have gone after Rayne and left him in the bloody alley. He threw open the door and took one step before Keir’s voice made him hesitate.

  “Liam has her. He wants to meet.”

  Okay, this could be good or bad. His jaw clenched and his hand tightened on the doorknob until it broke off in his grip. He threw it across the room and it bounced off the lounge chair then fell to the floor. He spun on his heel and gave a quick perusal of each Senses watching him with grave expressions.

  Damien stood in the corner, his face a mask of stone, pale skin and eyes staring straight ahead as if he was in another zone. Kilter wondered why he was here and not with Abby.

  “What?” Beating a few vamps was nothing compared to a Master of the city with all his rats to contend with. He couldn’t possibly tackle him on his own, no matter how much he thought he could. The problem was the Senses didn’t trust him and vice versa.

  Did they care enough about Rayne to start a war with Liam and a Lilac? Would they leave her there if the fight risked lives? Would they give up on her just like they had him? If Liam hid her somewhere . . . what if she—

  “Stop with the ‘what ifs’,” Keir said. “I can see the questions steamrolling through that big head of yours. We don’t leave one of ours. Period. I don’t know exactly what happened with your past and I don’t care. This is now. What we do. These men and women around you. We risk our lives to protect humans. What we do for one another is much more. We would and will sacrifice our souls. Not because we have to, but because we want to.” Keir didn’t let up, his tone strong and demanding. “There won’t be any cowboy stunts like what you pulled in Newfoundland.”

  “Yeah, well, Ryker got out, didn’t he?” Kilter said, but after the words left his mouth he actually felt bad saying that snarky remark.

  “Liam is highly intelligent and knows everything that goes on in this city. We handle this delicately and we handle it together,” Keir stated.

  “Delicate? No way. I don’t do delicate.” Kilter walked out the door of his bedroom—or rather Keir’s guest bedroom. He cursed under his breath as he heard several footsteps following him. “Christ almighty,” he yelled. “I don’t need any of you at my back. Get the picture.” They were goddamn badgers on his heels and it felt . . . it felt suffocating. He’d walked alone for so long doing whatever he felt like because not a soul would tell him otherwise. Even Ryker and Hannah never said shit about what he did. Now suddenly they were stepping on his toes and wanted him to follow along like a lost puppy. No way in hell.

  “No, actually we don’t,” Jedrik said giving a grin and standing his ground like a football player braced for the hut.

  Tye blocked his path to the stairs and Kilter thought of the night he was sent to Rest because he attacked his own kind. He couldn’t afford to make the same mistake. Not with Rayne’s life in the balance.

  Tye stepped up to the plate. “Listen, buddy, we have to earn your trust, that’s a given. So give us the opportunity. You trust Rayne, don’t you? Well, that’s because you gave her the chance. So, do the same for us. We’re on the same side here.”

  Did he trust Rayne? Shit yeah. She’d given her life for him. She hadn’t betrayed him like Gemma or Ulrich, and he hated to admit it, but neither had any of the Senses standing around him.

  Balen came bursting out of the door of the bedroom beside the one he’d been in. “She’s made contact,” he said.

  Kilter shoved past him and strode across the room to where Danielle lay pale and quiet on the bed. Her eyes were closed and he could smell the sweat pouring of her skin. It took a lot to keep focused and find another Senses.

  Balen sat on the bed beside his mate and caressed her cheek. “Little one, can Rayne tell us anything?”

  Danielle wa
s silent for a few minutes and Kilter felt like a pot of boiling water on the edge of toppling over. Please, let her be okay. Let me do this right.

  Danielle’s eyes flashed open and Balen helped her sit up against the plush white pillows. “She’s in a large apartment. She says there are at least twenty vampires around at any given time. Liam and the Lilac are planning something. They want someone. She doesn’t know who.”

  “Is she well?” Kilter asked, his impatience unable to keep under control.

  Danielle nodded. “She speaks clearly, but she has not spoken of what has occurred, nor do I think she will. She was careful with what she said. I’m uncertain whether Liam can intercept our telepathy.” Danielle took Balen’s hand and turned her full attention to Kilter. “She says to not give him Abby. No matter what Liam says, don’t give him Abby.”

  “Fuck that,” Kilter said as he began to pace beside the bed.

  “Did she say anything else?” Anstice asked, coming sit on the opposite side of the bed.

  Danielle swore beneath her breath and her body stiffened. “Yeah, she did. Oh crap, Kilter.” He abruptly stopped pacing and turned to stare at her. “She said to tell you that she wants nothing to do with you. That she . . .” Danielle looked to Balen and he squeezed her hand. “She says she loves Roarke.”

  Several of the Senses scoffed, but Kilter remained still as stone.

  Tye cursed three times and then slammed his fist into the wall. “Buddy, it’s lies. She says this to protect you.”

  It was Damien’s voice that caught all their attention for he hadn’t spoken a single word. “Do you love her?” he asked in a broken voice.

  Kilter didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

  “And you would give your life for hers?”

  “Of course,” Kilter said.

  “And you would let her go if she asked it of you?”

  Now wasn’t that the question of the century. Would he? Could he let go of this remarkable woman who had fought back to the surface from an eating disorder, from abuse? This woman who he’d grown to love, who’d shared passion with him and made him laugh and subdued his crassness. The woman who’d trusted him. She trusted him.


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