Bailey, Debbie - Sienna's Submission [Men of Kinsey] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Bailey, Debbie - Sienna's Submission [Men of Kinsey] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Debbie Bailey

  Ten minutes later, Kane reentered the room carrying a box with what she assumed would be her costume for tonight.

  “I have found the perfect outfit for you, little girl. Come here so we can get you changed and ready for your debut.”

  * * * *

  Kane could tell that Sienna was excited as she opened the box and the gasp that came from her was music to his ears as he watched her eyes light up when she pulled the pale blue, almost see-through dress from its resting place in the box.

  “Kane, it’s gorgeous.” She smiled, holding it against herself and turning to the mirrored wall. “But isn’t it a little risqué…it’s see-through.”

  Kane reached into the box and pulled out the accompanying bra and panties set. Both matched the dress to a tee and would cover what needed to be covered.

  “Now go put it on and let me see if I was right.”

  Sienna blushed and grabbed the lingerie set from Kane and headed to the bathroom off the playroom. Twenty minutes later he was still waiting.

  “Sienna…is there a problem?” He leaned his ear to the door and listened. What he heard made his heart break. She was crying…

  Slowly, he opened the door and saw her standing at the full-length mirror, tears running down her cheeks.

  “Little girl…what’s wrong?” Kane hated when a woman cried. It always made him feel useless. “If you don’t like it, we can find something else.” For some reason this little bit had wrapped herself around his heart. Not in the sexual way, although in that outfit she was outstanding, but he felt very protective of her.

  “Oh my god, Kane…don’t you dare!” She laughed through her tears.

  “Why are you so upset then?”

  Smiling at him, she said, “It just doesn’t look like me. I look beautiful!”

  Kane burst out laughing. “Good lord, woman, do you not own any mirrors? You are beautiful. Just ask the two crazy assholes that you work for.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, looking at him from the mirror.

  “No way, girl, am I getting in the middle of that one.” He laughed, stuffing her clothes in the bag and pulling her out of the playroom.

  “What about my shoes?” She looked down at her feet and wiggled her toes.

  In his best Master Kane voice, he said, “Subs don’t get to wear shoes unless their Masters allow it, and since you have yet to be auctioned, that makes me your Master for the time being, and I say no shoes.”

  Almost dragging her by the hand, he headed to the elevator for the main floor where the auction was being held. “Now don’t forget, Sienna, while you are with me you are to be submissive in all things. Every command is to be obeyed until you are auctioned. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

  “Yes, Master Kane.” She smiled and lowered her eyes to the floor. The men that were planning on purchasing this sub were in for some major surprises. Kane smiled as they exited the elevator and headed straight for the auctioneer.

  “Sienna, this is Mistress Deanna, or Mistress D. Until such time that you are auctioned, you are now under her protection. Obey her as you would me, and remember”—he leaned down to whisper in her ear—“that everything is your choice, little bit.” With that he kissed her cheek and pulled Mistress D to the side for a quick word.

  * * * *

  She stood watching all the different people that walked past her. Some were couples, both male-female and male-male. She was surprised that she saw no female couples though. Most were dressed in leather or lace. Some had collars whereas others had both collar and leash. It was a spectacular site to behold.

  Suddenly she felt eyes on her. She actually felt their gaze on her skin. Turning, she was staring into the faces of her bosses, Mikhail and Sasha. They looked magnificent in their leather pants and boots. Sasha had chosen to wear a button-up silk shirt whereas Mikhail wore only a black leather vest, his gorgeous chest bare. She could feel her body heating just from their scrutiny, her juices from her pussy drenching the panties that Kane had given her.

  “Are you ready, Sienna? Sienna…?” Mistress D grabbed her arm and gave her a shake. “You’re up next, sweetie, so step lively and remember head down.”

  Sienna followed her to the stage and walked out into the center where the spotlight shone. Keeping her head down, she tried to look like the perfect submissive.

  “Now, ladies and gentlemen, we have a very tasty little treat for you tonight. We have our very first virgin sub. She has never had a Master and is in need of a great deal of training.” Mistress D went on, “She needs a Dom who is gentle yet firm when necessary, patient and willing to take the time to train her. We will start the opening bid at five thousand…”

  Suddenly there was a flurry of bidding. “Six, seven, seventy-five hundred…do I hear any more bids…ten thousand dollars.” A collective gasp went through the crowd as everyone tried to see who was bidding.

  Sienna couldn’t see, but she would know that voice anywhere. Eric. No way. How the hell did he know she was going to be here?

  * * * *

  The men immediately noticed her agitation and looked to see who their competitor was and what was it about him that made her so upset.

  “Fuck, it’s her ex, Sasha,” Mikhail screamed over the crowd.

  “Ten thousand was the last bid. Are there any other bids for this tasty little morsel?”

  Sasha looked at Mikhail and nodded. Together they raised their paddle and bid.

  “Fifty thousand dollars.”

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a fifty-thousand-dollar bid from the gentlemen in the back…going once, going twice, and sold to the brothers Dalhousie. Let’s give them a round of applause for their generous donation.”

  The crowd roared, and they walked forward to claim their prize. Just at the entrance to backstage they were met by a very angry man.

  “You think she is going to satisfy you do you!” he spat. “The only way you can get any arousal out of her is if you beat it out of her.” Eric smiled, as if he was proud of the way he had treated his wife. “She loves to be smacked around a little…” Just as Mikhail and Sasha were about to kill the son of a bitch, Kane and the Kinsey brothers stepped between them.

  Hands were pushing them back from their intended target, making sure that they couldn’t get to him.

  Ryder was the first to grab onto Eric and start pulling him toward the exit.

  “Let me go, Ryder. I have every right to be here. She’s my wife.” Daniel and Sam Kinsey also grabbed him after making sure that the twins weren’t going to kill him, not giving him a choice as to whether or not to leave.

  The club was very quiet, and all you could hear was Kane’s booming voice. “She’s not your wife. She divorced you two years ago. She now belongs to real men, asshole.”

  With that little tidbit of info out in the open, Sasha and Mikhail headed to get their beautiful sub.

  She was gone.

  They panicked and started searching every corner in the club. Suddenly Mistress D waved to them to come from across the room.

  “She’s locked herself in the stall and won’t come out. She keeps saying that she can’t go with him and that she’s sorry for disappointing you. I don’t think she stayed around to hear the final bid. She’s terrified. Was the asshole really her ex-husband? Fucking prick should be castrated.” Noticing the pale looks on Sasha and Mikhail’s faces, she smiled apologetically.

  “Sorry, boys, but men who beat women bring out the evil Dominatrix in me. I’ll keep everyone out of here. You just take care of your woman.”

  Sasha kissed her cheek and smiled. “You’re the best, D, thanks.”

  They stood outside the stall door trying to calm themselves before speaking to Sienna. Their combined rage was not easy to get under control. The only other time they had both felt this way at the same time was when they both just about killed Bobby Sheppard in the seventh grade because he punched their sister Michelle in the face.

  Slowly, they could feel themselves calmi
ng enough to talk to her.

  “Sweet pea, you okay in there? Why don’t you come out so that we can have a look at you and make sure you’re okay? Eric’s gone, and he won’t be back, honey. You have to know that we had no idea he would be here or else we never would have asked you to do this.” Sasha tried to keep his voice calm and even. “Sienna, you didn’t stick around to see who the winning bid was, baby! Do you honestly think that we would let that fucker anywhere near you? Do you trust us that little?”

  Suddenly the stall door flew open, and Sienna threw herself into their arms.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…I trust you completely, but I panicked when I heard his bid. I know he has lots of money, but I never thought he’d be here.”

  * * * *

  Wiping at her face, trying to clean the makeup smudges from under her eyes, she looked at them in the mirror and said, “If Eric didn’t win me, then I need to get cleaned up for whoever did. I’m sure he doesn’t want some skanky-looking submissive trailing around behind him, huh?” Sienna tried to laugh, hoping that it would help to ease her tension a bit.

  “You don’t have to worry. Your masters are more than willing to take you however they can get you.” Mikhail smiled back at her.

  God, he was so gorgeous, she thought as she wiped the smudges away from her under her eyes. They both were. Some day maybe she might be able to…

  “Hold it a second. Did you say Masters, as in more than one?” Her heart started beating crazy again. “Who had the winning bid, Sasha?” She turned to him, a look of almost desperation on her face.

  “Who do you think, sweet pea?” Mikhail smiled as he wrapped her in his arms. “We told you this afternoon that we wanted you, and we meant it. There is no way we are ever going to let another Dom have what is ours.”

  “You c–c–can’t win me, I work for you!” she stuttered.

  Sasha stepped toward her and pulled her from his brother into his arms. “Oh yeah, baby, we can, and we did. You are ours until Sunday night, so get used to it.” He brought his mouth down slowly, his tongue licking along her lips. “Open for me, baby, show your Master how much you want his tongue in your mouth.”

  She trembled as she opened for his tongue. He groaned and quickly invaded her mouth. Swiping his tongue along hers had her whimpering for more.

  Hearing a groan from beside them they turned and saw Mikhail gripping the edge of the sink so hard his knuckles had turned white. “Fuck, Sasha, are you trying to kill me?” he said in a very low, soft voice. His brother laughed and stepped back so that Mikhail could have a moment with their woman.

  “Oh, baby, you have no idea what pleasures we are going to give to you over the weekend. I can’t wait to taste the cream that I know is pooling between your beautiful thighs. Feel me...” Taking her hand, he guided it to the bulge in the front of his leather pants. “Feel how hard I am for you, honey…” Sienna gasped when his cock jumped as she stroked him through his pants. Mikhail took the opportunity to crush his mouth onto hers and take what she was freely giving. His head swimming as he tried to control the need that was building in his balls.

  “God, babe, we need to stop or else Sasha and I are going to take you right here, and this is not the place we want our first time together to be. Let us take you home and show you just how good it can be between the three of us.”

  Looking up at both men, her eyes were dazed, her body on fire. She had wanted them for so long, and she couldn’t give up what might be her only chance with the two men she loved. “Yes, Master…take me home with you.”

  Quickly Mikhail picked her up in his arms as Sasha unlocked and opened the door and went to find Kane and the triplets. Mikhail carried their woman to the exit.

  * * * *

  Sasha could feel her against him as if she were in his arms. She felt incredible. He just wished that Mikhail would wait until they got in a more private setting before he started with the dirty talk. Fuck, his balls ached.

  “Kane, Mikhail and I have Sienna, and we are about to leave. Did you find out how Eric got into the club?”

  Sasha could see the tension in Kane’s body. “Apparently, one of our members thought it would be romantic to reunite his friend with his ex so he could try to win her back. He had no idea of the circumstances of their divorce. What I am having a hard time finding out is how he knew that she was going to be here. Wasn’t she a last-minute replacement?”

  Cursing, Sasha knew there was only one way that Eric could get the information, and that was through Eric’s sister, who still worked for them. She was one of the few people that knew that Sienna was the sub replacement. Fuck, Sharon was a good employee, and she never seemed to harbor any bad feeling toward Sienna. She knew what her brother had done to her. Why the hell would she do this? He’d have to make sure that he and Mikhail had a long talk with her. He didn’t think that she would have told Eric. She seemed pretty embarrassed whenever anyone mention why Sienna divorced him.

  Thanking Kane, he headed back toward the exit and his family. Huh. He smiled to himself. Yeah, Sienna was part of them already. He knew that both of them felt the pull she had on them. Now they just had to make sure that they kept her off balance for the next two days until she realized just how much she meant to them. And hopefully, that they meant something to her, too.

  Chapter 3

  Sienna awoke in a really big bed in a really big room. She must have fallen asleep on the way to Mikhail and Sasha’s place.

  Oh great, Sienna, she scolded herself as she buried her face in the pillow, your bosses just spent a lot of money on you to save you from your freaky ex, and you fall asleep on them. Well done, girl, I bet they’re really impressed.

  Sitting up, she tried to find her clothes but only found a T-shirt that had been laid across the end of the bed. Pulling it over her head, she went into the bathroom to wash her face before going in search of Sasha and Mikhail.

  Opening the bedroom door into the hallway, she could hear a TV on downstairs and decided to follow the sound. Slowly making her way downstairs, she couldn’t help but notice how incredibly beautiful their home was.

  It was very spacious, but the furnishings seemed to be exceptionally homey and comfortable, nothing like some of her ex-in-laws’ houses, where everything always seemed to be so pristine that she didn’t want to touch anything or sit down on any piece of furniture. This place was definitely a home that was lived in.

  At the bottom of the stairs, she could see directly into the family room. Mikhail and Sasha both stretched out on opposite couches watching a movie. They looked so content and relaxed that she just about didn’t want to disturb them. But that wasn’t going to happen. She wanted them disturbed.

  “Ah hi, guys, sorry I fell asleep on you. Why didn’t you wake me up?” She smiled as she walked across the room toward Mikhail.

  He sat up and patted his lap for her to come and sit on it. Not sure what to do, she faltered and stood in front of him. Reaching up, he grabbed her hand and pulled her down, settling her on his lap.

  “There, that’s more like it. Are you comfortable, baby?” he whispered in her ear.

  Shivers ran down her back as she fought to keep her eyes open. Arousal like she had never felt before spread through her body at an alarming rate. Sasha moved to sit beside them and pull her legs onto his lap. Slowly, he started rubbing her feet. She had never realized that her feet were an erogenous zone for her.

  Mikhail was the first to say anything. “Baby, before we start anything here, there are a couple of things that we need to talk to you about.”

  Sienna fought her way out of the fog of arousal to finally register what he was saying. Now is when they were going to explain to her that even though they wanted her she shouldn’t expect more than this weekend fling. Stiffening, she waited for them to drop the other shoe.

  Her body tightened up when Mikhail spoke. “Sienna, the things we want to talk to you about are your limits,” he said quietly, running his hand up and down her calf. “We spoke
to Kane earlier, and he explained to us about your marriage.” Mikhail wasn’t quite prepared for the reaction that he got from Sienna.

  “Oh, god.” Sienna tried to push up off of Mikhail’s lap, but he held her firm. “Please just let me go before I feel anymore humiliated.” She was on the verge of tears and desperate not to let them fall in front of them.

  Grabbing her hands and pulling them behind her back, he lifted her breasts toward him, giving him easy access to her magnificent breasts.

  * * * *

  We can’t touch her again until she’s aware of everything, Mikhail!

  He groaned at the offering that he had to deny not only himself but his brother as well.

  “Why would you feel humiliated, sweet pea?” Mikhail asked as he pushed some of the stray hairs away from her face. She was so adorable. He just wanted to tie her to the bed and make her forget everything that asshole of an ex did to her.

  “Because I’m sure that he told you how lousy I’d be in bed and what a freak I am!” she cried. With that said, the dam burst, and all the tears that she had been trying to hold back broke free.

  Quickly Sasha grabbed her and laid her, ass up, across his knee.

  “First thing, Sienna, is that I never want to hear you speak badly about yourself again.” Smack!

  Her tears stopped and were immediately replaced by anger, and she tried to wiggle off, saying, “What the hell was that for?”

  “That was a punishment, my sub, for speaking badly about our property, and you’ll receive more if I hear anything like that again. Do you understand?”

  “Yes…yes…I understand!” she cried.

  “Yes what?” Sasha ran his hand over her ass, gently squeezing, making her pussy weep.

  “Yes, Master, I understand.”

  “Good girl, you learn very quickly. That pleases Master Mikhail and me. Sienna, outside this house you are your own person, but inside this house and anytime you are with us at any club event, you belong to us. You do exactly as you are told and trust us to know what your limits are. This will take some time, but together we can make it work.”


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