Bailey, Debbie - Sienna's Submission [Men of Kinsey] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Bailey, Debbie - Sienna's Submission [Men of Kinsey] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 9

by Debbie Bailey

  Ryder continued, “The charges were dropped when, for some unknown reason, the pictures that the hospital took of her injuries went missing along with the proofs. But I spoke with both the doctor and the nurse who patched up our girl here, and they remembered the incident so well. They were both willing to testify, but they were never contacted again, so they just assumed that a deal had been made. They had no idea that the charges had been dropped.”

  “Who was the Crown Counsel at the time, Ryder?” Mikhail asked.

  “His name is Roderick Felton. God, what a moniker to go through life with. Same guy that handled Amy’s case and the same guy still today.” Ryder snorted. Sasha scoffed.

  “It would appear that Crown Counsel Felton has a very difficult time prosecuting cases of domestic violence. Either the evidence is damaged, goes missing, or the witnesses just decide at the last minute not to testify. Since he has been Crown Counsel, not a single domestic violence case has made it to the jury or even much farther than a preliminary hearing without something falling apart or making a deal so flimsy it’s pathetic.”

  Mikhail paced back and forth, rubbing the back of his neck. He always rubbed the back of his neck when he was really thinking about something.

  “He’s dirty. That has to be it because no Crown Counsel can have that much bad luck. Have there been any other incidences with other types of crimes?” Mikhail asked.

  “Not from what we have so far. He seems to play it pretty straightforward on everything else, but when it comes to abuse against women, he lets it go.”

  “So where do we go from here?” Sienna asked Ryder.

  Ryder looked at both Mikhail and Sasha before saying, “Well sweetie—” A growl came from both Mikhail and Sasha.

  “Oh, put it back in your pants, boys,” she said. “He’s just trying to get your goat, and it seems to be working quite nicely, I might add. Go on, Ryder.” She smiled sweetly.

  “You are the key to all this. The hospital has the pictures of the last beating that you took. The doctor is afraid to give them to the Crown now. I’ve asked him to do a little dance for them, with me. Since he’s sick and tired of the bullshit as well, he agreed.

  “He’s going to keep the original films and send copies to the DA. When Felton asks for the originals, he’s going to tell them that a clerk accidentally lost them. This way nothing will happen to the original photos.”

  Sasha came and sat beside Sienna, gently lifting her onto his lap. “I need to feel you close to me, baby,” was all he said. Mikhail sat as well and lifted her legs onto his lap, absently stroking up and down her calf.

  The closeness of both men made her heart beat faster and her head swim. She needed to think and couldn’t when they were so close.

  Ryder went on to tell them about the receptionist at the club, Amy, and how when she had the same problem with her boyfriend, Felton also let it go.

  Why they hadn’t caught this before was beyond understanding. This town was built on certain ideas and philosophies. One of the main ones was that women here were to be protected and treated with respect at all costs.

  How could they have allowed this to happen for so long? They needed to have a meeting at the club of all members who lived in town. Something had to be done, and done quickly. Felton had been getting away with this for far too long.

  “Ryder?” Sienna said questioningly. “When I originally went to find out about the charges against Eric, I remember waiting for what seemed like hours, and then a group of about five or six men came out all laughing and patting each other on the back. I remember this because one of them was Eric’s father.” A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of that awful man.

  “Go on, little one,” Mikhail spoke softly to her.

  “Well, I overheard Jack, that’s Eric’s father, say to the others that as long as they protected each other nothing could stop them.”

  Ryder jumped up at that. “Fuck!” he yelled. “That son of a bitch. If he thinks he is going to get away with this…”

  “Ryder, what the hell is wrong?” Mikhail said.

  “I should have put it together before this. How could we have been so blind?” It was like Ryder had gone off into his own little world, mumbling to himself and pacing back and forth.

  Easing from Sienna, Mikhail stood and grabbed Ryder to shake him, but before he could, he turned to them and said, “Kids, this just became a hell of a lot more complicated than we thought.”

  Chapter 6

  “You know this guy, don’t you?” Mikhail stated.

  Sighing, Ryder sat down again. “Ten years ago when my brothers and I first moved back here to open the club, Jack Peters was the original owner.”

  “What?” Sasha said. “I thought you guys built the club.”

  “We did. We built a new one after the original one we purchased from Jack burned down a month after the sale was finalized. It was labeled arson, but it was thought that someone who was turned down for membership was responsible. No one was ever charged. So we rebuilt it into what it is today.

  “Jack’s family has lived here just about as long as mine, but with a difference. They were considered outsiders. They didn’t live or agree with the lifestyle that our ancestors chose, so they would go out of their way to try and hurt them any way they could. Their family was wealthy enough that even blackballing them financially didn’t run them off.

  “Then they started to encourage people of like mind to move to the area. Most couldn’t afford to live here and shop, work, and do business elsewhere, so only a few families came.

  “We moved back here right after we left the military. Jack’s club was on the verge of bankruptcy. He had no idea how to run a club, let alone one specifically targeted to the BDSM community. The men he had working for him weren’t real Dominants. They were just mean. They thought that beating a woman into submission was how they showed they were their ‘Masters,’ and in this town, that was unacceptable, so the locals boycotted the place and went to other clubs in the nearby town. The few members that did stay were the ones like Eric, wife beaters, men who weren’t dominant, just aggressive.”

  The revelations stunned Mikhail and Sasha. The Kinseys were their cousins, they’d grown up together and had never even been aware that people like Jack Peters lived here.

  “Why didn’t your family say anything about the Peters?” Sasha asked.

  “Our dads didn’t think it was anything to worry about. None of the local men did. Jack had been keeping quiet, not bothering anyone, so it seemed that his family had finally given up any notion of changing things here.”

  Mikhail could tell by the look on his cousin’s face that there was more to this than he was saying.

  “He’s been acting up lately, hasn’t he, Ryder?” he stated.

  “Yeah, he has. Just little things, irritations mostly, late or completely wrong shipments to the club, small fires, stuff that could have just been put down to errors or bad wiring.

  “But this thing with Amy has eaten at us for some time now. That coupled with the fact that Jack has decided he wants to open another club has us worried. Not about the competition but about the unsuspecting people that will go to his type of club and be turned off by it.

  “We’ve worked hard to build our reputation as a safe haven for the BDSM community. We have twice-yearly conferences that bring in people from around the globe to learn and train under us. Sam’s reputation as being one of the best Doms in the world is what brings a lot of women here. They want to train under him as submissives, and the Doms want to learn from the best.”

  * * * *

  Sienna had been listening closely. Her body was starting to get sore from sitting in one spot. Slowly, she tried to get up off of Sasha’s lap.

  “Hold on a second, baby. Where you going?” he asked.

  “I need to get up and move around a little. My legs are going to seize up if I don’t, Sasha.”

  Helping her stand on her feet, Sasha allowed her to move around the room.

  “There is only one way that you are going to stop Jack and Eric, Ryder. And that is to out them in the community. To show everyone around exactly what kind of pigs they are, that is the only way to put an end to all this,” Sienna said. “That means I have to make sure that the Crown Counsel prosecutes Eric and that the judge gives him jail time. If not, he’s going to come after me again”—she walked toward the door—“and the next time he might just kill me.”

  Sienna leisurely left the room, heading back upstairs to the bedroom. The stairs were difficult for her to manage, but she realized if she took it slow and steady that she could do anything. She just wanted to have all of this behind her. She needed to get back to living a normal life and to find a way to go on without Mikhail and Sasha.

  Once everything was over and done with, she would move back to her apartment, find a new job, and go on. Her heart would be broken, but she would survive; she always survived.

  * * * *

  Back in the living room, Mikhail and Sasha just stared at each other.

  Ryder was the first to speak. “She’s a special lady, that one. You know that she’s in love with both of you, and if you two don’t get your heads out of your asses, you’re going to lose her.”

  Taken aback by Ryder’s statement, Mikhail snarled, “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Ryder. She knows how we feel about her!”

  “She doesn’t believe it though,” was all he said before heading to the door.

  Turning back, he looked over at his two cousins that were more like brothers to him. Ryder smiled and said, “She’s been alone for a long time. Even during her marriage, she was alone. She doesn’t trust that you can love someone like her.”

  If Ryder hadn’t been his cousin Sasha would have put him through a wall at his last statement.

  “Someone like her…?” Sasha asked. What the hell does that mean?

  Ryder knew how to get a rise out of these two. He’d been able to do it since they were kids.

  “We all know how strong and loving she is, but she can’t see it. She sees the weak little girl who allowed her husband to beat her black and blue on a regular basis. She sees the weak little girl who couldn’t protect herself, even after finally finding the strength to leave the bastard. All she sees is the weak little girl.”

  Sitting down on the couch, both men couldn’t believe what they were hearing. Sienna, to them, was one of the strongest women they knew. She was beautiful, smart, and had a sense of humor that always made them laugh. She had to be made to see how incredibly tough she was, and that no matter what happened they would stand behind her always.

  “I’ll do some more digging and get back to you in a couple of days,” Ryder said, and left them to ponder the information he had already given them, both about Jack and Eric and about Sienna.

  The twins moved to the kitchen and sat down at the table. “We’ve got to make her see how much we love her,” Sasha said. “We can’t lose her, Mikhail. She’s the best thing to happen to us in a long time.”

  Reaching over, Mikhail laid his hand on Sasha’s shoulder. He could feel the pain from his brother. “We’ll find a way, Sasha. I promise. You’re right. Without her, life just wouldn’t be the same.”

  Chapter 7

  Sienna finally made it to the bedroom. Sweat was pouring down her forehead, but she made it on her own. Maybe now she could convince the men to let her move back to her apartment. Going to the closet, she grabbed a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Carefully stripping and getting dressed, she sat on the side of the bed and waited. She knew it wouldn’t be long before one or both of them came to check on her, and when they did, they would see that she could take care of herself now. She didn’t have to wait for long.

  Sasha and Mikhail opened the door, and she knew they thought that she would be sound asleep on the bed by their surprised expressions at seeing her sitting up, dressed in jeans.

  Sitting down beside her on the bed, Mikhail smiled, pulling her close and said, “Hey, baby, I thought you were coming up to rest for awhile.” With his brother moving to sit on the other side, it felt so right for Mikhail to softly push her toward him for the same cuddles.

  “I was just going to start packing. I feel so much better, so I think that I should move back to my place and let you guys get on back to your lives.”

  Trying not to let them see how much pain she was in, not just physically but emotionally, she stood and entered the walk-in closet.

  “Whoa there, little one, you’re not going anywhere.” Sasha took her hand and led her back to the bed.

  Sitting down with a thud, Sienna sighed, about to burst into tears.

  “Look, guys, you have been so incredible, letting me stay at your place for these last few days, but I feel stronger now, so there’s no reason I can’t go back to my place.”

  “Have you forgotten that we are still owed for our weekend?” Mikhail said, hiding a smile.

  “I know, and as soon as I find another job, I’ll start paying you back the money that you paid for me. I’m sorry about everything that happened,” Sienna said, not able to look at either of the men. A single tear slipped down her cheek. Angrily, she wiped it away and continued, “I’ll stay until you find another assistant, but then I need to go.”

  “Why, Sienna, why do you think you have to leave us, both here and at the office?” Sasha murmured in her ear as he licked the outer shell, sending shivers through her whole body.

  “You’re really going to make me say it, aren’t you?” she cried as she stood, needing to put space between them.

  “Yes we are, sweetheart, because we don’t understand,” Mikhail said, moving to enclose her in his arms.

  God, his warmth was seeping through her whole body. Pushing away, she turned and through her tears sobbed, “I can’t stay and watch. Watch as the two of you date other women and move on with your life. I can’t watch you fall in love and marry and have babies. I just can’t do it. It would kill me.”

  Quickly, Mikhail picked her up in his arms, ignoring her struggles, and deposited her in the middle of the bed.

  “I think it’s time you listened to us, I mean really listened to us. We’re not letting you go, Sienna, ever.”

  Sasha moved to the other side and climbed up beside her. “For years, Mikhail and I have known that we would share our woman. Because of our special bond, anything different would be impossible. Sure, we’ve dated a lot of women, but we’ve never found the one who would complete both of us. Until you, sweet pea.” He smiled and kissed her gently.

  Mikhail lay down beside her and pulled her into his arms. “Since the day you started working for us, we knew that you were ours. We just didn’t know how to get you to notice us. Every time you got near either of us, we were hard for days. And it was not just about the sex, because we hadn’t had any yet. We fell in love with you because of your generous heart and your strong spirit.”

  Sienna scoffed at that. She was not strong. She was weak, especially where they were concerned. She smiled.

  Cuddling up behind her, Sasha ran his hand down her arm and over her backside. Sienna gasped at the craving. She had to feel his hands on her bare skin.

  “Little one, you are and will always be the only one for us. We love you with everything we are. We want you to be our submissive at the club and at home only. We know that you couldn’t be that way all the time. We don’t want a slave. We want to show you how strong you truly are. Will you let us show you?”

  Sienna’s mind was reeling. Could they really mean it? Could these two gorgeous Doms want to spend the rest of their lives with her, loving her as she loved them?

  “I love you, too. I have for a long time, but I’m so afraid that if you left me, I would crumble inside. I couldn’t stand that. You mean too much to me.” She kissed Mikhail softly on the lips, licking along the seam, coaxing him to open for her.

  “That’s it, baby, take what you want. Let us give to you all the pleasure you want,” Sasha whispered in he
r ear as he reached around and started to unbutton her jeans and slide the zipper down.

  Sienna wanted to mark them as her own. When Mikhail teased her by not opening for her tongue, she slid her hand across the front of his jeans and squeezed the bulge there.

  He gasped, and that was her opening.

  She plunged her tongue into his mouth, and he groaned as he latched on to it and sucked. Running his hands under her T-shirt, he gently lifted her away to pull it over her head.

  Whimpering now, she moved to the buttons of his jeans and opened them.

  His cock sprang forward, eager for her touch.

  “Be careful, little one,” he growled against the top of her breast. “We don’t want to hurt you, and you might not be in any condition to handle this right now.”

  “If you stop now, Mikhail, I will so kick your ass…” She sighed, kissing across his naked chest.

  * * * *

  Sasha grabbed the waistband of her jeans and pulled them down her legs, not wanting his brother to have all the fun, groaning as he uncovered her dripping wet pussy.

  “Baby, if you’re not up to this, it’s okay,” he said, “but I need to taste you so bad, and if we don’t stop now, I don’t think either of us will be able to.”

  “Just be a little gentle this time and I’ll be fine.”

  Taking her at her word, Mikhail rolled her onto her back and ran his hand over her breast, tweaking the nipple through her bra.

  “Sasha, you should see how hard her nipples are. They look like they’re going to poke right through her bra,” he moaned and unclipped the front enclosure, freeing them to his gaze.

  “Fucking beautiful.” He mumbled against them, taking one into his mouth, his tongue playing over the hard nipple.

  Sasha couldn’t stand it any longer, and he stood at the end of the bed and almost ripped his clothes off. Coming back down, he crawled in between her legs, gently blowing on her wetness.

  “You’re dripping for us, baby.” Sasha looked up at her and smiled. “Let’s see if we can make you even wetter.” Leaning forward, he swiped his tongue through her slit from anus to clit.


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