DNA STALKER: Revenge or Justice? (High Seas Mystery Series Book 4)

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DNA STALKER: Revenge or Justice? (High Seas Mystery Series Book 4) Page 10

by Diane Rapp

  “Three weeks ago?” Jason cried. “We were only checking names of people who joined the ship in Galveston. Would you three meet us in Emily Schultz’s suite to discuss this matter?”

  Esteban considered the request. “Our identities be blown already, so no reason to stay quiet. What time you want us?”

  “Let’s shoot for six o’clock. That gives me time to inform my partner and our boss about recent events. Will that suit you?” He stared into Geraldo’s eyes expectantly.

  “Good enough. Must check on Roberto and suffer through a dressing down, so six should give us enough time. You better leave before local cops arrive. They work with us all the time, but Interpol might spook them.”

  “Especially since I’m officially retired.” Jason added, “I should return the motorcycle to its proper owner before the gent reports me to these local cops. See you all at six.”


  Timothy and Shirley watched in silence as a television reporter described the attack at the Dolphin Encounter. When Pete’s face appeared on screen they listened in shock to his interview. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Tim rounded on his sister. “This is all your fault, Shirley. You conspired with Rose, and now she targeted the wrong men. We should have calmly met with Kate and asked if she could help us find Drew.”

  “I never wanted anyone to get hurt. Rose promised we’d draw out Drew and get him arrested for murder,” Shirley whined.

  “She lied! If we’re not careful, we might get arrested ourselves. What good will all that money be if we’re locked up?” Tim stomped into his bedroom and slammed the door.


  Just before six, Jason and Natalia knocked on Emily’s suite. Within moments the door swung open. “Come in and see the news report,” Emily said, gesturing at the television.

  Local news stations often broadcast over a shipboard television network. After the couple sat on the comfortable sofa, Emily rewound the paused coverage. The picture displayed a woman newscaster with the caption “Yolanda Martinez”. She said, “We bring you an exciting story from the airport. Twin brothers, Peter and Kent Sanderson, prepare to board a flight. They flee from killers who recently tried to kill them.” She turned and held the microphone in the twins’ faces. “Pete, I understand you recently escaped two separate deadly attacks. Can you tell us more?”

  Pete’s eyes appeared glassy under the glare of camera lights. He visibly trembled and nodded solemnly at the reporter. “My brother and I were hired by Kimberly and Patsy Foster from Genetics Ultra. They wanted us to impersonate twin sons who were abandoned at birth by their mother, Kathryn Foster. The sisters wanted to embarrass their mother and force Mrs. Foster to abandon her costly search for those sons.”

  Kent stepped forward and added, “We took a simple acting job for Genetics Ultra and became targets of assassins. Terrorists are eager to kill Mrs. Foster’s sons. They tried to poison Pete on the ship and deliberately tried to run us down with a stolen taxi! We’re flying out of here in a few minutes, but we want those killers to realize they targeted the wrong men.”

  “Did Genetics Ultra deliberately lure you into a dangerous situation?” the reporter asked in a shocked tone of voice.

  Pete shrugged. “We doubt they meant us harm. Mrs. Foster even offered us a real acting job, starring in a commercial. We just can’t risk continuing the deception now.”

  A flight announcement crackled over the airport intercom, advising passengers to board a flight to Miami. Pete flinched and ducked at the pop of the microphone, acting like he’d heard a gunshot. He pushed past the reporter and ran toward the stewardess checking passengers at the gate.

  Kent growled, “See? He’s terrified! I’ve got half a mind to sue Genetics Ultra and Mrs. Foster for inflicting pain and suffering on us both. If she knew about the danger to our lives, she deserves to pay big time! The killers have been duped.” At the last call announcement for their flight, he barked, “We’ve got to leave.” He stomped toward the door as the camera tracked his march.

  As the men disappeared from view, the cameraman turned to face the reporter. She stated, “Local police investigated an incident at the Dolphin Center, which led to a high speed chase and fatal car crash just a mile away. Genetics Ultra refused to provide an explanation but we’ll keep you updated.” She flashed a camera-ready smile and said, “Yolanda Martinez signing out.”

  Kate Foster dabbed her red eyelids with a crumpled tissue. “It’s not our fault. How could we know someone might try to hurt those men?”

  A loud rap at the door drew Jason’s attention. “I’ll get it. We asked some Homeland Security agents to join us and explain what they know.”

  A couple followed Jason into the room. He said, “Let me introduce Amanda Spears and Esteban Hernandez. They’ve been working undercover with Roberto and Geraldo.”

  They displayed their credentials and sat in overstuffed chairs. Amanda pointed at the television. “I see you’ve already watched the interview with Pete and Kent Sanderson. That’s our fault, I’m afraid. We advised the men to conduct the interview to get them out of the cross-hairs as soon as possible. Roberto and Geraldo flew out on the same plane to keep them safe in Miami while we track the killers from this end.”

  “You arranged for that interview?” Emily groaned. “Couldn’t you get them to safety without publicity? My sister’s company will suffer from this controversy.”

  Esteban leaned forward. “There be no other way to keep de twins safe. Red Brigade has many people in de States and they be very patient, wait long time to kill de target.”

  Kate gasped. “The Red Brigade? I thought they died in the Jonestown Massacre!” Her eyes grew round with alarm. “Why do they want to kill my boys after thirty-nine years?”

  Sighing, Esteban settled back in his chair and brought his fingertips together in a steeple. “Please allow me to explain de history since Jonestown. Me, I was lowly guard working at the airport when de Red Brigade killed Congressman Ryan and his people. I was green recruit with no training under fire, so I failed to help. When police find de people dead at Jonestown, they know some survived.

  “Later, I come to U.S. and joined army. I become citizen of U.S. and undercover agent to help de Secret Service track counterfeit money in South America. I meet Amanda, who become my wife. We hear whispers about Red Brigade from informants, who say Red Brigade look for killer of Jim Jones.”

  Kate scowled. “No! That maniac killed over nine hundred people, including the father of my boys.”

  Amanda reached over to pat Kate’s hand. “We know. Jones sent an elite team to kill Congressman Ryan at the airport. The team returned to the compound to find dead bodies lying everywhere, but Jones was still in his personal house. Rumors claim they heard a gunshot and saw a young man run out of that house carrying a satchel. He jumped on a motorcycle and rode off through the jungle.”

  Esteban nodded. “Red Brigade follow but he very good in de chase. Jim Jones body was in de house with gunshot to de head. Some say suicide but Brigade leader claim murder.”

  “Who was the man they chased?” Kate asked, her voice vibrating with emotion.

  Amanda replied, “Drew Kingston. He’s an illegitimate son of Jim Jones and was a trusted advisor. There’ve been sightings of Kingston in different Latin American countries, but the Red Brigade never caught up with him. We believe they plan to smoke him out using your boys. After all, those boys are Drew’s only sons.” She gazed into Kate’s eyes like a predator ready to strike.

  Kate shook her head. “Drew can’t be alive. He’d contact me, let me know somehow.” She rose and paced the room. “He knew where my parents lived, knew how to get a message to me, so why’d he make me think he was dead?” She whipped around and frowned at the couple.

  Esteban sighed. “You know de answer, Kate. He keep you safe by being dead. You marry, have new family, and build business. How could you live happy life running from Red Brigade? He know all this.”

  Amanda agreed, “Drew
was savvy enough to realize they’d keep tracking him. He’d never lead them to the woman he loved. He established a new identity and kept track of your life. He knows you were searching for his sons and realized the Red Brigade would use them to get back at him.”

  “So, if I build a relationship with my boys, they’ll be in danger.” Kate sounded somber. “I can’t do that.”

  Natalia and Jason had listened quietly to the conversation, but now Natalia stood and wrapped her arms around Kate. “I have a psychic performance tonight. When I worked signing people aboard, I got a strong sensation of menace from someone in the crowd. I believe it’s time I use my talents to track them down before anyone else gets hurt.”

  She handed a list to Emily. “Please invite these employees to assist me tonight with the show. They should meet me at eight thirty for instructions. That might give me time to connect with them before I meet more passengers.”

  Jason headed for the door, a troubled expression on his face. When Natalia joined him in the corridor he asked, “You think this is safe? It’s difficult for you to read one or two people, but an entire crowd?”

  Natalia grinned and used a Russian accent. “The Magnificent Natalia, descendant of the great Rasputin, can work miracles.” She swept her arm up in a stage gesture and bowed dramatically.

  “Lord help us all,” Jason mumbled.

  “I’m counting on it, darling.” Natalia strolled down the hall, arriving at the elevator just as the doors opened. “See? That’s a sure sign of good luck.”


  Xander sat in his dark cabin watching the interview with Pete and Kent on the television. He sipped an aged bourbon and fingered a photo of Kate, so young and beautiful. She’d never told him she was pregnant but somehow he knew when they parted. He remembered the glow of her skin and the tightening of her clothes. Idiot! He should never have left her in such a vulnerable condition.

  Staring at the photo he realized this whole mess was entirely his fault. He thought he was protecting her by staying away, but after years of running, the Red Brigade finally caught up with his family. They might hurt his sons in his place.

  He paused the onscreen image and peered at the faces of the two men who were attacked. How could anyone who knew him believe these men were his sons? Sure, they had dark hair and a swarthy complexion, but the eyes should give them away.

  What did they want? He wondered if money might dissuade the Brigade and send them packing. He was a rich man, after all. They could hardly maintain a hatred for him over thirty-nine years just because he failed to die in Jonestown. He remembered Raven’s expression as he ran from his father’s house and knew she would track him to the ends of the Earth, nearly had already.

  He’d been clever after escaping from Jonestown. Rather than heading north to the U.S., he’d taken his father’s advice and gone to Columbia. His inheritance, a satchel filled with cut emeralds and diamonds, gave him a start in the gem trade. He built that small business into a multi-million dollar international corporation. As Xander, he had gained respect.

  Of course Xander followed newspaper accounts of Kate’s marriage and her financial success in Texas. He was happy for her. He wept at the report of her husband’s demise and attended the funeral in disguise. When sources informed him about the Twins Project and Kate’s quest to find her sons, he couldn’t stay away. He needed to see her and his sons.

  Now the Brigade had become focused on innocents and he must stop them. He jumped up off the sofa and paced the small cabin. What could he do?

  He remembered the young woman who’d stopped into his shop for ring sizing. Somehow she shared his memory of escaping through the jungle; he felt sure of it. Would she and her boyfriend be willing to help him divert attention away from Kate and his sons?

  Xander turned the faded photo of Kate over and read the inscription: To my darling Drew. He was no longer the idealistic young man who’d stole her heart. After thirty-nine years of running from danger, could she still love him? It didn’t matter. He must protect Kate and their sons even if it meant surrender.

  Chapter 7 ~ Natalia’s Performance

  As the audience filtered into the Starlight Theater, silhouettes of islands formed across the painted horizon. Overhead wispy clouds arched through the brilliant blue sky of the dome.

  Thirty minutes earlier Natalia had met with employees on the list she’d given Emily. Shaking hands with each person, she quickly read their memories and perceived no ominous sensations. Satisfied that no one in the group was part of the suspect pool, she explained what would be needed during her performance.

  Natalia pointed to various spots inside the theater. “Each one of you will stand in one of these positions, holding microphones. When I direct you to approach a person, turn on your microphone and hand it to the subject. If they offer you a personal item, deliver the item to this box on the stage.”

  Jason wandered around the theater as passengers filtered inside. He watched for likely suspects and kept his cell phone ready.

  After the meeting with helpers, Natalia retreated backstage and stood in the shadow of a curtain. She let down her mental barriers and allowed her mind to absorb impressions as she watched the audience. After years of maintaining barriers to the world, Natalia heard hundreds of voices inside her head. It drained her energy, but she managed to focus.

  Nothing struck a chord until the group of twins entered together as a group. They laughed and talked as they sat together on the front row near Kate Foster and Emily Schultz. Natalia abruptly felt a strong hotspot of menace inside the theater. She also felt sorrow flood her mind from a different direction. The malice was most concerning so she ignored the sorrow.

  Focusing on the source of menace, Natalia texted Jason about the hotspot location. He approached the place, scrutinizing faces for a suspect. Stopping in the aisle near two women who looked familiar, he scratched his right ear and texted: Is this the spot?

  Natalia texted: Yes, hatred emanates from the older woman. Can you see her I.D. badge?

  She watched Jason pretend to trip and drop his phone on the floor. Natalia heard the conversation through an earbud. “So sorry, I’m ever so clumsy.” He bent down to retrieve the phone and peered up at the two women. Soon he texted: Older woman is Rose Martin, younger one is Jaimie Martin. Both are dancers.

  A shiver ran through Natalia as she read the text. She wrote back: I remember! They’re the dancers with the mariachi band on the dock. Do you see other members of troupe?

  Jason walked along the back row, his gaze scouring the audience. He texted: No one I recognize. You getting more vibes?

  She replied: Got feeling of sorrow earlier but gone now. Maybe my show will spur reaction.

  Waiters scurried to fill drink orders, delivering the final libations just before lights dimmed—a warning that the show would begin. The skyscape changed into a sunset scene with burnished strands of cloud floating through the stratosphere. The islands transformed into black etchings against a golden glow.

  As busboys cleared glasses and waiters collected their tabs, the sky deepened color until it became a velvet-black arch pierced by pinpricks of light. Those lights formed into recognizable constellations and lasers flashed like shooting stars across the ceiling. An eerie mist formed slowly over the stage floor.

  The mist formed into a column of smoke in the center of the stage just as a booming off-stage voice announced, “Constellation Cruise Lines proudly introduces a descendant of the infamous Russian mystic, Rasputin. She inherited his magical powers! Attempt to shield your thoughts, but she can read your darkest secrets.” The crowd murmured as a woman appeared within the fog. She raised her slender arms and the off-stage voice shouted, “Natalia the Magnificent!”

  A narrow beam of light illuminated Natalia’s hypnotic black eyes then slowly widened to reveal a willowy body dressed in shimmering gold. Tall and sleek, she looked exotic, untamed, like a dangerous jungle cat. Jet-black hair curled seductively over slim shoulders and a deli
cate white neck, framing her ethereal face.

  “Welcome to the Starlight Theater!” she said in a sultry, commanding voice. “How many of you have seen my show on previous cruises?” She grinned as a number of hands were raised in the audience. “You’ll be relieved to know that our magician, who is a talented pickpocket, is absent tonight. Steven is pacing hospital corridors while his lovely wife, Kayla, delivers their first baby any time now.”

  Smiling, Natalia gazed out at the audience and decided to begin with people she’d already touched during the boarding process. She strolled to the edge of the stage. “Since I have no pilfered objects to return to owners, I will need to choose subjects randomly.” She pointed at a man dressed in a black tuxedo. “You, sir. Please stand and take the microphone that Brandy is offering to you.”

  He started to speak, but Natalia held up a slender hand. “Don’t introduce yourself, that’s part of my job,” she said. She touched her forehead and stared at the stars overhead. “I’m getting a T, G and an S. It’s Theodore G. Spencer, is that correct?”

  “Yes, how did you know?” he gasped.

  Natalia grinned. “I have a very friendly spirit guide who whispers in my ear.” She tilted her head as if she were listening to someone. “A message is coming through from someone with the initials B and T. Do you know someone with those initials?”

  Theodore rubbed his chin and nodded. “I had a cousin named Brian Temple, who passed away last year.”

  Natalia suddenly felt icy fingers touch her shoulder and gripped the microphone tightly. Although she felt terrified of ghosts, she must continue with the show. Her voice trembled as she said, “Brian says that he never blamed you for stealing Suzanne away from him. He admits that she always loved you and holds no grudge.”

  The man looked shocked as his wife lovingly caressed his hand. “I don’t care how you know this, but I’m relieved to learn Brian held no grudge against me. It’s a load off my mind.” He passed the microphone back to Brandy and sat down with Suzanne.


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