Alice: The Leader

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Alice: The Leader Page 20

by Gabriella Dennany

  Gwen pushes me back down and argues, “No, you just woke so it wouldn’t be good if you went running around.”

  I jump around her and shout, “I don’t care! Will means more to me than good or bad!”

  I turn and run to the door. As soon as I exit, my stomach starts to hurt. I ignore the pain and stop at the stairs. Glancing at the elevator, I sigh and jump inside. No one else is there with me, which is a relief. I groan at the pain and glance down at my clothes.

  Gasping, I see that I only wear a crop top with a bandage covering the skin below it. Some blood can be seen through the white bandage and I groan again when I gently dap at it. The doors open and I jog through.

  I search around frantically hopping that Will would be down here. People stop and stare at me. Whispers spread around the hall and I know that they know what happened four days ago. I ignore their talking and take a few steps forward. I turn to look outside, and I see him sitting by the tree I found him that one night. I smile and sprint to him. He turns around, hearing me coming. Will turns his back to me and ignores me when I stop beside him.


  He stays looking away and interrupts me by saying, “Stop. I know what I did and I know you most likely don’t want anything to do with me.”

  I shake my head and say, “Will, you didn’t do it! I pulled the trigger and I turned your wrist to myself. None of it was your fault. It was my stupid and selfish choice!” My stomach acids swirl and the world around me blurs. I use my right hand to cover my wound hopping Will won’t notice. I blink a few times and shake my head trying to get rid of the annoying dizziness that clouds my vision.

  Will turns back to me and crosses his arms over his chest. “I get it if you don’t want to see me anymore. Really,” He shrugs, trying to sound careless, but I can see the sadness in his eyes.

  I clench my fists at his stubbornness and send my hand flying. My hand slaps his left cheek leaving a deep red handprint. “Stop being so goddamn stubborn, William Bones! I’m telling you this, yet you ignore me like a foolish and petty child!” I scowl loudly, suddenly feeling the guilt for slapping him.

  He put his left hand over his imprinted cheek and stares at me in surprise. Will opens his mouth to speak, but instead a laugh comes out. He doubles over in laughter and takes in deep breaths.

  I stare at him in confusion and slap his arm. He stops laughing and stares at me with a playful look. I glare at him and put my hands on my hips.

  “You call me stubborn! You’re pushing me to the limit here!” He chuckles and smiles at me.

  I keep glaring and snarl, “Oh come on, Will!”

  Will laughs and cups my face softly. “I thought I lost you,” He whispers.

  I smile and whisper, “I’m fine now.”

  He leans down and presses a gently kiss on my lips. I smile at the feeling and pull away. I gently push him and open my mouth to speak, but a sudden pain in my stomach makes me fall to the ground with a loud thump.

  I clutch my stomach and groan at the still painful bullet wound. Will jumps to me and picks me up and cradles me to his hard chest. Blood seeps out of the bandages and stains Will’s shirt as he holds me close to his chest.

  Will runs into the base, yelling at people to move. He sprints into the infirmary and gently sets me on a bed. Gwen jogs over and stands over me.

  “I told her not to leave. If you’re lucky, the stitches held your stomach together and the acid didn’t spill out destroying your internal organs,” She mutters.

  He scowls at her and snorts, “Then why didn’t you go after her?”

  Gwen crosses her arms over her chest and hisses, “I would’ve if I wasn’t the only one here. I’ve got other patients, Will.”

  He rolls his eyes and pulls a chair over beside my bed, “What’s wrong with her?”

  “The wound isn’t fully healed yet. She just woke from a mini coma and ran all the way to you. Alice needs to take it slow before she really can run around like she usually does,” Gwen turns away from me and picks up a small bottle with a clear liquid inside.

  “What’s that?” Will asks cautiously.

  I squirm in my bed and grip Will’s hand in mine. “It better taste good,” I mutter.

  Gwen smiles and helps me sit up, “Don’t worry, it’s tasteless.”

  I take the little vile and stare at it. I swish it around and it jiggles like jelly. My face scrunches up in disgust as I chug down the fluid. I fall back to the bed and Gwen takes the empty bottle out of my hand. I bring my hand up to my throat.

  “What the hell is this stuff?” I croak.

  “Does it taste bad?” Will asks.

  I shake my head and claw at my throat, “It’s not going down my throat. It is just staying there, creating a gelatin coat over my throat.”

  Gwen nods and moves my hand away from my throat. “Good, then it’s working,” She smiles.

  My head turns towards Will. Black spots starts to cloud my vision and I start to fret. “Wait, I don’t want to sleep,” My words are slurred at I throw my head back to Gwen.

  She pats my hand and whispers softly, “It clears your mind and leaves you dreamless.”

  I hesitate for a moment before closing my eyes. The last thing I hear is, “You should stay with her. I’m guessing that when she wakes you two might want to have a little chat,” Gwen says softly.

  “I will. Have a break if you wish,” Will’s voice fades as my cautiousness also fades into a pure intoxicated and dreamless sleep.


  My eyes slowly open and close, getting used to the bright light in the infirmary. This is the best sleep I have had in ages. I cover my face with my left hand. I cover my mouth when a yawn slips out unexpectedly.

  I turn to the side to see Will in the chair next to me reading a book. He hasn’t noticed me being awake yet; I wonder what book he is reading. I turn my head a bit to the left and recognize the book automatically. He is reading his father’s journal.

  “See anything that you like?” Will’s gaze doesn’t even leave the words on the page as he asks me his usual arrogant question.

  I chuckle and reply, “Oh yes, that book looks marvelous.”

  He shuts the book and grins at me, “How you feeling?”

  I poke myself in the ribs and shrug, “Pretty numb, actually.”

  Will nods and explains, “About thirty minutes ago, Gwen came in and gave you a shot of something for when you woke up. She said it would make your body numb.”

  I nod and ask, “How long have I been out?”

  Will turns to the clock on the wall and says, “About eight and a half hours.”

  I look at the clock and read out loud, “5:30. Great, I slept for half the day. You would think I got enough sleep.”

  He laughs and stares at me for a moment. Will looks away and stares out the door, gazing at the people roaming around. “I think we should talk,” He says quietly.

  I frown and shrug, “About what?”

  “You know what,” He turns back to me and his face isn’t happy anymore. It is more of a stern look now.

  I shrug again and mutter, “I don’t want to talk about that.” Flashbacks race across my vision. My ears are ringing and I can hear the faintness of Will saying that we’re nothing with the blandest tone that I’ve ever heard.

  “You know we have to talk about it,” He sighs and continues, “I’m sorry. After the words came out, I knew I was going to regret it. I guess I was... Afraid.”

  I stare at him and try to figure out what is going on in his head, “Afraid? Of what?”

  Will keeps his gaze on the journal that sits in his lap, “Afraid of falling, afraid of losing you to depression. I said it because I wanted this to end,” He looks up at me with glassy eyes.

  He, Will Bones, is about to cry right in front of me. “I don’t understand. Did I do something wrong? If you didn’t want to be with me, Will you should’ve just said something instead of causing me so much pain,” My voice is small, and my heart feels like
at any moment it could fall into a million pieces on the cold, hard floor of this infirmary. Will is a thief, and by accident he stole my heart. I never thought of what he is going to do with it.

  Will lets out a deep breath, “Growing up with Conduits with only two friends was rough. They were brutal to us, and I never knew why. But, they taught us something that we should’ve never forgot. Caring for people doesn’t lead to happiness, it only leads you to misery. The two men that I was with, they’re brothers. They did anything for each other, and then they treated me like I was also their brother. We all cared for each other. Next thing I know, I abandon them and escape the Conduits. What I’m trying to say is, I said what I said because I care. I thought if I got rid of you, you would be safe from me.”

  I look at his eyes, shocked of what he just said. I remember after that when I found him by the tree. He was regretting getting rid of me. I didn’t know what to say. I pity him so much. A young child being taught not to care for others because of the consequences is torture.

  Will looks away from me and says, “But you’re like a freaking drug that I can’t get rid of. I need you, Alice. I understand if you don’t want me anymore. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want you.”

  I smile at his honesty and at the stray tear that streak down his face. I cup his cheeks in my hands and place a light kiss on his lips. I brush the tiny tear away with my thumb and kiss his cheek.

  He seems surprised at first, but regains himself and puts one hand on my neck and the other on my hip. He pulls away and smiles at me. “Are you not upset?” He asks softly.

  I chuckle and say, “And look at where that got me.”

  Will slides on to the bed next to me. I cuddle up into his soft chest and he strokes my arm that is draped over his side.

  “Can I tell you something?” I whisper.

  He nods and kisses my ear.

  I let out a deep breath and say, “In your words... I guess I am safe. I am safe because they aren’t even words... Will, you help me here every day. You are here with me in the good times and the bad. Even knowing each other’s faults, of which there are many, you are there to listen, to defend, to love. You understand my anxieties, my triggers and the ghosts that haunt me, driving actions that are so illogical to others.”

  I stop and listen to his heartbeat for a moment. His heart is racing wild. Continuing, I say, “In return I keep you safe with my words, my deeds... I am the one who will always be there for you, be honest with you, listen and care. I won’t always have answers for you, you won’t always have answers for me, but you will never be alone in your problems and neither will I.”

  Will holds on to me tight, as if he is afraid I might fly away from him. He intertwines his fingers with mine, and waits for me to finish.

  “So today I will paint you a picture of my love with words, and then every day I will prove they are true.” I finish softly with just a whisper.

  Will moves to his left slightly and kisses my cheek. He brushes his fingers across my cheekbone and whispers, “I love you.”

  I lick my lips and look away. He lifts my chin towards him slightly and says, “You don’t have to say it, princess.”

  “I love you, too.=,” I whisper. I kiss his cheek and smile. Never thought I would say that to anyone other than my brother.

  Love. When your heart melts like butter on hot toast at the sight of someone. When you feel lightheaded and free. When you ache to be with your soul mate, to look at them, to touch them. That is love. That is what I feel with Will.

  “Well how about that, princess,” Will chuckles.

  I raise an eyebrow at him and ask, “What?”

  He shrugs and answers, “I didn’t think you would have said it.”


  “Don’t take it offensively. We just haven’t known each other for that long,” Will says slowly.

  I smile slightly and ask, “Do you remember when you asked me if I believe in love at first sight?”

  He nods and whispers, “You said that you didn’t know.”

  I nod. “I realized I do believe in it,” I say ever so quietly I am afraid that he doesn’t hear me. But he tightens his grip around me even more, showing me that he heard just fine.

  I curl up in his chest, trying to get closer. This is the place where I can be forever.

  No noise except for the low click of the clock, the sound of the summer breeze pushing the curtains away from the front of the balcony. In Will’s embrace the world has stopped on its axis. There is no time, no rushing wind, and no pounding rain. My mind is at peace. How can it be that I haven’t seen Will’s love for what it was before? Pure. Unselfish. Undemanding. Free. This is the love I have been waiting for, praying for since Eric’s death. I inwardly thank the Gods and hug Will tighter. A love like this is to be cherished for life. Finally, I am home.

  Suddenly I feel a hot breath on my neck, then the tender brush of lips – burning as they make contact with my neck. A hand runs through my hair, as the kisses become harder and more urgent. Another hand slides around my waist, and pulls me close to his pinescented body.

  “I see you’re awake,” A female voice comes in out of nowhere. Will jumps under my arms and falls off the side of the bed. He groans as I cover my mouth stifling my laughter.

  Red stands in the doorway staring at us. Will growls from on the ground and jumps to his feet, “You know, Red we were having a moment.”

  She chuckles and ignores Will. She jogs over to me and tackles me in a hug. I grunt at the embrace, but laugh even more after.

  Red jumps up and contains herself and grins at me, “Brown.”

  I sit up in the bed and cock my head to the left, “What?”

  “Yes, yes, Red we all know that your favorite color is shit,” Will says sarcastically while rolling his eyes at her.

  I playfully punch him on the shoulder and when he pulls himself back up on the bed, I gently, yet firmly kick him back off making him groan and curse under his breath at me in frustration. I smirk at my win and wave at Red for her to continue on.

  “My last name. I never told it to you. I actually thought you were going to die without you knowing my last name,” She mumbles softly.

  I grin and jump out of bed, kicking Will’s leg on the way. “We should take a walk,” I say gleefully.

  “Maybe we should have a talk about abusing Will,” Will growls from the ground.

  “Maybe later you can take a walk,” Gwen comes walking in the infirmary with Sam at her side. Sam zips over to me and gives me a bear hug.

  “How are you, darling?” Sam says while kissing my cheek.

  I laugh and say, “Great, great!”

  “Why not now?” Red asks Gwen.

  “Darling?” Will murmurs from the bed.

  “Alice just woke up, I’ve got to check her wound before you do anything,” Gwen explains. She comes over to me and points to the bed.

  I roll my eyes and lie back down. I shove Will off the bed and he manages to catch himself, so he doesn’t fall again.

  She gently pulls off the bandages and throws them away. Will takes my hand and says, “Don’t look at it, it’s nasty.”

  I giggle and squeeze his hand.

  “Don’t you feel lonely, Will? You and I are the only men in this group,” Sam jokes with a sigh. Red chokes on her spit at the way he says men.

  Will glances around at us all and nods, “Yeah, you’re right. Three girls and two boys. I don’t like it.”

  I laugh, “Oh come on! You never know, we could meet more people that can join us.”

  Gwen smiles and giggles, “I’m honored to be a part of your team, Alice.”

  I glance around and ask, “My team?”

  Will nods and says, “Well, yeah. You’re the leader, princess.”

  I smile and close my eyes, “Thanks guys.”

  Sam sits on the edge of the bed and takes my other hand. I open my eyes and smile at Sam. Gwen moves away from my stomach and observes, “I don’t think you need
bandages anymore.”

  I sit up and look at the stiches on my stomach. I pull my shirt over my stomach and jump from the bed. I glance at Gwen and ask, “Is your shift done?”

  She looks at the clock and shakes her head, “My replacement hasn’t come yet.”

  I puff out a breath of air and ask, “Well, we can wait. When does he or she come?”

  Gwen grabs her clipboard and says, “Trenton Lake comes at 6:00.”

  I shrug, “Thirty minutes, we can wait.”

  “For what?” Sam crosses his arms over his chest.

  “Well, I thought we could go take a walk together,” I say with a smile.

  Will laughs and slips his hand around my waist. He kisses the side of my face and chuckles some more.

  I raise an eyebrow at him and ask, “What’s so funny, Bones?”

  “I’ve never done something like that before, Lee. I mean I’ve had friends but none like you guys,” Will says softly.

  I turn and give him a hug, “That’s adorable.”

  He stiffens and mumbles, “I don’t think I’m that word.”

  I laugh and turn back to Gwen.

  She nods and says, “I would love to.” We all help Gwen with cleaning the infirmary while waiting for Trenton Lake, her replacement, to show up. We decided to do play truth or dare since we had nothing better to do.

  Red dared Will to lick a tampon that was in the toilet in the bathroom. I got two good lessons out of this. One: never, ever play truth or dare with Red. Two: Until Will gets sanitized and checked up by Gwen, I shan’t ever kiss him again. I shall never be able to get the image out of my head of him just sitting there carelessly licking a dirty tampon.


  The Rest of the World

  Time passes quickly and 6:00 comes right away. We all sit on one of the beds, waiting for Gwen’s replacement to show. I am lying down the center of the bed with my head on Will’s lap. Sam sits at the head with Red on the other side of my feet, reaching across and holding his hand. Gwen sits at the other end of the bed while messing with my hair.


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