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Passion: A Single Dad Small Town Romance

Page 79

by Bella Winters

  She changed into a pair of skinny dark jeans that showed off her curves and picked out an oversized white cotton shirt, in a thin translucent material that showed off the pop of pink of her bra.

  She carefully dried her hair and styled it to fall in their usual shining blonde ringlets around her face and shoulders. It was time to face the brothers.

  When Ivy checked her watch, it was nearly eight, which meant that at least Leon, if not Archer, would be down for breakfast already.

  She sucked in her gut, drawing in a deep breath and prepared herself for the moment of truth. It was time to ask Leon some serious questions. For instance, did all those things actually happen or were they simply a fragment of her imagination.

  Ivy stepped out of her bedroom, closing the door shut gently behind her. She could see into the kitchen, and her heart was beating hard against her chest as she walked in.

  Whatever it was that she was expecting, she wasn’t expecting to find an empty place. Ivy’s face swung over to the clock on the wall. It was ten past eight already, where was Leon? In all the time that she had been in this house, he had never once been late for breakfast.

  Ivy gulped as she continued staring at the clock. Something was definitely wrong.

  Chapter 11

  Leon never turned up for breakfast, and when Ivy went looking for him, she couldn’t find him in the stables either. Neither was Archer anywhere in sight. Suddenly, she felt like she was all alone on the ranch. Like the two brothers had for some strange reason, abandoned her.

  She walked back dejectedly towards the mansion, and just when she was about to enter the house, she noticed Leon driving down the driveway. She stopped in her tracks and placing her hands on her hips, she stood waiting for him.

  Leon seemed to be ignoring her. He parked the truck under the tree where it usually remained and slammed the door shut hard when he jumped off. She couldn’t guess where he had gone this early in the morning.

  She shaded her eyes with a hand as she watched him approaching her. It seemed like he was going to completely ignore her and walk past her, instead of acknowledging her presence there. Even though she was taken aback, Ivy realized that she had to say something, quickly before he was gone.

  “Leon!” She blurted out, like she was accusing him of some crime. He stopped in his tracks when he heard her voice, only a few feet away from her. But he was in no hurry to turn and look.

  “What’s going on?” She asked, dropping her hands to her sides. Ivy couldn’t pretend any more that she wasn’t confused. That she didn’t want some answers.

  “What are you talking about?” He asked, finally facing her. His brown eyes narrowed on her, strained by the harsh sun on one hand and concentration on the other. He seemed unhappy to have been stopped in his tracks.

  “I’m talking about us. And you skipped breakfast.” Ivy said, stepping towards him. She realized that she had been yelling out of anxiety, when there was no need to. He was close enough to hear.

  Leon shrugged his shoulders, his cowboy hat was shading his eyes but Ivy could see the coldness in them.

  “I wasn’t hungry. What do you want me to say?” He asked. She felt her lips quiver. She was growing desperate. She wished he would just forget about the barriers he had built around himself, and just give in to their emotions. She wished that he would just scream and yell and tell her what was on his mind, instead of being so passive and aggressive. Most of all, she hoped she might be able to throw her arms around him, just hug him tightly. She really needed that. But he was treating her like she had done something wrong.

  “Did you put me to bed last night?” She ventured to say, and watched as his chest grew as he sucked in some air. He seemed annoyed with her, with her questions.

  “Yes, you had fallen asleep. What else was I supposed to do?” He growled, like she had accused him of something awful.

  Ivy held up her hands in a defensive stance, her voice cracking under the pressure of Leon’s reaction.

  “I was only asking. I wasn’t blaming you. Jesus!” She said, her breasts rising and falling as she tried to catch a breath. She knew her cheeks had turned red; she could feel the back of her neck burning up. Why was he acting this way? After being so tender the previous night. After carrying her to bed and tucking her in. What had changed so drastically?

  “Anything else?” He asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.

  “Well, I just wanted to talk.” She continued, a little afraid of asking him anything else now. She wasn’t sure what might set him off.

  “Talk about what? What is there to suddenly talk about?” He asked, clenching his jaws. He looked really annoyed, as though he honestly couldn’t understand why she was wasting his time.

  “About us. About what happened last night!” Ivy was screaming again. She couldn’t hold her emotions in check any more. She felt like she was going to burst now.

  “Now is not the time. And there is nothing to discuss. You seemed to be enjoying yourself last night.” Leon’s voice had dropped, but he was speaking through gritted teeth, Ivy could see an angry vein throbbing down the middle of his forehead.

  “Of course I did. But I still want to talk about it. And why you’re behaving this way with me now.” She said, crossing her arms over her breasts. She could feel her nails digging into her flesh as she held her arms tightly. It was like she was trying to defend herself against Leon, even though he hadn’t even made a move towards her. And she knew he wasn’t going to.

  “Look, Ivy.” He was suddenly deathly calm. Something had switched off in him. The throbbing vein had disappeared from his forehead; his eyes had become softer. He was staring at her, but not angrily any more. “There is nothing to explain, nothing to talk about. What happened last night will never happen again.”

  With that, Leon was gone, back into the house, leaving Ivy standing at the door with her jaw hanging open. Will never happen again? But it had been his idea to begin with. He was the one who had turned up in the kitchen and initiated a ménage. He was the one who encouraged Archer to make her come. Why was he suddenly behaving like he didn’t enjoy it? Like they had done something wrong?

  Ivy could feel herself trembling as she stood, watching the screen door of the house swinging in the soft warm breeze. Leon had disappeared into the house and she was left alone, completely in shock. She didn’t know whether to feel guilty or angry with the things that he had said.

  Did he not want her anymore? Was he repulsed by her now? What had she done, for him to react this way?

  Chapter 12

  She didn’t go looking for Archer, but he found her in her study some time later. Just when she had settled in to take an accountancy class. That was the only way she figured she could get her mind off Leon, and his behavior.

  “Hi.” He said softly, entering the room without knocking.

  Ivy flipped around in her chair, startled by his presence. But she was immediately comforted by the kind look in his clear blue eyes. He looked handsome, still with his stubble, and looming in the room. He stood in front of her with his cowboy hat in his hands. He looked like he had something to say, but didn’t have the words for it.

  “Hi.” Ivy replied, forcing a smile on her face.

  It was a pleasant change to be in Archer’s much calmer, easy going presence. Especially now, right after Leon had lashed her with an onslaught of cruel coldness.

  “I was wondering if we could have a chat.” Archer said, walking closer to her. She had to crane her neck to look up at him from her sitting position, and a sudden flash of memory returned. Of Archer’s face between her legs, his lips on her wetness, his tongue stroking her. She blushed, and he must have noticed too, because he smiled. Those dimples appeared on his cheeks. He was thinking about it too.

  “Yes, I would like that. I tried talking to Leon, but he wasn’t interested.” She said, looking up at him from under her heavy lids.

  Archer gave a sort of snort. Like he didn’t expect his brother to entertain a ch
at in the first place.

  “I don’t think Leon is the chatting type.” He suggested, with a weary smile on his face. Ivy could barely look at him without her cheeks burning up. He had made her feel so good. She couldn’t get that out of her mind.

  “No, he’s not.” She said meekly, and Archer snorted again.

  “I’m guessing he was mad at you.” He said, shrugging his shoulders. Ivy nodded her head, thankful that at least one of the two brothers was more understanding.

  “Yeah, like I had done something wrong.” She was quick to say.

  “Yeah, he’s acting mad with me too.” He said, drawing even closer to her.

  “But I thought you two had done this before. You seemed so comfortable together. With me.” She said, still blushing, and now also a little confused.

  “Yeah we have. Several times, with other girls.” Archer replied, and shrugged his shoulders again. He seemed as exhausted with his brother as Ivy was feeling.

  “Then what was the problem now?” She asked him, standing up from her chair.

  “Who knows? It’s not like Leon will ever talk about it. It’s difficult to know.” Archer said, stepping closer to her. Their bodies were inches apart now; she could smell the musky scent of him. He smelled great, like the outdoors. She had a sudden urge to feel his breath on her face. To have his lips on her neck, for his breath to blow her curls away.

  She felt like she hadn’t enjoyed Archer fully. There was still so much about him yet to discover.

  “What are we going to do about it then? He told me it’s never going to happen again.” Ivy had clasped her hands together. She could feel her distress rising, but she was thankful at the same time that Archer was there to talk it through with.

  “Did he actually say that?” He asked, meeting her green eyes with his own soft blue ones. He looked concerned when she nodded her head.

  “Do you think he means that he doesn’t want to share or none of us are…well…going to be with each other again?” She was fumbling with her words. Archer looked at her calmly, smiled and placed one of his hands on her shoulder affectionately.

  “It doesn’t matter what he wants, Ivy. What do you want?” He asked, staring straight into her eyes.

  She could barely meet his gaze, not without her cheeks flushing.

  “I enjoyed last night. That’s what I want.” She managed to say, and Archer’s smile grew. He was pleased with her answer.

  “Me too. Well, I want that because I want you.” He said and she felt the goosebumps on her flesh appear again. He had a tantalizing effect on her. Just his voice reminded her what he was able to do with his tongue. She felt like she was going to drown in his eyes, and that she needed support if she wasn’t going to buckle down.

  “What are we going to do then? Leon said no.” She said, still fiddling with her fingers. She felt nervous, excited, afraid…all at the same time.

  “Like I said, it doesn’t matter what he wants. He isn’t the boss of us. He’s only my brother.” Archer said and Ivy’s head jerked up to look at him. Where was, he going with this?

  “Come away with me.” He said, suddenly, almost defiantly and she sucked in her belly. He couldn't be serious!

  “I’m going back to Minnesota. I have to go back home in a few days. Just come with me. What are you going to do cooped up in this place with Leon anyway?” He continued, when she hadn’t replied to him. What he was proposing wasn’t a mad idea, but she hadn’t thought about it. She hadn’t thought about leaving Leon. She hadn’t realized that she could.

  But the more that she thought about it now, the clearer it seemed to her. There was nothing holding her back. Especially now, after he had made it clear to her that he was displeased. That he wanted to make some changes. That things were going to work on his terms, and his terms alone.

  “Ivy?” Archer asked, squeezing her shoulder as he tried to catch her gaze again. She wasn’t looking at him anymore. She was only thinking about how her life might change if she left this ranch. If she left Leon. What was he giving her anyway? Nothing that Archer couldn’t give her too.

  Chapter 13

  Ivy peeped out of the living room, gently pulling the lace curtain aside. The brothers had taken their dinners separately and Ivy had eaten in her room. There was a chilly air of uncertain in the air, and it was evident to her that the relationships between the three of them had changed somehow.

  Now Leon was sitting by himself, on a large wooden rocking chair on the porch, sipping on a glass of iced tea. The house was dark, as was the porch, but the full moon had cast a silvery glow on Leon, and Ivy admired him silently.

  This was the man who had taken her virginity, the man she had so willingly given it to. He had asked her for nothing, but had not given her anything in return either. He made sure that she was well looked after, compensated for the hard work she put in to maintain the house, paid for her accountancy lessons…and most of all, he had been an incredibly good lover.

  But now Ivy was beginning to wonder if she wanted more from him, from their relationship. After Archer, had arrived at the ranch, nothing had been the same. She had gotten a taste of what life could be like if someone was more attentive to her, if a man spent more time talking with her, and now she was convinced that she wanted to experience that life too.

  Ivy cleared her throat when she stepped out on the porch. Leon would have heard her, but he made no move to acknowledge her presence. He remained sitting on the chair, rocking back and forth gently, staring ahead in the cool darkness of his estate.

  “Leon.” She whispered his name, afraid that he would be ready to push her away again. After a few moments of silence, he stirred, moving in his chair to finally look at her with his sparkling dark brown eyes.

  “Have you come to try and talk to me again, Ivy?” He asked her, and she had nothing more to say but remain silent.

  “What is it?” He asked and turned away from her again. Now that he didn’t have his eyes on her, she felt like she could look at him better, she had found her voice again.

  “I wanted to tell you that I’ve decided to leave.” Ivy said, clasping her hands together. She could feel her heart racing; she was afraid that he might be able to hear it too. Leaving this ranch, leaving Leon hadn’t crossed her mind seriously before this. And Archer had changed everything. She didn’t know if she could continue living like this, dancing around on tippy-toes, around Leon’s whims and fancies.

  He breathed in deeply and trained his eyes on her again.

  “I’m guessing it’s Archer. It’s Archer who has offered to take you away?” He said, in a low knowing voice. He didn’t sound angry and she was relieved. At least this might happen smoothly without another big fight.

  “Yes, and I want to go to Minnesota with him.” She found the courage to tell him. Leon breathed in again heavily. He was taking his time to respond to her, while Ivy’s heart continued to race. She was afraid of her knees buckling from nervousness. Seeing Leon like this had reminded her why she was so attracted to him, why she had found him irresistible from the first moment that they had met.

  “I don’t blame you.” Was all he said, several seconds later after having considered what she told him.

  Ivy wondered if their little talk was over already. If Leon had any other questions for her, but he seemed to have fallen into his own silence again.

  “I’m sorry.” She blurted out, not quite sure what she had to be sorry about, but she felt like that needed to be said.

  Leon looked at her somberly, with tired eyes, like he was already exhausted with the conversation.

  “Why are you sorry, Ivy? You’ve done nothing wrong. Archer is my brother, and I wish him well too. I hope the two of you are happy together.” He said, scratching his knee listlessly, almost like he was trying to find ways of occupying his hands. She had been avoiding his eyes till now, but Ivy looked him squarely now. She couldn’t believe that Leon was giving up this easily, that he wasn’t even putting up a fight.

“Yes, but I’m sorry because I feel like I’ve betrayed you by wanting to go away with him.” She said, a certain anger arising in her voice. Leon recognized it too, because he raised his eyebrows and continued staring at her. A smile was forming on his face, but this one didn’t melt her heart. This was a cruel smile.

  “You don’t have to feel bad about that Ivy, I know you get nothing from me and your hope is that you’ll get something from him.” He said, and she felt her muscles stiffen. So, he wasn’t giving up without a fight. Leon was planning on ridiculing her decision, making her feel like she was silly and a young foolish girl.

  She raised her chin up in the air and stuck out her jaw at him.

  “I know he can give me more than you ever gave me.” She said, her breasts were now rising and falling with her heavy breathing. Leon’s half smile turned into a full one and he shook his head, like he was disappointed with a naughty child.

  “What makes you think that? You’ve only known him for a few days.” He said, as calm as a cucumber, while Ivy felt like she was tearing up on the inside. Leon was self-confident, he didn’t seem to be concerned by her decision.

  “He’s been kinder, more attentive. He is willing to talk. He wants to talk to me.” She said angrily, angrier now that he was smiling.

  Leon shook his head again, making her wince.

  “I love my brother. I would do anything for him, so I’ll just keep my mouth shut now.” He said.

  Ivy’s brows were crossed; she couldn’t quite understand what he had meant by that. If he was simply trying to provoke her.

  “Leon, you should just be honest with me. I know you love him, but…” She said and he interrupted her.

  “Sharing you was his idea, not mine.” He growled.

  Ivy’s lips closed shut tightly when she heard the words. What was that supposed to mean? What was Leon trying to tell her?

  “He was the one who wanted to share you with me. And I agreed because we had done it before. So, you’re right. He is more attentive; he is willing to go the extra mile to have you. You should be with him; he definitely wants you more.” Leon stood up now, looming over her, and she looked up at him, confusion darkening her face.


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