Sweet Catherine's First Experiences (Unprotected Book 1)

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Sweet Catherine's First Experiences (Unprotected Book 1) Page 5

by Matt Coolomon

  She started grinding back against him. When she was being split wide open and she could feel him pressing against her clit, she arched up and rubbed herself over the base of his penis. It felt so nice like that, and it made him go sort of crazy humping into her even harder.

  She spread her legs as wide as she could and clung to him, grinding and rubbing herself onto his penis. Her belly was getting warmer and the tingling was getting stronger. He started pounding her hard and fast, and the feeling inside was building and building. She couldn't get her legs any wider and she wanted it deeper. His dick was so hard. She ground herself open on it. She dug her feet into the bed and held herself up while he pounded it into her. The warmth and the tingles were building more and more, and she braced herself up there and held herself spread.

  He was hammering against her and surging inside of her. He fucked into her hard and held himself there deep and grinding against her, when suddenly the warmth in her belly contracted into a ball of pure ecstasy and exploded, ripping through her entire body like nothing she had ever imagined. It clenched and convulsed as her tight little pussy contracted around the thing poking inside of it, and Catherine moaned and clung to the guy on top of her.

  His body was still, and he held firm with his penis fully inside of her. She ground herself over it while her orgasm thumped through her belly. She felt so wet and open, and she squirmed against the hard masculine body pressed against her. And when the convulsions started to diminish, she felt him begin to move again.

  He was supporting himself above her with the muscles in his arms and shoulders pumped up and rippling. He was moving his lower body, rolling his pelvis and sticking his hard dick into her. "Just hold still for me now," he breathed into her hair, and she understood she was about to be cummed in.

  He was in full control, and she just relaxed into the movement of his body. His action was different now. He was all the way up her and fucking her with short thrusts. He was just rolling his pelvis and grinding his dick inside of her – really deep inside. He started puffing and groaning, and his body was so tense and virtually quivering. He jammed his dick in hard and held it there, and it throbbed on its own.

  A man was actually cumming inside of her, and she kept her legs spread wide open to accept his load. She clung to his convulsing body and stared at the ceiling while his penis throbbed and throbbed, his semen spurting.

  She then waited, still staring up at the ceiling while he started moving inside of her again. She wasn't sure what was going to happen next or what she should do, so she just kept her legs spread for him and offered herself in case he needed to cum some more. His penis was still quite firm, and it started getting harder again, but he suddenly lifted his upper body and kissed her. "Are you thirsty?"

  "Yes – a bit."

  "Ice water okay?"

  "That would be nice," Catherine said.

  He lifted from her with his dick slipping out, and she closed her legs and sat up.

  "Come back out to the balcony," he said as he left the room.

  Catherine searched for her bikini pants and pulled them on. Her legs were a bit rubbery and her inner thighs were wet. She felt her pussy and found it to be sopping and really slippery. She felt herself blush at the thought that it was from his semen as she tied the robe into place and walked back down the hall.

  She could see he wasn't looking, so she stopped and poked her head into the master bedroom. It was huge and absolutely gorgeous, and the thought of being the guy's wife flashed through her mind for a second before she hurried on out to the balcony.

  He handed her a glass of water then sat down. She sipped it and remained standing by the rail. "Beautiful night, isn't it?" he said, resting back and relaxing in the cool ocean breeze.

  Catherine felt unsure. She needed to be cuddled or something.

  He looked at his watch but didn't say anything. It was after one in the morning. "Do you want to sit down?" he said.

  Catherine shook her head. "No, thanks. I'm fine."

  He stood and approached, moving behind her and smoothing hair from her neck. "Are you okay?"

  "Yes, I'm okay. I probably should be going soon. They must be wondering where I am."

  "Yeah, I guess. Although you could stay here tonight," he said, kissing her softly.

  His hand had moved to her belly, and he held her close while she could feel his penis firming against her.

  "I probably should go. I have to be at the train station in the morning," she said to him.

  "Well, okay, but you really are beautiful," he whispered, and he lifted her chin and kissed her lips. "You were really beautiful just now," he added, making Catherine blush again.

  "Thanks," she said. "I didn't know we were going to do that."

  He chuckled "Yeah, but it was nice – right?"

  "Uh huh."

  He kissed her more deeply, and she relaxed into him. His erection was prominent against her belly and she thought he was going to want her again but he stepped back and visibly denied that idea.

  "Yeah it is getting late," he said. Then he grinned. "I really should make a call before I get into trouble too."

  Catherine understood he was talking about calling his wife, and that was her signal to get out of there. She found her clothes in the laundry downstairs, clean and dry. She dressed and handed Michael the bathrobe. He kissed her again but didn't say anything, and she left at that.

  It was only a short walk around the corner to the front of the villa where she found her bag and clothes on the lawn outside the bedroom window. Anne had obviously thrown them out there. Catherine was stunned. She gathered everything and put it in the bag. Her train ticket was in the side pocket, and her toothbrush and everything was stuffed in her toiletries bag.

  She stood there on the footpath wondering what to do. She was sure Uncle Lester would let her in, but she couldn't go knocking on the door with Anne in there. She tried to recall what had happened at the party earlier and sort of remembered Anne screaming and her boyfriend trying to kiss her – which wasn't her fault!

  Catherine thought about sneaking back into Michael's yard and sleeping on one of the chairs by the pool. But then what? She still had to get to the train station, and that was an hour drive, and she didn't know if there were buses or anything. Although, she had seen a bus station near the beach, so maybe she could go there and wait.

  She had walked back around to the front of Michael's house. She looked down the beach, where the street was dark and deserted. She was too scared to go walking along there, so she turned back around and stood looking at the light upstairs in Michael's house. He was probably there talking to his wife, though, and she just stood there getting ready to cry.

  "Are you okay, Catherine?" Michael called out. He was downstairs and had opened the front door.

  "They kicked me out," Catherine sobbed. "I don't know what to do."

  Michael took her bag and led her inside. He was kind and attentive, and he took her up to the room where they had made love. "Is this okay?" he asked. "You know where the kitchen is if you need anything. And we'll sort everything out in the morning."

  He left Catherine with a soft kiss goodnight and closed the door in the master bedroom. She changed into pyjamas and got into bed. She could hear him talking on the phone but she drifted off to sleep pretty quickly.

  Sometime later she woke to the feel of the older man getting into bed with her. He cuddled up behind with his erection pressing against her back. He was kissing her neck and feeling her breasts. He reached down her front and pressed his hand between her legs, rubbing her and grinding his erection against her bum.

  Catherine sort of cuddled the pillow as he pulled her pyjama pants down. He was then poking between her legs with his penis, and he got the head of it into her pussy and started forcing it. He worked it in and out, forcing it deeper each time until he was all the way inside of her. "Yeah – fuck that's tight," he breathed into her ear, and Catherine pressed herself back against him as he started fuc
king her.

  She arched her hips and presented herself so he could do it. He had his hand down the front and he was rubbing her clit then sort of holding her pussy open so his dick could slide between his fingers. She could feel how wet she was again – probably still from him cumming in her before, she thought, as her orgasm started to build again.

  It wasn't as powerful as the first time because it was more from his fingers rubbing her clit, but it came on fast and still thumped through her belly really nicely. And it was still going when she felt him drive up hard behind her bottom and start bucking.

  She couldn't feel his penis throbbing that time, and she didn't feel his cum, but after he rolled over she felt a dribble of fluid. He was panting. She rolled onto her back, wondering if she should cuddle up to him. He put his arm around her and guided her to his chest, making her smile. She could feel his cum leaking from between her legs, but she was being cuddled this time and everything was perfect.

  Sometime later Catherine woke again. She was facing away, and he was behind her working his penis into her pussy. She just arched her bottom back against him that time and let him do it. He got it all the way in and started thrusting, but he ended up working her onto her belly, and he was on top still humping her.

  He had straddled her legs, and she lifted her bum up so he could get his dick all the way in. It didn't feel as amazing, but it was exciting to be taken that way, and when he finally humped up against her hard and held firmly, she could feel his penis expand and throb. And she held herself up against it while more semen was deposited in her belly. She smiled to herself and wriggled back against him feeling how wonderful and how natural it was to have a man ejaculating inside of her.


  That was 5am, and Catherine dozed off again before the sun came up. When she woke it was almost eight. She was alone in bed, lying in a wet spot with her pyjama pants down around her knees, and she was very sticky between the legs.

  She quickly cleaned up in the bathroom. She used a warm washcloth to wipe her legs and dab at her red, swollen pussy. She was grinning to herself about that but at the same time she had to get to her train somehow.

  She pulled on panties and a bikini top, track pants and a sweater. Then she snuck along to the master bedroom where her lover was snoring. He was on his belly with his white bum sticking out. He was snoring like a damn pig, and Catherine giggled under her breath but she had to wake him!

  "Oh, my God," she thought as she tried to summon up the courage to call out to him. It was different to last night in the dark. This was the cool light of day, and she felt like the total stranger that she, in fact, was.

  "Oh, God,” she whimpered as she took a step into the room.


  "You there, Catherine!" called a familiar voice from downstairs.

  She grabbed her bag and ran down to the front door. "Uncle Lester!"

  "Come on, love – what are you doing? You're going to miss your train!"

  She gave him a hug. "But Anne kicked me out!"

  He took her bag and ushered her toward his rusty old car. "Don't take any notice of that little bitch," he chuckled. "Next time don't even bring her with you!"

  Catherine laughed. What a hero this funny little man was. Like there was nothing to it, he drove off merrily whistling and smiling. "And what the hell is that you're wearing?" he pointed out after a few blocks. "You can't go travelling across the country looking like that."

  "It's ketchup," Catherine explained. The mark was still there on her sweater.

  He pulled into a small shopping centre. "Just in the door on the right there's a clothes shop," he said, fumbling in his pocket.

  Catherine accepted money without trying to argue. She went in and found a sweater on the first stand. There was also a nice little lace bra on sale, so she grabbed that too.

  "So, you had a nice weekend then, love? It was very nice having you."

  Catherine smiled back at Lester. "You're a really lovely man aren't you?"

  "Aw, now don't let that get around."

  "Yes, I had a nice weekend, thank you. It was lots of fun."

  "And young Adrian? Did he treat you right?"

  "He was okay. He's a typical boy, that's all."

  "And what about Michael? Do I need to have a word with him – run him over with my car or something?"

  Catherine laughed. "No. He's okay too."

  Before long they had reached the expressway where the road divided and the oncoming traffic was the other side of the nature strip. Catherine opened her shopping bag and blushed as she thought of what she was going to do. She smiled across at Uncle Lester. "Can you drive fast so no one overtakes us for a minute, please?" she asked sweetly.

  He looked across at her. "Why's that, love?"

  "So I can get changed," Catherine said – her blush deepening.

  "Oh," Lester grunted as his eyes went googly behind his glasses again.

  Catherine lifted off her sweater and looked back to make sure no cars were coming. Then she pulled the strings on her bikini top and took it off too.

  "Holy shit!" Lester exclaimed – his eyes lighting up and a big smile splitting his chubby, round face.

  Catherine took the new sweater and bra out of the bag, but she just waited a minute while he looked at her breasts. He had gone quiet. He was checking the road but mostly just staring at them. She didn't really know what to do next, so she just waited a bit longer, pushing her chest forward, showing them to him.

  He smiled up at her. "Thanks, love. This is the best weekend I've had since I can't remember when!"

  "Really?" Catherine said shyly as she fixed the clasp and swivelled her bra around into place.

  "Holy fucking shit!" he smiled again as he had his last look.

  Catherine waited until he turned back to the road, then she pulled the straps up and smoothed her bra into place properly. Her nipples were firm and visible through the white lace, and she fiddled with the sweater for a few minutes while he looked at her like that. She could see the bulge in his shorts, and she liked having caused that again.

  When she was dressed she sort of dosed off for a while because she was so sleepy from being awake most of the night. When she woke they were almost there and just leaving the expressway.

  "Uncle Lester, did you really mean it when you said I could come and stay without Anne sometime?"

  "Hell, yes!" Lester declared. "Anytime you want – just give me a call and I'll come pick you up at the station."

  Catherine found a pen in her bag, and the ticket cover was the only paper she had. "Can you tell me your phone number please?"

  Lester called out his number and she wrote it down.

  The train station was right there, and they were twenty minutes early. He pulled into the car park and turned off the car. "Should I come see you off?" he asked.

  Catherine looked around. There was a big old van parked beside them, and from the other direction there was no one close by. It was very quiet with only a few people all the way over by the train.

  She smiled through her blush. "Can I do something for you?" she asked sweetly.


  Lester grinned but he was confused. "Like what, love?"

  "You know – something!" Catherine uttered, glancing down at his lap and blushing some more.

  "Holy shit! Love – you don't have to do that," he said, but he had a quick look around too.

  "But I'd like to," Catherine went on. "Just with my hand."

  Lester swallowed hard and had another look around. He lifted the catch and pushed his seat back. "You really want to?"


  "Uh huh," Catherine uttered, and she watched the older man undo his pants and pull his underwear down a bit. His penis was short and thick, and she closed her hand around it and squeezed softly as it lengthened slightly and firmed up. "It feels nice," she said to him, but he was looking around again.

  He shifted in his seat and gave her more room. She felt over the big, spongy head with her thumb
. It was much thicker than the head of Adrian's penis. It was also darker in colour – getting to be almost purple as she continued rubbing over it with her thumb. There was some clear fluid coming from the tip and she used that to make it more slippery.

  "Does that feel nice?" she asked him.

  "Aw, yeah, love. Just like that," he said, thrusting a bit and forcing the head trough her fist.

  She started pulling him off – making a fist around it and stroking up and down. She made sure to go all the way up and over the purple head because he squirmed every time she did that. And there was more of the clear fluid leaking out of the tip, so she used that to make it more slippery, but it was still too dry, so she bent down and dribbled a little bit of saliva onto the purple head.

  He groaned really loud when she was doing that, so she stayed down there and rested her head on his fat belly. His penis was slippery now, and her hand was sliding up and down it and swishing over the big purple head. He was getting bigger and harder, and she leaned down close again and dribbled some more saliva to make it even more slippery. Then she was stroking it even faster, and she noticed him really squirming when she did it to the head, so she concentrated on that even more.

  "Oh, love,” he groaned. He was wriggling and thrusting. "Oh, shit!" he breathed, and suddenly he was still and his penis swelled up even more.

  Catherine knew he was about to cum, and she stroked and stroked until he bucked, then she quickly took the swollen purple head in her mouth. She held it there, and she felt his big old balls pulse. Then he started squirting and thick jets of cum were gushing up into the roof of her mouth.

  She closed her eyes and waited while he finished. She swallowed one big gulp, but he was still squirting, and she swallowed again. Then she softly sucked on the big, spongy head and some more semen squirted out, and she moaned a little as she swallowed that too.


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