Her Three Rangers: A Reverse Harem Romance

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Her Three Rangers: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 11

by Roma James

  He climbed in first and then held out a hand to me, eyes slowly moving up and down my body as I joined him in the shower.

  Pulling me close, he kissed me deeply, his hands running down my back until he was cupping my ass, kneading each cheek as our tongues entwined. His cock strained and throbbed against my stomach, and I reached between us to wrap my hand around the thick shaft.

  “Oh, fuck,” he groaned, leaning back against the tile for a moment while I stroked him. “That feels so damn good, Grace.” He waited a moment, then took my hand away, leaving his cock bobbing between us. “But if we really don’t have much time, I want to make this all about you.”

  I moaned as he reached down between my legs, his finger slipping between my folds as he dropped to his knees in front of me.

  “Your pussy is beautiful,” he said, looking up at me as he pressed a finger inside, then took it back out again. “I have to taste you.”

  I reached out to thread my fingers through his short hair, guiding his head closer as he spread my lips. I could feel his breath against me, could feel his tongue as it lapped and teased at my clit.

  “Oh, damn,” I moaned. “Oh, Cody, just like that… please don’t stop.”

  His mouth felt so good and I pulled him even closer, until the afternoon stubble on his face was scratching against my thighs.

  I tossed my hair back, letting the hot water run down my body in rivulets as Cody raised back up, planting a trail of kisses from my pussy all the way up to my neck.

  “You taste so good,” he whispered, his lips moving against my skin.

  “Please, Cody,” I said, not giving one single damn that I was begging. “Please… I need you inside me.”

  Without hesitating, he lined his cock up and slid it up and down, parting the lips of my pussy with the head before pushing it inside. I gasped as he entered me, my body tightening around his shaft as he sunk all the way to the hilt in one smooth motion.

  He filled me, stretched me, sliding in and out and turning so that he pinned my body between his cock and the tile wall of the shower.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this since the first time I saw you,” he said, picking up speed as he thrust in and out. “The way your pussy grips my cock… so fucking tight…”

  I’d been wanting it, too, and it was exactly what I needed. Wrapping my hands around the back of his neck, I closed my eyes, loving the feel of him pounding into me.

  “Fuck, Grace,” he ground out through gritted teeth. “I don’t know how long I’m going to last. You’ve got me so fucking horny. So fucking hard.”

  “Come for me, Cody,” I said, already feeling the climax rushing through my body as he fucked me harder. “Come with me… now, Cody.”

  He leaned in to kiss me, thrusting one, two, three more times, his already-thick cock growing even thicker as he filled me.

  “Cody,” I cried out his name as my own orgasm overtook me, blurring my vision and narrowing my whole world to this sexy, sweet man in front of me.

  “Jesus, Grace,” he whispered, lowering his head to kiss my neck as he held me there, still inside me. “You’re… amazing. Beautiful. Perfect.”

  “You’re pretty amazing yourself,” I said, kissing him again and letting my hands run down that perfectly sculpted chest one more time. “I don’t even want to move now. I could really stay like this all night.”

  We both knew that wasn’t going to be possible this time, but I was absolutely certain as he smiled and searched my eyes with his that there would definitely be a next time.

  I’d make sure of it.

  Chapter 12 - Grace

  It had been a couple of days since I’d been with Cody, and I wasn’t sure if the other guys knew, but I was starting to feel… unbalanced.

  For as long as it had been since I’d actually made love to anyone, it was sort of funny how much my body suddenly craved it.

  Wanted it.

  Needed it.

  And not just from Cody. My body needed and wanted and craved it from Jaeger and Ty, too.

  I needed it soon.

  Just thinking about each of them like that sent a warm rush through my body, made me want to touch them, or at least see them.

  I stood up from my desk, hoping a quick glimpse of them outside—probably shirtless as they worked on the kennel—would be enough to hold me over until I could get some time alone with one of them.

  Except as I got closer to the back of the clinic, I didn’t hear the tell-tale sounds of hammers and cursing that normally filtered in through the back door.

  Jenny rounded the corner just as I did the same, startling me from my thoughts.

  “Oh geez, Jenny,” I jumped back and reached out to steady myself against the wall. “You scared the hell out of me.”

  “Well, you scared the hell out of me, too,” she said, looking equally shaken. “I was just coming to get you.”

  The look on her face told me her news was probably serious, and all my thoughts of the guys were momentarily pushed aside. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “What’s going on?”

  “Bill Morris just called a couple of minutes ago. His goat, Bailey—remember her?—needs help. He thinks she might have eaten something poisonous and his truck won’t start to get her here.”

  “Let me grab my purse,” I said, already walking back toward my office. “Do I have any other appointments this afternoon?”

  “Not for a couple of hours,” she said, following me. “Do you want me to call them and cancel?”

  I paused and did some quick mental math on how long it would take me to get to the Morris farm and then how long it might take me to treat Bailey. It would definitely be close, but I might be able to make it back in time if I left in the next couple of minutes.

  Once I had my purse and truck keys in hand, I was back out the office door and halfway down the hallway before I remembered what the guys had said about going places unaccompanied. I hesitated, nearly colliding with Jenny again as she pulled up short behind me.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, reaching out to me as she maneuvered around me in the narrow corridor. “Why did you stop?”

  “Have you seen the guys around since lunch time?” I asked, looking around frantically as if one of them might appear from around the corner or pop up out of the floor.

  “They left for the hardware store about twenty minutes ago.” She gave me a puzzled look. “Ty said they should be back within the hour. Why?”

  “Damn,” I cursed under my breath. I couldn’t risk waiting that long. Not only for Bailey’s sake—though she was my main priority—but for my other clients scheduled for later that afternoon. If I didn’t get out the door and into that truck right now, I’d definitely be late getting back. “Can you please tell them where I went if they get back before I do?”

  “Sure,” she said, still looking at me like I was speaking a foreign language. “Any particular message? Or… for any one of them in particular?”

  I shook my head. “No to both questions. Just tell them where I went, and tell whichever one you see first.”

  “Got it,” she replied, but I was already moving toward the door.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” I called back over my shoulder. “Don’t forget to give the guys my message.”

  I walked out the door without waiting for her to answer, only pausing for a moment as I slid into the driver’s seat of the truck. There was really no way I’d run into Garrick between her and Bill’s farm, but it still made me nervous to go by myself.

  I already knew I’d catch hell for it from the guys later, but there really wasn’t any alternative. I had a job to do, and sweet little Bailey couldn’t afford to wait around while I called in my personal bodyguards.

  If they got mad, they’d just have to get over it.

  Or maybe they’d let me make it up to them.

  I smiled to myself as I pulled out of the parking lot. Yeah, that was what I’d do.

  I could spend all night taking turns making it up
to them. Over and over, if necessary.

  But for now, I had a poisoned goat to tend to.

  I secured Bailey in a crate and tucked a blanket around her to keep her as comfortable as possible for the ride back to the clinic.

  “Thank you so much, Doc,” Bill said, peering over my shoulder as I secured her crate in the passenger seat of the truck. “I really appreciate you taking her in. I’ll try to get the truck fixed by tomorrow so I can come and check on her.”

  With Bailey lying in the crate and the crate strapped into the seat, I shut the passenger door and shook Bill’s hand. “No worries. I honestly think she’s going to be just fine after we get some fluids in her, but I’d like to keep her at least overnight, just in case. Why don’t you go ahead and call me tomorrow and I can update you then?”

  “Will do,” he nodded, waving as I walked around the front of the truck to the driver’s seat. “Thanks again.”

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” I smiled, waving back as I got in and started the truck.

  I looked over to my sick little passenger. “Don’t worry, sweetie,” I said, shifting the truck into gear. “We’ll get you all taken care of and back home before you know it.”

  She made a pitiful little noise and nuzzled into the blanket as we pulled out of Bill’s driveway and onto the road.

  I checked the time. I should have just enough time left to get back to the office before my next appointment.

  Everything had worked out perfectly.

  I just hoped that the guys hadn’t been too worried when they got back and found that I wasn’t there. Hopefully Jenny gave them my message. I wanted to call the office and find out for sure, but I didn’t even bother fishing my phone out of my purse. There was no way I’d get reception way out here. It was spotty enough at the clinic, and that was just on the outskirts of town.

  Bill’s farm was literally in the middle of nowhere.

  I checked my rear view mirror just in time to see a big red truck coming up fast, and I pulled over as far as I could on the narrow two-lane road in case he wanted to pass.

  He didn’t pass, though. Instead, he got closer and closer, until I couldn’t even see the front bumper of the truck, just the angry-looking grille and headlights.

  “Dammit,” I muttered, sticking my hand out the window to wave him on. “Just go around, you jerk.”

  My hands were shaking when he finally switched lanes and began to pass me, but instead of hauling ass like he had been, he pulled up even with my window and honked.

  I looked over and nearly drove off the road. It was Garrick, and he was gesturing wildly, looking angry.

  Or crazy.

  Probably crazy.

  To hell with that, though. He really was crazy if he thought I was going to pull over out here, miles away from the nearest house.

  Or the nearest witness.

  He honked again, and the jerk started getting closer, crossing the center line into my lane like he was going to run me off the road.

  I slammed on the brakes, cringing as I elicited a startled bleat from Bailey.

  “Sorry, girl,” I said, absently reaching out to put my hand on top of the crate as I pulled onto the shoulder of the road. “What in the hell is he doing? Has he lost his damn mind?”

  Up ahead, Garrick had stopped as well, then turned around in the middle of the road and sped back toward my truck, stopping bumper to bumper in front of me.

  He had really gone too damn far this time. He could have killed both of us with that little stunt. Even now, it was good for him that this road was deserted, since he had his truck facing the wrong way to block me in.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I asked, forgetting all about being scared as I jumped out of the truck and started storming toward him. “Are you crazy? You could have killed me back there, you jerk.”

  He had gotten out of his truck, and was walking toward me, too, a mean sneer on his face. “That’s no way to talk to me,” he said, grabbing me by the arm as soon as he was close enough and reminding me exactly why I was supposed to be scared in the first place. “And if you would have pulled over when I asked, I wouldn’t have had to resort to these… drastic measures.”

  “When you asked?” I shook my head, incredulous as I tried and failed to pull my arm away from him. “You mean when you made those rude gestures as you passed me? Let go of me right now, Garrick. I don’t know what you’re doing, but—”

  “Your smart mouth is getting tedious, Grace,” he said, cutting me off and making me wince as he twisted my arm a little. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of crying out, though.

  To hell with him.

  “What do you want?” I asked, looking into those crazy eyes and hoping he couldn’t hear the fear in my voice.

  “I want you to fall in line,” he growled. “Come to your damn senses, send those bikers on their way, and take the very reasonable offer I’ve made for the clinic. It’s what you need to do, Grace.”

  I stood, open-mouthed. I couldn’t believe this guy’s nerve. He really was living in some kind of alternate reality if he thought any of those things were going to happen.

  “Let me go,” I said, deciding that anything else I might say would only set him off.

  “Kiss me first,” he replied, leaning in close. I could smell beer and cigarettes on his breath and I flinched away as he laughed and pulled me closer again.


  No, no, no.

  This was not going to happen. Garrick Windram was not going to kiss me. Not like this. Not ever.

  “Come on, Grace,” he said, his lip curling up as he held me there in place. “Don’t make this hard on yourself. All I want is one little kiss—ah, fuck.”

  He staggered backward, holding his groin with both hands where my knee had just connected.

  “You bitch!”

  He lunged at me and stumbled, falling to his knees as I turned and ran back to my truck. I knew I wouldn’t have long. Just a few seconds to get the hell out of there. I prayed I wouldn’t need any longer than that.

  By the time I got the truck started, he was on his feet again and moving toward me, yelling.

  “Get your ass back here, Grace. This isn’t over. I mean it, Grace. Grace.”

  I threw the truck into reverse and backed up enough to get around his little makeshift road block, then shifted into drive and floored it, coming just inches away from hitting him as he stepped out into the road.

  For a brief second, I actually thought about what might have happened if I had hit him, whether the police would believe that it really had been an accident, given what had just happened between us.

  Of course, he knew every officer in Grey Ridge, so the chances of them taking my word over his were slim to none.

  Especially now, with all the rumors about me going around town.

  I was shaking, and driving so fast that it was a wonder I got myself and Bailey back to the clinic in one piece.

  Somehow, I managed to hold it together long enough to get Bailey out of the truck and set up in the recovery room.

  Walking back into my office, I pressed the intercom to Jenny’s desk. “Can you please keep an eye on Baily for a while?”

  “Sure, but… are you okay? Your voice is shaking. Are you crying?”

  I wasn’t, but only by sheer force of will. Still, I knew it wouldn’t be long until I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I was probably just in shock or… something.

  “I’m fine,” I lied. “When is my next appointment?”

  “Fifteen minutes. Just a check-up, then a rabies vaccination thirty minutes after that.”

  “Can you take care of those for me, too?” I asked. “Please? I need to go back to the house.”

  “Of course, but...” She paused. “Grace, you don’t sound good. Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine. Just call me at the house if you need anything.”

  This time, I didn’t wait for her to answer. I walked out of my offic
e, shut the door behind me, and headed home.

  I almost even made it all the way up the driveway before the tears started to fall.


  Jaeger’s voice woke me up, a startled noise escaping the back of my throat as I sat up in bed.

  He was pounding so hard on the door that the windows were rattling.

  “Grace, I know you’re in there. I need to talk to you.”

  I stood up from my bed, and for a moment all I could do was stand there in the middle of my room, paralyzed with fear.

  Not that I was scared of Jaeger—or either of the other two guys, for that matter—but just the way he was yelling my name made me remember how Garrick had been chasing after me and yelling just a little while before.

  My eyes filled with a fresh wave of tears as I rushed to the door. Scared or not, I was going to have to talk to him and Ty and Cody eventually.

  “Where in the hell have you been?” he asked as soon as I opened the door. “I’ve been worried sick—oh.” He stopped ranting, his eyebrows knitting together as he reached out and wiped a tear from my cheek. “I’m sorry,” he said, his tone immediately softer. “I didn’t mean to yell. I was just… just so worried about you, Grace. We all were.”

  I stepped aside and waved him in as I tried to get myself together. “It wasn’t… wasn’t that.” I sniffled and took a deep breath. “I didn’t mean to make you worry, though.”

  He pulled me to him and I buried my face in his shirt, finally able to get my tears under control as he gently rubbed my back.

  We stood there like that for at least a couple of minutes before I spoke again.

  “Where are Cody and Ty?” I asked.

  “They went out looking for you when we got back. I tried to call them when I saw you pull up, but couldn’t get an answer from either of their phones.”

  “No service,” I said, feeling like a fool and a jerk for making them all worry like that. “I’m sorry, Jaeger.”


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