Underworld Queen

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Underworld Queen Page 15

by Sharon Hamilton

  “Yes. I suppose that’s part of the reason Melanie didn’t like the girl.”

  “Oh, how right you are. But this is going to surprise you, Jonas. Little Judy was a turned Guardian.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Nope. My handiwork. She had been a most enjoyable conquest, I might add. I had Doris notify Father.” Josh leveled a twinkling eye at Jonas. “You know, Father asked me to get his Guardians back that day when he turned me human? Father was delighted. So you see, you’ve done the right thing.”

  “So where’s the girl?”

  “I have no fucking idea. I’m afraid to go look for her. I don’t dare bring up her name. Still trying to get myself back in Melanie’s bedroom upstairs, if you know what I mean. No, Judy’s probably way better off that way.”

  Jonas nodded. “Well, you’ve racked up some points with Father. Good for you.”

  “Now if I could only convince Melanie…” Josh was lost in his personal thoughts.

  “Where am I going to find out about Audray’s pregnancy?”

  “I’d go back to the witch, Molly. She probably knows someone who can help with that. Witches have been known to use their healing powers and spells where mere good and evil is insufficient. Sometimes magic is needed. And if she’s right, the dark witch wants something. Molly or her kin may know where her vulnerabilities lie. Give her a chance, if she’s willing to help.”

  When Jonas and Audray left early the next morning, Joshua thought about his loyal friend. Time to perhaps pay back the old warrior for his help. In the past, Jonas had helped save Melanie. Maybe helping Jonas would be the last real thing he could do for her. She deserved more than a human husband who was constantly having to reel himself in, trying to convince himself he could live a just and honest life without his special powers, without the pleasures he had indulged in for centuries.

  Am I bored? Or, is it that I’m just unsatisfied?

  His human life had taken on a civil tone. But now that he understood the war continued to rage on, he was surprised to find he rather relished the fight. Going up against witches and evil cults going back hundreds of years, dark angels wanting dominion over the Underworld as a first step to taking over the human world?

  Now this was what he was created for.

  But he’d have to clear it with Father first. He wondered how much the old man would let him dabble on the dark side. If he had to be honest with himself, he did miss it just a tad.

  Chapter 23

  Carl awoke to the feel of Molly’s arms around his bare chest, her head resting, as she liked to do, just under his chin. Her left breast was pressed into him, and her right one voluptuously tickled him as she raised and lowered her ribcage in deep sleep. He traced the smooth curve under her right arm, finding the pink pillow of her breast, loving the slow arousal she brought him at the touch of her skin. She stirred and stretched, looking up with a smile.

  Her bedroom walls were covered in a warm primrose patterned wallpaper. The curtains were peach, made of silk material, that shimmered in the early morning sun, undulating in the air coming through the open window.

  Carl felt time was suspended. As Molly became more interested in his enlarging body part, he felt like he was floating in the calm before the storm. He only hoped the two of them would be able to weather it. So many unknowns. So few tools at our disposal. So few allies. How will we be able to make it?

  Molly’s lips on his cock brought him back quickly to the pleasures of the moment. He hoped he could do this forever, but for this morning, it was pure heaven. He lay back on the pillow, letting her pleasure him without touching her, a new sensation for him. He was filled with joy as he watched her take him deep into her mouth and then lick the undersides of his engorged member and let it twitch at the end as she dug into the little crease at the end, probing for a drop of his seed. How he loved that pink tongue that made him quiver all over every time he thought about the spell it cast over his body. How he loved the feel of her moist cherry lips that sucked his balls and kissed the head of his cock.

  She straddled him, so he put his hands on her ribs, holding her thin body upright while she searched, and then placed him at her opening. She rubbed her lubrication over him before setting her luscious lips over his sex and slowly sliding down his shaft. It had become a routine; their first lovemaking of the day was always slow and deliberate. They always looked at each other as his cock penetrated her inch by inch. Each new day started with a new commitment to the pleasures they shared, the unearthly connection between their bodies. The aftermath left him craving for more.

  Molly’s skin almost went ablaze, as if every fine hair on her pink body stood out like a tiny flame. Her fiery curls cascaded down over her breasts as he raised himself up to kiss the rosy nipples that hardened as he suckled them. He gently pulled her hair towards him, pulling her face to his, so he could drink from her lips. Her fingers moved over his temples, sifted through the errant hairs there as she kissed him and whispered little incantations he couldn’t understand but he loved hearing. She kissed him under his chin, and then along his neck to just under his ear. The scent of her body warmed him from the inside out. She wore that vanilla and cinnamon fragrance that wafted from the place between her breasts. Behind her ears it smelled of lemons.

  She raised herself up and peered into his eyes. The green pools pulled on something deep inside of him. He felt his cock enlarge, instantly filling her with his seed, as if acting on cue. Her muscles milked him, as her green eyes remained steadily fixed on his. Her forehead beaded with sweat as she pulled every drop from him. At last she sighed and rested against his chest and, somehow, released his soul.

  Carl was left with the feeling that Molly had just dropped a veil, revealing something previously hidden from him. He wondered if perhaps she had been given to him for some reason, by some outside force or entity. There was no question of her desire for him. And yes, he couldn’t help but desire her. He wondered if she were sent by someone to do this, to enamor him, distract him, make him lose control.

  But is this love?

  He wondered why he was even thinking about this. He tried to put it out of his head, but found he couldn’t. The thought stayed stubbornly fixed in his brain.

  Carl, you’re going insane. What is wrong with you?

  Molly raised her head and looked deep into his eyes. She did not smile.

  She’s read my thoughts. He wished she didn’t have this power over him. He had no explanation for the way he was feeling, but now he felt wary.

  Molly frowned, and nodded her head. She climbed off his spent body. Where she had touched him his skin was suddenly cold as the remains of their mingled sweat attracted the morning air. She pulled her silk bathrobe off the back of her bedroom door, put it on and tied it around her tiny waist, seating herself in a chair in the corner, watching him. Her legs were tucked underneath her and she was silent, her face in the shadows.

  He raised himself off the bed on one elbow. “Molly, I don’t know what to say. I saw something, felt something. Can you explain it to me?”

  Molly didn’t respond, but checked out the bedroom window. She stood. “Your dark angels have arrived at last, Carl. Better throw on some clothes.”

  He got up and saw the black Hummer parking. Carl grabbed Molly and hugged her. “Don’t misunderstand me, Molly. I haven’t experienced this before, like this. It just takes some getting used to.”

  “I know,” she said, dismissing him and wiggling out of his grasp. “Get your clothes on, unless you’re wanting to show off.” She closed the door without giving him a reassuring smile or even looking back at him at all. Carl’s heart felt like it had been scored and lay bleeding.

  What is going on?

  Molly had answered the door and let Jonas and Audray in. She looked up as Carl arrived in a pair of drawstring pants and a tee shirt. There was still no smile there for him. But he did feel the electricity of their mutual desire.

  “I’ll make some coffee. Do you…?

  “I do, Audray doesn’t,” Jonas answered before she finished.

  Molly went around the corner to the kitchen. Carl noticed Audray looked much better this morning. “I was worried about you when you didn’t show up last night,” he began. He noticed Jonas was leaning away from him, looking for Molly. The massive dark angel adjusted his muscled body so he could watch her in the kitchen.

  Was he distrustful of her for some reason?

  Molly dropped her shoulders and gave Carl a glare. Then she went back making coffee and returned to the living room with a glass of orange juice for Audray. She sat across the floor from him.

  “We didn’t want to get you further involved,” Jonas started. “But now I think that is out of the question. We all are involved. Just a matter of how much and when.”

  Understatement of the century. Carl wasn’t sure just what kind of involvement he had gotten himself into, but he wasn’t feeling good about it.

  Face it, Carl. You’re fucked. Any way you look at it, you’re royally fucked.

  He earned another glare from Molly. This one didn’t hurt so bad. He was rather getting used to it.

  “Well, is it me, or does anybody else think we don’t have a prayer?” Carl shocked himself with the comment. While he looked at the somber faces in front of him, he was glad he didn’t have their level of knowledge about things dark and things magical. This time, he decided, it was better to be somewhat ignorant. He was the only pure human in the room, and he was glad of it.

  Jonas leaned forward, clasping his hands together, forearms resting over his knees. “Molly, I need some information on how we deal with Audray’s condition.” He leaned around and touched Audray’s knee and smiled. “About her pregnancy,” he said as he turned and bored his black eyes into Molly’s.

  Molly raised herself a bit, as if Jonas stirred something inside her. Carl at first took it for some sort of sexual electricity, but then he saw a genuine care and concern for the huge dark angel and his consort. It looked like she had been called, despite probable danger to herself and those she loved.

  That would be me. Please let it be me she cares about.

  Molly nodded her head without looking at him, with a hint of a pouty smile. It was a gesture only the two of them understood. He was relieved to understand Jonas could not read her thoughts. It looked like she couldn’t read his as well.

  “It is true, Jonas, I am a light witch. But I am young, only barely finished my apprenticeship. I have not had all the schooling I am to have before I am fully functional, and the peak of my power won’t occur for a few years.” She bit her lower lip, glancing up to Carl before she completed her thought. “I was sent to watch over Carl.”

  No! This is not what I wanted to hear! Please! He stood up, searching around the room as if he couldn’t find the front door.

  Jonas was quick to grab him and force him to take a seat. “We have to have our wits about us, man. Where the hell are you going to go with that kind of information? It isn’t safe, don’t you understand?”

  Molly stayed seated, gazing at the floor with her head cocked, as if she saw something there that interested her. Carl pushed down his frustration and part of his fear. He wasn’t sure whom he could really trust. And he didn’t care if Molly heard the thought.

  “You can trust me, Carl.” Molly said it without a smile. “I don’t lie. Ever.” She gestured for Jonas to take his position next to Audray, and she resumed her story. “At first, the assignment was just to glimmer him a bit. That’s what we call it, “glimmering,” using our powers to cast an erotic spell. It won’t work unless the person is already halfway interested. It was to be a practice run.” She got up and crossed the room, looking out the windows to the street. “I soon learned my mentor suspected something was going on with Carl involving a dark witch, and she was testing me to see if I picked it up as well. When I told her about the interchange with Glenda and my suspicions, she confirmed my thoughts. But she was furious with me for revealing my powers to Carl, so furious that she forbade me to see him again.”

  Carl felt pain with these words just as if he’d stuck his finger in a light socket.

  “I’ve fallen in love with Carl.” She said it as she looked at him, and Carl saw all the softness and sincerity return to her face. “And I’ve disobeyed her, which could be a huge problem for me, for all of us. But I think I have a way to fix this. I need to bring you and Audray to see her, seek her counsel.”

  She went to the kitchen, bringing both Carl and Jonas a steaming mug of coffee with cream.

  “You think it’s safe, Molly?” Carl asked as he blew on his mug.

  Jonas looked at his coffee and paused before he took a sip. Then he gulped it down.

  “I wouldn’t suggest it otherwise,” Molly answered.

  “When could we do this?” Jonas asked.

  “I don’t see why we should delay any more than we already have. I need to tell all of you, regardless of what you have heard about us, we don’t like to see any of our kind interfering with immortals. It is expressly forbidden. The darks are supposed to honor the same code. It would take a lot even for a dark to cross that line. I’m guessing Glenda is not the real one in charge, that she is doing someone else’s bidding. Someone from the Underworld.”

  “Catarina,” Jonas muttered.

  “My mentor will not like this violation and wickedness, this diabolical plan. She’ll want to stop it, if she can.”

  “And so you think your mentor might help us?” Audray whispered. Her eyes lit up, and Carl could see she had picked up hope.

  Molly nodded her head. “She is very temperamental and elderly, not in the best of health. Let’s hope we find her on one of her good days.”

  “Meaning she could do something to us. Would she harm the baby?” Jonas asked. “I want a straight answer or we’re not going.”

  Molly chuckled, musing on an internal thought Carl wished he could read. “No, you and Audray and the baby have nothing to fear. The worst she will do for you is send you away.”

  She paused before she looked up at Carl and smiled. Carl’s stomach dropped to his ankles. “If she’s grumpy, Carl might wind up spending the rest of his days as a frog, and I don’t mean a Frenchman.”

  Chapter 24

  The little cabin was obscured, covered in the largest grapevine Audray had ever seen. It gripped the boxlike dwelling with green tendrils, crisscrossing over windows that could barely be seen through the thick foliage. Audray knew if the house somehow exploded, its contents might be scrambled inside, but the structure would hold firm due to the vines. The plant appeared to have more strength than anything else around it, including forces of nature.

  Still, she wasn’t afraid, her need for information was so great. Audray knew she would have to go back to the Underworld, if only to escape the clutches of the dark witch who had set her sights on Jonas. The thought of anyone else lying in his arms, whether he be forced or not, was so abhorrent Audray knew she would gladly kill or die to stop it. But now she carried his child, at least she felt it was his child, wondering if she would ever know for sure. She would not risk harm to her precious package, regardless, and knew she would have to make careful, calculated choices, controlling her hunger for revenge. She’d had a meal of it when she visited Burt just a few days ago so her urge was somewhat satisfied.

  Glad I got that one out of the way.

  Jonas rubbed the small of her back in response, as all four of them walked down the mossy brick path to the old witch’s front door. Even Audray would have to stoop to enter the low doorframe. The woman answering had a shock of white hair and was very frail, but her emerald green eyes were those of a young woman’s and sparkled with an unearthly enthusiasm.

  “Drucilla, these are my friends,” Molly started. The old woman looked each one in the eyes as Molly introduced them, as if deciding whom she would allow to enter. “This is Carl.”

  He reached over, bowing with respect, looking down as he extended his hand. �
��Nice to meet you,” he said to his feet.

  Drucilla stepped forward at once and was not careful as she gripped his chin with her bony fingers, requiring him to make eye contact. “You spineless human males are all the same. Afraid to show her granny the face of the man who has kissed her granddaughter in places even she hasn’t seen.”

  Audray felt Jonas’ chest rumble, stifling a chuckle. Knowing he found this funny lightened her mood and relaxed her.

  “Sorry.” Carl looked at Molly and shrugged. But no one moved. Audray was sure a threshold had to be crossed, a test had to be passed. Carl’s acceptance in the circle was at stake. Fumbling, he knelt on one knee, which also released the hold Drucilla had on his chin. “I am in love with Molly. With all my heart.” The last part he said with both palms pressed to his chest.

  Molly looked close to tears. The old woman sized Carl up and down warily, and was about to say something when Carl interrupted.

  “And this comes from deep inside my soul. It is not from the glimmer.” His eyes bored into the old woman’s and at long last, she smiled, revealing that several of her teeth were missing.

  “It matters not. It’s been a long time since someone with so much sexual energy knelt at my feet, and for that, I thank you.” She patted the top of his head, and Carl stood back up.

  Drucilla turned her gaze onto Jonas. “And you are the hunk dark angel.”

  Audray squeezed Jonas’ hand. She didn’t like the tone, the liberty the old woman took, being too loose with her comments. Jonas squeezed her hand back, but did not look into Audray’s eyes. He kept his gaze on the old witch.

  “This is Jonas Starling, Grandmother.”

  Drucilla stepped very close to Jonas, having to look up with difficulty into his dark eyes. Audray could feel an electrical connection between the two of them, as if Drucilla were measuring something.


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