Underworld Queen

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Underworld Queen Page 20

by Sharon Hamilton

  “Well, under the circumstances, I have no choice but to deliver the message. But no, I don’t believe her.”

  Jonas could hear the fear resident in Carl’s voice. He wanted to help, but his first obligation was to Audray, who had increasingly gotten weaker, after appearing to make the last transition to the Underworld without any complications. They were running a race against time.

  Someone’s got to figure out the pregnancy.

  “Give me a day to set things up. I need to get Audray out of here for good.” Jonas wished he had the vaporization power that was now waning in his queen. That witch would fry, he thought. He inhaled. “Tell her I will let her know tomorrow.”

  “Right. I’ll do that. Thanks, Jonas.”

  “No. Don’t thank me. This whole thing is a mess. There just aren’t any safe places anymore.” Jonas thought about the many battles he’d been in over the centuries. He’d suffered pain and bled, but never died. Was this now his time? Would he be able to protect Audray and the babe?

  Jonas looked down at his feet as a couple of walkers slithered by him, barely touching his hips, one on the right and one on the left, like they knew him. They were headed to his barracks, where Jonas had just come from. The state of his fighting force had never been so confused, but he knew he could count on his men. The girls could take their fun tonight. Tomorrow the battle started in earnest.

  “Okay then? I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” Carl began to sign off.

  “Carl. You a good fighter?”

  “As in?”

  “Have you ever killed anyone?”

  “Of course not.”

  “I suggest you make your peace with Father. And I’d get a gun, too.”

  “I can’t get a gun in one day.”

  “Yes, you can. Just stop by any high school in town.”

  Silence. Jonas heard him breathing into the phone. “You really think a gun will protect me?” Carl snarled.

  “No. But that and your witch might make you feel a little more prepared,” Jonas returned. He could feel the wheels turning in Carl’s brain, trying to sort things out, make sense of his dire situation.

  “Why me? Do you have any idea why they chose to involve me, of all people?” Carl asked him.

  “That’s a good question. And there’s an answer somewhere, but I just don’t have it today,” Jonas returned. “Get a gun, my friend. And get ready. This is going to be real ugly.”

  Jonas flipped his device before he heard Carl’s response. He was sure Carl would do his all. But was it going to be enough? Enough for all of them?

  He knew there was one person who might be able to help. And he wanted to get Audray back up top anyway.

  Jonas strode with purpose down the golden late afternoon streets of the Underworld. The energy of the place always changed as the light settled into darkness. The neon lights started to come on, torches were lit and people’s dress began to change. The girls wore less clothing. The guys wore tighter clothing. The distinctive cinnamon scent of Red-X began to permeate the upper level, coming from the bowels of Undertown below. The sexual games were beginning, as they did every evening just as regular as the tides of the ocean in the human world.

  He heard flapping above him in the dark orange sky. The outline of a trio of dark winged creatures was hovering above him, circling. They dipped their bodies as if riding an invisible current. Their cawing and squawking like oversized parrots echoed off the sides of the buildings, causing passersby to scurry to the shadows of doorways or dark overhangs. These creatures had been outlawed. Audray had given Father her word. Clearly someone was building them without their Director’s permission, an act of open defiance.

  Not a good sign.

  He climbed the shallow steps to the Directorship building and went into the lobby. The clicking of his boots on the black marble floor buoyed his spirits. He felt the anticipation of battle, something he was born and bred for. He was a revenge machine, softened by the love of a good woman he had rescued from her own wrong turns, but a killing machine all the same. The glory of a good death, he thought while waiting for the elevator, was in knowing he saved someone else dear. And there wasn’t anyone more dear to him than Audray and this little life growing inside her. A part of him that would live on after he was long gone. Someone else to carry the torch, protect the innocent, hold back the forces of evil. He wanted to be able to live to see it happen, but that was a need he forcefully pushed out of his mind. No time for that thought now. Now he needed to ready himself.

  Audray’s office was humming with activity. She had hired new staffers to join her ranks. These newbies weren’t to be trusted, but they were necessary insulation. Luke told him she had an organizational chart with job descriptions all laid out. He was tasked with removing those who would not be loyal and hiring staff to fill the holes. There were lots of holes.

  Jonas chuckled. She’s young in immortal years, but she’s perfect for me.

  And that was the other thing he thought about. A perfect life. He never thought he would ever find it, and still doubted it.

  But wouldn’t that be something?

  Jonas nodded his head to the two guards posted outside her office. These were his men, tested and bred immortally for lethal speed and force. He noticed they had donned war paint and had strips of colored rags tied about their biceps, indicating their family origin. He smiled back to their salutes.

  “At ease, gentlemen.” Jonas nodded and continued, “I see we are ready for anything. I like that.”

  The pair grinned. He wondered if part of their joy in commitment was the chance at some form of redemption. All dark angels came to the Underworld through suicide, many of them through risky lifestyles, which were considered a form of suicide. Did any of them desire a world free from the evils of this land? Want to make up for the pain and tragedy they had caused others in their human lives?

  “I thank you for your service and your sacrifice,” he told them. “If we stand together, we will prevail.”

  “Yes, sir,” they said in unison.

  “If we go, we go together, like the team we are.”

  Jonas pushed himself through the double doors and inhaled at the vision in front of him. Audray’s blonde hair snaked forward in long curls as her illuminated face poured over the notebook she was reading. She looked up, and he saw the sunlight there.

  My love looks more like a Guardian than a dark angel.

  Jonas knew there was a time Audray would have been upset with this. He came around the desk, pulling her to her feet and against his chest as he planted a deep kiss on her full lips. He felt her flesh melt into him.

  “God, I worry every time you are gone from me,” she said.

  “You worry about me? That’s my job, my Queen.”

  “Let’s not argue. We have too much to do,” she whispered to his chest.

  Jonas took one large paw and held her face, his other arm wrapped around her waist, squeezing her into him tighter. “We are not arguing, love. My job is to protect you, not the other way around. That and your body are the only two things I ask you yield to me.” He smiled as he saw her blush.

  He dropped his hand to her belly. “How goes it, little one?” he said, looking down.

  “He’s strong, but I’m afraid he’s making me weak.”

  Jonas helped her sit back down. He perched himself with one knee bent, on the edge of Audray’s desk, scattered with ringed binders. Audray watched him cautiously.

  “I’m reading up on all the rules. They are calling a meeting tomorrow. I can’t get out of it.”

  “Well, you can if you’re not here. I don’t think you should attend such a meeting.”

  “Jonas, at some point we have to stand and fight. But let’s try exhausting all our other options first. Let them have their say.”

  “I’m against it. They don’t want to reason. It’s a delay strategy. It’s dangerous, and I think unwise.”

  “I have to go. It’s my job.”

  He saw in her ey
es the warrior heart matching his own. He wouldn’t be able to deny her, and he hoped he didn’t have to die to protect her, but he would do it in a heartbeat.

  “Very well,” he whispered back.

  They chose to walk home as the night was rolling over them. The two guards would be posted just inside her residence and would wait for reinforcements before leaving in the morning. All four of them walked in silence, though Jonas held Audray close to him with an arm over her shoulder.

  The five minute walk to the Director’s residence was uneventful. But what bothered Jonas was the fact that each person they passed did not look back at them. He felt Audray sigh at every encounter. Jonas knew then that she was noticing the same thing.

  He kissed the top of her head, just as they came to the house. “Not to worry, love. Not to worry,” he whispered.

  He turned quickly as he thought he heard a sound. The men had become alert as well, one with his hand on a saber he had strapped to his waist. Jonas had seen this warrior train. He could send a twenty pound saber to the center of a man’s chest with unparalleled accuracy.

  The pair of dark creatures flapped and squawked above them as all four of them entered the house.

  “I’m going to ask for additional guards. You two need to stay inside tonight. I need two more at the doors, and another on the roof.”

  “Yes, sir. Shall I call myself, sir?” the taller, blonde one asked.

  “Immediately, soldier. Get them over here while I get her situated upstairs. Then we’ll meet.”

  “Done, sir.”

  The master suite was on the upstairs level. Jonas followed behind Audray as they scaled the spiral staircase.

  “You will need to eat something, I think,” he offered.

  “Ugh, the thought of putting something in my stomach is totally abhorrent to me.”

  “I think the baby is depleting your body.”

  Audray stopped at the landing just outside the bedroom doors and steadied herself before answering. “I think maybe a little soup. Wish I could take a bath, but I’m not supposed to.”

  “I’ll keep you warm.” Jonas said as he kissed the side of her face. “Take a shower and get ready for bed. I’ll bring up some soup.”

  Audray drifted off to sleep. Jonas had kissed her body softly every place he could reach, massaging her shoulders, neck and her feet. It was still lovemaking to him, though they didn’t have sex. His need to bring her relaxation and pleasure outweighed his own need for release. He rose up on one elbow, looking down at her naked body in peaceful repose, noticing the little bulge at her tummy. He rubbed her there, bent and gave his new progeny a kiss.

  “You be a good boy and don’t mess with your Mum. I’ve got plans for you, son,” he whispered.

  He slid down under the covers, wrapping his arms around her waist and felt the heat of her body transfer to his. He willed back to her strength and courage.

  He thought back to his discussion with his men. There had been a small attack at the barracks they said was caused by a Red-X junkie who broke through the gate and actually got past several guards before he was restrained.

  But Jonas knew it wasn’t some random drunk. It was a test to see how their defenses were holding up, and he was sure they didn’t quite react as smartly as they should have. But that was fixed now with a swift phone call. With five of his best soldiers protecting them, Jonas was able to fall asleep at last. He needed his strength for tomorrow.

  Chapter 29

  Audray put on a white long-sleeved silk shirt over stretchy black velvet Capri pants. She’d brought a black low-heeled pair of pumps from the human world she adored. They fit her feet like a glove without squeezing her toes together. She had never had a fondness for stretch pants, leather being more her style, but in the heat of the Underworld and in her new condition, sweating in the skin of a dead animal no longer appealed to her. The shirt covered a hard-to-miss belly she had never, even as a small girl, had.

  She put her hair up in a ponytail with a black satin scruncci, and then wiped her hands carefully, examining the tips of her fingers.

  “Something wrong?” Jonas said as he slipped behind her and planted a warm kiss on the nape of her neck.

  Audray held out her fingers. “They feel different. Like the flames will hurt.” She turned around and looked at the tanned face of her lover, who was watching her cherry lipstick covered lips. “Do you think I should try it once before we go? Just in case?” she asked.

  “And what if you get injured? Or what if you can’t do it again and you need it?”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed against his hardness, “Well, I have you, don’t I?”

  “That you do,” Jonas said as his hands found their way quickly up Audray’s back underneath her shirt. They slid around the front and massaged her breasts. “When I get you to the human world, I won’t let you wear any clothes. You’ll have to stay naked, in my bed, twenty-four seven.”

  She smiled, blushing. Her excitement at the prospect sent a ripple throughout her body, an electric current arcing between her nether lips. “I’d rather stay home here with you in our bed and skip this meeting.” She kissed him, accepting his tongue, enjoying the heat between them.

  When they parted after the long sensuous kiss, Jonas whispered, “This isn’t home. And it won’t even be a place we visit soon if I have anything to do with it.”

  Jonas led her to the shower and opened the door.

  “Try it now, in here,” he instructed.

  “I have to have something to vaporize.”

  Jonas picked up a large mottled sponge beside the tub. “Try this.”

  He placed it on the marble slab shower floor and backed up. Audray stepped forward, holding the glass door with one hand. She held out her other hand like she was going to bounce a tennis ball and released the fire she’d learned to throw. A spattering and hissing sound echoed throughout the bathroom as sparks and tiny flames ricocheted around the shower enclosure, leaving little circles of grey on the glass. Smoke from the half-burned sponge poured up toward the ceiling in dark tendrils.

  Audray put her other hand over her mouth and nose to block inhaling the smoke. Then she repeated calling forth the flames. This time there was nothing but a searing pain which overtook the underside of her hand like she’d set it down on a red-hot stovetop. She drew back and looked at the red blistering underside of her fingertips and palm.

  Jonas was quick to run cold water over it, but the pain was close to unbearable. Tears streamed down her face as she leaned into Jonas’ bulging biceps. He firmly held her wrist under the stream of water at the vanity, allowing the cool liquid to flow over her injured fingers. “What are we going to do? I have no powers left,” she sobbed into his powerful arm.

  “No, love. You have a little bit of power in your left hand. But only once. You should only do it once. You have to hit something vital to make the statement.”

  She nodded. He dried her hand gently and then kissed it.

  “It should start to heal right away. Be good in an hour,” he said.

  Audray noticed the pain had already started to subside. “I don’t want them to know.”

  Jonas was swiping away the grey smoke with a towel and didn’t answer her.

  “So, how long do you think my power will be off?”

  He chuckled. “You mean like you didn’t pay your bill?”

  “Stop it. This isn’t funny, Jonas. I’m serious.”

  “Only thing this changes is you can’t indiscriminately fry people. The new you will have compassion.” Jonas grinned. “You’re the Director after all, and my Queen. You’ll play the part of a lady.”

  Audray thought this was funny. If only some of her past enemies could see her now. Playing a lady. How absurd.

  “There’s my girl,” he said, looking at her smile. He leaned over, planting a kiss on her needy lips. “And I love that now I have to be careful not to hurt you. And you can’t hurt me back.” He smirked and she stepped on his

  The council meeting was held in a large auditorium built for pageants and theatrical productions. How fitting. The drama of the day had taken its toll, though. Audray threw up twice before they could leave the house. If I have to hurl, let me hurl against that bitch Catarina’s face or all over Rupert. Jonas once again whispered in her ear, “Careful of the temper, love.”

  They entered the hall followed by four of Jonas’ finest warriors.

  The room was barely populated. A handful of Rupert’s guards, including four large black winged angels stood at the back of the room with their arms crossed. Audray thought they looked like a bunch of crows waiting on a telephone pole wire.

  Their eyes were half closed, squinting, as if making a point of showing their dislike for the pair.

  I feel false bravado. I feel their fear. Jonas nodded his head in agreement.

  She turned to one of Jonas’ men.

  “Get these animals out of here.” She pointed to the winged angels who fluttered nervously. There was no objection to them being led out of the room. Jonas’ men returned.

  The lingering smell of the winged ones was like burned candy. Audray whisked away the pungent odor with her hand waving in the air. She paraded herself with long strides down the center aisle of the room. Her ponytail flapped at her back. She could feel the heat of her hulking lover not far behind. His manly scent soothed her soul.

  Rupert and Catarina were seated at one end of a long table, the other end taken up with a dozen dark angels. Audray noted she knew none of them. The others quickly rose and then seated themselves, adjusting fine silks and chains of silver and gold. All of them avoided Audray’s gaze, so she turned her sights on Catarina and forced a full smile. Neither Catarina nor Rupert had risen, refusing her the respect she usually commanded.

  “How pleasant to meet you, finally,” Audray said tersely.

  “Likewise,” Catarina’s dark face tilted to the right as she bowed her eyes, but not her head. “Madam Director.”

  One of Audray’s eyebrows raised. She grasped Jonas’ hand behind her back as she turned slightly and addressed Rupert. “You have called this meeting, then, Mr. Blade? And I see you have appointed a council. On whose authority?”


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