Underworld Queen

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Underworld Queen Page 24

by Sharon Hamilton

  She could see the gray transport warehouse looming large from the top of the landing steps and for an instant felt relief, until she heard the screech of dark angels as they flapped their shredded black wings like bellows in an executioner’s dungeon. One of them reared his head back as if he were going to shoot a fireball, treading air with the wings arched behind him. He was caught in the chest with a blast from one of Jonas’ men and dropped in a heap, creating a huge ball of flames. The companion dark creature swung low and nearly clipped the cloak right off of Audray. She looked into his bloodied red eyes and saw recognition. Instead of charging at her further, he righted himself and began to take off toward Undertown. Fearful he’d report her escape, Audray pressed her right palm to the sky and a sputtering laser flash hit the bird in the eye, exploding his head as he too dropped to the ground.

  The pain in her hand was nearly unbearable. She began to be sick to her stomach as she inhaled fumes of her scorched flesh.

  “Does your other hand work?” Rupert asked in a near panic.

  “I think so.” Audray wouldn’t look him in the eyes. She shared a glance with Jonas’ man.

  “Fuck, Audray, are you losing your powers? Rupert’s voice broke like a teenage boy’s.

  “Forget about that now. We need to go,” the soldier said. “It gets worse the longer we stay here. Come!” He ordered.

  Rupert and the foot soldier helped her under the arm and together they rushed to the waiting transport. Audray was relieved to see several of the men went with them in the limo. As soon as the last door closed, the vehicle took off at what felt like the speed of light.

  One of the men grabbed her wrist and wrapped it with a towel soaked in something that did take some of the pain away.

  “Hold this tight around your palm and don’t let any of the dirty air get to your wound. You will heal faster if you leave this on for at least an hour. But you will heal.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  The guard cinched it tighter, causing new pain. “It will work to accelerate the healing. Only painful for a few more minutes. You’ll see.”

  “Where did you get this poultice?” she asked him as the transport purred through space.

  “We carry them in our packs. An old remedy with herbs we grew and brought from the human world centuries ago. Fighting man’s best friend.”

  A couple of the dark guards chuckled. She had expected something high tech and was relieved the old ways worked best, regardless of the realm.

  The vehicle nearly reached the transport warehouse when they swerved abruptly to the right, nearly rolling over. Accompanying the deafening screeching of tires, shattering glass and metal crumpling was the frontal impact of the car as it slammed into a solid object. Two well strapped-in guards were holding onto Audray, so she didn’t fly out one of the doors which had been ripped off its hinges in the crash. What was left of the vehicle finally came to a complete stop just outside the station. The driver had been pinned and her bloody body was smashed up against the metal grate protecting the passenger box. Rupert jumped out with the escorts, one of whom leaned in to grab her good hand. “Come on. We have to get out of here.”

  “I can trace.”

  “You can’t take all of us, and I think you’re going to need a small army,” the guard announced. “Can you run?”

  Before she could answer, another of Jonas’ men whisked her off her feet and started running around the building into the warehouse village. Audray saw the pile of large boulders blocking the path the transport usually took. This had been an ambush. They headed to a cluster of abandoned structures for cover.

  At the center of the arena-like courtyard lay the remains of the Director’s home, reduced to charred rubble. It appeared to have been thoroughly picked over.

  As they turned behind a large brick warehouse they saw the transport and the station explode into flames. Audray’s heartbeat began to elevate. She saw spots in her eyes and leaned against the chest of the runner who held her. She was just about to pass out when they shifted her carefully to another runner, who picked up speed and nearly led the pack of men. She watched Rupert try to keep up, but realized how well trained and fit Jonas’ guards were.

  “Wait!” Rupert finally called out. “I need to get hold of Jonas.” He was breathing heavily as he stopped. The rest of the men clustered around them, searching for enemies from all sides, including the air.

  “We’re here. Yes. She’s safe for now. There are five of us, and Audray is nursing a wound from using her laser.” Rupert listened and then handed the phone to Audray. She grabbed the lifeline to Jonas and everything right about her life.

  “Are you okay?” she said to him just as he had said the same thing to her.

  “My hand is healing. But I’m feeling faint, Jonas. Are you out of danger for now? She could hear the familiar sounds of Jonas’ truck in the background.

  “Coming to get you.”

  Within five minutes she saw the shiny black truck roar down the abandoned roadway leading back into town, Jonas and his long hair flying in the breeze. Though she tried to keep her eyes open, she collapsed into the arms of one of the guards. The man didn’t flinch as she lost consciousness against his granite shoulder.

  She awoke on a large bed and instantly recognized Josh’s room. Jonas was speaking on the phone, trying to be soft about it. She uncovered herself from the comforter that had been placed over her and then remembered her burned hand. The bandage was still wrapped around it, but just as the guard had told her, the pain was greatly reduced and she could feel how quickly it had healed. She walked over to the door, which was slightly ajar.

  Jonas’ warm smile made her heart jump. Suddenly, all the uncertainty and pain of being separated from him, not knowing if he was safe, if there was anything that could be done to save the baby she was carrying, evaporated. As he took her in his arms, her world, the world she wanted to live in for the rest of her natural or unnatural life, was on its proper axis. She felt safe, even though there was still so much around them she did not understand.

  After melting into his strong body until she stopped trembling, he whispered to the side of her face, “How are you holding up, baby?”

  “I’m good now,” she said as she squeezed him. “I don’t want to ever be separated from you again.” Staring into his eyes, she added, “Ever. No more separations, okay?”

  “Not if I can help it,” he said as he kissed her fully. When they lingered in tiny kisses, he pulled back. “Tell me the truth. Are you feeling better or worse than this morning?”

  She thought about it before answering. She did feel more energy, less tired, more alive and her nerves were settled. The constant ache in her stomach from being nauseated was gone as well. Amazed, she answered him with a smile she hoped would reassure him, “I’m good. Really much better.”

  His shoulders rounded as he sighed, nodding his head. “That’s good. That’s good, baby. Maybe that’s a sign this is where you belong.”

  “Was hoping for that.”

  “Me too.”

  “Rupert is the reason we escaped.” She wanted to be sure Jonas knew how grateful she was.

  “You feeling up to talking with us a bit?”


  Clutching his hand, weaving her fingers between his, she was able to steadily descend the stairs to the little enclave of men. Josh was up in an instant to assist her to one of the red leather chairs by the fireplace, then took his place beside Judy on the loveseat. Jonas began.

  “We’ve pieced together some facts that I hope bring us to a plan of some sorts. Josh and I believe Catarina will come here now, once she learns of Audray’s escape, and,” he cleared his throat, “Rupert’s defection.”

  Audray saw Rupert flinch, close his eyes slowly and rub them.

  The familiar chill of fear traveled up her back and made her shudder. “Go on.”

  “It seems my relatives have been scheming for centuries to gain power and control over many part
s of the modern Western world. They stumbled upon information that led them to the conclusion I had survived and was alive in the Underworld. They sent spies and gathered information and one by one, converted themselves to dark angels, through invitation, through mass turnings.”

  “Call it for what it is, man. Mass suicides.” Josh’s voice was all business. “For the record, this was never the way.”

  “Their desire for domination over not only the Underworld, but the human world as well, has blinded them. It no longer is a family destiny. It is an addiction to power. The upper ranks of this family are in fact, warring against themselves, eliminating themselves, which is a good thing.” Jonas glanced over at Rupert, who nodded his agreement. “Thus, no one is safe. Catarina wants dominion, obedience, and total submission by as many souls, dark or human, as she can possibly claim. She is fierce and doesn’t think she can be stopped.”

  Audray looked around the room at the warriors sitting in front of her. The only person who would not return her gaze was redheaded Judy, who continued staring at her hands folded in her lap as she leaned into Josh.

  Jonas continued, “She’s made some allies here and she’s counting on cooperation I’m not so sure she’ll get. We may have a friend.”

  “Who, Jonas?” Audray asked.


  “The witch?”

  “Yes, I spoke with her today.”

  Rupert spoke up. “When Catarina found out you were pregnant, her plans changed. She is totally focused on that baby, and you are that delivery vehicle until the child is far enough along. After that, she won’t give a hoot what happens to you. She’ll have the child.” His eyes were sad. “It’s her plan. I’ve heard it with my own ears.”

  Audray’s veins felt cold, and she shivered again. Judy brought her a crocheted throw.

  This last bit was difficult to swallow, knowing that the child she wanted so desperately to hold in her arms was going to be used as a pawn in an evil game of world domination. The dominions and needs of the greedy were not her concern. She would not allow her child to be used for anyone else’s evil ends.

  Even if she had to pay the ultimate sacrifice. She and Jonas shared a look she never wanted to have again. If they lost this battle, they would all go together.

  Chapter 35

  Carl rapped on the heavy oak door of Drucilla’s cottage. A tall, shirtless body builder-type man, answered the door. The man’s hair was held back in a ponytail. He wore a red bandana around his neck.

  “I need to talk to Drucilla.”

  He broke a wide smile, “Sorry pardner, she’s gone. Visiting. Returns tonight. She didn’t inform me there would be visitors. Who should I tell her called?”

  He looked out into the clearing to see if anyone else had accompanied Carl.

  “This isn’t a social call,” Carl began. “It’s an emergency. Surely there’s a way to reach her. It is a matter of life or death. Her granddaughter is in grave danger.”

  Carl was worried about Molly. He hadn’t had any thoughts from her since he’d left the library. He told himself over and over again it didn’t mean anything, that she was fine. Told himself perhaps the sealed room was the reason. Perhaps it worked like a media jamming frequency.

  He flashed on a clear blue sky, the beach and the ocean – some of his favorite places, as if these images had been forced upon him. Just then, from the clearing of low shrubbery and forest, Drucilla emerged, carrying a red cape and basket, just like the Little Red Riding Hood story his mother used to read to him when he was young. Though she was clearly in her sixties or seventies, her angelic face belied an inner glow and cast a glamour, making him react to her as if she were a much younger woman. She had the same powers of mind over matter Molly did, but more intense.

  “You look like an orphan at a witches’ festival.” She giggled like a little girl. “And for the record, I kept the calming thoughts clean. I can see Molly has intentions with you I’m not going to begin to delve into. But I could! So just be forewarned.”

  “I’ve only experienced this with Molly. I didn’t know that—”

  “Hogwash! Glenda used those powers too. It’s just that with Molly you are in love with her, and Glenda scares the frogs out of you.”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  “And most people don’t know it, but they’ve come under the spells of witches during their lifetime. Ever bought too much at the store, especially when you had little or no money? Wanted something you’d given up for years and then suddenly craved? Here you thought it was your weak body doing this.” She leaned in close enough Carl thought she might kiss him. “Witches. Having their way with you and laughing when you’re gone.”

  Carl reflexively stepped back. “Molly needs you. We don’t have much time, I fear.”

  “Yes, I got some confusing messages. I’m going inside to set this down, and then we’ll leave. You know the way?”

  “Just came from there,” Carl said.

  Drucilla walked through the door without opening it.

  Carl was getting nervous, fisting and unfisting his hands, trying to catch his breath. He felt like he had to pee and vomit at the same time, and that wasn’t a good thing.

  She exited the door by opening it. Carl led her toward his vehicle, but Drucilla stopped him.

  “I thought you said we didn’t have much time.”

  “That’s right.”

  She placed her arm around him and bowed her head. “Keep your eyes closed no matter what, until I say to open them. Pay no attention to the smells or sounds, just stay with me here, okay?”

  Carl mumbled something. Before he could fully close his eyes he saw they had ascended to the sky several thousand feet. He immediately squeezed his eyes shut and thought he had passed out into a vivid dream. One of the many images he found was the seated form of Molly, waiting, in the corner of a room. As he saw her, she looked up and smiled.

  Chapter 36

  Audray and Jonas were sharing a few stolen moments, holding hands, and whispering alone. The guards had hidden themselves around the yard and down the street to form a perimeter of protection. Jonas explained their dark angel bodies would be able to detect any would-be intruder. He told her to expect minions, perhaps.

  “Nothing subtle about Catarina. She has the fire and hatred her distant ancestor had. And now we have the fact that her husband, if he could be called that, has turned on her. She’ll be blinded with rage.”

  Audray knew this to be true. “Except one thing isn’t quite in her favor.”

  “What’s that, my love,” Jonas asked, kissing her softly on the lips, his dark eyes drinking in the sight of her. How she wanted to get lost in them forever.

  “You’ve been a dark angel for three hundred years. Josh had been one. These guards, I’m guessing you don’t have many that are recently turned.”

  “There’s Rupert—”

  “Who is not one of your trained guards. Even Peter had more training than he has. His proximity to Catarina only makes him a liability to her and a great asset to us. He doesn’t have to fight. He has secrets.”

  Jonas leaned forward and kissed her ear. “And I have so much I want to say to you right now, it would distract us for a hundred years.”

  The familiar glamour of his breath was an elixir that made her feel strong and pure of spirit. Her love for this dark angel, who had been waiting his whole life to meet just her, was giving her courage. And for the first time, hope.

  He read her mind and nodded. Yes, love does that. Even with dark angels, love does that. Or so I’ve been told.

  She was sad for all the lonely years he had waited with no purpose in life except running away, staying to the shadows, and what a cost that had been to him and his soul.

  All worth it, love. All worth the waiting. Time is irrelevant when you live forever.

  “What happens, Jonas, if I’m turned human, and you remain immortal?”

  He looked to the side of the house as a car drove up the driv
eway. “We’ll wing it, love. I have no idea.”

  Rupert and Josh had been having a quiet conversation in the kitchen and beat them to the rear door at the porch.

  Audray watched through the screen, her fingers on the metal netting, as she saw a young couple emerge. The girl was carrying an infant.


  Jonas was quick to grab Josh’s arm. “What’s this? Need you increase the stakes, bring someone else she cares about into this little circle of death?”

  “Jonas. You don’t know Claire very well. But if you did, you would understand I would spend the rest of my human life miserable if I didn’t give her the opportunity to see Audray. As her sister, not her enemy.”

  Audray was out the rear door before any of them could grab her arm. She ran to Claire with arms outstretched, impacting the fresh-scented former Guardian angel and the pink bundle she was carrying with a bear hug. She heard Jonas swear behind her. “I couldn’t believe it when I found this out, Claire.” She withdrew to look down at the baby, and felt Claire’s loving eyes on her. “I am so truly sorry I nearly ruined your life. I ruined your angel life.” At last she examined Claire’s face. “He told you?”

  “Yes, that’s why we’re here.” Claire’s blue eyes radiated love. “It was welcome news.”

  Claire’s hair was like golden straw, just as Audray had remembered it. The flood of memories doing things she was ashamed of came back, and she found it impossible not to cry.

  “And as for ruining or almost ruining my life—on the contrary, Audray. You gave me my human life. You gave me this. Daniel. I would have never found him if it wasn’t for your part in this. Don’t you see? There are no accidents.”

  Claire’s pure blue eyes watered, but Audray saw the strength of this former Guardian. Daniel stepped next to his wife and addressed Audray.

  “Thank you. We thank you for this gift of today. We want to help all we can.” He leaned forward and graced Audray’s cheek with a tender kiss.

  “And this is little Alondra. It means ‘savior of mankind,’” Claire whispered.


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