Campione 13

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Campione 13 Page 21

by Princess Goddess of the South Seas

  Although it was not particularly delicious, one could count their blessings for the fact that it was not terrible.

  While tasting each other's food, the pair finished their dinner without incident. However, a bit of a problem arose when Yuri took out her purse to pay.

  The staff lady spoke cheerfully in English as she summed up the bill.

  "Visiting this kind of island specifically, what a weird married couple you are!"

  She must have concluded based on the way they ate together.

  That said, Godou did agree that this island did not feel like the type couples would normally visit as tourists.

  With Godou dumbstruck by the question, Yuri bowed her head and answered:

  "N-No, we are not in that kind of relationship. We are simply, umm, just classmates, wholesomely... Well, not exactly this kind of relationship either... I mean..."

  But she was answering in Japanese, all in a mess.

  She was apparently flustered by the misunderstanding. After that, the pair left the shop and returned to their temporary lodgings at the cottage. Along the way back, Godou and Yuri remained silent.

  This could not be helped. Due to the question raised just now, the problem of their accommodations was highlighted once again.

  The quaint little cottage was built on the seaside.

  At least it was equipped with a bathroom. Considering how cheap the rate was, the bathroom was excessively clean. Due to the fact that this was not a tourist destination, users dirtying the bathroom did not happen frequently perhaps?

  Then there was the cottage's problem—

  The fact that there were no separated rooms meant that Godou and Yuri had to spend the night under the same roof.

  Since multiple cottages were available, there existed the solution of renting one each per person.

  But when Godou considered the idea, Yuri rejected it as "Too wasteful." Advice worthy of a virtuous wife. In the end, they decided to share the same cottage.

  This type of open cottage had excellent ventilation and was rich with tropical flair.

  However, illegal entry was quite easy if one had the intention. Godou would not feel comfortable letting a girl live alone in a place like this.

  Part 2

  Back at the cottage, Godou and Yuri took turns showering in the bathroom.

  Although they discovered the shower had no hot water, since this was a remote island after all, this inconvenience was tolerable due to the tropical heat.

  Furthermore, Godou and Yuri had already spent two nights on an uninhabited island.

  While they were there, despite using hot moistened towels for body wiping and swimming in the sea, they had no access to showers, let alone a bath. Consequently, a shower no matter how restrictive still gave them full satisfaction

  The actual problem came after that.

  A quiet night. Two people alone in a cottage on a liberal island. A dearth of conversation. A delicate atmosphere.

  "I-If only we could watch television."

  "Q-Quite so."

  Their conversation ended with just a single exchange. Then the two fell silent.

  Instead, Godou threw Yuri a glance. Feeling his gaze, Yuri bowed her head, but Godou felt that she did so not because she was displeased about being looked at.

  Although Godou was unable to read Yuri's mind, for some strange reason, he was quite certain of this.

  Furthermore, delusions suddenly began to pop up in his mind—

  Such as Godou reaching out to her and then Yuri taking his outstretched hand matter-of-factly, then in this manner...

  Godou suddenly jumped in surprise. What on earth was he thinking about!?

  Coming back to his senses, he shook his head vigorously. Yuri looked up as a result of his actions.

  "What is the matter, Godou-san? Why are you making such a horrible expression?"

  "N-Nothing.. It's nothing at all, really..."

  Probably suspicious of his answer, Yuri leaned in close. Studying Godou's expression from the side, her face was pressed quite near.

  Godou felt his heart beginning to race. Yuri also suddenly jumped in surprise, then lowered her gaze again.

  Another silent interval took place.

  However, their separation was even closer than before. Not only in terms of their physical distance but also between their hearts, probably—

  Godou and Yuri cared for each other beyond necessary levels. Indeed, this probably could not be helped. After all, the two of them had engaged in behavior that crossed the line many times already.

  From Godou's perspective, Yuri's attire consisting of a t-shirt and shorts was also quite problematic.

  It felt quite fresh to see the classy young lady, whose personal wardrobe was usually limited to skirts, dressed so casually. Inexplicably, Godou had a feeling that staying in the same room as her might not turn out too well.

  Lightly dressed, Yuri's excellent figure was in clear display. Her exposed arms and legs offered a dazzling and unavoidable view of her skin...

  This was not the first time for them to spend the night in the same space.

  However, last time's situation was completely different. Godou felt his heart thumping in his chest uncontrollably. There was no reason to have a guilty conscience. Clearly he had no intention of doing anything indecent!

  "L-Let's rest for the night! M-Mariya, you should be tired, right!?"

  "Y-Yes. It is said that children who go to bed will develop better!"

  The Hime-Miko's complete non sequitur revealed her agitated state. Of course, Godou was nowhere near composed enough to point that out.

  Godou quickly switched off the light and lay down on one side of the two-person bed. Yuri was already lying on the other side of the bed. Then immediately—


  "What's wrong, Mariya!?"

  Hearing Yuri's scream, Godou jumped up immediately.

  "Th-There is something cold on the bed!?"

  Godou switched on the light and together with Yuri examined her side of the bed—

  "Uh... It's a lizard."

  "Well... When did it get there?"

  A tiny lizard was crawling on the bed. Unfazed by human gazes, it displayed no intention of fleeing. Was it simply slow in reaction or had it grown accustomed to humans already?

  Fortunately, it was not a leech or a poisonous scorpion—

  As Godou felt relieved, Yuri smiled with a chuckle beside him after discovering the intruder's identity. She had clearly recovered and even used both hands to scoop up the lizard, personally taking it to the window and releasing it outside.

  "I wouldn't have thought you'd be the type to be unfazed by reptiles, Mariya."

  Godou was impressed by the composure in her series on motions and well as the unladylike manner with which she caught and released the lizard.

  On the other hand, his fearless childhood friend Tokunaga Asuka had a phobia of insects, spiders, reptiles, amphibians and the like, always running away screaming whenever she encountered them.

  Meanwhile, Yuri, the person in question, was puzzled by why Godou would feel impressed.

  "Y-Yes. Because its size is so small, even my level of strength is enough to carry it out."

  An answer that missed the point. His curiosity piqued, Godou inquired as a test.

  "Mariya, do you have any creatures you have trouble dealing with? Those whose very sight disgusts you, ones that you'll never want to touch, stuff like that? Such as insects, spiders, frogs, moths etc."

  "Nothing comes to mind immediately. Since Hime-Miko training requires going to sacred mountains and shrines in other places, I had many opportunities to come into contact with the local wildlife."


  "Yes, because I was frequently together with Ena-san since childhood, this type of contact happened quite often."

  I see. Godou understood now.

  The majority of places considered sanctuaries or sacred mountains would of course be shrines protected by fores
ts. Frequenting those kinds of place with a child of nature like Ena would naturally produce this result.

  "Ah, but there is the cockr... A certain black insect is the exception. That is one thing I have no wish of seeing."

  "Well, I'm quite sure of all the people on Earth, those who like them belong to a very small minority."

  Located on an island's shore, this place was not only hot but very humid also. That type of creature could very well lurk within the cottage.

  But Godou specifically avoided pointing it out. Instead, he felt gratified to witness this surprising side to Yuri. Was this discovery possible only because they had been together for so long?

  Godou also noticed.

  Due to the commotion just now, the awkward atmosphere between them had been dispelled completely.

  Yuri also seemed to have realized this. Looking into Godou's face, she smiled shyly. The mood between the pair became natural as usual.

  Godou sat down cross-legged on his side of the bed and Yuri also took a seat on the other side. Even facing each other again, they no longer felt embarrassed. With the light still on, they spontaneously began to chat casually. Perhaps prompted by the old story brought up just now, their conversation revolved around their childhood memories and middle school experiences.

  There were times when conversation ended.

  A cottage without a television was naturally silent. But the two of them did not mind.

  During these occasions, the pair would silently listen to the waves lapping against this tropical beach. The pleasant sensation was truly impossible to describe.

  The next day, Godou went out alone.

  He wandered around places like the shore and the pier where a small number of fishing vessels and boats were tied down and moored.

  His intention was to directly ask the fishermen and ship owners staying at the island if they could transport him and Yuri to Borneo. However, none of the responses were favorable.

  "Oh well, even if there was a boat willing to take us back, who knows if they would be trustworthy or not..."

  Godou muttered his grumbles.

  It looked like there was no choice but to wait for the regular ship after all. Godou decided to return to the cottage without a fuss. Along the way back, he suddenly realized.

  Residing in his right arm, Ama no Murakumo, which had been unusable since yesterday, was now awakened.

  Athena's entrusted secret technique relied on the divine sword as a medium, thereby generating a gravitational storm. This drastic move seemed to have heavily strained the sword, resulting in an unresponsive state of slumber earlier.

  "...You're fine now?"

  Godou's inquiry only obtained an acknowledging "Mmmhmm" in response. Then there was nothing. Too lazy to answer, it seemed.

  Since the sword probably had not fully recovered from exhaustion, Godou decided to overlook it. The fact that Yuri and him were able to drift to this island safe and sound was surely thanks to Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's protection.

  Despite being an arrogant, condescending problem child with no interest in anything apart from battle, the sword is unexpectedly adept at taking care of others.

  By the time Godou returned to the cottage, it was already close to noon. He could smell a very fragrant aroma of chicken soup. Entering the cottage where they lived, Godou found Yuri preparing lunch.

  "Welcome back. How did it go with the boats?"

  "No good. Looks like we really have to wait for the regular ship."

  After Godou reported his findings, Yuri went "oh well" as she set down the earthenware pot she was carrying onto the dining table.

  Since this cottage was meant as long term accommodations for guests such as backpackers or divers, it was equipped with a kitchen and cooking utensils despite its small size.

  In that case, cooking would be more economical than eating out.

  While Godou was searching for a boat, Yuri was responsible for buying ingredients and cooking. The timing of Godou's return was perfect, for it seemed like lunch was ready immediately.

  Yuri lifted the lid of the earthenware pot, releasing a very fragrant whiff of chicken soup aroma. However, the pot was actually filled with white rice instead. This is rice cooked using soup rather than plain water, Yuri explained. Scattered on its surface were also diced ingredients such as ham and mushrooms.

  "I tried to imitate the cooking I saw inside the restaurant yesterday."

  In any case, he decided to have a taste first. The taste of Chinese cuisine was delicious beyond description.

  Godou felt rather moved, for he never expected to taste Yuri's cooking during this trip. Since they had been relying on instant food for the past few days, her food felt especially delicious.

  "I'm so glad for a proper meal like this."

  Life on the uninhabited island in the demonic realm. The battle with the goddess. Then there was the gravitational storm the two of them had caused. Godou recalled scenes from the past few combat-filled days and expressed his feelings earnestly.

  "Fufu. If you like this kind of food, I can cook it for you every day."

  "Really? That's wonderful. I'm so looking forward to it."

  " "......" "

  Although they had not intended to imply anything else, the pair suddenly fell silent.

  The exchange just now was essentially like a couple about to get married or newlyweds... Both Godou and Yuri became aware of this sort of feeling, which would be a bit inappropriate given their current delicate situation, right?

  However, they had already overcome many crises similar to the one the day before. Godou averted his gaze slightly and Yuri nodded in return. Silently, they reached consensus to disregard the previous dialogue, minds connected as one.

  Yuri quickly made a dry cough and amended her words.

  "G-Godou-san. If you wish, I can cook anything for you no matter what."

  "R-Really? That makes me so glad."

  "Fufu. Please let me know if you have particular likes and dislikes. I will bear them in mind. But since we have been spending time together every day, it is unlikely I would make anything unsuited to your tastes."

  "You don't need to worry about that. I think that so long as it's cooked by you, Mariya, I'll be satisfied no matter what."

  "If you say something like that, I would be tempted to cut corners, you know?"

  "Even if corners are cut, Mariya, it'll still taste good so long as it's cooked by you, right? Instead of eating at a restaurant somewhere, even if it's a half-hearted effort, I'm satisfied provided that it's your cooking, Mariya."

  Godou's honest opinion brought a shy expression of happiness to Yuri's face.

  Then the two of them noticed once again.

  The conversation sounded like a couple who had just started cohabitation.

  After all, if two people were living together, they should take turns cooking for fairness. Nevertheless, Yuri was matter-of-factly proposing she take up the role and Godou accepted naturally.

  " "......" "

  Chatting over such matters as they finished lunch, they cleared up the table.

  After that, there was nothing in particular that needed to be done. Until the regular ship arrived, they really had nothing to do but wait.

  In the end, the pair went to yesterday's beach for a brief swim, took strolls around the island and passed time in this leisurely directionless manner.

  It was simply a casual tropical afternoon with time spent unproductively.

  "If this kind of life continued, I think I'd start hating the daily grind of going to school every morning..."

  "I-I can understand. If I had remained in Japan, I would still be working my miko duties at Nanao Shrine today. Most likely, I could not be doing anything like this...?"

  These kinds of conversations occupied their time.

  In any case, it was currently the third day of the new year, an afternoon on January 3.

  The beautiful sunset glow had painted the ocean and the beach an orange hue
when they returned to the cottage. Then Yuri set about preparing dinner.

  Although Godou wanted to help, Yuri refused, saying "the kitchen is too cramped." Consequently, he could do nothing but idly watch the classy young lady at work from behind.

  Despite the fact that his companion was toiling by herself, there was surprisingly no feeling of resentment.

  Perhaps because they had too much time to spend idling on the island? Or did the reason lie in his companion's modest personality?

  Godou was feeling glad that he had a chance to spend time together with Yuri like this. Yuri was also humming happily as she prepared fried rice in an experienced manner.

  Despite being a simple dinner prepared casually from existing ingredients on hand, it was quite delicious and completely satisfying.

  "Yeah, this is quite good."

  "Fufu. Godou-san, I keep getting the feeling you are quite happy."


  "Yes, really."

  A trivial conversation indeed. Time spent together, just the two of them. But this was good enough. But just as it seemed as if this tropical night would pass leisurely like this—

  Godou and Yuri heard the noise.

  Clang... Clang... Metallic friction could be heard coming from outside. Soon after, a figure appeared at the cottage's entrance. The person approaching while making strange metallic noises was wrapped in a heavy coat despite the island's perpetual summer heat.

  "Fufufu. You are here, god-slaying monarch."

  The coat was deep blue in color and had a hood which obscured the person's face. But everything became clear as soon as they heard the voice. This was indeed the Fire Goddess whom they had fought yesterday on the island of the demonic realm.

  Part 3

  The goddess' alter ego was barely humanoid.

  But aside from that, the coat's sleeves were abnormally long, covering her arms and legs completely. Without a single patch of skin exposed, this manner of dress was rather jarring in the context of a tropical cottage.

  Godou noticed that he did not experience the usual excitement arising from facing a deity.

  In other words, this coat-clad figure was not actually the goddess' true body.


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