Julian (The Stone Society Book 9)

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Julian (The Stone Society Book 9) Page 18

by Faith Gibson

  Since she couldn’t go back to work, Kat promised silently to take care of the house, doing the cleaning and laundry. She would learn to cook better so when Julian came home, he wouldn’t have to. He assured her he had plenty of money, but she still felt the need to bring something to the table, so to speak. Thinking of cooking, her stomach rumbled, reminding her the breakfast Julian cooked had been abandoned in their flee from the government.

  As soon as they were underway in Dante’s vehicle, Julian had threaded their fingers together and not let go. She couldn’t remember holding hands with someone, and it was something she found herself doing often with Julian. She enjoyed the constant contact. When they arrived back at his house, Julian helped Kat out of the vehicle, once again lacing their fingers as they walked inside. “I need to feed you,” Julian said, squeezing her hand before he let go.

  “Do you need help?” Kat asked.

  “No ma’am. Why don’t you go upstairs and remove the disguise while I reheat the casserole?”

  Katherine touched her fingers to her cheek. The prosthetic was so thin she had forgotten she was wearing it. “I can do that.” It didn’t take her long to remove the mask and wig. Now she had two different looks if she wanted to get out of the house without being recognized. As much as she hated the reason for the disguises, she did find it to be a little exciting to be able to hide her identity. Using the clip she’d gotten from Isabelle, Kat piled her hair on top of her head to keep it off the stitches. When she padded into the kitchen, Julian walked toward her and pulled her into his arms. “There’s my girl,” he whispered as he slanted his mouth over hers.

  Kat wasn’t used to a man being so into her that he continually touched or kissed her. She liked it. Julian was an excellent kisser. So much so that she was getting turned on. Julian broke away abruptly, his breathing harsh. Ah, he felt it too. Instead of taking her to the bedroom as she expected, Julian lifted her onto a stool at the counter. He didn’t hide the fact he had to adjust his erection behind his zipper. She liked that too.

  Julian placed a plateful of the morning’s forgotten casserole in front of her. Sophia must have taken care of it after Julian rushed them out the back door. “Would you like to tell me how it is you can run so fast?” she asked while he gathered silverware and napkins.

  “I would, but I am going to need to tell you everything else that goes along with that ability. I will need to ask you some questions first, because what I tell you is something you must keep to yourself, Sweetheart.”

  “I knew it; you are a superhuman hiding your true identity. Do you have a mask and a cape? Or are you more like Superman hiding in plain sight?”

  Instead of answering, Julian asked her, “Would you like coffee or something else?”

  “Do you have milk?” Kat loved a cold glass of milk more than she did coffee with breakfast.

  “I do. I love milk. I knew we were going to be perfect for one another,” he responded with a wink. Julian poured two glasses and set them on the counter. He sat down next to her and picked up his fork. “Let us get our bellies full before we dive into such a serious discussion.”

  Kat’s stomach was a bundle of nerves. She was hungry, but her mind refused to forget about the last meals she’d had at FSM. If Julian wanted to poison her, he’d have done it before now. Taking a deep breath, Kat took a forkful of the egg concoction. “This is tuna,” she said after swallowing.

  “Oh, please tell me you are not allergic!”

  Kat laughed at the look on Julian’s face. She reached out and laid her hand on his arm. “No, I’m not allergic. I was expecting sausage or bacon, but this is delicious.”

  “I do apologize. I should have asked before I made the dish. I am used to living alone and cooking whatever strikes my fancy. I will do better in the future, I promise.”

  “Julian, it’s okay. I’ve already told you I’m not a picky eater. For the record, I’m not allergic to anything as far as I know, and the only thing I’ve ever found I’m not fond of is brussels sprouts. Since I don’t have a job, I think it’s only fair I do my share of the cooking, so I need you to tell me your preferences.”

  “Sweetheart, I don’t want you to worry about that for now. The only thing I want you to concentrate on is healing.”

  “I appreciate that, but I need to stay busy. I’m not a sit-on-my-ass kind of girl, unless I’m relaxing with a good book. I will need something to do all day while you’re at work, and cooking will give me something to focus on. That is unless you’re scared,” Katherine joked.

  “Not at all. I have an iron stomach, and like you, I will eat anything, including brussels sprouts. I don’t plan on returning to work anytime soon, so we can cook together.”

  Kat cleaned her plate and downed all of her milk before asking, “What exactly is it you do for your family?”

  “Ah, this is where I tell you my deepest, darkest secrets. Come on then.” Julian put their plates and glasses in the dishwasher. “Let’s go outside.”

  Kat was nervous. She had no idea what Julian was going to tell her. Not that it mattered. Well, if he told her his family was mafia or something sinister, she might rethink living with him. Her life was crazy enough without adding hit men to the fray. She didn’t think that’s what he was going to reveal, but she had been wrong about people before.

  When they got to one of the benches nestled between two Japanese maple trees, Julian stopped, taking her hands in his. The skin between his eyebrows was wrinkled, and his eyes were focused on hers. Kat would much rather see the playful smile or the smoldering intensity instead of the frown he was wearing. “Julian, whatever it is, I can take it.”

  “I don’t doubt that. The other mates have been able to accept the truth and come out the other side virtually unscathed. What I am about to tell you will be hard to believe, so I need you to keep an open mind. As a reporter, you deal in facts. Proof. I have proof of what I am going to tell you.”

  “Tell me, Julian.” Kat lifted her hand to his face and touched the area between his eyes. “Tell me so you can stop frowning.”

  Julian grabbed her hand and kissed the skin on the inside of her wrist before sitting down on the bench and pulling her down beside him. He angled his body towards her, but instead of holding her hands, he clasped his together and placed them on his lap. “It would probably be easier to show you than tell you, but that might be a little too much too soon. When you joked about me being a super human, you were not far off the mark. I do have extraordinary abilities, but I am not human. Our family, our Clan, are Gargoyles.”

  “I thought those were little stone creatures.”

  “The statues are symbols dedicated to our kind, but they came into being as a way for humans who know about us to display their loyalty. The concrete statues were adopted by others throughout the years and as such have lost their true meaning. Gargoyles have been around since the beginning of human life. We were designed by the gods to protect humans thus the reason we appear human. We are, for all intents and purposes, immortal. Until someone takes my head from my neck, I will be of this world. There are some poisons that can harm us as well, but those are rare. As well as being able to run fast, I have enhanced eyesight and hearing. Our skin is virtually impenetrable, so if I am shot, the bullet bounces off. It might nick the skin, but it is merely a scratch. When I told you my age, I was not joking. I am over five hundred years old. Rafael is our King. His father, my uncle, was king before him, and once his son is born, he will be next in line to take over the throne.

  “As I said, we appear human, but that is not our truest nature. Within each of us is a shifter, a beast that can take over if the need arises. When you were being held at FSM, my shifter took control. I believe it felt the pain you were in when you were being poisoned. You asked how I was able to speak to you through our minds; that is how. You and I are connected in such a way that we are more in tune with each other than not.”

  “So does that mean I’m your mate?”

  “Yes. Yo
u are. The females of our species have become mostly extinct. The ones still living have already mated; that is why the fates have deemed some humans worthy to take up the helm.”

  “I was chosen by some gods or deities or some celestial being to be your mate? It makes sense now.”

  Julian took her chin in between his index finger and thumb, turning her face up to his. “Do not think for one second that is the only reason I am with you. Yes, you were chosen for me, but I have come to learn over the many years I’ve been alive that the fates know what they are doing. I have yet to see them put two beings together who weren’t perfect for each other. Think of it as a matchmaking service that knows every necessary criterion for both parties involved allowing them to find the perfect match every single time. It is why I have no doubt asking you to move in with me isn’t taking things too quickly. You belong to me and I to you. We are the perfect partner for one another.”

  “So no mask or cape?” Kat asked jokingly while giving herself time for this information to sink in. She had no reason to doubt Julian, yet she had no proof what he was saying wasn’t a bunch of bullshit. Other than the speed with which he carried her through the woods. And the mind speak. And the animalistic sounds.

  “No, but I do have wings, claws, and fangs.”

  “Shut the front door! You have…” Kat shook her head. “Now’s when I’m going to want that proof you mentioned.”

  Julian cocked one eyebrow and grinned. When he opened his mouth to smile at her, two extremely sharp-looking fangs protruded from his top gums.

  “Holy shit.”

  He held a hand out in front of him. “Are you watching?” he asked. Somehow he’d spoken without poking his bottom lip. “Look at my hand, Sweetheart.”

  Katherine did as he said, and five claws extended from his fingertips. “Shut the front door,” Kat exclaimed again. She reached out to touch them, but Julian pulled back.

  “Those are razor sharp,” he warned.

  “I’ll be careful,” she promised. When Julian held his hand out, Kat ran a finger along the top of one of the long claws. “Holy shit,” she muttered a second time. “Okay…” She blew out a deep breath. That was some crazy shit right there, but he still had a pair of wings to show her. “Let’s see the wings.”

  Julian stood and removed his shirt. Kat’s eyes were immediately drawn to his sculpted chest. She was tempted to touch his skin. Trace the indention between his pecs and continue south to where the dark hair trailed underneath his belly button ending behind his pants. “Kat,” Julian growled. When she looked up, a pair of leathery wings protruded from his back. She had expected feathers for some reason, but those… those were so much more… More masculine. More fitting of a super human. No, a Gargoyle.

  “Can I touch them?” she asked, standing to get a closer look.

  Julian took a step back. “Not yet, Sweetheart. Touching my wings is the most intimate thing you could do.” When Kat frowned, he continued, “Even more so than touching my cock. Only a mate is allowed to touch a Gargoyle’s wings.”

  “I thought I was your mate.”

  “You are my intended; that is true. Until we seal the bond…”

  “How do we do that? Is it like a ceremony?”

  “No, nothing like that. I simply bite you with my fangs.”

  “Simply? Won’t it hurt?”

  “It will be during sex when you are so caught up in an orgasm you won’t have time or the mental capacity to think about the sting. Before that happens, you have to agree to be my partner for eternity. Being Gargoyle, I was raised knowing I will live for thousands of years should I choose to do so. Being human, you do not have that mindset. If you accept the bond, you will also live an extraordinarily long life. You can still be killed, but diseases are less likely to take over your body.”

  “How long do I have to decide?” Kat needed time for everything to sink in. Had Julian not shown her what he was, she probably wouldn’t have believed him. Then again, she’d seen the Unholy, so she already knew there to be other types of beings besides humans. Then there were the clones, although they were technically created. Katherine continued eyeing Julian’s wings, thinking how they would feel beneath her fingertips. “If you have wings that means you can fly, right?”

  Julian flapped his wings and hovered above the ground. “Yes, though we only do so under the cover of night. It would not do for humans to find out about us. It is one reason most of us have large properties. We need to be able to phase without being seen.” Julian returned his feet to the ground, and his wings disappeared. Kat would have liked a closer inspection, but she could understand why he tucked them away, wherever that was.

  “Where do you put them?” She walked around behind him, but there was no indication on his skin where the wings went or how he got something so large to disappear. She touched his shoulders where they should have been, and Julian shivered.

  Stepping away from her, Julian picked his shirt up and slid his arms into the sleeves before pulling it over his head. “You have as long as you need to decide whether or not you wish to complete the bond. I would like for you to continue living with me while we get to know one another better. I would also like for you to sleep in my bed every night. If that is moving too quickly, I will abide by your wishes, but it will make the beast happy if you would do so.”

  “It wouldn’t make you happy?”

  “Oh, it would make me ecstatic. Having you next to me every night would be pure heaven.” Julian sat back down on the bench and pulled Kat onto his lap. “I know this is probably hard to fathom, but you seem to be doing okay with what I have told you. Do you have any questions?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Katherine had more questions than she’d ever had in her time as a reporter, but she didn’t know where to start. “I have so many questions. You will probably get tired of me asking them. I am a reporter, after all, so the inquisitive side will be front and center most of the time. Is there a mate’s manual for newbies like me?”

  Julian laughed, and the sound went straight to Kat’s soul. She had read many times where people said children’s laughter was the best sound ever. That may be true someday, but to hear this man, this Gargoyle, laughing made her feel like she had sunshine on the inside.

  “No, but there should be. Maybe you can do the honors. As you ask questions and I give the answers, you can write it all down and pass it along to the next mate who is found.”

  “How many human mates are there?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. Sophia would be the one to ask that question tonight when you females are gossiping away with your wine.” Julian rubbed his nose against Kat’s neck, inhaling deeply.

  “Did you sniff me?”

  “Yes. Your scent is intoxicating. If I could, I would bottle it and carry it around in my pocket for those times when we are separated.”

  Katherine twisted around so she was straddling Julian’s lap and placed her hands on his shoulders. She would never get enough of staring at his handsome face, even if she agreed to be his mate and they lived to be thousands of years old. “Wait, if I live a long time, won’t I grow old?”

  “No. Once we complete the bond, you will stop aging. Tessa and her mother could pass for twins.”

  “Her mother is a mate?”

  “Yes, and that makes Tessa a half-blood. She can phase – that is what we call it when the fangs and claws come out – but she doesn’t have wings, nor does she have the special skin. She is otherwise enhanced, the same as Gregor.”

  “Isabelle is one too, isn’t she?”

  “Yes, as is Sophia. How did you figure that out?”

  “When Nikolas called to inform you the agent was on the warpath, you didn’t relay the conversation to anyone. Dante left the room, and Isabelle got busy getting the tracker out of my neck.”

  “You are correct. Her father is Jonas Montague, and her mother is human.”

  “Jonas Montague? As in the mad scientist?”

  “The ver
y one. He is responsible for the prosthetics we have been wearing. Not only is he the ‘father’ of the first cloned baby, who happens to be Tessa’s brother, Tamian, he is Chief of Staff at New Atlanta Hospital.”

  “No, the Chief of Staff is Joseph Mooneyham.”

  “Who is really Jonas wearing a prosthetic.”

  “This is crazy. Wait, Tamian’s a clone?”

  “Yes. So is Trevor. But that is his story to tell you.”

  “Holy shit. I’m going to need a spreadsheet to keep everyone straight. Do I know any more Gargoyles?”

  “Let’s see… Dane Abbott is a half-blood. He is Isabelle’s brother. Do you remember Vincent Alexander?”

  “The man who tried to kill Kaya?”

  “Yes, he is also their brother. When he transitioned for the first time, he was out in public. He was kidnapped and taken to a lab where his blood was synthesized and used to create super soldiers, only the plan backfired and that is what created the Unholy.”

  “Get out of town.” Kat’s mind was reeling with all this new information. As she thought about Trevor, something he said came to mind. “Trevor mentioned war. What was that about?” she asked while threading her fingers through Julian’s now short hair. Being seated facing him allowed her to look at him while they talked, but it also put her precariously close to his crotch. She was doing her best to sit still, but it was taking a lot of willpower she didn’t have.

  Julian shifted on the bench, putting his butt closer to the edge and her closer to his erection. Kat moaned when his hard length brushed against her. The panties she wore were little protection against his hard cock. A vibration rolled through his body, and Julian was pressing up into the juncture of her legs. “Sweetheart, I know you have a lot of questions, but I am having a hard time concentrating on anything other than taking you to bed and making you scream my name.”


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