Beauty and the Book Boyfriend

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Beauty and the Book Boyfriend Page 9

by K. M. Galvin

  It’s happening and no matter how hard I try, I do not posses mind control over my nips.

  I roll my lips over my teeth and stare unblinkingly at Caleb, who I’m sure can see them. I’m sure Ali can too; for God’s sake I’m wearing a thin lacy bra! I just had to wash my thick cotton monstrosity today. My traitorous subconscious must have known this time would come.

  Don’t think that word, Bellamy.

  What word?

  No, Bellamy… don’t think of come.


  I shift slightly on the table and Ali lifts the tattoo gun instantly, murmuring for me to be still, totally focused on her task. Ok so maybe she’s not paying attention, but I’ll tell you who is.

  Caleb, lust-filled eyes, Pace. He’s no longer looking at my face, no those gorgeous peepers of his have taken a trip down south to the twin peaks.

  My body flushes with heat from his gaze and, to my utter embarrassment, I feel myself get wet. Time and place, Bellamy!

  Crossing my legs at my ankles, I try to relieve the pressure building there. Caleb tracks the movement before flicking his attention back to my face… and shit, he knows.

  Curling my fingers into my palms, I hold my breath as he reaches out a finger and trails it down my left arm smirking as goose bumps break out all over my body.

  Ali shifts again, her arm brushing my sensitive breast and I can’t help gasping a little. I shake my head as she apologies, my focus wholly on the man who’s staring at me like a lion who spotted its prey.

  And that’s how I feel. Like a fresh kill on a platter, getting ready to be devoured. My hips buck upward slightly and Caleb shifts lower in his seat, legs splaying wide, drawing my attention to the thick bulge in his pants.

  He runs his palms down his thighs, his thumb grazing his length, and I lick my lips imagining it’s my tongue.

  “You doing ok, Bell?” he asks me knowingly. Cheeky little shit.

  I have to clear my throat in order to answer. “Yeah,” and still it’s breathy. I feel deviant, reacting this way to pain and the fact that there’s another person here. It’s naughty and only serving to heighten my desire. Or it could be neither of those things; rather it’s watching Caleb react to me that turns me on.

  I close my eyes and focus on breathing.

  “Ok! All set! I’ll let you get cleaned up before we go over care and get you settled. See you out there in a few.” Ali pats my now bandaged covered tattoo. I didn’t even notice her finishing up. Jesus.

  Caleb and I stay exactly where we are until the door shuts, and then he moves to the rolling stool Ali vacated.

  Holding my breath, I watch as he rolls around to the end of the table where my feet are.

  “You’re a dirty girl, Bellamy. Who knew?” he says softly, taking off my shoes.

  “What are you—“ I begin, but he interrupts.

  “Ah-ah. Don’t go finding your voice now, baby. You’re going to want to stay quiet for this, no matter how much I want to hear you scream.” He bites his full bottom lip, color high on his cheeks before grabbing my ankles and yanking me down the table until my ass is half on, half off and my legs are over his shoulders.

  “Caleb,“ my voice trembles over his name, but I’m not sure if it’s a protest or a plea for him to hurry up.

  “I had to sit there with you watching me, eyes glazed with sex. Your fucking nips begging me to suck them and then, fuck—“ he breaks off, closing his eyes and licking his lips as he remembers, “you move your hips as if you already feel me down here and it’s all I can do not to fuck you. Ali here or not.”

  I let out a low moan and roll my hips at his words. Apparently I like dirty talk. I like everything he’s doing.

  He unzips my jeans, pulling them down my legs along with my panties and I whimper as the cold air hits my bare, wet pussy.

  “Oh shit,” I whisper. I couldn’t believe we’re doing this.

  “God, Bellamy,” he groans at the sight of me, the look on his face… damn I wish I had a pen and paper just so I could write down the carnality of it. Memorialize it with words. “This has to be quick.”

  “I don’t care,” I breathe.

  “Everyone will know my mouth was on you.” I clench at his words and he smiles evilly before giving me a long, teasing lick. I arch off the table and he growls, “And they’ll know how much you fucking loved it.”

  I fling one of my arms over my face, shoving my mouth into the soft space where my forearm and upper arm meet, desperate to conceal the sounds coming out of me.

  One of his hands presses firmly on my lower belly, holding me in place. His lips pay special attention to my clit, kissing it, sucking it into his mouth, laving it with his tongue, nearly sending me into outer space from the sensations. It drives me wild, but it’s not until he begins to finger me while tormenting my clit. I think I might die. I get why the French call an orgasm “the little death.”

  I give up on stifling myself in order to give my breasts the attention they crave. I palm them roughly, pulling the cups of my bra down so I can feel the heated skin against my palms, pinching my nipples. I let out a pathetic mewl from how good it feels.

  “Give it to me, Bell. God, I can’t wait to fuck you. I can feel you sucking at my fingers. Imagine how your pussy is gonna suck my cock. Come on baby, show me how it feels when you come.”

  God, his words! I really need to write this shit down!

  He adds another finger and increases his assault and suddenly the pull in my lower belly releases in an explosion of spasms. I stiffen, eyes rolling, and I moan his name as I grind against his mouth and fingers. He continues to lap, drinking down my orgasm, triumphant eyes on mine the entire time.

  I can’t even be mad; he earned it.

  The next couple minutes are silent, yet oddly not awkward. He helps me clean up with paper towels from the sink and I dress quickly.

  Our faces are another story; nothing we can do about that.

  Oh and the distinct scent of sex clings to us both. We exit the small room, smelling like sin.

  The closer we get the end of the hallway, the slower I walk. “Caleb, I-” I choke, unable to go on.

  The shakiness in my knees and the clamminess of my hands makes me want to escape back into the room and hide from what we’ve done.

  He’s in front of me in an instant, hands on my cheeks and forehead resting against mine. “Relax, stay behind me if you need to. Or walk right out the door, talk to no one. I’ll pay the bill and get the care information. You don’t have to speak to anyone.”

  I tug at his shirt out of frustration with myself. Why can’t I be normal? Why can’t I be proud that I crossed off another thing on my to-do list or enjoy an orgasm from the amazing guy in front of me?

  Why does it always come down to what other people think?

  “Bellamy, I promise you, no one cares as much as you think they do. People are selfish creatures. I was teasing you earlier. I could tell you liked the idea-“

  “I did. Do,” I interrupt. “And you’re right. I just don’t like feeling vulnerable.”

  “Baby Bell-“

  “Ew.” I scrunch my face up at this new nickname and a grin lights his face.

  “Sweet, baby Bell. My little Blue Bell.” He pauses for a moment. “I like that one. Hmm. Blue Bell.”

  “Why must you call me anything but my name?” I tug his shirt in aggravation.

  “I want to show my affection. It makes me feel close to you. Besides, you call me Summer.”

  I chuckle. “Caleb, when I call you Summer I’m basically calling you a douchebag. That makes you feel the warm and fuzzies?”

  He wraps my arms around his waist, bringing me into a hug. “Well, yeah. I like it.”

  “Ok, weirdo.” I pat his ass and grab his hand. “It’s been like twenty minutes and you’re distraction worked. Let’s go.”

  We make our way out to the lobby area to find Ali chatting amicably with Logan and Natalie.

  “There you are!” Natalie p
ops out of her seat the minute she sees us.

  “Sorry, a little anxiety action went down.” I give a small smile and take the packet of info Ali hands over.

  “That’s not the only thing that went down—. Shit! Ow!” Logan yelps.

  I don’t need to turn around to know that Natalie probably junk punched him.

  Caleb hands over his card and I lean close, “You really don’t have to do that.”

  He leans down to whisper, “You can buy my first lap dance when we get to Vegas.”

  Remembering our conversation from ages ago, “I was kidding about going to a strip club. Wait… I never said I wanted to go to one. You did!”

  “I have a bucket list too, remember.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I mutter under my breath before turning to Ali.

  “Thank you so much. You don’t mind if I share your business information online, do you?”

  She looks confused for a moment. “No?”

  “She’s a big book nerd. He’s the bare-chested dude on her novels,” Logan sort of explains and hold on—

  “Bare chested dude on my novels?” I ask Natalie, who smiles way too big at me.

  “So, we should definitely have this conversation in private, but in short your covers are getting rereleased in time for the last novel, and Caleb here will be our cover model.”

  I slam my hands on my hips. “What about Makyla, our heroine. Our narrator. The goddamn reason these books are written?”

  Natalie puts her hands up in surrender. “Hey, I’m on your side. But Susan is convinced this hulking mass of beefcake will sell units. I’m sorry, honey, you’re outvoted.”

  I turn my glare to Caleb, who shrugs, not bothered in the least. “Don’t look at me. I don’t care about any of this shit. No offense.”

  I scoff, done with all of this. I want my bed, some snacks, and my books. “Ali, it’s been a pleasure.”

  “I’m sure,” Logan says behind me as he follows Natalie out the door.

  I give him a quick punch to the kidney before turning to wave at Ali, not bothering to wait for Caleb to sign the receipt.

  “Logan, you’re such a pain in the ass,” I bark, shoving him out of the way so I can stand next to Natalie, “And we need to talk. With Susan.”

  “She’ll be in Los Angeles for the photo-shoot,” Natalie tells me, wincing at my expression.

  “Natalie, that’s in four days. Four. Days,” I enunciate angrily.

  “Everything was just finalized. You still get final approval. ”

  “Yeah, great. Over the selection of covers with Caleb’s naked chest.”

  “You could always pose with him,” she suggests off the cuff, but the moment the words leave her mouth, I can tell she loves the idea. I back up slowly as her face lights up. “Wait a minute. Just—hold on.”

  “Nat, no,” I shut it down immediately.

  “Please!” she begs, bouncing on her heels. “Please, please, please!”

  “Logan, get your girl.” I point at the begging lunatic, but Logan’s busy on his phone hopefully getting our Uber.

  Caleb comes waltzing out of the shop, practically whistling, and my lip curls. I barely rein in the need to knock his ass down a peg when Logan announces, “Cars here!”

  I rush over to grab the front passenger seat so I don’t have to sit next to her… or him. Or the other him for that matter.

  Everyone is officially on my shit list at the moment.

  “You’re thinking out loud,” Caleb says from behind me.

  I fling my hand behind my back and smirk when I make contact. “Good, then you know already to give me wide birth.”

  “Is this because—?“ he trails off, but I know where he’s going.

  “Shut. Shut it! Shut it up,” I cut him off rapidly, “And no. It’s because the books I love are going to be defiled by your naked bod purely to sell units.”

  “She’s a puritan when it comes to her art,” Natalie whispers loudly.

  “Oh sure, like she’s never once sacrificed a plot line because of something her publisher wants or caved to pressures of her fans. Yeah, I bet she’s all about staying true to her story. Do you still hold those ideals while you’re getting shoved into leather and Natalie is spackling your face with forty pounds of make up?” Logan scorns.

  “Excuse me!” I flip around in my chair, nearly choking myself with my seatbelt. “I don’t know what your problem is, but I don’t believe anyone is paying you to open your mouth and give your opinion. In fact, maybe I should call your boss.”

  Logan glares at me. “I don’t like hypocrites. It’s not the so-called ‘selling out’ that bothers you. Or maybe it does, but not nearly as much as you’re playing up. You don’t like the idea of Caleb on the covers.”

  “Why don’t we take a break?” Natalie uses her arm to cut between us as if to physically cut the tension, but Logan and I are busy locking horns.

  “I don’t give a shit what he does, but maybe he does. Did anyone ask if he’s ok with taking his clothes off for this?”

  Logan slow claps. “Wow. Nice pivot. Yeah, I’m so sure you’re pissed because you’re worried about how Caleb feels going shirtless.”

  “Logan, shut the fuck up,” Caleb says lightly, but the steel underneath is enough for both of us to take a breath.

  “She’s jealous. I don’t need her making our lives difficult because of it or bitching at Natalie either. Y’all fucking around isn’t a good idea. Something goes wrong we both get fired, man. There’s more on the line than just you getting your dick wet.”

  “Wow. Nice mouth,” I drawl, turning in my set to dig out my phone and headphones. Time to self-medicate with some music.

  “I swear to God Logan—“ Caleb’s words are drowned out as I crank the volume up, blaring Needed Me by Rihanna.

  Fuck Logan.

  Fuck Caleb and the book covers.

  And fuck this fucking trip.

  IT’S SEVEN IN THE MORNING and sitting across from me in a nearly deserted dining room… because it’s seven fucking in the morning… is a shockingly awake Caleb. Study books piled on either side of him, pencils sharp and calculator ready to… well, calculate.

  “When I said I would help you in the morning, I figured it would be at a decent time,” I croak, reaching for my mug of black coffee.

  “A lot of people are up at this time, Blue Bell.” He points to the people milling about near the front desk.

  Rolling my eyes. “Those are the employees, numb nuts.”

  “Ok! I just need you to check my answers,” he says handing over a completed workbook and pulling another one in front of himself.

  “Where’s the key?” I shift so I’m sitting cross-legged in the chair and get to work when he taps his pencil to the smaller answer book to my left.

  We sit quietly and work for about an hour. I’m so tempted to gush about how proud I am of him, but considering I broached the idea of him taking this test almost a month ago and he’s just now getting around to studying, I don’t want to scare him away.

  He’s gotten over being embarrassed about it in front of Natalie and Logan too. After all, there isn’t a lot of privacy on this trip and secrets were a luxury afforded to the lonely. Of which we are not.

  A throat clears loudly and I don’t have to look up to know Logan is looming over us. I continue to ignore him as Caleb greets his friend.

  “Hey man. Grab a seat. We’re about to finish up, you can eat with us.” Caleb kicks at the chair between us to push it out a little.

  I glare fiercely across the table, but Caleb pretends not to see me.

  “I’m actually here to talk to the death ray over here,” Logan chuckles, waving a hand in front of my face to break my concentration. “Are you trying to melt him into his chair?”

  “Or telepathically tell him to send you away,” I retort before giving him my attention. “What do you want?”

  “Bellamy,” Caleb warns under his breath.

  I jerk around towards him, “Do not ‘Be
llamy’ me. I wasn’t the one who went full tyrant yesterday.”

  “I’d like to point out that you threatened to fire us so yeah, you kind of did.”

  “Oh my God. Caleb, get your friend.” I stand up and grab my room key and phone.

  “Sorry! I’m sorry, Bellamy, wait.” Logan follows me towards the elevator bank.

  “Logan, you need to take a walk. In the opposite direction of me, preferably.”

  “We need to talk.” He slams his hand in front of me, his arm blocking the entrance to the elevator.

  “And what exactly do you think we’re doing right now?” I narrow my eyes.

  “You’re clearly trying very hard not to punch me.” He smiles and it’s so fucking disarming I roll my eyes in defeat.

  Ugh, pretty people.

  I sigh heavily, exhausted. It’s too early for this shit. “What do you want, Logan?”

  “You go running around this time right?”

  I snort. “I slowly jog, mostly walk until I see donuts or bagels advertised somewhere, eat, and then slowly jog back.”

  “Sounds good. Meet me down here in ten,” he says and leaves.

  Except leaving means going into the elevator with me.

  I follow him inside, neither of us acknowledging the other. Not even when we go to press the button for floor five at the same time. We’re two seconds away from rocking on our heels and whistling when I can’t control it any longer and a giggle slips out.

  I glance at him out the corner of my eye and see him grinning.

  “Should have planned that exit better, huh?” I laugh full out.

  “I forgot we were both going to the same place,” Logan chuckles warmly, bringing a reluctant smile to my face.

  “Really took the drama out of your exit.”

  “Shut up, all my exits are dramatic,” he sniffs.

  We fall back into an amicable silence until a dinging announces our arrival. “I don’t want to be mad at you, Logan,” I begin as we exit, but my phone vibrates, interrupting my thoughts. Caleb.

  Y’all ok?

  Like you weren’t listening around the corner the entire time.


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