Beauty and the Book Boyfriend

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Beauty and the Book Boyfriend Page 11

by K. M. Galvin

  Hours later, Natalie and I stumble into the hotel atrium, giggling like mad. Our arms laden with signed memorabilia, posters, and a some Jedi’s light saber with his number scrawled on the grip.

  We’re giddy from being surrounded by like-minded individuals and smiling like fools when I run into a wall… that happens to be a very pissed off Logan.

  “Welp,” I say and barely contain my nervous laughter. I feel like my dad just caught me sneaking back into the house.

  I look to Natalie to see if she should run, but she’s locked in some Wild West stare down with Logan.

  “Ok, well, I’m just gonna-“

  “Caleb’s upstairs in our room. Natalie and I need to talk. Occupy yourselves for a few hours.” Logan grabs Natalie’s hand and leads her away.

  “Right.” I blow out a breath, hitch my Guardians of the Galaxy poster high in my arms, and make my way towards Caleb. Hopefully I get a better greeting than Natalie just did.

  I knock on his door. “It’s me.”

  I hear him shuffling inside and tug on my jacket nervously… holy crap! I didn’t change. Ah, Bellamy, come on!

  I look from side to side, thinking maybe I’ll have time to run down the hallway to my room except ugh! What if Natalie and Logan are make up sexing?


  Before I can do anything, the door swings open revealing a shirtless Caleb. Clad only in loose gray sweatpants, it’s obvious he just showered. The water clings to his skin, hair slicked back drawing attention to the sharp details of his gorgeous face, but most importantly… those sweatpants are clinging to his wet body.

  Hello. Yum. Yes, please.

  “Hi.” My voice cracks and I clear it, embarrassed. Femme fatale I am not. “Hey,” I greet again and wave this time, cheeks heating. Ah come on Bellamy, get a grip.

  “You look hot, what are you dressed as?” Caleb smiles and takes my hand to draw me into his sex palace… uh I mean room.

  I give my head a little shake and focus. “I’m Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We went to Comic Con.”

  “I see it now.” He tugs on my jacket before relieving me of my purse and goodies.

  I stand there helpless, trembling at the sight of him, more than a little alarmed that I can be turned on so quickly. Maybe it’s the thought of our time being shortened so dramatically or maybe it’s the fact that he’s hot as hell standing wet and half naked in front of me.

  Whatever it is, I’m ready to fly at him like a spider monkey, climb him like a tree, and make his body my home.

  “Why are you looking me like that?” he asks. I guess my sex face is unfamiliar.

  Time to be bold, Bell.

  “I realized something today.” I move past him, purposefully brushing my body against his and shrug out of my jacket. Tossing it on the chair in the corner, I look around the room. Forced nonchalance my weapon against nerves.

  “What’s that?” Caleb leans casually against the wall. Watching me. He’s always watching me. Waiting for me to make a move, letting me take the lead. Feeling me out. Silently asking permission.

  But there is a difference in taking your time and hesitating. He’s hesitating now.

  That day in the tattoo parlor changed things, but I think he thinks he pushed me too far. That could be my fault.

  But I’m tired of waiting. It’s time to create opportunity.

  I watch as the realization of where this is going hits him. I can almost see him grow larger, muscles expanding ready to flex against my hands. His breaths become deeper and he stands straighter, as if to put himself on display for me. His eyes darken to that dusky gold I’ve come to realize as lust. For me.

  Licking his lips, he stands away from the wall and crosses his arms over his chest, making the muscles in his arms and chest bulk up.

  I never once realized how shallow of a person I am, but holy hell I might be in love with his body. Shit.

  I hear him snicker and see the amused smugness on his face. I narrow my eyes, what a cocky little shit.

  It is almost insulting how well he can read me now, that he has to read me at all. I want him to take because I don’t know if I can do more than make the first move here. He needs to shove me over that finish line.

  “Nothing about us or our situation is typical.” I slip out of my shoes, toes curling into the unforgiving carpet.

  “Agreed.” He nods and takes a step forward. My breath hitches and despite myself, I glance down at his growing erection.

  Goose bumps break out all over my body as I reach up to let my hair down. God that feels good. Shaking it out, I continue, “So treating us like a normal couple is counter productive.”

  “Do you want something, Bellamy?” he asks, drawling my name in a way that makes it sounds dirty. I’ve never heard my name sound like that, every syllable drawn out as if he tastes the sounds on his tongue.

  “Yeah,” I admit and close my eyes. Gathering myself, I slip the straps of Natalie’s dress over my shoulders, shivering as it falls to pool at my feel. I’m left clad only in my white strapless bra and lacy boy shorts. “You.”

  Caleb exhales sharply, but I’m afraid to open my eyes. This is the line I’m unwilling to cross without help. I’ve done as much as I can alone. I need… I need…

  “Fuck,” he gasps.


  He lifts me, my legs wrapping naturally around his waist, and we both groan at the contact of our most intimate parts coming meeting. I undulate against him, a slow grind, intoxicated by his strength, warmth and smell.


  I nuzzle into his neck and drag my lips along his pounding pulse before biting down. He drives me insane; I want to mark him. Tattoo his skin with my mouth.

  “Have you been drinking?” he moans as I move to give the other side the same treatment.

  “No.” Rolling my eyes, I grip his hair.

  “Drugs?” He persists, but he is clearly affected.

  “Caleb,” I whine and he chuckles.

  “Tell me honestly… have you been abducted by aliens?”

  “Caleb!” I groan in frustration.

  “Just making sure.” And then he launches me onto his bed before quickly following me down.

  I spread my legs so he can settle his hips there. My mouth reaches for his again, but he yanks the cups of my bra down so they are situated underneath my breasts. He smiles at them, clearly delighted at the sight.


  I throw an arm over my face so I don’t have to see his reactions and he snickers.

  “Don’t be embarrassed that I find you attractive,” he whispers against my nipple before laving it with his tongue.

  “I’m not,” I groan, arching into his mouth.

  “Liar.” Moving to the other one, “I have to put up with your sex eyes every time you look at me. The least you can do is enjoy it when I return the favor.”

  “I don’t have sex eyes every time I look at you.” I so do.

  “I feel like a piece of meat, to be honest,” he admits, kissing his way down my stomach.

  “Caleb!” I gasp, knowing where he’s heading. My feet try to find purchase on the bed, but they slip. He hasn’t even begun and I already know I’m too sensitive. “I’m ready. Just get in, I want you in-”

  “Not until I’ve tasted you,” he disagrees, throwing my restless legs over his shoulders so my pelvis is lifted. I have no way to escape and he knows it. Keeping his eyes locked on my own, Caleb leans down and gives my pussy one long, luscious lick before blowing against my heated skin.

  My back bows as a startled cry is ripped from my throat. “Caleb!”

  “Scream my name, Bellamy,” he demands and begins tonguing me in earnest. The time before, we were constrained by being practically in public. Now, there’s only us. I can get as loud as I want and judging by the look on his face that’s what he wants.

  My hands grip the sheets, trying to ground myself to something, anything. I slam my head against the pillow as the tingling in my lower belly grows to fireworks.
I have no leverage to get away from his persistent mouth, my only option was to go with it, but this was…

  I’ve never…

  Holy shit…!

  “Caleb, what’s happening? Stop. Ok, ok! Caleb?” I pant, I plead with him as my vision goes dark around the edges. My nipples pucker into unbearably hard peaks. “Caleb!” I yell as my orgasm explodes.

  I don’t know how long I’m shaking, but it feels like I’ll be lost to this forever. I’m dimly aware of Caleb crawling up my body, nuzzling my sweat slick skin as he goes.

  I jerk slightly with every touch he gives me, my skin oversensitive. It feels as though there are currents of electricity running over me, little shocks in time with the contraction of my muscles as I come down from my high.

  He settles his weight over me and I let out a contented sigh, loving the feel of his body covering mine. I try to lift an arm to smooth out his hair, but it falls uselessly to the bed.

  “What the hell?” I whisper, slightly shocked, and his chest moves with his silent laughter. “It’s not funny.”

  “I wish I recorded the sounds you make so I can set it as my ringtone,” he tells me, snuggling down further.

  “What a great idea. So the next time you’re shopping for milk and someone calls you, the porno styling’s of Bellamy Strong fill the air.” I chuckle softly, shifting underneath him.

  He nudges my legs wide and settles his erection against my sensitive pussy, “Oh God.”

  I tilt my pelvis, causing his cock to sink deeper between my thighs and he growls quietly in my ear, “I’m going to fuck you.”

  “Yes.” I wasn’t going to argue with him. He orgasm-ed the fight right outta me.

  Caleb chuckles and settles his forehead against mine. “Let me hear that mouth of yours.”

  I laugh and bite his shoulder. “What do you want me to say? That I want you to take that hard cock and fuck another orgasm out of me?”

  Caleb moans loudly, gets up to his knees, and hooks his arms under my knees. Yanking me down a little, “that’s exactly what I want you to say.”

  “Get it, big boy.” I giggle at the look he slants me.

  “You were doing so well.”

  “Caleb, are you going to get inside me or are we going to… Oh cheese and rice!” I squeal as he thrusts, filling me completely.

  Caleb barks out a laugh, “What did you just say?”

  Embarrassed, I hide my face beneath my hands. “Forget what you just heard. I was speaking in tongues.”

  “Did you yell ‘Oh cheese and rice’?”

  “Caleb, shut up and move.” I roll my hips, redirecting his attention.

  His grip on my legs tightens and he slams into me, slowly building speed. Our heavy breathing and the slapping of our skin fills the air, it’s an erotic soundtrack and only further heightens my arousal.

  His reactions as I clench around him are quickly becoming my favorite sounds in the world. I’ve never been with a guy who was vocal before and I’m beginning to understand how much I was missing out. It ramps up the pleasure you get when you know they’re losing so much control.

  “Look at you,” Caleb says to himself, obviously because not only is that physically impossible, my eyes were too busy rolling in the back of my head. “Fuck, Bellamy, look at you.”

  I try to imagine what he sees, black hair curling from the humidity in the air and spread out over the white pillowcase. Hazel eyes bright with hunger and olive skin flush pink.

  My breasts are bouncing with his movements; his eyes go to them every couple of seconds so I smirk, arching my back a little.

  “Are you showing off those pretty tits to me, baby?” Caleb’s question comes out a throaty growl. It’s so deep I feel the vibration in my toes.

  I bite my lip and do it again, causing him to snarl before swooping down to draw one of the taught peaks in his mouth for a quick suck.

  Rearing back up, he increases the power of his thrusts, anchoring his hands above my shoulders so he’s caging me in.

  The muscle in his flat stomach flex with every thrust, little rivulets of sweat bead down his body highlighting the contours of muscle, but it’s the look on his face that arrests me. Color rides high on his cheekbones and he’s biting his lush bottom lip as his eyes hood in desire.

  Deciding to fuck with him, I cup my breasts in my hand and massage them. My thumbs make circles over my nipples and it feels so good, I let out a tiny moan.

  “Goddammit Bellamy! I want to make you come before I do.”

  “Guess you better try harder then.” I smile cheekily and squeal when he pulls out to flip me over. Uh oh!

  Lifting my ass in the air, he gives it a playful slap before entering me from behind. I cry out from the depth he’s able to reach from this position and arch my back further, arms reaching out in front of me to grip the top edge of the mattress.

  “You want to come, honey?” he whispers in my ear, slowly gliding in and out of me so I can feel every inch of his dick.

  “Please,” I gasp.

  Caleb reaches underneath me to find my clit and begins to rub in deliberate circles. I move my hips frantically to meet his thrusts. I’ve never come twice before, it’s just not something I’ve ever expected to happen, but when that lower pull in my stomach begins again I’m desperate to meet it.

  “Caleb, harder. Faster!” I demand when I feel myself get wetter and he complies.

  “Give it to me, Bell.” His hands grip my hips, squeezing roughly, and I know I’ll probably have bruises but I can’t seem to give a shit. “Come on, baby, let go.”

  I scream as it tidal waves over me. Who knew second orgasms were more potent than the first? I move wildly against him, my inner muscles clenching around his dick make him curse.

  “Bell, can I? I’m safe,” he asks, and I know how stupid it is. We’ve never exchanged history and we weren’t using a condom, but I’m safe and I trust him.

  “Yes. It’s ok. We’re covered,” I gasp and not a second after I answer, he’s coming inside me. “God, Caleb. I feel you. I can feel you.”

  He hooks his arm under my waist and flops us both to our sides so we’re spooning. He’s still inside me, thrusting gently as both our bodies jerk slightly in aftershock.

  “Stay,” he asks quietly.

  I had no plan to leave. I’m exactly where I want to be. “Ok.”

  I MUST BE STARING AT the ceiling for a while because sunlight has long since crawled across it and settled into place. I on the other hand could not be more unsettled. Silently counting my breaths, I force myself to stay still, feeling the sleepy heaviness of my limbs. I’m a thousand well-loved, exhausted pounds.

  If I convince myself I’m heavy enough, I’ll continue to stay right where I am. I’ll even fall back asleep. I can transport myself right back here, but twelve hours earlier when things were simpler. When my head was blissfully quiet.

  Nice and quiet. Peaceful sleep.

  Why the hell did I have to wake up first and be stuck with my thoughts? I suppose I could kick Logan out of my room, assuming he’s in there with Natalie.

  Of course he is. They totally made up last night. Probably more.

  I look over at Caleb and glare at his unaware, peaceful visage. Not that if he were awake would he be anxious or awkward about the morning after. He’d probably roll right on top of me and continue last night’s activities. Easy going asshole.

  “Bell,” Caleb murmurs, and my eyes fly to his face in shock. His eyes are still closed and I wonder if I imagine him saying my name. Oh! He could have said it in his sleep. Aw, cute.

  I turn fully on my side and scoot closer to listen better when he turns his head to me, blinking sleepily.

  “Morning,” I whisper nervously.

  “I notice you left out the word ‘good’ in that greeting. Does that mean it’s not a good morning for you?” His tone is light, but I can tell he’s serious.

  I stare unblinkingly like a total freak and shake my head slightly.

worrying so much. Your overthinking woke me up.” He yawns and stretches, nearly knocking me in the face. Instantly annoyed that all his apprehension from less than a minute ago appears to be gone, I glare while he settles back into his pillows. How does he do that?

  “I can’t help it!” I yank the covers over my head.

  Caleb joins me underneath, refusing to let me hide. “There is a certain amount of worrying that is productive. The rest is useless rumination that will drive you insane or work you up so much you have an attack.”

  “How do I know when I’ve worried enough?” I challenge, as if there is some way to tell.

  Caleb shrugs and kisses me quickly. “That part I don’t know. My guess would be acknowledging your feelings; ask yourself if you have any control of the situation. If you do, then do something and stop worrying. If you don’t, then stop worrying because whatever happens is going to whether you stress about it or not. But I can bet you’d rather be ready for whatever it is instead of panicking.”

  “You make it sound so simple,” I pout.

  “It’s not simple, you’ll have to work at it. But shit, Bell, who has a better work ethic?” He smiles and whips the sheets off of us. “That’s enough heavy talk for the morning. I’m going to take a shower. You can either join me or not. It doesn’t change what happened last night or how I feel about you. So fucking relax.”

  I watch him pad across the room naked, goddamn that ass, and disappear in the bathroom. A moment later, the shower turns on and Caleb starts singing “Love on the Brain” by Rihanna… badly. It makes me giggle like mad and I find it takes no effort to get off the bed and follow him into the shower.

  It’s only Caleb.

  I pull back the shower curtain to reveal a naked, wet and singing Caleb. And he smiles at me.

  “Do you know what it’s like to have someone smile every time they see you?” I move in front of him, getting instantly drenched, but I don’t move my attention away from his now serious gaze.


  I scoff. “Come on.”

  He leans down and I close my eyes as he gifts each lid with a gentle kiss, “You may not smile with your mouth, but every time I see you these are.”


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