Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All)

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Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All) Page 16

by Persons, Cheryl

  “You mean Avery?”

  Cassie nodded, “Yes, Avery.”

  “Oh, I was just surprised to hear you call it home.”

  Cassie shrugged, “You know what I mean.”

  He nodded as Cassie hurried away. When she entered the lobby she was relieved that she didn't see Megan or Seth. Neither one would understand her decision and it was best just to leave. When she got in Seth's room, she saw that it was bare. She went in the bathroom and picked up her clothes from the day before. As she was exiting the bathroom she heard his door slam shut. She stopped abruptly when she saw Seth standing in front of her. “Cass...” she heard the tension in his voice.

  “I'm sorry Seth, for everything. I have to go. Tell Megan I will get her clothes back to her. Thanks for everything.” She hurried past him, but he was quicker than her and he reached out to grab her. “Seth, please let me go.”

  “I don't understand Cassie. I'm sorry. I just don't understand how you can just leave after everything that has happened over the past week. Even everything that happened last night? He cheated on you and you're just going to let him back into your life?”

  “You're right. You don't understand. It isn't clear cut. Chad and I have the past 2 years to sort out. It isn't simple. I'm sorry that you can't get that.”

  “I saw you kiss.”

  “What were you doing...spying?”

  “Cassie, I'm worried about you. I don't want you to get hurt again.”

  “Let me worry about that.” Cassie knew the words were sharp, but she couldn't control that.

  “You two have had 2 years...we had a lot more than that. Yet, you're willing to give up on us and move on?”

  “Seth we were young and foolish. We didn't know what true love was and I think you're just blinded by what we once had. Neither one of us fought for our love. It must not have been strong enough. You don't get to hold onto the past, when I have to let go. Let me go.”

  “What about what you said? You said you still have feelings for me. Has that changed since last night?”

  “You were my first love Seth...I will always love you. It's just not what either one of us need right now. Good bye.” She hurried out of the room before her tears broke loose. She didn't stop running until she was outside and standing next to Chad's rental car.

  “Cassie, are you alright?”

  “I'm fine, let's just get out of here.” When she got in the car, she turned back to the Bed and Breakfast and she would never get over Seth's painful expression as he watched her from his bedroom window.


  “Are you sure everything's okay?” Cassie heard Chad talking, but she just sat there. “Cassie...”

  “I'm fine, why do you ask?”

  “Well for starters, you barely said two words since we left Dallas. With the exception of the minimal directions you passed along, I wouldn't have even known you were sitting in the passenger side. Plus, we have been in this driveway for almost a half an hour and I don't even think you've noticed.”

  Cassie looked at him and then glanced at her childhood home. “Oh, just tired I guess. Let's go.” She faked a smile as they got out of the car and headed up to her parent's door. She opened the door and looked around the empty house. “Mom, Dad, Courtney, Christopher?” She shrugged, “Doesn't look like anyone's here.”

  At that moment Courtney came around the corner, “Cassie...Chad?” She looked disappointed but then hugged her sister. “I'm glad you're home.”

  “Sure you are,” Cassie replied lightly.

  Courtney gave her an apologetic look, but Cassie just waved her away. “Mom and Dad went to the Bancroft's for a lunch and Christopher and Bradley went out for a boy's bonding.”

  “Oh, that's nice.” Cassie looked over at Chad and tried to smile. “I'll go grab my things and I'll be back before you know it.”

  “Take your time. I'll wait for you in the living room.”

  Cassie went up the stairs and she could hear Courtney's feet as they followed her. “So, what's going on?”

  Cassie shook her head, “I don't know what you mean. I'm going to stay with Chad at a hotel. It's too crowded here and we really need some time to talk. If we're going to give our relationship a chance, it's the only way.”

  “Whoa...slow down. Give your relationship a chance? After he cheated on you?”

  “Keep your voice down.”

  “I just thought that after you and Seth spent the night together, everything would be different.”

  “We didn't spend the night together...despite what you and Megan may think. I know that you two were behind setting us up and I don't appreciate it.” She knew that wasn't entirely the case, up until morning had arrived she could have given her sister a million dollars for pushing them together.

  “I'm sorry; I just hoped you would both see what a mistake you were making. So you didn't stay in his room?” Cassie heard disappointment in her sister's voice.

  “We did, but we just talked. We fell asleep and that's the end of it. I am glad you called me and warned me that Chad was in town, but I can't forget what we once had.”

  “Yet you can forget Seth?”

  “I'm not forgetting Seth. Seth was a huge part of my life and hopefully we can remain friends, but beyond just wouldn't work out.” Cassie even felt the pain in her words, but she quickly dismissed them. “So, we'll stay at a hotel. I have talked with my boss and said something came up. He extended my vacation for another week. I have missed you guys and it will be good to be here a little longer.

  “We've missed you too. I'm happy you're staying longer, but...I just hope you know what you're doing. Don't be a stranger when you're at the hotel. You can still come here and have meals with us.”

  Cassie smiled, “I know and I will. We'll come often. Now, I have some packing to do.”

  Courtney helped her to pack her things and she was surprised by how fast she was able to. She went down the stairs and found Chad. “Ready to go?”

  She nodded, “Tell everyone I said I will see them soon.” She gave her sister a hug and then Chad and her left. “I love you Courtney.”

  “I love you too Cass. See you guys soon. Which hotel are you staying at?”

  “Probably just down the road at the Holiday Inn. I'll call you later.”

  “Okay, bye.”

  Cassie got in the car and waved as they headed down the road and left the house behind.


  “So, do you want to go grab something for supper?” Cassie barely heard Chad speak the words. “Cassie...”

  “Huh?” Cassie asked as she looked at Chad.

  “Where were you? Did you even notice that we were in a hotel room?” He laughed, but Cassie didn't want to admit her mind really wasn't on him. She couldn't stop thinking about Seth's expression as she walked away from him.

  “Of course I did, it's nice.” She looked around the room and tried to shoot him a smile. “I don't care where you want to go to eat.”

  “Well...I don't know much about the restaurants here, but we could go to a place that I saw on the way to the hotel. I think it's called...Bobby...Buddy...I don't know, but it had a boy's name.”

  “Billy's Steak House?”

  “Yeah...that's it. I could use a nice steak. How about it?”

  “Sure...that sounds great.” Cassie knew it was a lie and it was the last place she wanted to go, but she wasn't in the mood to explain her reservations. It was just easier to go with it.

  “Does it have good food?” She thought about lying, but instead just nodded. “Okay, then let's go.”

  The smile on his face was unbearable and Cassie just wanted to order in pizza and be done with it, but she followed him out of the room. As they were exiting the hotel, she allowed him to take her hand into his. She looked around the parking lot, sure someone would see them. She didn't know why that would be a problem, because it wasn't like she wasn't free. It just felt different than she expected. He opened the door
and she got into the car. As he got in the car, she turned to face him. “Are you sure you don't just want to stay in tonight? We could order pizza or Chinese? It's been a long day and...”

  “Honey, I'm not tired...besides, Texas means a lot to you and we won't be here much longer. So, I want you to be able to enjoy this time and staying in a hotel room...that's just not going to cut it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I want to spend alone time with you. We have all night for that and...we will.” He reached over and grabbed her hand. Cassie looked away and just nodded as he put the vehicle into park and drove the short way to the restaurant. When he helped her out of the car, their hands stayed connected. “I love you Cassie.” He whispered as he leaned in and brushed a sweet kiss across her lips.

  When they parted, she just smiled. She wasn't ready to say it again; it was too soon after hearing of his infidelity. Cassie planted a smile as if they were the happiest couple in the world and walked into the restaurant. Her smile faded when she saw the same hostess that had been there the night she was with Seth. She smiled at Cassie, “Good evening...Miss Jamison. I didn't expect to see you so soon.” She briefly looked at Chad and frowned, but then turned back to Cassie. “We will get a table ready.”

  The hostess hurried off and Cassie couldn't ignore the fact that Chad was looking at her. “I'm sorry, did you just come here?”

  “Last week, but it doesn't matter.” In no time, she was back and she led the way to their table. Cassie stopped as they were led to the Garden Room.

  “A waitress will be with you shortly.” The young girl replied with a smile.

  As she was about to walk past her, Cassie stopped her. “Isn't there another table?”

  The girl looked confused, but then looked at Chad. “I'm sorry Miss Jamison.” We are completely packed.

  “Cassie, don't be silly, this room is great.'s private, and it will give us a chance to talk.”

  “Okay.” She pulled away from her and smiled. “Thank you.”

  She rushed away and Cassie nervously walked to the chair that Chad was holding out for her. “Cassie you seem so tense.” He moved to the other side of the table. “I don't want tonight or the rest of this week to be awkward. Maybe you should have a glass of wine to loosen up.”

  Cassie had to laugh, she wasn't a drinker but, a glass of wine might have been the best idea anyone had ever had. “Don't be silly, I'm fine.”

  “Okay, whatever you say. What do you recommend?”

  “The Cowboy Sirloin is great.” She muttered has she looked in her menu.”

  “What do you think you'll have?”

  Cassie pretended to be looking at the menu, but then looked up and laid it down. “The cowboy sirloin,” she laughed.

  “Okay, then let's make it two.”

  It was quiet as they waited for the waitress to come back and then ordered their meals. When she left them alone Cassie couldn't help but look away from his menacing stare. “This place has a lot of memories for me.” She smiled, almost to herself and pointed to the tree that Seth and she had reminisced over. “That tree was planted my sophomore year. Each year we had a class project. That's what we did for that year. The whole class signed their names at the bottom.” She looked up when Chad giggled. “What?”

  “I don't just seems like a strange class project. Planting a tree inside a restaurant?”

  “Well, it meant a lot to us back then. The owner, Billy, he was always like family to all of us. During our sophomore year he got sick and we didn't know if he would make it. So, we all bonded together and chose to plant this tree in his honor.”

  “Oh, I see...well did he?”

  “Did he what?”

  “Did he make it?”

  Cassie slowly nodded, “Yes he did. In fact, he's better than ever.”

  “So, you planted this tree to remember him? you guys regret it? After all, you could have done something else that would have...more meaning.”

  Cassie chuckled, almost in disbelief she was even hearing the words he was saying. “I don't think any of us felt it was a waste of time. I know that I would have done it all over again, had I known. I guess the important thing was he did make it, so that was all that mattered.”

  Chad nodded, “I don't want to argue Cass...”

  “Please don't call me that.”

  “Excuse me?” A concerned expression crossed his face, but Cassie didn't blink.

  “I am a grown woman and I don't want you calling me that.” She didn't know where her tenacity came from, but she was tired of not speaking her mind when it came to him.

  “Didn't I hear Seth call you that this morning?” When she didn't respond he must have gotten the message.

  “Okay, I stand corrected...Cassie, I don't want to argue. I am here to try to repair what has been broken. So, please accept my apologies.”

  She nodded, “I'm sorry I got's just that back in the day that project meant everything to me.” She looked up and smiled as the waitress came in with their food. “Thank you.”

  During the meal, she kept her attention focused on eating and kept the conversation to a minimum. “This is very good.” She heard Chad say and she just smiled. “So, have you had a chance to spend time with friends?”

  “Yeah, my best friend Scarlett and her family...I went to dinner at their house. Scarlett is pregnant with her fifth child.” Cassie laughed, “Can you imagine?”

  “Is she our age?”

  “Yes, we graduated together. They married right out of high school, we always knew they would.”

  “I can't imagine, having one child...let alone five.”

  Cassie was taken aback; she couldn't believe they had never had this conversation before. “You don't want children?”

  He snickered as Cassie waited for him to answer the question. “Cassie, maybe someday. However, I feel that if I never had a child I would be okay with that. We have our whole lives ahead of us; I have a career that really isn't tailored for kids. Besides you're getting ready to start a new job that is probably going to have you preoccupied and children wouldn't be practical.”

  “Yeah, I suppose you're right.” She leaned back in her chair, suddenly losing her appetite for the remainder of her food.”

  “Cassie don't look so down, it's not like I'm saying we'll never have kids...just not in the near future.”

  “I understand.” She was quick to reply, but she was just begging for the topic to be closed. “I'm not really hungry anymore. When the waitress comes back, tell her she can take my plate.” She stood up slowly.

  “Where are you going babe?”

  “I have to use the restroom; I'll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Hurry back, I'll miss you.” She smiled a small smile and then walked from the table. It seemed like he was trying too hard and Cassie needed a breather.

  When she got in the restroom she stared at herself in the mirror. She looked like she had aged 20 years and so she threw some fresh water on her face. It wasn't supposed to be so hard. Love was supposed to be easy. As she was about to turn away and leave she heard the bathroom door open. “Cassie?” She smiled as Scarlett entered the room. “How great is this.” She hugged her and then slowly pulled away. “Are you alright?”

  “Of course.” She faked a smiled and then slowly shook her head. “I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “You look like you've lost your best friend.” Scarlett laughed, but then slowly pulled away. “Is that it?”

  “I just don't know what to do Scarlett. I thought that I had my life all planned out and then, it all changed.”

  “Is Seth here?”

  Cassie slowly shook her head, “No, Chad came to Texas.”

  “Do you want to forgive him?”

  Cassie thought about the question and then nodded. “That's the thing, I want to forgive him. I know that he probably does feel sorry that he did it. I just don't know that I could ever forget and that might keep us from being able to move on.”
br />   “ you think that he's sorry he did it, or that you found out about it?”

  “I don't know...I would like to hope it's both, but I just can't guarantee myself that.”

  “Seth loves you and he would never do that to you.”

  “I know. Maybe it's too late for us. After all, after 10 years...we've both changed so much.”

  “You don't believe it's too late, anymore than he does. You both haven't changed as much as you think you have. I have been around you both recently and I can tell you that your chemistry is undeniable. He's torn up inside about losing you and he would do anything to rectify the situation.”

  Cassie thought about the night that they spent together talking and how she was sure that they had moved past her leaving. If it wasn't for Chad showing up that morning, she was sure she would have broken things off. Then when Chad came back into the picture, she started to worry that she was just basing her feelings off of memories and that wasn't enough. “I probably better go; Chad will be worrying about me.”

  “Cassie, do you love him?”

  Cassie turned around and fought back the tears that were about to break loose. “Scarlett, we have a connection that even time can't erase. When I met Seth, I knew that we would have a bond together and I discovered I was right. Yet, sometimes things can change and the moment I chose to leave...I knew what I was doing.”

  Scarlett shook her head, “It's funny, because when I asked that question...Seth was the one you referred to. Yet, I was talking about Chad.” Cassie just stared at her friend. “That only proves one thing; you have a lot to consider. Seth is a great guy and I know that I have only briefly met Chad, but you don't light up the way you do when you talk about Seth. It's just a plain observation.”

  “I got to go, I'll call you and maybe we can get together before I leave.” She hurried out of the room before Scarlett could say another word. When she got back to the room she stopped as she saw Chad standing next to the tree. “What are you doing?”

  “Oh Cassie, I was just looking at the names. I found yours...and Seth's.” He laughed as he turned around and looked back at the tree. “I guess I shouldn't be surprised since I knew you both were so close...still hurts. I paid the bill...want to leave?”


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