Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All)

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Following Your Heart (Love Conquers All) Page 20

by Persons, Cheryl

“Thank heavens, come in.” Cassie entered the room and her breath was taken away. “What? Do I look okay?”

  “Court, you look amazing. Bradley isn't going to know what hit him.” Cassie looked over the white wedding dress. She feared that she would start crying and she didn't want her makeup to get messed up. “I just wanted to let you know that everyone's getting ready to take their places.”

  “How does he look?”

  “Nervous,” Cassie teased. “He looks amazing. I actually think Dad looks more nervous than Bradley does.”

  Courtney smiled, “You're probably right. How does Seth look?”

  “Actually, I haven't seen him.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “I don't know; we just seemed to keep missing each other. That's okay; we'll see each other at the reception. However, there won't be a reception if we don't get the wedding over with, so we better get going.”

  “You're right.” They hugged before leaving the room and when they parted Courtney had a startled expression on her face. “Do you have his ring?”

  “Relax, you're Maid of Honor is not going to leave you hanging. I have it under control.”

  Courtney let out a sigh of relief and then looked panicked again, “What about my ring?”

  “Seth has it, I saw him put it on his dresser last night. Don't worry.”

  “What were you doing in his room?”

  “Talking, but it's not the time. You have to get down that aisle.”

  Courtney sighed heavily, “You're right, let's go.”

  Cassie smiled, “Finally,” she teased as they headed to meet up with their dad and get the show on the road.


  Cassie was relieved once her sister was standing next to Bradley and the preacher was beginning to talk. She was beginning to think they wouldn't get to that point, but now everything seemed to be running like clockwork. She smiled to herself and watched her sister exchange her vows; in the mix she looked over at Seth and saw that he was staring at her. She wondered if he was thinking about their wedding day; if they were to one day get that far. She smiled when their eyes met and he nodded as if he was reading her mind. She was so engrossed in watching him that she almost missed her cue to hand over the wedding ring. Courtney cleared her throat, bringing her out of her trance and Cassie quickly handed her the ring. Courtney smiled as she turned around and they continued the nuptials.

  When her eyes wandered back to Seth, he was grinning. She looked away; she needed to keep her focus back on Courtney. Courtney was beaming with happiness and Cassie found herself wiping away a tear. As they lighted the unity candle Cassie did her part to help to straighten out the train of the dress. They were together as one and nothing was going to break them up. “So, by the power vested in me...I now pronounce you husband and wife. Son, you may kiss your bride.” As Bradley took Courtney into his arms the crowd erupted into applause. Cassie looked at Seth and he whispered I love you, she nodded her agreement and then Courtney and Bradley made their way down the long carpet of grass. Cassie walked over to Seth and he offered her arm, she smiled as they headed down the trail. Once they got to the end of the chairs, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side of backyard. “Seth, what are you doing?” Cassie asked with a laugh.

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She snaked her arms around his neck and waited for a moment before parting the kiss. “I have been waiting to do that all morning.”

  “Hm...That’s nice. I must add you clean up nice.” She laughed as she ran her hand down his arms of his jacket.

  “Thank you, so do you.” He kissed her tenderly and then reluctantly stepped back. “I'm sorry, but I really don't want to go to the reception.”

  “Seth, we can dance and eat. We don't have to stay long.”

  He smiled, “Okay, sounds good. I would much rather talk like we did last night.”

  “You mean...wrapped up in each other’s arms, alone in your room?”

  He nodded, “That would be correct. Fact is...I just enjoy your company and I appreciate that we decided to wait until marriage before we make love again.”

  “Me too.” Cassie smiled, “It may take a lot of cold showers, but it will be worth it. We'll cut out early, but we need to make an appearance.”

  “You're right, let's get this party over with.”

  Cassie laughed, “I'm right behind ya.”

  They went back over to where the crowd had joined around the couple and the music from the DJ was now playing. “They are so in love,” Seth whispered as they watched the interaction between the bride and groom.

  “They're not the only ones.” Cassie turned around to see Scarlett and Thomas standing behind them.

  “Scarlett.” Cassie hugged her, “I am so glad you both made it.” She turned and hugged Thomas and then looked around. “The kids couldn't make it?”

  “We decided to get a babysitter; we seldom get a night away.”

  “Hey man,” Seth replied as he shook Thomas' hand and then hugged Scarlett.

  “So, are you guys...”

  Cassie looked at Seth and smiled, “We're giving our relationship a go.”

  “Fantastic!” Scarlett replied with enthusiasm. I am so happy for both of you.

  “Thank you!” Cassie wrapped her arm around Seth and pulled him closer. “I have so much more to tell you.”

  “We'll leave you two girls to chat. Thomas, you haven't been here for a couple of years...let me give you a tour.” He brushed a kiss on Cassie's cheek and waved. “See you girls later.”

  Cassie looked at the excited expression on Scarlett's face and laughed. “Cassie, start talking. The last time we talked you had decided to give your relationship with Chad another try. So, what happened?”

  “Let's sit down; you won't believe everything that's happened.” They grabbed a nearby table and took a seat and Cassie started from the beginning of the past few days. Leaving nothing out.


  Seth took Thomas down by the edge of the lake, a place that he usually went to think and sat down on a rock. “Have a seat.”

  “Seth, I don't know what changed...but you both, you look happy.”

  “We are happy. Thomas, I didn't expect this weekend to end this way. Every-time we talked we seemed to always argue and I found myself believing that it wasn't going to work out.”

  “What changed?”

  “Well, from what I have been told Cassie just realized that she wasn't happy in her relationship with Chad. So, before things got too deep...she broke up with him.”

  “Well, that relationship was doomed from the start. So, it's about time.”

  “I don't know; I honestly believe she wanted it to work out. She's not the kind of woman to take love lightly and I don't believe she would have gone as far into the relationship if she didn't feel something. I'm just glad she decided that she wasn't in love with him, at least not in the same way that we love each other.”

  “What happens now?”

  “Well, she's moving to Dallas in two weeks. She got a job at an ad agency here, so she just has to finish things up there and she'll come back to Texas.”

  “That is great news Seth. I wish nothing but the best for you two.”

  “I owe it to both you and Scarlett.”


  “You and Scarlett made me realize that nothing was more important than keeping my faith in Cassie. It got difficult, at times, but I know that if I would have given up hope...I would have been a lost soul.”

  Thomas laughed, “Well, I'm glad I could help.”

  “I'm going to propose to her.”

  Thomas' eyes got big, “When?”

  “Probably tonight. I don't want another night to pass without her knowing that I want to spend the rest of my life with her.” Seth pulled out the wedding ring box and ran it through his hands. “I gave her this ring over 10 years ago and it didn't work out then, but I am hopeful that she will accept this time. It was my aunt's weddin
g ring; she left it to me to give to the woman that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”

  “Buddy, I don't mean to be a downer...are you sure it's smart giving the same ring that you had given to Rebecca?”

  Seth chuckled, “I'm not that crazy. This isn't the ring that I gave to her. I couldn't bear the thought of proposing to another woman with this ring. I wouldn't dream of doing that and I knew that secretly it always belonged to Cassie.” He put the ring in his pocket and shrugged. “Now, let's just hope that Cassie agrees.”

  He stood up from the rock and Thomas joined him. “Good luck Man. I'm sure it will be great.”

  “I hope you're right, let's head back. I have to talk to Courtney and Bradley and I also need to have a chat with Cassie's dad.”

  “Ooohhh...the chat with the father. You'll need luck, won't this be the second time you've had this talk.”

  Seth playfully hit Thomas. “Okay, that's not helping.”

  Thomas laughed, “I'm just saying...”

  Seth shook his head and chuckled. “It will be fine.”

  “I'm just teasing you. I know; it will be great. There's your chance, her whole family is by the dance floor talking.”

  Thomas walked away, leaving Seth to make his way over to her family. “I'm glad I found you guys here. There's something I need to discuss with you guys.”


  Cassie looked over at Seth as his eyes met hers. He smiled as he ran his hand along her thigh. “When would you say would be an appropriate time to get out of here?” He asked with a gleam in his eyes.

  “Courtney and Bradley are dancing their first dance, maybe we should wait a little while.”

  “Okay, I suppose your right.”

  Cassie laughed, “Don't look so disappointed, the nights young.”

  He nodded as the DJ came on the microphone, “The couple would like this time for the other couples that are family and friends to join them on the dance floor.”

  Cassie turned to Seth as he was getting up. “Shall we?” He asked as he held out his hand.

  She stood up and followed him out onto the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around her and they danced closely as the music played on. She laid her head down on his shoulder and he pulled her closer as the other couples surrounded them. As the music came to an end, she pulled back and looked into his eyes. “I have never been happier Seth.”

  He smiled, “Me neither Cass.”

  “Hey everyone, if I could please get all the single ladies and single guys out to the center of the floor...we will have the bouquet and garter toss.” Cassie started to turn away, but Seth stopped her. “What? I don't need to do this silly tradition.”

  “Please...I'm going to do it.”

  Cassie cocked her head and rolled her eyes, “Whatever!”

  He smiled, “Good.” There weren't a whole lot of people join the group in the center, but Cassie didn't want to make a fool of her and put herself out there, so she just hung in the middle of women that were vying for the bouquet.

  Courtney was at the front of the group and was posing for a picture before she turned around and aimed for the toss. “One...Two...Three,” she cited as she turned back around and aimed the bouquet right for Cassie's arms. Cassie grabbed it will little fight as it landed in her grasp. She looked up at a smiling Courtney and grinned.

  Then it came time for the garter toss and they played sexy music as Bradley removed the garter from Courtney's leg. He then stood in front of the handful of guys and posed for the launch. “One...Two...” before he said Three he turned around and aimed the garter into Seth's hands.

  Cassie laughed and met Seth as he was walking off the floor. “I feel a conspiracy going on.”

  He smiled, “Let's get out of here.”

  Cassie agreed as they headed away from the groups of wedding guests. Cassie was about to head towards the Bed and Breakfast, but he stopped her. “What? Aren't we going inside...where it's quieter?”

  “Let's take a walk first.”

  She shrugged as he led her towards the lake on the property. Cassie didn't really know how beautiful it was until she got a chance to see it. The sun was just lying on the edge of the lake, getting ready to disappear. “This is so beautiful Seth.” She replied breathlessly as they slowly walked the edge of the lake.

  “Yes, it is.” He whispered as she squeezed his hand. “I'm glad that I could show it to you.”

  She stopped and looked up at him, “I am too.”

  He leaned down and kissed her as she ran her hands through his hair. “Cassie,” he replied softly as their lips parted. “I talked to your family today.”


  He smiled as he intertwined his fingers with hers. “About life and how much I've missed of yours.”

  “We can't go back, but we can cherish what's ahead.”

  “I know and that's why I know what I have to do.” Cassie watched as he pulled a small box from his jacket. Her eyes grew and she suddenly felt everything fall into place. “Cassie we were so young when I proposed to you the first time and I honestly believe that it might not have been the best time for us to make a life together. My Aunt gave me this ring because she wanted me to give it to the love of my life. She knew that was you. I know that I had a lot of growing up to do and I feel blessed to have this second chance in my life. So Cassie,” he slowly got down on one knee and Cassie's hand went to her mouth. “Will you marry me?”

  Cassie smiled as she saw his Aunt Sally's engagement ring lying in the box. “Seth, nothing would make me happier. Of course I'll marry you.” He smiled as he slipped the ring onto her hand and stood up. He lifted her into his arms and twirled her around. “You've kept this ring all this time?”

  “Cassie, it didn't belong on anyone's hand but yours. I love you and I will spend every day showing you just how much.”

  “I love you too Seth, so much.” Their lips connected and Cassie melted into his arms.


  5 months later

  Cassie smiled at Seth as they finished their wedding dance and another guest was tapping their glass urging them to kiss. “Is it getting old?” Seth asked as he inched closer to Cassie.

  Cassie shook her head, “Never.” They brushed their lips together and the guests applauded with eagerness. She pulled away and grabbed his hand. “Let's go mingle,” when Seth groaned...Cassie laughed. “The sooner we greet everyone, the sooner we can begin our wedding night.

  “I'm right behind you.”

  Cassie smiled to herself as he pulled her closer to him. “You guys pulled off a beautiful ceremony.” Megan was saying as they got to her table.

  Cassie smiled as she brushed the hair out of Megan and Peter's little girl's face. “We couldn't have done it without the both of you.”

  “Please...” Megan laughed.

  “Seriously,” Cassie looked up at Seth as he was beaming at her. “I owe everything to you Megan. After all, you were truly one of the reasons I believed I was missing out on what my life could be. You and Courtney.”

  “Did I hear my name?”

  Cassie turned around and saw Courtney standing behind them. She hugged her sister tightly. “We both owe you guys for making us see what we were missing out on.”

  “We all knew a good thing when we saw it. It just took you both a little longer to see it.”

  Cassie laughed, “I will never forget it, that's for sure.”

  Seth leaned down and kissed her sweetly. “Neither of us will.”

  “We'll talk to you guys later; we have more people to meet.” They left the table and Cassie spotted her ex co-worker Tiffany. Tiffany was sitting with a guy that Cassie had never seen before, but it didn't surprise her. It had been a few months since seeing her and not too many guys remained in Tiffany's life. “Hey Tiffany, I'm so glad you could make it. You remember Seth...”

  “Of course,'s good to see you again.”

  “You too Tiffany.”

  “I'm afraid
, I haven't met your new...friend.”

  Tiffany smiled and looked over at the stranger. “Cassie, this is Matt.”

  “Matt, this is Seth and Cassie, of course.”

  “Cassie...Seth, it's a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Likewise Matt,” Cassie slowly replied and then turned to Tiffany. She raised her eyebrows when she noticed the way Tiffany was looking at Matt.

  “'s your new job going?” Cassie asked quietly, still in awe at the interaction between Matt and Tiffany.

  “I'll go get us some punch, while you visit.” Matt replied quietly and then left the table.

  “Cassie, it's great. I'm sorry you left, was with good cause and I absolutely love my new duties.”

  Cassie smiled, “I'm glad to hear it.” She bit her lip and then laughed, “So, what's the deal.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Matt...You two seem...friendly.”

  Tiffany laughed, “We're just friends.”

  “Hey babe...I'm going to leave you two girls, to girl talk. I'll be...around.” He leaned in and kissed Cassie and then left.

  When he left Cassie crossed her arms. “Friends? I'm not buying it. Where did you two meet?”

  “He actually was hired a couple of months ago.”

  “I see...he has nice qualifications.”

  Cassie saw Tiffany's face get red. “That's not why I hired him. He has a lot of experience.”

  Cassie laughed, “Well, does he now?”

  “Cassie I mean it.”

  “I'm sorry Tiff, it's just it's very rare to see you so happy around a guy. Now, is it really just a friendship?”

  Tiffany shrugged, “I don't know. He's really great, but I have never felt like this before. He really gets me. I just don't want it to interfere with our work relationship. Besides, is it really professional if I fall in love with a guy that is employed under me?”

  “I see the dilemma, but...are you willing to risk losing something that could be special. After all, I know all about that. You can't worry about that.”

  “It's only been two months. Surely things can't be that moving that fast.”

  “Tiff, it took me an hour before I knew that I wanted to marry Seth one day. I might have been a teenager, but it's all the same.”


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