The Road to Bedlam cotf-2

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The Road to Bedlam cotf-2 Page 41

by Mike Shevdon

  I held up my hand. "We'll talk about this later."

  "Humph!" She screwed her hands into fists and stomped off into the other room. The water pipes in the bathroom gurgled in response until Fionh glanced sharply at the bathroom, whereupon the gurgling ceased.

  When I stepped outside, Garvin was leaning against the wall.

  "You wanted her back," he said.

  I sighed. "At least it's normal. I caught her this morning curled up in bed, sobbing. When I asked her what she was crying about she wouldn't tell me. She wouldn't even let me touch her."

  "It's going to take time, and it's going to leave scars," he said.

  "On all of us."

  "You can't stay here forever. You do know that?" He pushed off from the wall and we walked slowly down the hallway.

  "I know. Allowing her to rearrange the rooms does give her some sense of security, though. She needs the illusion of permanence."

  "Mullbrook is making arrangements for another house. He was suggesting somewhere well-built, relatively fireproof, near a lake, or perhaps the sea?"

  "Steward's humour? I think I've seen enough of the sea for a while."

  "I think he was serious. With water and fire under the same roof, you could have some interesting times ahead."

  "Tell me about it."

  "We need to think about the future. You can't continue as Niall and Alex Petersen. You'll need new identities for a new life."

  "I can't do that, Garvin. What about Katherine? I have to tell her something. What about my parents? They just lost their granddaughter. They can't lose their son as well. It would kill my mother. I have to think of something else."

  "Perhaps it would be best to let things take their course. Alex can't go back, you know, even if she wants to. They will be looking for her and for anyone else who escaped from Porton Down. She's going to need to keep a low profile."

  "Try telling her that."

  On cue her head appeared around the doorway. "Can I go out?"

  "Out where, sweetheart?"

  "Just out. Am I a prisoner here? Fionh says I'm not a prisoner but she won't let me go anywhere."

  "Where do you want to go?"

  "Just out. Somewhere with people, shops, music. I'm fed up of being in one room."

  "Technically it's three rooms."

  She sighed. "Can I go out?"

  "It's more complicated than that. What about your appearance? You need to be able to handle your power – so things don't get out of control."

  "I'm fed up with being controlled!" That caused a growl from the plumbing.

  "And that's exactly what I'm talking about," I reminded her.

  Amber ran up the stairway and stopped. "I think you'd better come." She paused, waiting for me. I watched her expression.

  "When can I go out?" asked Alex.

  "Not now, sweetheart."

  "You always say that. I'll be stuck in here forever. You got me out of one prison to put me in another. I'm supposed to be an adult. Why can't I do what I want?"

  "It's time," said Amber.

  "Alex, go back in your room and stay there until I get back. I have to go now."

  "How come you can go and I can't? It's not fair!"

  "No," I told her. "It's not fair. It isn't good and it isn't nice. Things are difficult, life is hard and the sooner you get used to it, the better. But right now I need to be with Blackbird, OK?"

  "Why? What makes her so special? I'm supposed to be your daughter."

  I hurried away, but then stopped and turned back to her.

  "You are my daughter. I love you and I want you to remember that, but you're about to become a sister. Now do as you're told."

  I watched her face change as she grasped the implications of what I'd just said.

  Then I ran.

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  Document creation date: 12.09.2011

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