Slave Ship

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Slave Ship Page 24

by neetha Napew

  " Very well-" Khoss of Knylenn glared down at him." No one here is surprised that you merit accusation; yourself, least of all. The head of the Kuat household should know better than anyone else just what iniquities he is capable of."

  " Iniquities such as fomenting distrust and rebellion toward one who has done no more than serve and enrich this world's heirs?" Kuat of Kuat shook his head in disgust." Whatever evils I know of are the ones I've observed in you." He gazed round at the Knylenns and their affiliates, ranked on either side of the hissing machinery." They're easy to see when they're reflected in so many other black hearts. Envy is a mirror that reveals its bearer's face more than anything else."

  The Knylenns' murmurs and shouts had been stilled for a moment as Kuat's words had stung home. But now they broke once again into uproar, with threats and imprecations directed at the target who stood before them, unflinching.

  " You speak bravely-" Khoss's impassioned voice rose above the others." For one whose deeds have put him in opposition to all the rest of this world's ruling households."

  " Speak for yourself." Kodir of Kuhlvult stepped up beside Kuat." And speak for those you've fooled and cajoled onto your side." One of her hands gestured toward the sagging scowl of the Knylenn Elder." And for those too senile to realize the folly of the words you've placed in their mouths. But you don't speak for me, or for any of the Kuhlvult household, when you attack one whose bloodline has brought nothing but wealth and honor to the planet of Kuat."

  Kuat looked over at the young female." This may not be your best move," he said quietly." They've got the numbers."

  " So?" Kodir gave a shrug with her reply." What does that matter, if they're wrong?"

  Atop the portable life-support system, Khoss of Knylenn ordered his followers to silence." You wished for an accusation?" He directed a sneering smile at Kuat." Your own knowledge of your deeds is not enough? That is as we expected. It's not likely-or even possible-that one so mired in treachery would voluntarily confess and repent. But that is not necessary for us to have sufficient and convincing evidence of the crimes committed by the bloodline of Kuat, the dagger thrust into the hearts of all the ruling households." Khoss turned where he stood and gestured toward the back of the gathering place." Bring it forth."

  That accusations would be made, Kuat of Kuat had fully expected. But the exact nature of whatever supporting evidence might have been fabricated-that was something of which he could still be surprised. He watched as a three-dimensional holoprojector was wheeled by a pair of Knylenn affiliates into the middle of the domed area.

  " What's this?" Kuat pointed to the device." Do you seek to enlighten or entertain us?"

  " I'm sure you'll find it. . . amusing." Khoss reached down and was handed a remote-control keypad by one of the affiliates." It may not show you at your best, but it captures your likeness well enough."

  With a single press of the controls, the holoprojector was activated. In the cleared space before the machinery of the life-support system, light shimmered and coalesced into perceptible forms. A segment of the past came into view, as though summoned from a realm of ghostlike spirits. But the past shown was one that Kuat of Kuat recognized.

  He found himself standing less than a meter away from a reproduced hologram of himself. The image wasn't dressed in the formal robes that he himself wore now, but in the simple coveralls of all those who labored for Kuat Drive Yards. Enough details of the space surrounding the hologram were visible that Kuat could see it had been recorded in his private

  working area. The hologram image was bent over some object on the lab bench, intently prying it open with delicate tools.

  Even before the object yielded to the holographic Kuat's probe, the real Kuat could see what it was as he stood in the gathering place of the ruling households and watched his image from the past. The gleaming metal object on the lab bench was a hyperspace messenger unit, which contained in turn another miniaturized holoprojector. The real Kuat watched his past image activate the projector, and another re-created scene appeared, held inside the larger one.

  That scene, which the image of Kuat intently regarded, was from inside the palace of the late Jabba the Hutt. With a twist of the probe in the hyperspace messenger unit's controls, the Kuat image froze the holo scene. The real Kuat continued to watch as his past image responded to the events in the re-creation of Jabba's throne room.

  You're dead, aren't you? The holographic image of Kuat spoke to the frozen hologram-within-hologram image of Jabba the Hutt. That's such a shame. I hate to lose a good customer.

  The real Kuat remembered saying those words. Just as he remembered everything else he had done back then, when the hyperspace messenger unit had arrived from the distant planet of Tatooine and he had opened it up to hear the secrets it had brought to him. The holographic re-creation of the scene in front of him, of himself in the past watching another hologram, was like walking around inside his own head, in that space where his memories were kept.

  The rest of the scene played out, showing the image of Kuat carefully inspecting the other figures besides Jabba the Hutt that could be seen in the hologram-within-a-hologram. The scene that had been recorded in Jabba's palace ended with Princess Leia Organa, disguised as an Ubese bounty hunter, facing down the Hutt with an activated thermal detonator. That had been amusing to witness. Before that, though, there had been less pleasant things to watch, such as the grisly death of one of the Hurt's dancing girls, by being dropped into the rancor pit before the throne. To re-create Jabba the Hurt's court was to summon from the past a particularly nasty piece of the galaxy.

  In the hologram that had contained the other one, the image of Kuat of Kuat extracted the probe tool from the hyperspace messenger unit on the lab bench, and the silvery ovoid self-destructed, its casing and innards melting down into smoldering scrap.

  " You're right," said the real Kuat, the one who now stood in the gathering place of the ruling households." That is interesting."

  Not for what the holographic playback had shown him; his memory was clear enough about having opened up the messenger and watching what it had to show him. But for what was implied by the mere existence of the hologram, and it being in the hands of the Knylenns. The hologram had been recorded surreptitiously, in Kuat's most private and guarded sanctuary. Recorded by some hidden device, without his knowledge, and then transmitted to Khoss of Knylenn and the other conspirators against the bloodline of Kuat. That meant a major breach of security, within the actual organization of Kuat Drive Yards. A breach that only one individual would be capable of creating.

  Kuat of Kuat turned and looked over his shoulder at Fenald. His gaze was met with one that looked straight back into his eyes, without making any effort at aversion.

  Then the head of security for Kuat Drive Yards gave a single nod. That was all that was necessary, even before he spoke." Now you know," he said.

  " Yes-" For a second longer, Kuat regarded the man he had trusted more than any other sentient creature in the galaxy." I suppose I do." Many things were clear now, including why Fenald had been so insistent upon accompanying him to the gathering of Kuat's ruling households. He wanted to be here, Kuat thought bitterly, to make sure he got paid. However much the Knylenns and the others had offered for this treachery. . .

  He turned back toward the others assembled in the gathering place. Kodir of Kuhlvult gently touched Kuat's arm." You don't look too good," she said.

  For a moment Kuat wondered if she was speaking about herself. During the holographic playback, he had heard a sudden gasp behind himself; he had glanced over his shoulder and had seen Kodir turn pale, eyes widened with surprise, as she had watched those re-created events from the past. He didn't know what had struck her so forcefully, and right now there wasn't time to find out.

  " Don't worry about me." Kuat of Kuat slowly nodded." I've got a lot of thinking to do."

  Kodir peered closely into his face." Are you sure? Maybe we can get this meeting postponed; th
ere might be enough members of the other households who aren't completely tied in with the Knylenns who'd let you off for reasons of health. You really do look like you've just had a heart attack."

  " No-" Kuat brushed her hand away from the sleeve of his robe." It's better if I get it over with now. Besides. . ." He managed to smile at her." I've got a few surprises of my own that Khoss and his bunch know nothing about."

  Kuat lifted his gaze toward the leader of the Knylenns, perched aboard the portable life-support system. He had to assume the worst about what the Knylenns were aware of, regarding his own schemes and actions. Whatever they had bribed his head of security with-former security head, Kuat reminded himself-it had obviously been enough to give them effective access to everything that had gone on inside the headquarters of Kuat Drive Yards. If they had known what to look for. . .

  There was only one way to find out.

  " You must be joking," said Kuat." Is it treachery for me to keep an eye on one of Kuat Drive Yards' customers? We sell our wares to any creature who has the credits for them-as long as we can do so without incurring the wrath of the Empire. Some of our customers need a good deal of watching; I would have been a fool to have blindly trusted someone like Jabba the Hurt. You should be grateful to me for taking such precautions."

  " Precautions, are they?" Khoss of Knylenn's voice took on a sarcastic edge." And what cautious nature of yours led to the saturation bombing of a sector of the planet Tatooine's surface known as the Dune Sea? Don't try to deny that it happened. We know all about it, and that the bombing raid was personally directed by you, from aboard your Kuat Drive Yards flagship."

  So they possessed that knowledge as well; Kuat's security head had done a thorough job of selling him out." That's none of your concern," said Kuat stiffly." Some things are necessary, the reasons for which cannot be revealed publicly. As long as Kuat Drive Yards is a profitable concern-and you reap your share of those profits-then all prying into these matters does nothing except hinder my running the corporation."

  " Ah!" Khoss leaned forward, above the grizzled head of the Knylenn Elder." You wish to keep secrets from those closest to you, those with the greatest right to know." A sweeping gesture of his arm took in the gathering place and those it held." The representatives of this world's ruling households are like children to you, incapable of understanding all your great schemes and maneuvers. Tell me, Kuat of Kuat-" Khoss spoke with icy scorn." Are we supposed to be flattered by such an attitude on your part?"

  This time, Kodir of Kuhlvult spoke up." You can be as flattered or as offended as you choose," she said." But the truth is as Kuat tells it. The ruling households long ago chose to put their trust in his bloodline. We created the Inheritance Exemption specifically so that the Kuat family, from one generation to the next, could continue to manage the corporation from which our wealth comes. Are we now to revoke that trust, for no better reason than that Kuat of Kuat runs it as he sees fit?"

  " Our little Kuhlvult cousin has made it clear just whose side she has taken." Khoss directed his withering sneer at her, then spread his hands to the crowd around the base of the life-support system." She was given the chance to join with the rest of the ruling households, those who desire justice and are not swayed by facile arguments about endangering the sources of our wealth. Perhaps she has her reasons for making such a choice. Why should treachery be limited to those of the Kuat bloodline? With the power that he commands, Kuat of Kuat has his ways of tempting the greedy and foolish into being his allies."

  The speech from Khoss of Knylenn was met with angry shouts from his assembled supporters. But another voice managed to rise above them.

  " Nothing tempts me but the desire to make you eat your own words." Kodir of Kuhlvult looked as if she were ready to climb up onto the life-support system and achieve her wish by force." If there were any substance to them, it would make quite a mouthful for you, I'm sure. But they're nothing but air. Nothing but lies and little hints and rumors, none of which add up to anything real."

  " My dear cousin," said Khoss with feigned politeness," it takes wisdom to measure the weight of things as subtle as Kuat's treachery. He's too smart to pursue his twisted ambitions openly, where anyone might see them."

  " So you bribe your way into my private quarters." Kuat gestured toward his former head of security." And you set spies onto those who have done you no harm."

  " I do what is necessary," replied Khoss." If it were what is required to uproot the evil that has taken root among us, I would embrace the darkest energies that could be found in this universe. But you've already beaten me to that, haven't you?"

  " You talk nonsense."

  " Do I?" The brows rose high above Khoss's eyes." Is it nonsense to wonder about the meaning of not only Kuat's own espionage, but also an unexplained bombing raid upon the surface of another planet? A planet which rumors have already been swirling about, throughout the galaxy? You might not be aware of the nature of those rumors and tales, but it seems clear enough that this certain planet known as Tatooine had already taken on a great importance in the eyes of both Emperor Palpatine and the most feared instrument of his will, Lord Darth Vader himself. And it is no great feat of espionage to have learned that the Rebel Alliance has gained a new and valuable leader in the form of one Luke Skywalker, whose home planet is this same Tatooine. Are we to believe it a mere coincidence that of all the inhabited worlds in the galaxy, the schemes of Kuat of Kuat should also revolve around Tatooine? Or is it not a greater likelihood that those schemes, regarding which Kuat asks us to trust him, have through his rashness and folly gotten our own world and our inheritance fatally enmeshed with the struggle between the Empire and the Rebellion?" As if on cue, the mutterings and shouts from the Knylenns and their affiliates rose to a higher pitch." We don't even know what purpose is served by all of Kuat's scheming-he doesn't consider us fit to be trusted with these vital secrets; only he should know these things. That is why Kuat has also concealed from us that he has received other messages from Tatooine, concerning the welfare of a certain notorious bounty hunter named Boba Fett. This bounty hunter may have also been a customer of Kuat Drive Yards at one time, but he's rather more than that now." Khoss jabbed a finger toward his adversary standing before the portable life-support system." Is that not true, Kuat?"

  The breach in security was more extensive than Kuat had originally feared. They've gone off-planet, Kuat realized. The Knylenn household had obviously been in touch with intelligence sources elsewhere in the galaxy, and had paid for what they wanted to know; that meant there was a good chance they had traced out a few more connections that Kuat would have preferred to keep hidden.

  But what exactly had the Knylenns found out? That remained to be seen.

  " Since you seem to know so much-" Kuat's hand swept a gesture toward Khoss." Why don't you tell us what is true? Or what you think is true."

  " It's not a matter of thinking, Kuat; it's a matter of knowing. Or knowing enough; enough to be concerned about where your schemes have led us to."

  " And where is that?" Kuat kept his tone mild and even somewhat amused.

  " You have kept much hidden-you show an undeniable talent, Kuat, for secrecy. But secrets can also be found out; truth has a way of revealing itself." Khoss straightened himself behind the encased torso and scowling head of the Knylenn Elder, and folded his arms across his chest." For is it not also true that these schemes also entangled you-and by extension, Kuat Drive Yards-with the criminal organization known as Black Sun? You've said that you value the Empire as a customer, and yet you also had secret dealings with the very creatures who continually circumvented Emperor Palpatine's authority in the galaxy. I would call that a risky game, one that tried to play both sides against each other. That's not good business, Kuat; that's madness."

  So they don't know everything, decided Kuat. Whatever intelligence sources the Knylenns had used, whatever information they had paid for, it hadn't been enough to reveal all of his schemes and man
euvers. If Khoss of Knylenn had known exactly what had gone on with the Empire and Black Sun-and even the Rebel Alliance-he would have already used that knowledge against Kuat. Some of those schemes, such as Kuat's attempt to link Prince Xizor, the leader of Black Sun, with the Imperial stormtrooper raid that had killed Luke Skywalker's aunt and uncle, had gone beyond all reasonable concepts of risk-yet they had been necessary as well as part of Kuat's calculated campaign to eliminate the threat that Xizor represented to Kuat Drive Yards. The scheme had failed-

  Kuat had already admitted that to himself. All his efforts now, including the bombing raid on Tatooine's Dune Sea, were concentrated on eliminating the evidence of that scheme before the truth of it leaked out to Emperor Palpatine. Maybe I'm too late-if the Knylenns had gotten wind of even these few scraps of information, there was no telling what Palpatine, with his vastly superior intelligence organization, might already be aware of.

  " Very well." He had heard enough from Khoss of Knylenn. The state of the Knylenns' perception of his secrets was clear." I don't care to tell you more than you already know. If you believe these matters to constitute treachery-and if you've convinced enough of the other ruling households that that is the case-only one question remains. What are you going to do about it?"

  The Knylenn Elder spoke, its voice a grating rasp from the amplified speaker mounted at the front of the cylinder housing the ancient flesh." The bloodline of Kuat. . . must pay the price. . . for its crimes. . ."

  " 'Crimes'?" The Elder's words seemed to enrage Kodir of Kuhlvult. She stepped forward from where she had been standing next to Kuat." The crime is yours!" An accusing finger darted out, pointing directly at Khoss of Knylenn above her." Your greed and ambition have led you to spy on and invent slanders against a fellow kinsman." Kodir lowered her hand, letting the same gesture sweep across the ranks of the other Knylenns and their affiliates." And all of you share the guilt for letting these suspicions poison your minds. The galaxy is at war, the Empire against the Rebels, and like it or not, we find ourselves on the battlefield. Now is not the time to conspire against the only one who has a chance of leading us to safety."


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