genocide in
independence of
business, see big business
Cahokia, collapse of
Franklin Expedition in
Inuit in
logging in
Native Americans in
settlements of
Canela y Lázaro, Miguel
of Anasazi
anthropologists’ objections to
of Donner Party
on Easter Island
in Leningrad siege
on Mangareva
on Pitcairn
and warfare
carbon isotope analyses
carbon sink
Carson, Rachel
Catherwood, Frederick
CFCs, harmful effects of
Chardón, Carlos
chemical industry
chestnut blight
Chevron Corporation
Chevron Niugini
Chevron Texaco
Chicago Zoological Society
and Easter Island
fishing in
mining in
wine palm of
wood imports from
climate change in
conquering Nature in
Cultural Revolution in
cultural values of
deforestation in
development projects in
economic growth of
emigration from
environmental problems of
First World goals of
food in
foreign investment in
geography of
global connectedness of
Grain-to-Green program
grassland in
Great Leap Forward in
health problems in
land ownership in
natural disasters in
Olympic Games in
per-capita environmental impact of
political unity in
population control in
population of
shifting environmental thinking in
species diversity in
top-down decision-making in
trade with
warlords in
water diversion project in
western, development of
Christianity, exclusivity of
chronic wasting disease (CWD)
Churchill, Winston
Clark Fork River Superfund site
Clean Water Act
Clearcut Controversy (Montana)
climate change
and forest fires
in global warming
in tree ring studies
and water levels
Club of Rome
coal mining
comparative method of study
of complex societies
in five-point framework
of past vs. modern societies
and power cycling
use of term
Colorado, mining in
Colorado River, diversion of
Columbus, Christopher
comparative studies
consumer influence
Cook, Capt. James
Cook, John
coral reefs
Cortés, Hernán
Cristino, Claudio
Cuban Missile Crisis
Daly, Marcus
Däniken, Erich von
Davis, John
decision-making, see group decision-making
and agriculture
in Australia
in China
comparative studies of
consequences for society
and drought
of Easter Island
and erosion
exporting to other nations
and extinction of forests
government regulation of
of Japan
and leased logging rights
long-term thinking in
in Maya sites
in Montana
of New Guinea
in Norse Greenland
social licence to operate in
in Southwestern U.S.
dendrochronology (tree ring study)
Derr, Ken
Dominican Republic:
agriculture of
Balaguer in
border of Haiti and
bottom-up ecology movement in
civil war in
climate of
consumerism in
cooperation between Haiti and
economy of
emigration from
environmental problems of
face-to-face society in
Falconbridgc iron/nickel mine
forest management in
future prospects
immigrant groups in
national parks in
NGOs in
per-capita human impact in
political instability in
population of
socioeconomic change in
top-down environmental management in
Trujillo in
U.S. military occupation of
Vedado del Yaque
Donner Party, cannibalism of
Dorset people
DuPont Company
“Dutch” elm disease
Duvalier, François “Papa Doc,”
Duvalier, Jean-Claude “Baby Doc,”
East Africa, population in
Easter Island
agriculture on
Anakena Beach
birds of
botanical surveys of
civil war on
clans, chiefs, and commoners of
and climate change
crematoria of
decline and collapse of
deforestation of
diet of
European impacts on
geography of
history of
isolation of
as metaphor
and Polynesia
population of
Rano Raraku quarry
rats on
rongo-rongo writing system of
ropes of
sheep grazing on
slave raids on
statues of
Edwards, Edmundo
Egede, Hans
Egypt, pyramids of
Ehrlich, Paul
Eliel family
El Niño
El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Endangered Species Act
endocrine disruptors
energy sources
English, Nathan
Enron Corporation
environmental management:
bottom-up approach to
distribution in
and the economy
by exporting resource depletion
as First World concern
for the future
hope for
importance of
and improving conditions
mixed approach to
one-liner objections to
in past vs. present
and population levels
prediction errors in
Rio convention on
switching to other resources
with technology
top-down approach to
and values
environmental problems, twelve main types of
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
environmental trouble spots (map)
Erhardt, Emil
Eriksson, Leif
riksson, Thorvald
Erik the Red
causes of
consequences of
control of
and river sedimentation
European Economic Community (EEC)
European Union
evil, origins of
Exxon Valdez
Faeroe Islands
religion in
Viking colony in
Falconbridge iron/nickel mine
Falkow, Stan
Fertile Crescent
fertilizer, runoff of
Firth, Raymond
Fischer, Steven
in Australia
by-catch in
in California
certification in
chain of custody in
with dynamite and cyanide
and extinct species
in Greenland
and health of stock
in Japan
management problems of
and marine habitats
and Marine Stewardship Council
and mining
in Montana
and non-native species
perverse subsidies in
protein provided in
and tragedy of the commons
by trawling
and water quality
and whirling disease
Flenley, John
Florida, native species of
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
food distribution
food taboos
Ford, Henry
forest fires
and air quality
causes of
costs of
natural role of
prevention of
and soil quality
suppression of
consumption of products from
decline of
depletion of, see deforestation
direct ecological connection of
fuel loads in
functions of
as habitat
logging industry
management of
as renewable resources
tree density in
value in
Forest Service, U.S.
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
certification by
and chain of custody
criteria of
effectiveness of
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) (cont.)
and green building standard
in Home Depot stores
mission of
France, in World War II
Franklin Expedition
Fraser, Malcolm
French, Roxa
Frobisher, Martin
Galactic Resources mining
Galápagos Islands
Galti, Snaebjörn
Gardar Cathedral
Gardar Farm, Greenland
General Mining Act (1872)
genetically modified (GM) food
Gill, Richardson
Glacier National Park
glacier retreat
competition in
and environmental problems
and immigration
reciprocal influences in
and trading partners
global warming
Goetz, Hank
Goyder, G. W.
Goyder Line
Grasberg-Ertsberg mines
Great Northern Railroad
Great Zimbabwe, collapse of
Green, Roger
greenhouse gases
climate in
Danish colony in
Dorset people in
English explorers in
environment of
fish in
fjords in
government of
ice core studies of
Inuit in
iron in
modern populations of
religion in
Scandinavian settlement of; see also Norse Greenland
self-sufficiency in
sheep grazing in
soil of
written accounts of
Green Revolution
group decision-making:
clashes of values in
in complex societies
creeping normalcy
crowd psychology in
by distant managers
failure of
failure to anticipate a problem
failure to perceive a problem
failure to try to solve a problem
false analogies in
irrational behavior in
landscape amnesia in
logic of collective action
psychological denial in
rational behavior in
short-term focus in
success in
in tragedy of the commons
unsuccessful solutions in
Haakonsson, King Haakon of Norway
habitat destruction
Habyarimana, General
agriculture of
border of Dominican Republic and
cooperation between Dominican Republic and
Creole language and culture of
Duvalier in
economy of
emigration from
environmental problems of
future of
human development index
independence of
national parks in
political instability in
population of
poverty in
slave society of
U.S. military occupation of
wealth gap in
Haoa, Sonia and Sergio Rapu
Harald Bluetooth, king of Norway
Harappan Indus Valley civilization, collapse of
Harte, John
Hawaiian Archipelago
Heaven’s Gate cult
Henderson Island
collapse of
and Easter Island
human impact on
isolation of
population of
settlement of
survival on
trading partners of
Heyerdahl, Thor
Hideyoshi, Toyotomi
Hirschy family
climate of
deforestation of
five-factor themes in
French colony on
Native Americans on
and slave trade
Spanish conquest of
sugar plantations on
see also Dominican Republic; Haiti
H.M.S. Bounty
Hohokam society
Holdren, John
Home Depot stores
Hopi pueblo
Hotu Matu’a (Easter chief)
Huls family
Huls Farm, Montana
human development index
and chronic wasting disease
and extinction
Hutu people
Ice Ages
agriculture of
community decision-making in
conservative society of
Danish rule in
deforestation of
ecological damage to
environment of
fishing in
five factors in
fuel in
iron in
political his
tory of
religion in
soils of
survival of
trade with
Viking colony in
written accounts of
Ieyasu, Tokugawa
Inca Empire:
food supply of
forest management in
regional integration of
Spanish conquest of
stone structures of
top-down management in
India, caste system of
illegal logging in
military dictatorship in
Pertamina oil in
population of
culture and technology
diet of
and Dorset people
expansion of
and Franklin Expedition
fuel for
in Greenland
kayaks of
and Norse people
survival of
and toxic chemicals
trade with
Anasazi strategies for
drip vs. broadcast
rivers diverted for
and salinization
water rights for
irrigation salinization
Janis, Irving
Ainu people
civil wars in
fishing and hunting
forest management in
isolation of
Meireki fire
mining in
Pearl Harbor attacked by
population of
religion in
social advantages of
in Tokugawa era
top-down management in
trade with
Jirsa, Bob
Juan Fernández Islands
Kaczinski, Theodore
Keller, Christian
Kennedy, John F.
Khmer Empire, rise and fall of
Kikori River
King, Sarah
Kirch, Patrick
Kutubu oil field
Laible, Rick
ownership of
prices of
subdivision of
Landa, Bishop Diego de
landscape amnesia
Lapita people
Laxness, Halldór
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)
Leningrad, siege of
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lihir Island, gold mine
Lindbergh, Land
Lindisfarne Island
lithic mulches
Little Ice Age
logging, see forests
Los Angeles
Louisiana Purchase
Love Canal site
Maclean, Norman
Magellan, Ferdinand
Maginot Line
Makatea Island
Malaysia, deforestation in
Malthus, Thomas
Malthusian problems
Mangaia Island
Mangareva Island
collapse of
and Easter Island
habitability of
human impact on
language of
settlement of
social structure of
standard of living on
stone structures of
trade with
Maori New Zealand
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
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