Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2)

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Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2) Page 15

by Finian Blake

  “I found out all of their intimate secrets and researched this Hermes for you. He is really quite sexual, so I dug into all of his little quirks.” Muriel’s voice took on a harsh tone, “You didn’t tell them that you paid me to do this!”

  “You are my last hope. I will expose you if you don’t release me.” Muriel bent down and kissed Dianne full on the mouth. When Muriel was sure that she had a good seal she pinched Dianne’s nose closed. Dianne started to thrash wildly around in the straw as much as her tight bonds would allow with Muriel releasing her just before she passed out.

  “You don’t have another stash there, do you?” She kissed Dianne again holding her nose. The helpless woman’s chest was heaving to get a breath when Muriel released.

  “It is in the freezer wrapped in foil,” Diane gasped.

  “Do you remember my orgasm when you forced me to do this to Ronda at the last party? You said this is who I am.” She kissed Dianne again keeping her eyes open so that she could look directly into Diana’s eyes wanting to watch the panic develop.

  “You were right. You are going to breathe your last breath into me.” This time Muriel kissed her holding her nose shut only she did not let go. Dianne started to thrash around in the straw, as she lost her ability to struggle Muriel felt a crashing orgasm slam through her body. Dianne gave up her last breath with her eyes becoming vacant. Muriel collapsed on the unconscious Dianne with a sadistic smile. “You were right.” Muriel grabbed a plastic bag pulling it over Dianne’s head to disguise what she had really done.

  Susan walked in the stable to find Muriel crying in the corner of the stall finding that Dianne was dead with the plastic bag over her head.

  “What have you done?”

  “She killed all of those women.” Muriel ranted. “She deserved the same thing as her victims and this time I know that she will not be back.” Muriel dropped her pants exposing her buttocks to Susan. “At least I did not beat her.” Susan was upset but understood Muriel’s feelings, since she felt a strong urge to exercise her revenge on the person that wanted her dead. They were going to kill Dianne anyway and it was a better death than being thrown out of an airplane. Much easier than she deserved.

  “Go back to Jeff, and I will handle it from here.” Susan did not want Adam to be annoyed with Muriel.

  The phone woke Adam at six thirty in the morning.

  “I cannot rent a helicopter for this morning.” Frank was on the line. “The second best choice is a Twin Otter. You did say that the central road was large enough to accept a ‘short takeoff and landing’ aircraft (STOL)?”

  “We have not done it yet, but the road is three times longer than necessary.”

  “Move the barriers, and I will call for you to stop traffic when I am on approach.”

  Frank the pilot did one fly by and made the landing on the next pass. The Twin Otter used less than half the runway. The Twin Otter was the cargo version and only had the two seats up front and two fold down seats just aft of the cargo door. Susan met Adam at the stable when he came for Dianne.

  “Dianne died last night.” Susan said it flatly offering no explanation. Adam did not ask for one simply going to work loading the trash. Adam nursed the van out to the aircraft loading the five dead bodies and two live bodies in the plane.

  Adam and Ryan went along to work the back. They flew three hundred miles out over the North Sea. Frank picked twenty thousand feet for an altitude doing a slow three hundred and sixty degree turn to check for surface traffic. Adam opened the door throwing Andrew out first followed by the street thug. He then threw out the five dead bodies after that. Frank did a slow turn and flew straight South. Adam rolled up the tarps they used to wrap the bodies using a couple of large stones to weight them down. When they were fifty miles away from the first dump site he dumped the tarps out the door signaling Frank to turn the Twin Otter back toward the Inn.

  Frank wanted to see how much of the road he really needed to land the Twin Otter so he touched down stopping hard finding that he only needed a third of the runway. Adam told him that something as large as a De Havilland Caribou could be landed on the road exciting Frank because he had flown Caribous for Air America and the idea of putting an aircraft on the ground on the Inn’s property intrigued him.

  When Frank called in to the Manchester control tower he was ordered to the Civil Aviation Authority ramp for an interview. A supervisor met the Twin Otter.

  “Where did you go when you landed by the river?” Wilson was the area manager and he was properly pissed off.

  “We landed at my friend’s Resort. She has a STOL runway that she wanted to test.” We decided to start with a Twin Otter 310.”

  “There are proper ways to set up tests.” Wilson went into a lengthily explanation of how to get proper approval for off airport landings, with Frank going to profuse apologies instantly explaining about his service with Air America and his short takeoff and landing qualifications.

  “I would like to inspect your strip. How do I get there?” Wilson’s voice was losing its sharp edge.

  “Would you like to drive or fly,” Frank asked deciding to go for the prize.

  “I would like to see how you fly. I have heard stories about you Air America chaps.” Ryan and Adam stayed in back while Wilson took the second seat. Frank had Wilson clear it with the tower. The Otter did a short climb out of Manchester and flew a short twenty miles to the Inn. Frank followed the river, did a steep climb and banked right to the roadway. He flared dropping the Otter on the road. The Twin Otter came to a quick stop with Frank only using one third of the road.

  “The road is eight hundred and fifty meters long and thirty five meters wide. The surface is compacted gravel four feet deep.”

  “That is a lot of road for a resort.” Wilson commented.

  “Brent is a sky diver and was thinking of starting a club.” Adam said with Ryan giving him a surprised look. “Ryan served with the SAS for twenty five years. We wanted to be sure that we could do a landing before we applied for certification.”

  “We did a number of drops with you boys. We will have to compare notes later.” Wilson turned to Frank. “We will have to go through a formal application before you do any more landings.” It will take a few months to process your application. Now, give me a ride back to Manchester.” Adam and Ryan stayed at the Inn. Francesca joined Frank and Wilson and after some discussion, Wilson agreed to three more take offs and landings for demonstration.

  Adam dropped Ryan off at his cottage and went to look up Susan. He found Susan in her office at the security building making arrangements to have the Security cottage redone.

  “MI called. I told them about the secretary and she is in custody as we speak. Lewis’s car took two bullets in the radiator, so it is not drivable. I told him to come back out to the Inn and stay until it was repaired as a consolation. Frank and Martin have returned with a contract for training the Sheik’s body guard. They were disappointed to miss the action. Brent and Tom are disappointed that they were babysitting instead of taking part.” Susan looked frustrated. “What are we going to do with all of Dianne’s information?”

  “I have a suggestion,” Adam offered. “We turn the lists of local officials on the Boss’s payroll to MI 5. They may want some of these people in their pocket. It should generate some good will for your operation. As a matter of fact turn all of the information over to MI 5. They can relay it to the proper authorities as they choose. As for the financial side of things, I suggest that we raid their funds for the Inn. Terri has lost her brother and others have suffered loss including Muriel. Have Lynn make her recommendations to you.”

  “What about you. What are you expecting?”

  Adam continued quietly, “You were making arrangements to have the Security cottage repaired and the Inn has suffered physical and financial damage. Terri, Suki, and Muriel have taken some major hits. Beyond that I will trust your judgment. The matter is in your hands. This is your operation but I think that we should pu
t that money under our control as soon as possible.” Adam started to walk out the door. “When you talk to MI 5, see if you can put our landing strip on a fast track for approval. Right now I am going to go visit my bed.” Adam saw Terri and Suki talking to Frank, who had just returned from Sheik Husayn’s complex this morning, over by the garage.

  Adam called out, “That was a hell of a shot last night.” Terri was not looking at all well.

  “I thought so too, until you stood up and all that I could see in the scope was the back of your head.”

  “I was not going to move until the firing was over.” He kissed her gently. “You did the right thing at the right time.” Terri was still unhappy about the possibilities. “I am going to take a shower and get some sleep.” Adam glanced over to Frank. “I heard that you contracted with Sheik Husayn for updating his bodyguard.”

  “Yes, he wants training and equipment as soon as I can line things up. Hamza is very interested in working with us, so I will move a team down there. You look like a wreck go get some sleep. We can talk later.”

  Adam went straight to the Jacuzzi in the green house. He stripped off his clothes and climbed in. As the water swirled around him, Adam started to shake with it coming on slowly and taking hold of him completely in a few minutes.

  “Are you alright?” It was Terri’s voice. He spun around quickly to see her taking off the rest of her clothing. She was not getting big yet although he could see small changes in her body noticing changes in her nipples and breasts with Terri’s abdomen having a more rounded appearance and her face had a softer look. He was familiar with every crevice of her body.

  “Stop staring. Nothing fits any more. I feel like a walrus.”

  “You are the most beautiful walrus in the world.” Adam kissed her abdomen and started working his way down kissing biting and sucking as he went. He switched to her inner thigh above the knee starting to work his way up her legs. Terri bent forward and kissed the top of his head. She was going to press him about his shaking, but decided against it. “You have an amazing body. I love the person much more than I love the body.” Terri lay back and surrendered to his tender affections.

  Terri and Adam walked back across the courtyard wearing bathrobes. Muriel met them halfway to the house.

  “Terri can I borrow your car? I need to do some shopping.”

  “The spare set is hanging in the garage. Put them back when you return.”

  Muriel drove to Dianne’s crash pad parking the car well down the street from the apartment looking for a pair of driving gloves in the glove box. She knew where Dianne kept her spare key finding the place unoccupied. Muriel went to work quickly finding twenty thick bundles wrapped in foil in the freezer looking for an old grocery sack and loading them in the bag. Next Muriel went to the bedroom reaching behind the headboard she found a bag hanging on a hook attached to the wall with another ten bundles of cash wrapped in foil. She also found several pill bottles and several vials of liquid. Muriel had only been in the flat for five minutes. She decided to check the toilet tank finding a key taped to the lid. Muriel went to the closet finding a safe on the floor. The key fit the lock on the safe perfectly. She opened the safe and found stacks of papers in it plus fifty gold coins. Muriel removed the coins leaving the papers in the safe and placed the key on top of the safe. She spotted Dianne’s capture bag and added that to her collection. Only ten minutes had elapsed when Muriel emerged from the flat. She walked quickly to the car driving off without hesitation. She did not check to see if anybody was following her until she was a few blocks away.

  Muriel pulled Terri’s Mini back in the garage placing the spare keys back in the rack. She took her prizes to the equipment room and started to inspect them. The thirty foil wrapped bundles contained a thousand Pounds each. There were also fifty gold coins from the safe. The vials contained various types of knock out drops and poisons. The pill bottles contained blood thinners and other prescribed drugs. There were also one hundred packs of birth control pills and the capture bag contained chloroform, knock out drops, hand cuffs, rope and gags, plus the opaque sun glasses. Muriel consolidated all of this and went up to her new flat hiding the bag in a recess that Terri ordered installed in the linen closet. Muriel walked back to the garage closing the door in front of Terri’s car. Jeff stopped her and walked over to Adam’s house with Muriel. Jeff started the conversation.

  “What happened last night? That was one hell, of a lot of shooting.”

  Terri started to answer, “Adam cannot talk right now give us a…”

  Adam interrupted Terri, “Jeff needs to know. Now is as good of a time as any. Come in and I will explain while Terri orders us some lunch.” Adam poured drinks while Terri called down to the kitchen. Everybody settled down in the sitting room with their drinks Muriel sat on the edge of her chair.

  Adam began his story, “Let us start with the evidence. Lewis brought all of the evidence to the Inn. One of the women that attended another poker party planted homing devices on Lewis and the evidence. We were able to determine from the evidence that Dianne and Andrew were working together. I have told you that much last night.” Adam paused to let Muriel digest what he revealed. “We were also able to determine that Dianne tried to kill Terri, Suki, Lynn and Susan two years ago. She did kill Terri’s brother and two of her neighbors. I want to emphasize that you did not bring this trouble to us.” Adam paused again to let Muriel digest the fact that what happened was not her fault and she said nothing of her knowledge of last night.

  “Dianne and Andrew brought five of the Boss’s street toughs to steal the evidence. There is enough there to prosecute at least twenty other powerful people. They were trying to suppress the evidence, so that she could use it. Suki found the homing signals and we had time to prepare a reception for them. We do have our own security here. When they came, we were prepared for them and right now they are all dead. We are turning all of the evidence over to people who will follow the evidence. Muriel you are clear now and no one will come after you for any of this mess.”

  Muriel looked sad, not relieved. “I suppose you will ask me to leave now that I am safe.” Terri moved into Muriel’s view. Muriel prepared herself for the invitation to leave.

  “Muriel, you have been accepted here,” Terri said. “The only reason that you would have for leaving is that you want to leave. The studio is almost ready and your flat will be ready before the end of the week. We are not doing all this so we can kick you out. Adam and I were thinking about a set up similar to the one that Beth and Arleen have.” Jeff looked as relieved as Muriel did. It became evident to Terri and Adam that they had formed a bond.

  “That is good news. I was about to start Muriel on documents one oh one. If we can use your guest cottage I was going to stay here a few weeks longer.”

  “That will be no problem at all. You can move in tonight, and Muriel will take you down to retrieve your gear.”

  Muriel had to know, “What about all the mess? Won’t the police want to investigate?”

  Adam shrugged, “It never happened, when you get Jeff’s gear, look at the Security cottage. You two have things to discuss, and I need some sleep. We can talk later.” Terri gave her the key to the guest cottage and pushed Muriel and Jeff out the door. She dragged Adam to the bed crawling in with him. He was snoring within minutes after his head hit the pillow.

  Susan studied the picture of Dianne finding Lynn was the closest match. She purchased a red wig and a nice maroon suit for her to wear using Dianne’s driver’s license to hire a car. Frank and Mark accompanied Lynn to all of the stashes that afternoon. They removed cash and more evidence. It was just after eleven PM before they made their last stop. Susan chartered a private jet out of London Gatwick airport to Zurich using Dianne’s passport. Lynn wore a maroon outfit like the one that Dianne wore for her passport picture and with the red wig and heavy makeup Lynn looked disturbingly like Dianne. Susan sent Frank, Tom and Mark with her for security to ease her mind about sending Lyn
n. They would be gone until late afternoon the following day.

  The resort was quiet. Frank and Francesca hired a helicopter to pick up Lynn and company from Gatwick airport. Susan did not want to take a chance on them being followed on the ground with all of the evidence and cash. Suki provided her with a detector for sweeping for homing devices.

  Lynn and company arrived back at the Inn about three o’clock. She had several boxes with her. Everybody went immediately to the monitor room in the security building. It was the safest room at the Inn. On the short flight back, Lynn found the file on the Inn. There were copies of deeds, pictures of construction and limited files on the employees. Dianne made a passion of collecting information on the Inn. According to the file there were no inside contacts however she found the list of officials on the Boss’s payroll. There were twenty highly placed officials providing protection to the operation. Susan now knew who should not have the information and who should. It also turned out that the Boss was supplying weapons to the IRA along with moving their money. There were lists of contacts, locations for delivery and lists of banks. Dianne and the Boss kept immaculate records. The group poured over the records quickly and thoroughly. All of the information about the Inn and the personnel had been removed before the package was declared fit to transmit. Susan called in Gregory and Anna to get a fresh perspective of the evidence. They identified a few more sources that the weapons were coming from and by nine PM the package was ready. Susan called an emergency meeting with the director without giving him any information of what was to come.

  Susan took all of the former MI 5 employees with her plus Adam. They were immediately escorted to a secure conference room. Susan looked around the room noticing one of the people on the list. She had a word with the director to have that person detained.

  “We have evidence that will prove your secretary and the gentleman that you just arrested are your highly placed leaks to the IRA.” The room was reduced to stunned silence.


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