The Next Level: A BWWM Billionaire Marriage And Pregnancy Romance

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The Next Level: A BWWM Billionaire Marriage And Pregnancy Romance Page 9

by Stacey Pond


  Mr. Whitehill laughed. “Really. I’m retiring soon. I’ve been here for a long time and I’m more than ready for someone to take over for me. I think you have what it takes.”

  Chelsea’s face broke out into a grin. She stood up so quickly, her chair nearly tipped over in her excitement. She held out a hand which he took as he stood as well.

  “Thank you so much, sir. I know you’re going to be happy with your decision.”

  “I don’t doubt it. I have a meeting, but we’ll talk later and make everything official. Congratulations again.”

  Chelsea couldn’t wait to call Matthew. She sighed, content. All of the excitement gave her heartburn. She reached into her drawer, pull out an antacid and called Matthew to tell him the good news.

  Matthew threw together a little celebration dinner for her that night. A few close friends and family at one of their favorite restaurants. Chelsea didn’t think she could smile anymore without permanently damaging her lips. Her mom and dad even took time off to show up. That was the best gift. After plates were cleared, they all sat around at the table, talking while they waited for desert.

  “So, it’s going to take a while for me to get some grandkids now isn’t it?” Her mom asked.

  Chelsea laughed. “We’ll revisit the issue in five years or so.”

  Matthew pouted. “I’m more than willing to have a few now. Six, maybe seven.”

  Chelsea glared at him. “Not even in your dreams.”

  Chelsea dug into her raspberry cheesecake and sighed. It was delicious. As soon as she swallowed, her stomach turned. She held a hand over her mouth, one on her stomach to calm it. Matthew looked at her concerned, rubbing her back softly.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Chelsea shook her head. “I’ve just been having awful heartburn all day.” The feeling passed just as quickly as it started. “I think we’d better call it a night. I have a long day tomorrow.”

  They said their goodbyes before Matthew helped her into the car. He drove slowly as she fanned herself, her head pressed up against the cool glass. When they got home, Matthew promptly stuck a thermometer in her mouth as he touched her forehead.

  “I’m not sick,” she tried to say around it, but he shushed her.

  The thermometer beeped before he slipped it from between her lips. He checked it, then looked at her with concern written on his face. Matthew pressed his hand to her forehead one more time.

  “If the thermometer says I’m fine, I’m fine Dr. Rawlins. Too much excitement, that’s all. I’ll be okay in the morning.”

  Matthew gave her two more antacids before they slipped into bed together. She drifted off quickly listening to him talk. The rise and fall of his chest mixed with his heartbeat lulling her into an easy, deep sleep.

  The next morning, she didn’t feel better. Chelsea stumbled out of bed, slamming the bathroom door as her knees hit the tile of the bathroom hard. Matthew knocked softly, but she was too busy to answer until she’d flushed her dinner down the drain. Taking a moment to compose herself, she wiped her mouth and brushed her teeth. When she opened the door, he watched her carefully.

  “You don’t think you’ know?”

  “I probably just have a bug. I’ll be fine.”

  Chelsea walked back into the room before she climbed into bed. The twisting in her gut hadn’t stopped yet. She fell back to sleep before she even knew she was tired. When she woke up again, there was a note on Matthew’s pillow. She picked it up gently before opening it.

  Made an appointment for you at your doctor’s office and called in to work to let them know you were sick. I went to get some soup for you. Be back in a little bit. Love, your husband.

  Chelsea groaned. She really wished he wouldn’t have done that. She hated going to the doctor’s, it was always a last resort. Rolling out of bed, she pulled out a pair of her jeans before slipping them on. She tried to zip them up, but it only went halfway before it stopped.

  ”Stubborn thing. I must be bloated.”

  Three pairs of jeans later Chelsea threw them all to the floor in frustration. She didn’t want to think...No, she couldn’t be. Instead of trying and failing once more, she grabbed a pair of yoga pants from her drawer, slipped on a t-shirt and waited for Matthew to get home. Maybe it was time for that doctor’s visit after all.


  “Congratulations Mrs. Rawlins,” Doctor Stevens said with a big grin on his face.

  “I’m sorry?” she said as she let go of Matthew’s hand.

  “You’re pregnant! Congrats. I’ll go and get you a recommendation for an ob.”

  “How far along is she?” Mathew asked quietly. He could see Chelsea was having some kind of moment of utter disbelief.

  “By my charts, about three months. Probably why you’re experiencing all of these symptoms at once. You’ve even gained a little weight. So far, everything looks good.”

  As Dr. Stevens left the room, Chelsea burst into tears. Matthew put an arm around her, pulling her in until her head rested on his shoulder. He rubbed her back softly.

  “Is it really that terrible?”

  “Right after I get a promotion? Yes!”

  “It’s probably just the hormones talking, babe.”

  Chelsea gave him a venomous look. She picked up her purse walking out of the office. He could deal with the rest himself.

  “What did I say?” he called after her.

  When they reached the apartment again, Matthew decided to cook her some lunch. She sat on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, her eyes gazing at the tv, but not really watching it. She wasn’t ready for a baby. They’d only been married for two minutes. Matthew came out with two plates full of eggs, bacon, toast and jam. She took the plate from him gently.

  “I’m sorry, about earlier.”

  Matthew kissed her cheek. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Chelsea loved that he didn’t push her, didn’t force her to talk about it at that moment. Instead, they sat in silence watching tv as they ate. Chelsea didn’t want to view their baby as a burden. It was hard not to when all she could think of was the years she’d put into her job. She felt equally guilty when she considered handing them off to a nanny, essentially not being in their lives. What if they became all screwed up because their workaholic parents weren’t around enough? She shuddered. Chelsea tried to push the thoughts out of her mind, but they kept coming back. She was suddenly very tired. Moving from the couch, she gave Matthew a kiss before falling into bed.

  The next few weeks, Chelsea found herself snapping at everyone around her. Everyday she went to work she felt like hell by the time she got home. Through it all, Matthew kept his calm. He’d run her a bath, rub her feet, make dinner. Chelsea felt horrible for how she was treating him, but she just couldn’t seem to keep her emotions in check. By the end of the night, he’d wrap his arms around her, brush his fingers over her cheeks as she drifted off to sleep, whispering to her that it would all be okay.

  One morning, after the usual bouts of sickness had passed, Matthew woke Chelsea up gently. For a moment, she thought she’d have to go to work, but quickly realized it was Saturday. She protested against being woken up early, but he had already run her a bath and laid her clothes out for her. She slipped into a cream sweater and jeans, examining the every growing roundness of her belly. She ran a hand over it, wondered if it would be a boy or a girl. She pushed the thought aside as Matthew called for her to hurry up.

  Chelsea slipped into the car, the cool autumn air making her shiver. They stopped for hot cocoa and breakfast first at a little diner. Chelsea ate more than a few blueberry pancakes and bacon. When her belly was warm and full she turned to Matthew, a small smile on her face.

  “Why are we up so early?”

  “It’s a surprise,” he said as he sipped on his coffee. He looked thoughtful for a moment. “I’m glad to see you smiling.”

  Chelsea waved a hand dismissively. She didn’t want to talk about that rig
ht now. With the bad feelings left at home, she didn’t suddenly want to conjure them up here. She sipped at her water.

  “Can I at least get a little hint?”

  “It’s something you’ll really like.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Helpful.”

  Matthew didn’t say a word. Just grinned as he drank his coffee.

  Chapter 9

  “My eyes hurt,” Chelsea whined.

  “No they don’t, you baby. We’re almost there.”

  Chelsea sighed. She had to admit, there was excitement building in her, if only because she had no idea where they were going. Usually when Matthew said he had a surprise for her though, something amazing happened. She felt the car come to a stop, his hand on her arm as he helped her out of the car. They made their way slowly until he positioned her.

  “Okay, open them.”

  Chelsea opened her eyes, squinting against the sun. When her vision adjusted, there was a large house in front of them. Red brick stood out against a hunter green garage door and shutters. It was a beautiful house.

  “What’s this? Did you buy this?” She asked breathlessly.

  Matthew shook his head. “I wanted you to see it first before I made any decisions. I knew you would love this one though. Want to go inside?”

  Chelsea nodded her head vigorously. Matthew walked up to the door before he pressed in a code on the box. He held out his arm. She took it happily as they stepped into the house. Right away, Chelsea could see why he knew she’d love it. The house was an array of creams, light brown wood and antiques. He took her from room to room showing her the huge kitchen that included a stove with more burners than she knew what to do with, a double, stainless steel oven, island and a bar. The entertainment room held a long, circular white couch, a huge tv mounted on a wall. There was a corner in the basement designated for wine bottles, another for storage. As they made their way back upstairs, Chelsea peeked into each bedroom. There were four in all, the master bedroom boasting an attached bathroom with a huge jacuzzi tub and walk in closets. Besides the master bathroom, there were five others. Everything looked fresh, clean and sparkling.

  “Can we afford this?” She asked quietly.

  Matthew laughed. “Money doesn’t really matter, babe. Do you like it?”

  Chelsea nodded, a smile on her face. “I love it, Matthew. It’s amazing! Look at all of this space!”

  “There’s even a space on the roof where you could garden in the summer, if you like. I know you told me once that you liked growing things when you were younger.”

  Chelsea wrapped her arms around his neck. “It’s like you know me.”

  He laughed as he kissed her back. She liked the way his lips felt, smiling against hers. When he pulled away, Matthew placed hands on either side of her face.

  “There are a few strings attached before we buy this house,” he said.

  “Uh oh.”

  “Don’t uh oh me, it’s not that bad. I think we should hire a housekeeper to help keep everything in order. You’re going to be very busy, very soon. I don’t want you stressed out because there’s too much to do.”

  Chelsea started to protest, but he made a good point. She blew out a sigh.

  “Fine. What else?”

  “There’s going to be two spare rooms. I want to set one up as your office. That way you can still work if you want to, without having to leave the house. Now, the last thing is one I won’t budge on. I want you to hire a nanny. Take your time, pick one out that you feel is the best option, but you have to do it. Otherwise, you’re not going to be able to handle both your career and the baby. “

  Chelsea sighed. “I’ll think about it. That doesn’t mean I’m going to do it.”

  Matthew locked the door up behind them as they walked back to the car. “Fine, I’ll take it for now. I will pester you, however.”

  She groaned. “Please, don’t.”

  Matthew blasted the heat when he got inside, Chelsea turned it back down when he wasn’t looking. It was the middle of October, her belly was rapidly expanding all of a sudden. She swore everyday it got a little bigger. She’d been happy she was one of the lucky ones that would carry small, possibly go right back to her original size after the birth. It was like the baby got wind of this and laughed at her plans.

  “We have an ultrasound today, right?” Matthew asked.

  Chelsea nodded. “Yeah, we can head there now if you like. I’m sure Dr. Petcher won’t mind seeing us early. Can we get something to eat first?”

  Matthew laughed, shaking his head. “Anything you want, babe.”


  Chelsea lay on the table, the room darkened with her belly exposed to the air. Dr. Petcher came in herself to do the ultrasound. They’d tried twice before to determine the baby’s gender, but the baby kept curling up. Chelsea was convinced the baby was devious before it was even born, the product of Matthew’s mischievous smile. Dr. Petcher squeeze a bottle of blue gel, the mixture cold as it touched her belly. Chelsea bit her lip nervously as Matthew gripped her hand.

  “Let’s see if baby will co-operate first. I’ll take some measurements then...Huh, that’s strange?”

  “What? What’s strange?” Chelsea began to panic.

  “Let me just….” She leaned toward the screen, adjusted her glass then pulled back again. “No need to worry, Mrs. Rawlins. The babies are completely fine. It’s just that you’re having twins.”

  Chelsea turned to Matthew. He had a big, dumb grin on his face. She turned back to the monitor as the doctor pointed the two out. She was right.

  “Looks like, a boy and a girl. See? That’s why we couldn’t see the sex before, the second twin is much smaller and curled up against the other. They’re finally getting big enough that she can’t hide anymore though.” The doctor wiped off her belly before turning on the light. “Now that we know you’re having twins, I want you to come in more often. I also want you to stop working by next month. You really need to rest up and the babies could do with gaining a little weight,” she smiled.

  Chelsea nodded, her whole body feeling numb. Twins. If things hadn’t been complicated before, they were certainly headed that way now. She finished wiping her belly off with Matthew’s help, before they walked back to the car.

  “It’s like the universe is laughing at me?” She said quietly.

  Matthew took her hand, gave it a squeeze. “I think it’s beautiful. I’ve always wanted twins.”

  Glancing over at Matthew, she felt a little calmness come over her. If he could be that happy, would it really be so bad? She placed a hand against her belly, ran it over both of the babies inside. She smiled. When she was younger, she always said she wanted twins. Maybe she was just getting what she wanted after all.

  “I’m calling the realtor tomorrow, I’m sure we can close on the house before you’re due.”

  “That would be nice,” she said. Suddenly, the thought of her little apartment was feeling very cramped.

  When they got to the apartment, Matthew ordered overpriced Chinese food by the pound. He’d bought another tv for the bedroom so she wouldn’t have to move around on her more sick days. They sat with their feet up, watching a movie filled with guns, swearing and a lot of explosions. Chelsea shook her head.

  “I’m not sure this is good for the baby’s.”

  “Why not?”

  “One of them is kicking the crap out of me.”

  Matthew sat his plate down quickly. He dusted his hands off before leaning over, pressing his ear to her stomach. He felt a gentle kick to the side of his face. Chelsea watched as he laughed and did it again, this time talking to them.

  “It’s not very nice to kick you daddy, you know. When you get out of there, we might have some problems with each other. Nah, I’m going to love you both so much.”

  He continued talking and cooing at the babies as Chelsea felt them move around. Matthew’s warm lips kissed her belly gently. His hand slipped over her skin as he sang to the babies softly. It wasn�
��t a song she knew, but she didn’t interrupt him until he was done.

  “What’s that song?”

  “It’s one Mrs. Black used to sing to me. She was from Ireland and had all these cool songs I loved to hear. She was my favorite nanny.”

  She bit her lip. It was hard to think about her children loving someone so much that wasn’t her. Chelsea wanted their fond memories to be of her singing, rocking and playing with them, not a stranger. She ran her palm over her belly, as Matthew went back to singing his songs, his lips pressed against her skin.

  Chelsea felt as if the next few weeks flew by. Although she hated to do it, she took her leave early. Secretly, she was happy to do it. Her feet were starting to swell. The only thing she wanted was good food and to sleep all day. There was no way she could keep waddling into the office. Especially since the babies seemed to grow rapidly once they found out they were having twins. She was almost eight months pregnant by the time the movers came to settle everything into the new house.

  Matthew let her lounge on the couch as she directed the movers where to put everything. She was rubbing her belly, the false contractions were getting worse everyday. Matthew leaned over the back of the couch, feathering kisses on her forehead. He froze when he saw her face looking strained.

  “What’s wrong, babe?”

  “These damn contractions won’t stop. I’ve drank cold water, walked around, everything,” she gritted her teeth against the next contraction. “I really wish it would stop.”

  “Maybe they’re not fake, maybe you’re in labor. I’m taking you to the hospital!”

  Chelsea grabbed his arm. “No, I’m fine. I don’t want to be one of those women who keeps going to the hospital thinking she’s in labor. My mom told me all about that.”

  As soon as the words had left her mouth, a painful contraction ripped through her body. She cried out as she leaned forward, breathing rapidly against the pain. She felt something trickle from her body.


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