
Home > Paranormal > Knotted > Page 7
Knotted Page 7

by Viola Grace

  He rolled until she was above him and eased her hand from his cock and behind her back, lashing her wrists together at the base of her spine.

  She shivered as he lifted her up and placed her on him as he sat up. He made a small noise in his throat and her arms were released from her back and instead gently eased over her head where they were tied again with shadows.

  She heard him whisper, “Perfect.”

  His fingers delved between her thighs where the shadowy foreplay had rendered her wet and welcoming. When he found what he sought, he lifted her onto his cock and he eased her down, shuddering as her heat clasped him.

  He didn’t move inside her; he leaned forward and used his mouth on her breasts. When he licked at the healed tattoo under her breast, she felt herself flex around him. When he did it again, she reacted in the same way until she was contracting around him to the slow lapping of his tongue.

  She clenched her hands together and her nails dug into her palms as tension coiled in her belly.

  Skorin growled and he scraped his teeth across her nipples again as his hips pumped upward and he shuddered.

  Pressure on her clit and the sharp pain sent her into a strange climax that shook her body from head to toe in endless waves until she slumped against the shadows holding her.

  Dazed, she felt the shadows lower her arms around his neck and she rested her head against his shoulder. He stroked her back slowly, and she heard low murmurs as he remained inside her with her body collapsed to his.

  She finally heard, “You respond so well to being restrained. Why is that?”

  She smiled against his chest. “It is nice to not have to make a decision on something. I don’t have to wonder what you want, so it becomes a more relaxed experience for me and I can concentrate on what I feel. It is a first for me. My life is usually marked by having to make decisions. This is a nice break.”

  He chuckled. “It is refreshing for me to not have to engage in a slow seduction. Your body is very good at telling me when you are ready.”

  She stroked the hair at the base of his neck and blushed. “Well, you seem to be paying attention.”

  “We are going to have to work out your living situation. I don’t like having you so far from me.”

  She leaned back and gave him a narrow-eyed look. “If you are thinking of telling me that I have to leave my job because you want me closer, you are in for a fight.”

  He blinked and he gave her a slow smile. “How about a personal skimmer?”

  “How about a Riot Runner?”

  Skorin laughed. “How do you know about those?”

  “I did my research. I used to drive something similar on Earth.”

  He stroked her back slowly. “I will look into it and see what Irudan will give you a license for.”

  “It had better be a Riot Runner or I am going to start working late and locking my windows.” She bit his chest lightly.

  “Threats. I like it. Would you mind living at the base?” His fingers began to work out elaborate patterns on her skin.

  “I wouldn’t, but I think your mother would be ticked if she couldn’t grab me for social events.”

  He sighed. “You are right. I suppose you would only be able to attend events I was available for. What a pity.”

  She chuckled. “You make it sound so tempting.”

  “I am here to lure you into temptation. It is my duty as your husband.”

  She leaned back and blinked. “Are you really? I thought it was just for show.”

  He snorted. “That is what I thought until I met you. How could I let a woman with such a green touch slip through my fingers? My Irudan roots would not let that happen.”

  She chuckled. “So, you want me for my touch?”

  Skorin smiled. “I do.”

  Rowen leaned back against him. “I suppose it would make it easier for Devnin to do my tattoo.”

  “He told me that you recognized him by his mouth.”

  “And voice. It was the combination that tipped me off.” She chuckled.

  “Should I be jealous?”

  “That I can recognize another Guardian? I think that would be a good thing. At least I know you when you creep into my bed at night.”

  Skorin pressed a kiss to her temple. “I am not used to feeling protective.”

  “The term you are looking for is possessive, but you are my legal husband and I will not break that contract.”

  “Am I simply a contract to you?” There was something plaintive in his tone.

  She leaned back and stared into his eyes. “No, but it is where we started, the base that we stand on. Everything we are now and will become in the future rests on that base.”

  “So, from here we move forward?” Amusement was in his gaze. He tipped her to her back and remained inside her as he slowly rocked his hips.

  “Forward, back and forth, up and down. The base is still the same. I am for you as you are for me. That is all.”

  “I will have to publicly announce my identity if you are going to be travelling to and from the base.”

  She lifted her knees and arched her hips into his. “Whatever. Get me a personal vehicle and I will follow you anywhere.”

  He lifted her hands with his and pinned them over her head. “Promise?”

  “Well, as long as I can still live most of my life in the gardens. I need to work with plants, Skorin.” It was surreal to have a serious conversation while he held her down and thrust into her.

  “You will work with plants, Rowen Nakkua. I promise.” He twisted against her and began to thrust in earnest.

  With the promise made and immediate matters taken care of, Rowen let him send her senses soaring with shadows moving and snapping around them as the frenzy grew.

  For her first week on a new world, Rowen was impressed on how well she had adapted to the alien society. All she needed now was to find a way to convince Akadeel that evening gowns were not a wardrobe necessity and life would be on the way to perfect.

  Author’s Note

  I made Rowen a gardener because as of writing this, my yard has still not appeared for the snow. I hate gardening personally, but when you can’t grow or see anything green, you really miss it.

  Skorin was all about my love for the silence of the evening. I often work until false dawn, so now, my brain begins sparking at sundown. It makes things tricky when it involves going out with friends.

  The next book is Lady and Devnin will get the Terran he ordered, and she will freeze him in place. She’s my eternal winter but can the cheerful and gregarious Fire Fall thaw her out?

  Thanks for reading,

  Viola Grace

  [email protected]

  About the Author

  Viola Grace was born in Manitoba, Canada where she still resides today. She really likes it there. She has no pets and can barely keep sea monkeys alive for a reasonable amount of time. Her line of day job tends to be analytical which leaves her mind hopping to weave stories. No co-worker is safe from her character analysis. In keeping with busy hands are happy hands, her hobbies have included cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, costuming, cake decorating, baking, cooking, metal work, beading, sculpting, painting, doll making, henna tattoos, chain mail, and a few others that have been forgotten. It is quite often that these hobbies make their way into her tales.

  Viola’s fetishes include boots and corsetry, and her greatest weakness is her uncontrollable blush. Her writing actively pursues the Happily Ever After that so rarely occurs in nature. It is an admirable thing and something that we should all strive for. To find one that we truly like, as well as love.



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