Lone Survivor: An After Zombie Tale of Love & Survival (Last of Us #1)

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Lone Survivor: An After Zombie Tale of Love & Survival (Last of Us #1) Page 5

by Nikki Landis

  Too bad he was stuck in a fucken zombie apocalypse.

  Chapter 6

  You know what was freaking awesome?

  I was no longer a lone survivor.

  There was a handful of other stupid people to shoot zombies with now. Hell yeah! The thought brought a quick smile to my face and a cheery attitude to greet the day.

  As I approached the kitchen after breakfast, a pretty blonde with sparkling green eyes took my empty tray. “I’m Charlotte. You come in with Saw?”

  “Yeah,” I nodded, smiling at her friendly tone. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Same.” She placed the tray in a large industrial sized sink. “Was Razz with him?”

  “Skull bandana and attitude? Yes,” I acknowledged.

  Charlotte snorted, “That’s my guy. Always a pain in the ass. He’s harmless, really.”

  “He was alright once I told him not to be a jerk.”

  She laughed hard at that. “I’m glad you put him in his place.”

  “It was too easy,” I admitted, watching as she pulled out a few cookie sheets. “What are you making?”

  “Hardtack. It’s not the most appetizing but it keeps forever and helps with hunger when the supplies are low.”

  “I’ve heard of it but never eaten it.”

  “Watch me. I’ll show you.” She mixed flour and salt, then added water until a dough was formed. With a rolling pin, she flattened the dough into a square. “You have to make sure it’s no more than half an inch think or it won’t bake well.”

  I nodded, about to speak up when someone else entered the room.

  “Hey, Char. More hardtack?”

  “Yeah. Hey, Matt, this is Bailee.”

  “Hey sweet stuff,” he greeted, walking up close and shaking my hand a little too hard. “Where did you come from?”

  “Sawyer brought her in when her leg was injured. Isn’t that right, Bailee?”

  Matt frowned at the mention of Sawyer’s name but quickly smiled as he realized that I noticed.

  “Yep,” I confirmed. “Why are you poking holes like that?”

  Charlotte had cut the dough into nine squares and was using a nail of all things to poke holes and make a grid in each one. “These are pretty much crackers with the longest shelf life in existence. Once we bake them off, they’ll be hard as a rock.”

  Matt guffawed, which I ignored.

  “Get your head out of the gutter, Matt.” Charlotte rolled her eyes.

  He shrugged as he leaned against the counter, checking me out a little too openly. I pretended to ignore his obvious perusal and helped Charlotte with the Hardtack until we left the pieces to cool from the first batch.

  “How do you know Sawyer?” He asked, invading my personal space.

  Uncomfortable, I stepped back. He’d moved so silently I never heard his approach. “We just met.”

  “How long are you staying?”

  Frowning, I was about to answer when Charlotte gave him a playful shove. “Hey, leave her alone. Sawyer doesn’t want her messed with, okay?”

  “Oh, really?” His eyes seemed to darken with an almost alarming calculation. “Interesting.”

  Matt didn’t leave until we finished all of the hardtack and began to prep for dinner. His constant gaze made me want to squirm.

  “Well, I’ll catch you ladies later.”

  I didn’t answer. After Matt was gone, I sighed in relief. Something about that guy was off.

  “So, what’s your story, Bailee?”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing as exciting as all of you.” Charlotte wore cammies like the others and I was certain she was a Marine, too. Her blouse was draped over a chair but her olive green t-shirt matched the woodland design on her trousers.

  “I think you have plenty to share. Come on,” she encouraged, pulling out ingredients for the next chow.

  “Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you of the boredom.”

  She laughed as we spent the afternoon together and for the first time I didn’t feel so alone. Only once did I admit my curiosity and ask about Sawyer.

  “What’s he like?”

  “What do you mean?” Charlotte asked, her hands deep in the dish water as she scrubbed with a sponge.

  Rinsing each one after she soaped them, I placed the plates and bowls in the nearby rack to dry. “What kind of person is he? He’s the one in charge, right?”

  “Yes,” she confirmed, “he’s a good guy. A man of honor who has taken the leadership he was given and led this group even when we didn’t have a clue what the hell was going on. He could have ditched us. There were a few who did, but that isn’t Saw.”

  Nodding, I noticed her obvious admiration. “That’s good to know.”

  “You can trust him. He would never hurt you or anyone under his protection.”

  “He seems a bit gruff, but I understand how so much responsibility can be a heavy burden.”

  “Exactly,” she agreed, “but he’s like a brother to me. Without Saw, this place would fall apart.”

  Not wanting to seem overly curious, I didn’t comment. Sawyer intrigued me and I was willing to give this place a chance, especially after meeting Charlotte.

  For now, I may as well get to know the man who led this small group of survivors.

  IT WAS NEARLY SUNSET by the time both squads made it back to base.

  Razz elbowed Sawyer in the side and ticked his head toward the kitchens where Bailee’s voice could be heard as she talked to Charlotte. “Looks like Bailee is finding her way around.”

  Saw ignored his comment and didn’t rise to the bait.

  “I’ll say hi to her after I see my girl.” Humming a low tune, Razz winked in his direction before he turned and walked away. Saw shook his head but couldn’t resist a smile. Razz was his best friend and it wouldn’t be normal unless the two of them gave each other shit.

  His stomach rumbled loudly as he lingered outside the chow hall, but he didn’t want to stink around Bailee. The smell of death and decay, rotten flesh and blood were so common that he was used to the odor, but Bailee probably wasn’t. Mix that with sweat and he was sure to offend her if he didn’t shower first.

  Sawyer was ravenous, but hunger was a familiar feeling in lean times. Rations were getting low. Time to scavenge. Again.

  That was the worst part about the world going to shit. He missed the convenient chow hall and decent food already hot and prepared. Variety and plenty of portions. Those things were the past now.

  Sawyer left his supplies in his room and headed straight for the showers. As the hot water ran over his lean muscular back, he let his head hang forward and slapped his palms lightly against the white tiles. Fatigue permeated every cell of his body. It was a great workout today, the best he had in weeks. Most days since this whole mess started he preferred to keep busy and push his body to the breaking point. It kept his mind from thoughts best not indulged.

  His past could stay where it was. It no longer mattered.

  The structure of the military had fractured. He wasn’t sure who was in charge of what anymore. His specific orders to search for a cure and the lost niece of Mark Schroeder was his driving force behind all his decisions. That, and survival.

  Schroeder’s niece was proving to be much more than he bargained for. She was nothing like he expected. The girl was a spitfire and a survivor. Hard to believe she was on her own for so long. Damn, if she wasn’t pretty enough to be a complete distraction.


  His thoughts strayed to this morning when he awakened before her and decided to check on her wound. He couldn’t get the image of her sitting on the bed, her legs spread wide as he administered first aid. The second he was finished he had the urge to push her back against the mattress, yank her pants down to her ankles, and dive face first into her core.

  A groan escaped his lips. He looked down and smirked.

  His dick was so hard he couldn’t remember the last time he was so turned on.

  Traitorous fucker.
br />   Why did she give him an instant erection?

  Earlier today he popped a damn boner three times thinking of her. What the fuck was that all about? It was like he was fifteen again. Razz gave him shit for an hour after he noticed Sawyer adjust his pants for the third time.

  Saw’s groin ached with need. Pretty soon he’d have to take matters in hand.

  As he pictured Bailee’s pouty lips and sexy smile, he began to stroke, not stopping until he’d spilled his load and sank against the wall. The orgasm was surprisingly intense. Thoughts of her and that pretty little camel toe he’d seen as her panties shaped her pussy nearly made him want to go a second round. She almost caught his stare that morning, but he managed to raise his eyes in the nick of time.

  Now that he was clean and the water was turning cold, he decided he needed to find her and ask about her day. Why? Fuck if he knew, but he had this insanely stupid desire to make sure she was alright. The others should make her feel welcome but he didn’t put it past Tonya to stir up some shit. Besides, he ran this little group of misfit soldiers and civilians, and as the one in charge it was his duty to check in with those under his protection.

  Dressed and once more under control, he left quickly for the chow hall. His eyes found Bailee and her long dark ponytail the moment he entered the room. The second thing he noticed was the smell. A good scent this time – home cooked food. Pasta?

  “Bailee, you cooked dinner?” he asked as she walked his way, holding onto an empty pot.

  She arched a delicate brow. “Is that so hard to imagine?”

  He couldn’t tell if she was teasing as he shook his head, “No. Just nice, actually.”

  She beamed a bright smile and his knees felt weak. “I’m glad you think so. I have many talents that will benefit this group.”

  Damn. He kept looking at her lips while she was talking, wishing he knew exactly what those talents were. Frustrated with his reaction and the fact that she seemed to be oozing sex when all she was doing was standing next to him, he turned on his heel and left, feeling only slightly bad about the bewildered expression on her face.

  Was he that hard up? Did his dick need female companionship so badly?

  No, if that was true he could seek Tonya out right now and get busy. She always wanted him, no strings attached. In the past he enjoyed that, but the last few months he kept his distance. Why? Maybe it was the fact that he was sick of quickies and meaningless sex. Go figure. Now his cock was developing feelings? What the actual fuck?

  He paced for half an hour before his agitation wore off. With a growl, he decided to focus on some of his mission logs. So engrossed in his work, he missed the first attempt to gain his attention.

  There was a soft knock on his office door. “Sawyer? Can I come in?”

  He sat back, surprised, “Sure, Bailee. You need anything?”

  She popped her head in and smiled. “Nope, but thought you might be hungry.”

  Damn, that was sweet of her to think of him. “Starved, actually. Thanks,” he replied as he took the tray from her hands and dug into the chow. The chicken and pasta were good. Really good.

  A minute later Bailee giggled.

  “What?” he asked, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious.

  “You’re making yummy noises.”

  Was he? “I don’t make yummy noises,” he answered her gruffly.

  She kept smiling, tossing her dark hair over her shoulder. “You do, but it’s okay if you’re not man enough to admit it.”

  He narrowed his eyes. Was she taunting him? “I think you imagined it.”

  “Oh, did I?” she smirked, leaning forward as the top of her perky breasts lifted above the edge of her tank top, “and did I imagine you staring at my crotch a minute ago, too?”

  Shit. He had been staring at her. He couldn’t help it. She was wearing leggings and they conformed to every delicious inch and curve of her body, drawing his eye straight toward her core and that pretty little camel toe. Twice in one day was a test on his restraint. He tried to keep things professional. “I was wondering about your wound.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Uh huh.”

  He was mildly amused and decided to shock her. “If I wanted to know about your pussy, Bailee you would be in no doubt of my interest.”

  Her breath hitched in her throat as he stood and pushed the tray aside. Every crumb had been consumed. He could get used to her cooking.

  Crooking his finger, he gestured for her to move closer and follow him. He backed slowly toward the far end of the room, step by step she copied his movements. Bailee obeyed instantly, a look of curiosity visible in her hazel eyes. He led her over to the empty desk in the corner and picked her up by the waist, setting her down on the hard smooth surface. With an iron will, he clamped down the desire to lay her back flat against the wood and sink to his knees, tasting her sweetness until the moment he stuck his cock inside – fuck!

  Now he was hard again.

  Grabbing the first aid kit, he turned to her with an amused expression. “Pull down your pants.”

  “What?” she sputtered as he laughed.

  “I have to check your wound.”

  “Oh, right,” she answered with a blush.

  Damn, she was cute when she was flustered. He’d like to see her like that more often. “I’m waiting,” he teased.

  Her cheeks flaming, she lifted her hips and proceeded to inch the fabric down her shapely legs. His mouth went suddenly dry as he watched the slow progress and unveiling of her silky smooth skin. This little experiment in self-control was proving harder than he could have imagined. All he wanted to do was lower his nose to her thighs and kiss the soft skin all the way to the middle, sucking on her slit lightly through her nearly damp panties. Would she taste as good as he imagined? Or better?

  Good thing he was stronger than his desires.

  Not by much, but a little. His dick jumped in his pants as if to protest. Impatient fucker.

  “Uh Sawyer, you alright?”

  “I’m fine,” he reassured her with a grin, proceeding to remove the thick bandage.

  He frowned. The wound needed a good cleaning. In fact, it looked red around the edges. Possible infection? He hoped not, but she skipped the antibiotics and only took the pain relievers last night.

  “Looks like it could be getting infected. You’ll take the antibiotics while I clean the wound again for you.”

  She listened without protest which pleased him. With great care, he washed the wound and patted it dry before applying another bandage. His long fingers pressed the edges close to her skin for a good seal. One hand remained on her thigh as he gazed up at her sexy smile.


  His eyes locked with hers so fiercely he couldn’t mistake the innocent trust or admiration in her gaze. The expression threw him because she shouldn’t feel that way about him. He wasn’t worthy of such feelings. In the end, he would only hurt her. Sawyer wasn’t a mushy love and forever kind of guy. Not to mention the fact that he had a mission to carry out. Bailee would never be his and he needed to remember that.

  Even as the thoughts danced in his head, he knew he wanted her – badly.

  Sex would be a mistake with Bailee. One that made his whole body hum with a delicious sensual buzz. Shit. There goes his dick again.

  “Yeah?” he managed to answer.

  “Thank you.”

  “Sure. Just doing my job.” True. He had to deliver her safe and unharmed.

  “You’ve been helpful and kind. It’s been a long year without anyone else around. I’m grateful to be here,” her voice was tight and a bit emotional.

  Damn. All he wanted to do was lean forward and tell her how much he enjoyed caring for her. “Like I said, it’s my job. This is my platoon, what’s left of it. These are my men. We take care of our own.”

  “I’m not one of your men,” she pointed out.

  “But you’re here now which makes you part of our group. We look out for one another.” He knew it w
as too long that she was alone and the thought made him feel anxious.

  She nodded, biting her bottom lip, “Thank you, Sawyer.”

  He noticed the tears that shimmered in her eyes and she quickly blinked back. Aw, sweet little thing. “It’s okay, baby. No tears. You won’t need them, not anymore.”

  Why the hell did he call her that? Was he fucking stupid?

  She leaned forward and hugged him tight, her cheek resting directly over his heart. He hugged her back, kicking himself for allowing the endearment to slip from his lips. It gave the wrong impression. They were no couple. The zombie apocalypse wasn’t time to start a relationship and take risks. Before she could get too attached, he pushed her away gently, and abruptly walked from the room leaving her as fast as he could. He dared not look back. If he saw the need in her eyes, he would take her up on it.

  Sawyer had no control left.

  Chapter 7

  Day 375, A.Z. –

  “What do you miss the most?” Bailee asked as she set down her fork and pushed her half empty plate toward him.

  “Before the zombies?” he asked to clarify.

  She nodded.

  “I miss the hum and buzz of a busy base. All of the Marines in the chow hall, loudly giving each other shit.” She smiled as he continued. “I miss everyday life. The routine, I guess you could say.”

  “Isn’t it the same now?”

  He pulled her plate closer and took a few bites, not caring if he ate right after her and her germs were on the fork. “Not really. We keep as much structure as we can, but this is more like an extended mission.”

  “Not a fun one either,” she observed, watching him eat.

  “Yeah, to some extent. I think we all enjoy taking those bastard Rotters out as much as we can.” He snorted, “Razz keeps a tally.”

  “Does he?” The sweet soft sound of her laughter echoed around him. “That doesn’t surprise me. Maybe I should ask him about it.”

  Saw frowned. He didn’t like the idea of her alone in Razz’s quarters. “Nah, he’s too full of himself. I’d stay away.”

  The corners of her lips twitched and he knew he was too obvious. He cleared his throat and decided to change the subject. “You’ve been here a week now. Settling in?”


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