Billionaire Benefactor Daddy: A Single Dad & Virgin Romance Boxset

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Billionaire Benefactor Daddy: A Single Dad & Virgin Romance Boxset Page 86

by Natalia Banks

  But it wasn’t just a matter of the sleeves, but the fact that they were locked to a metal loop in the dungeon wall, only a few feet above the ground. But Kerri was on her knees, which meant her arms were craned upward behind her, forcing her upper body forward, her legs splayed, and her knees scraping the concrete dungeon floor.

  Harden stood in front of her wearing black wrestling trunks tight on his muscular hips and ass, cock barely restrained. But the garment gave him two folds in the front waistband to hide the EpiPen for later use against Elias, and the pocket Kerri had sewn into the back was perfect for his smartphone. Harden still wore his frightening black plastic lion’s mask—a frozen roar of wild dominance. But Kerri would have to strain to look up to see it, and she had too much to contend with at eye level.

  The ring gag pinned her mouth open, so wide that her jaw muscles strained and saliva drooped out of the opening. The metal ring pushed against her teeth, lips pressed back. Harden removed his black trunks, his musk scent filling her nostrils. The ring was wide enough to allow Harden to slide his huge cock through the hole and into Kerri’s mouth. Her tongue struggled to work its usual magic on Harden’s member, as she had much less control than she normally would.

  Harden remained in every bit of control, as usual, his big meaty cock sliding in far, clogging up Kerri’s throat before sliding back and resting with his big round head on the back of her tongue, creating waves of saliva and tantalized nausea. She couldn’t pull back for any relief; she couldn’t push forward to take him in all the way. She couldn’t reach around to cradle those balls or squeeze that big, reedy shaft with the bold vein running down the bottom.

  Kerri gagged, her cheeks burning with the strain as that metal ring kept her jaw locked open.

  She couldn’t tell him how much she loved it, how good he tasted, how she wanted to make him cum in her mouth, to drink down the last drop of his tasty, hot jam. And he wouldn’t tell her how pretty and perfect she was, how he loved to fuck her so hard. The echoing vacancy of that sweet, vicious dirty talk rang in Kerri’s ears.

  Harden slid out of her mouth, his wet cock hanging in the air, almost hovering in front of Kerri’s face. He set his hand on her short, dyed-black hair—a loving caress before he knelt and reached around to undo the gag. The metal ring fell out of Kerri’s mouth. She flexed her jaw, instant relief cramping in her muscles, making it almost impossible to close her mouth entirely. Harden leaned over and, with a gentle hand on her chin, raised her a bit for a very light kiss, contrasting with the intensity of everything else around them and within them.

  But Harden left her locked to the wall, her arms straight behind her back, her body leaning forward. Without a word, he slipped a black leather hood over Kerri’s head. It completely covered her face except for a small hole at the nose so she could breathe. Harden tipped her head forward so he could zip the flap in the back closed and tighten the hood.

  Kerri’s heart jumped a bit. She was in complete darkness, hearing muffled sounds, breath already straining to make it through that little hole. But she didn’t need to see or hear to know that Harden was kneeling in front of her, about a foot away. His strong, powerful hands found her hips and pulled them out a bit, away from the wall. But he also raised her body upward so that her arms weren’t overstrained.

  He moved in closer, his thick thighs beneath her, her calves passing his hips as he moved in toward her waiting pussy. Harden pulled her hips toward him and his tremendous erection. He raised her just a bit more and then lowered her as he pushed in. Kerri was hot and wet, but it was always a bit of a strain to take him in, especially in this position. Strange and unusual as it was, it was a position Kerri could manage: arms pointing a bit downward as her body was elevated, sitting on Harden’s lap, his cock sliding slowly into her. The discomfort in her shoulders had passed, her torso now upright, and her arms in a more comfortable position.

  But without being able to see or hear anything, Kerri’s sense of touch, of feel, became even more exaggerated. That cock felt incredible inside her heated, slick pussy, filling her slowly before pausing and sliding back, beginning a regular rhythm which had Kerri’s tits bouncing in front of her.

  Another exquisite orgasm brewed inside her. It had been slow to grow and would be powerful, almost fatal. But Kerri pushed it back, exerting the only sense of control she’d find in this dizzying experience.

  Her arms were pinned, but her legs were free, calves kicking up a bit as Harden’s rhythm became faster, circular interruptions sending bursts of pleasure through Kerri’s body. A bit deeper, a bit harder, Kerri’s hips thrust forward for some sense of control, some way to satisfy her groin’s unending hunger for that big pulsing member.

  Harden shifted even closer, his dick digging deeper, and Kerri’s ass bouncing on the tops of his thighs. Closer, deeper, with Kerri’s feet rolling on the ends of her calves, they strained to reach one another and lock around the back of Harden’s hardened torso.

  Kerri’s cum bubble grew inside her, but she wouldn’t let it out, wouldn’t let it escape. If she couldn’t escape, neither would her orgasm; she was determined, though her power to exert that determination was fading fast.

  And that orgasm was only getting stronger.

  Harden inched even closer, her body bouncing a bit higher, less pressure on her arms as the pressure increased in her body from that long, thick pole. But her world was still washed in dark silence, the pounding of her heart and the wheeze of her lungs the only real sounds.

  Kerri strained at the leather sleeves, pulling at the wall, but she knew it was pointless. What mattered was Harden, in front of her, inside her; that was all she knew and all she needed to know.

  The slap on her ass hit Kerri with utter surprise, sending a shockwave of joy through her. Another slap came harder on the same cheek and was followed by Harden’s hard squeeze, his fingers inspiring her muscles to flex and twitch.

  Harden hit the other cheek, a loud crack filling the dungeon and piercing even Kerri’s leather hood. But what she could hear more was her own private squeal, filling her skull, her chest, her crotch.

  Another sharp slap and another hard squeeze from behind only accentuated the steady pounding of Harden’s prick from in front and below. That cock raked her tissues, pounding, slapping and clenching and bucking and fucking; Kerri’s head was swimming in her hood, senses exploding through her body.

  Kerri’s orgasm wouldn’t wait, and it charged her like an oncoming river; first a dull roar, the muffled churn, then the strike of all that power, rushing and splashing inside of her. Kerri’s body began to quake, legs wobbling behind Harden, ass vibrating on those muscular man thighs as he kept pounding, her juices still flowing like they were never going to stop.

  But of course they were going to stop, soon, and very possibly forever.

  Chapter 15

  Kerri’s arms were relieved to be unclipped from the wall, to relax behind her. But there was little cause for relief as Harden led her from the dungeon. She knew what was waiting in the next room.

  Her death.

  Once in that second dungeon, slightly smaller but otherwise almost identical to the first, her heart started to beat faster. In the center of the dungeon, a tall square plexiglass water tank was half-filled with water. Kerri’s legs instinctively stopped, but Harden guided her forward from behind, silently reassuring. Her arms were already laced and buckled in those long, leather sleeves, but her naked legs were free, weakened but managing to carry her to the tank.

  Instead of a lever on the wall, this room featured a metal box with two buttons—one red and one green, attached to a thick cable extending from the ceiling. Next to it, a chain with two familiar shackles dangled above the tank.

  “Sit her down and stand back,” Elias said from the shadows. Harden did sit Kerri down near the tank and then step away, careful not to be too far away in case some quick action was required.

  Elias walked up to the center of the room to stand in front of Kerri, very near
to the dangling control box and its partner, the shackled chains. Elias smiled down at Kerri. “Haven’t much to say now, young lady?”

  Though Kerri knew what the man had in mind, and even more than he had in mind, she still had a role to play, even if it was to be her last. With a nervous quiver that was easy to muster, Kerri asked, “What’re you gonna do to me?”

  Elias smiled as he reached for the controls. “Not what are… Water!” He pushed the green button and the chain began to sink.

  Harden flinched, ready to make his move. Kerri looked at him and then back at Elias, assuming Harden was waiting until he was distracted with the chore of shackling her ankles before he made his move.


  The shackles got closer and Kerri looked up, her arms bound behind her. The moment was getting closer, too close, until it was almost too late.


  The shackles stopped and two guards burst into the room, charging directly at Harden. Before he could launch his assault, Harden was besieged by the two guards. Kerri was shocked by the clamor behind her, but in the meantime Elias grabbed her ankles and had them buckled into those leather shackles.

  “Don’t kill him,” Elias shouted as the two men fell upon Harden, pummeling him in the gut several times to drive the air out of his lungs. In a flash, they had him in their grip, one man on each side, holding his naked, muscular arms, while his weakened torso panted and his thick legs were splayed. “Search him,” Elias said, and one of the two men reached behind Harden’s trunks and pulled out his smartphone.

  But this left him with only one hand on Harden, and Harden took a chance and threw a massive blow into the guard’s chest. He knocked the phone out of the guard’s hand, and it fell to the concrete floor of the dungeon and bounced away, screen shattering and light dying.

  Elias said, “I wouldn’t have known it was you, I don’t think, without seeing you alone. Your lovely and talented wife here really sold your charade.” He turned to Kerri. “My compliments, Miss Abernathy.”

  Kerri looked around in a new panic, eyes widening. “Help,” she called out, “help!”

  “Soundproof room, my dear, really! Anyway, around here, screaming help is like ordering a martini.”

  Elias pressed the red button, and the chains began to contract, raising the shackles up toward the ceiling, slowly carrying Kerri up with it, ankles first. She was quick to struggle and thrash, a frightened gasp jumping out of her mouth, but she was secure and the mechanical monster would be as merciless as it would be deadly.

  Harden struggled, but the two men had him pinned between them.

  Elias said, “Really, Mr. Steele, coming in here with nothing but a cellphone? Somebody monitoring us from outside, I imagine? Who could you be working with; is it that mafia slime ball, Don Paul Santori? I know you’re connected, and I know he wants to turn me over to White Gold Escrow. I’m guessing you’ve heard the whole story, am I right?”

  The chain finally pulled Kerri off that cold concrete floor, swinging upside down as the chain pulled her higher up, the floor fading away as she rose to more and more sickening heights. She leaned against the water tank next to her—ominous, its flat side holding strong against her, its opening getting closer…closer…


  Kerri passed the top of the tank and slipped to the side, swinging just a bit over the tank. Elias’s hand reached out to her naked hip, steadying her right above that square opening.


  The chain lowered again, Kerri sinking into the water tank, the surface of the water approaching her from below, her heart beating faster.

  Kakakakakak. The chain stopped again while Kerri dangled just a few inches over the surface of that water—about four feet deep, only three feet square.

  The sounds outside the tank were muffled, but she could hear Elias say, “But we’re going to re-negotiate your intentions, Mr. Steele.”

  “There’s nothing I can do about it,” Harden said. “My hands are tied.”

  “No, they’re not. At least, not yet. Now tell me what you’re going to do to get those Germans off my back once and for all!”

  Through that clear plexiglass, Kerri could see Harden shake his head, and then that terrible mechanical sound returned as she was lowered into the water. Kerri gasped for a deep breath, bending to lift her head high enough to take in as much air as possible before sinking all the way under.

  The water churned in her ears, her vision clouded by the water, and air filled her cheeks and her lungs, her heart pounding too fast. Control your body, Kerri told herself, just the way Harden trained you to do. This is what all that was for—now use that discipline, that self-control. Wield it now, when it counts, when it’s a matter of life and death.

  Kerri let her body hang limp, diverting her focus toward slowing her heart rate, calming her lungs, and trying to release the fear that was driving her systems toward implosion.

  Kerri felt her body rising up, that muffled clacking getting suddenly louder as her head broke the surface. She panted, her breath passing in and out of her cramping lungs, the weight of her body suddenly pulling hard at her shackled ankles. She tried to pull her arms free, but they were still pinned and locked in those long, leather sleeves, useless behind her back.

  Kerri blinked hard, trying to refocus, finding Harden through the glass, still unable to free himself from the two big guards holding him.

  “Tell me how you’re going to get White Gold off my back, or down she goes!”

  “There’s nothing I can do but turn you in. And that’s just what I’m gonna do…if I don’t kill you myself!”

  “Wrong answer!”


  Kerri tried to raise her head again, then her forehead hit the plexiglass side of the tank as she sank in without nearly enough air to survive. The chains sank her lower, her stomach muscles straining to raise her up for a breath of air. But she was too far below the surface, and there wasn’t nearly enough room for her to clear the side of the tank and break the surface to catch a breath.

  It was all over.

  Chapter 16

  Harden wrenched hard with his arms while the guards held him securely. But with every swipe, he picked up a little more distance, getting closer and closer to that hidden EpiPen in the front waste folds of his trunks.

  Kerri was cramping in the tankand drowning, and Harden knew this was his last chance to save them both. With a desperate battle cry, Harden kicked one guard with his left knee. It didn’t do much damage, but it was distraction enough so that he could reach that hidden pen with his right hand.

  With one blinding move, Harden grabbed the pen from his trunks and swiped it in front of him, jabbing it into the guard’s thigh. The guard dropped like a stone and Harden turned immediately to the other guard. With two quick punches to the face—direct jabs at just a few inches of distance—the punches hit the guard hard and square. They didn’t put him off his feet, but it was enough to shock them enough for Harden to make his next move.

  Harden could see Elias in the corner of his eye, tracing his retrieval of a handgun and aiming it, ready to fire just as Harden pulled the guard in front of him.

  Bam! Bam! The gunshots rang out in the soundproofed dungeon, echoing off the concrete walls, floors, and ceiling. Bam, bam bam! The guard jutted with the shots, a human shield. Behind him, Harden pulled the guard’s own gun from the back of his belt and fired on Elias.

  Bam! Bam, bam!

  Elias fell back, a gunshot blossoming on his right shoulder, the gun falling to the concrete and sliding into a corner.

  Harden dropped the dead guard’s body and ran across the dungeon. He grabbed the dangling control box, pressed the red button, and the reassuring Kakakakakakakakak raised Kerri up out of the water.

  But by then Elias had recovered some of his strength and all of his determination. He grabbed Harden’s leg and flipped him backward to land with a hideous thud against the c
oncrete floor.

  Kerri gasped when her head broke the surface, her eyes wide and her body twisting as the chain pulled her slowly up from the water filling the bottom of the tank. And it kept pulling her up, shoulders and head finally clearing the opening of the tank.

  She spun a bit on the chain, but she could make out Harden and Elias, trading punches, throwing each other across the dungeon, bare fists and karate moves keeping the two men utterly engaged and evenly matched.

  The men fought below her, Kerri looking down from her upside-down position. The chain kept pulling her higher and higher, twisting idly as nausea and dizziness began to threaten her ability to remain conscious. The higher that chain dragged her, the more she would’ve preferred to have just passed out.


  Harden dug his hand into Elias’s shoulder injury, the bald bastard howling in pain before kicking Harden off him and then charging in for an attack of his own. A vicious side-kick sent Harden flying back, collapsing in the corner.

  Kerri’s shackled ankles reached the pulley fastened to the concrete ceiling. The mechanism stopped up, the lock and the shackles jamming into the pulley and leather getting pulled in and tightening around her ankles.

  The motor started to grind harder and faster, overloaded by the strain.


  Kerri could only wriggle and thrash at the end of that chain, the whole apparatus shaking with the engine’s futile, suicidal struggle to pull her feet through the pulley, or to shake her free entirely.

  Kerri looked down at the dungeon beneath her. She was dead-center over the tank, but those sharp plexiglass edges would slice her arm off at the shoulder or cut right through her skull if she fell just a few inches to one direction or the other. Or if she was lucky enough to land directly into the tank, the water was too shallow to cushion her fall from that height. Kerri could imagine her head smashing into the bottom of that tank, skull cracking, neck snapping, body limp and drowning, and all the better for it.


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